Causes of the civil war

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How many slaves did Small Slaveholders have?

Less than 20 slaves

Compromise of 1850

Texas is slave but needs to give up its Northern Territory. California is free. Popular sov. on all other new territory. Fugitive slave act

What happens first when deciding how to enter free or slaves states into the country?

The Missouri compromise

Popular Sovereignty

The belief that each state should vote and decide

What was the impact of the Dred Scott case?

They thought they were ending the question of slavery for good in favor of slave holding states. But the opposite happened, intense northern backlash and is considered a leading cause for Civil War

What is the result of Nat Turners rebellion?

This leads to the passage of tougher slave laws like making it illegal to educate slaves

Who did the Democrats want for the election of 1860?

Stephen Douglas (North) and Breckinridge (South)

What was the first state to break away?

Before he even took office, South Carolina seceded.

Fredrick Douglas's childhood

Born in Maryland. He was passed to a family member in Baltimore. The wife of the owner had never owned a slave so she taught him how to read, which he was good at. This causes backlash but he continues to secretly educate himself

Harriet Tubman

Born into slavery but escaped at 29. She returns to the south to free hundreds of slaves. Then she became a spy for the Union during the Civil War

What happened at fort Sumter

Confederates demand fort be evacuated but the Union soldiers inside refuse. Confederates open fire and destroy fort

Dred Scott Decision

Court ruled that the US constitution was not meant to include citizenship for African Americans regardless of slave or free, so no rights or privileges given to citizens apply to them

What southern states never broke away?

DE, KY, MD & MO even though they are slave. (These are border states)

Who is Abe Lincoln?

Grew up in Illinois and was mostly self educated. Great storyteller. Has a tragic life with disappointments and depression. Loses most elections except for president

Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

What did Fredrick Douglass do after escaping?

He becomes author/spokesman for the abolitionist movement

What happens to Senator Charles Sumner?

He gave a speech attacking the Kansas Nebraska act and Andrew Butler. Senator Preston Brooks beats Sumner nearly to death two days later on Senate floor

What happened to John Brown after Harpers Ferry?

He was sentenced to death

Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay comes up with the idea that Missouri is added as a slave state but Maine is added as a free state. Then use 30'36 parallel line to decide future states

Why did Dred Scott sue

His owner (a military doctor) stationed in free territory for a year. The owner brings Dred Scott with him. After returning to the south the owner dies. Dred Scott claimed he was free since he lived in free territory

Nat Turner's Rebellion

In 1831, most violent slave revolt in America where 57 whites are killed. 200 innocent slaves were killed. Turner hides out for 6 weeks but eventually caught and executed

How many fatalities at fort Sumter?


When was uncle Tom's cabin published?


What happened in Pottawatomie massacre?

5 pro slavery men were killed. They were dragged out of their homes and killed with swords

How did the Dred Scott case rule

7-2 against Scott

Attack on Lawrence

800 Pro slave men rode into Lawrence. They burn building and the newspaper building. 1 man killed

Who was Nat Turner?

A slave and preacher in Virginia

What happened in Bleeding Kansas

Abolitionists and Pro slave move into Kansas to win an election. Pro Slave wins and sets up government in Lecompton. Abolitionists protest and set up their government in Topeka

What is sectionalism?

Amercia is splitting into different regions (North, South and West). Differences in language, lifestyle, culture and views on slavery

How did Fredrick Douglass escape?

At age 29 he goes on a train to NYC using fake paperwork

What was James Polks idea for how to handle entering free or slaves states into the country?

Extend the Missouri compromise line


Families that work their own farms, farming enough to survive (biggest group)

Who helped in the underground railroad?

Former slaves, free black people and white abolitionist

What states joined SouthCarolina?

GA, FL, TX, AL, MS & LA join.

Where do most people live in the south?

In small towns or farms

What were some problems with the Missouri Compromise

It draws a line between the country. It divides some states like California and Nevada. It gives more land to free states.

Why did Uncle Tom's Cabin outrage slave owners?

It made the brutal realities of slavery real to readers

Who did the CSA elect as their president?

Jefferson Davis (rep and senator from Mississippi)

Who led the Pottawatomie Massacre?

John Brown a religious abolitionist

Harper's Ferry

John Brown wants a slave uprising so he takes over arsenal in Harpers Ferry VA. Military was sent in and all his men were captured or killed


Large farms that sell crops for profit -over 100 slaves

What was the Southern democrats idea for how to handle entering free or slaves states into the country?

Slaves are property so they can be taken anywhere (rejected Missouri Compromise)

Election of 1860

Lincoln elected President without winning any southern state

What was the cotton gin and what does it do to slavery?

Machine to remove cotton seeds and stretch out cotton. This reinvigorates slavery

Fugitive Slave Act

Makes it a crime to help escaped slaves. Escaped slaves can be captured in free states. Accused slave cannot testify on own behalf (returned to slave owner based on owners claims). Judges make double if rule in favor of the owner

What was Harriet Tubman's nickname?


What is the North like before the civil war?

Most of the population is in large cities. More people working in factories than farms.

What was the west like before the civil war?

Mostly small towns or cluster of homes far apart

What states eventually joined the Union?

NC, AK, VA & TN.

Underground Railroad

Network of people who hid and transported escaped slave to freedom. Had loose organization and no central leadership

Where was the capital of the Confederacy?

Originally Montgomery AL but later moved to Richmond, VA

How many slaves did Planters have

Owned more than 20 slaves, (less than 1% owned more than 100)

Border Ruffians

People who crossed the border to illegally vote


People who want to end or abolish the practice of slavery in America

What was the Free soils idea for how to handle entering free or slaves states into the country?

Popular Sovereignty on all new territory

What was the wests opinion on slavery?

Popular sovereignty, let the decision of slavery be up to the people of that state

What does Lincoln promise?

To not abolish slavery where it exists

What was Fort Sumter? Where was it located?

US arsenal in Charleston SC

What was the Northern Democrats idea for how to handle entering free or slaves states into the country?

Wilmot Proviso, Texas is slave and all territory will be free

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