CC0002 Chapter 1 - 4 Quiz

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CIA stands for____________. 1. Collaboration, Integrity, Availability 2. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability 3. Confidential, Internal, Access 4. None of the above

Option 2

Which of the following is not an example of computational thinking approach? 1. Allowing your friends to decide which restaurant to dine in 2. Discuss with your friends to decide which restaurant to dine in with respects to time and cost 3. Looking at the menu to decide which restaurant to dine in 4. All of the above

1. Allowing your friends to decide which restaurant to dine in

Which of the following are considered an example of demonstration of algorithm competence in daily life? 1. A sailor using star to navigate their position in the sea 2. A recipe on how to cook a burger 3. A fighter finding a weak point of his opponent 4. A company consist of many departments to help it operates

2. A recipe on how to cook a burger

Given a data set with 1000 data points to develop a model. Which is valid? 1. Use all 1000 data to develop the model, and then test the validity using several random data in the same data set. 2. Testing the model using data set not included in the model development render better confidence in the model developed. 3. Use all 1000 data to develop the model and test on new data as they are collected 4. Use all 1000 data to develop the model. Refine/re-develop the model as more data is collected.

2. Testing the model using data set not included in the model development render better confidence in the model developed.

Among the following 4 passwords, which one is the most secure? 1. Home123 2. iL@bLk5 3. info*21 4. QwertyuI

Option 2

Decomposition makes problem. Select all that applies 1. More complicated 2. Harder to solve 3. Easier to understand 4. Easier to manage

3. Easier to understand and 4. Easier to manage

These are the advantages of decomposition, except 1. Turn complex problem into many smaller problems that are easier to solve 2. Allows you to easily split the work when you work on a team 3. Understanding/representing problems becomes easier since the unnecessary details is filtered out 4. Identifying pattern becomes easier since it can be done on smaller problems

3. Understanding/representing problems becomes easier since the unnecessary details is filtered out

What competence of computational thinking describes the process of removing unnecessary details and leaving only the information that we need?


Your team was tasked to present a report on computational thinking. After learning from LAMS video and getting additional information from the internet and journal papers, your team summarised and discussed the key aspects of the topic in the report. This activity, namely summarising and discussing the key aspects, is an example of _______


In developing a joint correlation model, one may add a series of positively correlated target and parameters in a linear manner. Select all that applies 1. This is a first approach 2. One may include weightage to each parameter based on personal judgement and knowledge on the subject matter 3. Not all the correlation are linear. Simple addition may not be valid. 4. One may test the validity of the model based on addition of the parameters or product of the parameters with appropriate index

All of the above

It is always possible to quantify a "quality" representation in an analysis. Select all that applies 1. By setting a scale of 0 to 10, and map the scale to certain monetary values 2. By comparing the qualitative measures with an analogous subject that has been quantified and accepted by the community 3. By assessing the value of the item by the cost of replacement/restoration. 4. By setting the acceptance/expectation level of the community on such subject e.g. 95% of the community is receptive.

All of the above

What level of the following is considered high correlation? 1. 0 2. 0.5 3. -0.4 4. -1

Option 4

Alice, Bob, and Eve are having a school project. Alice as a team leader decided to divide the task for everyone. Bob will be in charge in writing the report, Eve will be responsible for collecting the data, and Alice will be left with doing the analysis. What type of competence does Alice displayed in this scenario?


How would you classify the security of military weapons plans data as? 1. Restricted 2. Open 3. Confidential 4. Classified

Option 4

USA Today (5 Oct 0218) reported that "Young girl pulls 1,500-yearold sword from lake, earns 'queen' nickname". This article is likely to be true because ... (select all that apply) 1. Other websites such as BBC News have carried the same news 2. USA Today is a reputable site 3. The young girl had been interviewed 4. The article has been read and shared by many people

Option 1, and 2

Falsehood that is propagated without malicious intent is 1. Misinformation 2. Disinformation 3. Whistleblowing 4. Cyberbullying

Option 1

Internal memo of an organization is considered as: 1. Restricted data 2. Open data 3. Classified data 4. Confidential data

