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(Meeting women on the internet) Call her: I will only talk for about ten minutes to create rapport and to see if i like her enough to want to meet her. Then i simply ask her when she is free to meet up for a drink and set a definite date.


(When she requests you call her to confirm) You say, "I have a really busy schedule, and I would definitely like to see you, but if you can't make definite plans with me, then how about we just do it some other time? The Take Away Negative Sale If she agrees to do it another time -> low attraction. If she continues with the date; her attraction is above probably at a 5-6.


(When you call her after having met her and she doesn't remember your name.) I am only going to spend my time with somebody that is really into me. If she has already forgotten you, then her attraction level wasn