Option 1

When you open a saving account in a bank, you provide your name, your IC number, your home address to your bank. The bank will keep these data in a database in the bank's server, together with your new saving account number, etc. Who has the data ownership of your name, your IC number and your home address? 1. You as an individual. 2. Your bank since the bank keeps these data in their server. 3. You and your bank 4. None of the above

Option 1

Which of the below is NOT a best practice of choosing Strong Passwords? 1. Make it long 2. Make it impersonal 3. Make it diverse 4. Make it numeric

Option 1

Ways to verify authenticity of a viral image circulated via social media include (select all that apply): 1. Using a reverse image search tool to check its origin 2. Checking whether news agencies have shared the image 3. Checking a fact-checking website, formerly known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages. 4. Checking the Onion : America's finest news source. that publishes satirical articles on international, national, and local news.

Option 1, 2, and 3

Evaluating the authenticity of news received from social media include (select all that apply) 1. Check credentials of the author 2. Check the tone of the message 3. Check the number of likes 4. Consider the source of the news

Option 1, 2, and 4

The Sun tabloid website (25 Jan 2022) shared a footage with the headlines "Hunted Down UFO chased by Black Hawk helicopters across Connecticut sky ...". This is likely to be fake news because ... (select all that apply) 1. Images in video look photoshopped 2. There are several spelling mistakes in the article accompanying the video 3. More than 10,000 people have shared the video 4. The article uses sensational language

Option 1, 2, and 4

Given T = aX + bY and cZ. Magnitude of aX is 10, bY is 100 and cZ is 1000. In the equation, X, Y and Z are variables and a, b and c are coefficients. You should reject and re-examine this model. Why? Select all that applies 1. cZ dominates and the effects of aX and bY is insignificant 2. cZ should be removed from the model 3. Normalisation should be carried out such that aX, bY and cZ is in the same/similar order of magnitude 4. The current thinking/philosophy of analysis may not be valid.

Option 1, 3, and 4

In normalising a data set consisting of positive real numbers, a user used the value of the largest data point as the reference. Select all valid responses. 1. Limit the range of data set to within the range of 0-to-1. 2. Use the average/mean as the benchmark value for normalising the data set 3. Remove the outlier-data points before performing the normalisation 4. Represent the data in a more meaningful form, and then normalise the data points against a valid benchmark-value.

Option 1, 3, and 4

POFMA...prohibits the communication of a false statement via (select all that apply): 1. Facebook 2. Face-to-Face communications 3. SMS 4. Private Telegram chat groups

Option 1, 3, and 4

Choose a strategy that can be applied to spot fake news 1. Check for date of the news 2. Evaluate if the news site is legitimate 3. Check the comments on the site 4. Check the number of views for the site

Option 2

Fake news spreads most effectively through 1. Word of mouth 2. Social bots 3. Internet trolls 4. TikTok

Option 2

In trying to better understand what the past data looks like, the airline companies first plot their data. After plotting the data, the next best step to comprehend past data should be: 1. Look at parameters such as mean, median, mode, and so on 2. Idealise the distribution of data 3. Throw away the outliers 4. None of the above

Option 2

The Daily Mesh (14 Jan 2022) reported that "Djokovic (a Serbian professional tennis player) to defend title via Zoom". This is likely to be fake news because 1. Djokovic's visa has been revoked twice by Australian government 2. It is not possible to have a Zoom competition 3. Djokovic has been hospitalised 4. The Daily Mesh does not exist

Option 2

What action(s) below that might NOT be helpful in defeating fake news 1. She reported the post in hope that the post got removed. 2. She told herself that this is fake news and moved on. 3. She publicly comment that the post is fake and explained why. 4. She posted on her account the actual truth of the news, in hope that people might be realized that the previous post was fake.

Option 2

What is NOT TURE regarding mean squared error (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) below: 1. MSE measures the variance of the residuals 2. MSE is more robust to data with outliers 3. The lower value of MAE, the higher accuracy of a regression model 4. MAE is to measure the average of the residuals in the dataset

Option 2

Which of the following passwords is the most secure? 1. Her0k1d123 2. Qp8!gt&x 3. P@ssw0rd 4. S9022334V

Option 2

"Which search result are we most likely to click on?" Google has built a model to make this determination. What is the conceptual process it might have followed? Select all that applies 1. By actually observing people while they search and click 2. By plotting clicks with various characteristics such as age, interest, and others 3. By using linear models with clicks as the response variable 4. By using linear models with age, interest and others as response variables

Option 2, and Option 3

A data set of 50 readings has a mean of 25 and standard deviation of 5. If we take multiple such readings from the same population, what can be expected? 1. The sample means will likely to be the same (50) 2. The sample means will likely be different, and their range will be large (they will differ widely) 3. The sample means will likely be different, and their range will be quite small (they will be close to each other) 4. None of the above

Option 3

Given: P = kS + d, P = mA + e, and P = nC + f, where k > 0, m < 0 and n is close to zero. d, e and f are constant. Which of the following is false? 1. P is positively correlated with S 2. P is negatively correlated with A 3. P depends highly on C 4. P is hardly correlated with C

Option 3

In trying to better understand what the past data looks like, what might be most helpful? 1. Plot the historical data using scatter plots 2. Plot the historical data using bar charts 3. Plot the data using histograms 4. All of the above

Option 3

On 3 Feb 2022, a user tweeted a photo and claimed that "2 million people took to the streets of Ottawa demanding their freedom". This is likely to be false because 1. The tweet had been liked more than 10,000 times 2. The photo was not well taken 3. A reverse image search showed that the image had first appeared in 2013 4. The user is a member of the opposition party

Option 3

Personal cognitive biases may cloud our judgement. When we believe information that is consistent with our prior beliefs, this is known as 1. Anchoring bias 2. Blind spot 3. Confirmation bias 4. Halo effect

Option 3

They take multiple steps to first understand their historical data. But once they have done so, how should they compare the post-Covid data with the historical data? 1. By looking at the two distributions side-by-side 2. By comparing parameters such as mean, median, mode, and so on 3. Through hypothesis testing 4. Through probability theory

Option 3

When we use mean as an estimator, what is our margin of error? 1. Variance 2. Correlation 3. Standard Deviation 4. Range

Option 3

Which Act prohibits the communication of fake news in Singapore ? 1. Public Order Act 2. Protection from Harassment Act 3. Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) 4. Prevention of Corruption Act

Option 3

Which of the following answers a numerical question? 1. Characteristics of online shoppers can affect the sales 2. Sales has increased because more customers are attracted to stop and look in store windows and enter stores to buy products 3. Cost of production has decreased by 10% 4. All of the above

Option 3

Which of the following is NOT true about Phishing? 1. Phishing scam can occur through email and SMS 2. Phishing scams take advantage of weakness in human nature 3. Phishing scams crash the organisation's server 4. There is a sense of urgency in phishing scams

Option 3

Which one of the following is an example of phishing? 1. You received a warning email on a computer virus threat 2. You received an email telling you to forward email to family members and friends. 3. You received an email directing you to enter personal details using a fake website 4. You received an email directing you to open the file attachment

Option 3

Which one of these passwords are more likely to be secure than others? 1. Akr3.9 2. 1$@dnA 3. B9!$7gjq.g 4. Kh9.&5

Option 3

Deepfake is referring to: 1. A fake document. 2. A fake image with deep secret. 3. A fake video with deeply embedded data. 4. None of the above

Option 4

Due to urgency, you need to send confidential information using public network. In this case, it is better to send this information as 1. Per normal i.e. enclosing the confidential information in the email 2. File attachment 3. Compressed file such as zip file 4. Encrypted file

Option 4

Which one of the following is NOT the way to avoid being scammed? 1. Recognise the signs that scammers use 2. Ask yourself or others if the message could be true 3. Do not rush into providing personal details 4. Only disclose personal information, including passwords if the request seems to be legitimate

Option 4

When trying to identify the number of side of different shapes, which of the following components of computation thinking is being used?

Pattern recognition

One way to combat fake news is by using "Truth Sandwich". What is "Truth Sandwich"?

Starts with the truth of the story. After that followed by the falsehood. And then fact-check the misinformation and repeat the truth.

BCC stands for ___________

blind carbon copy

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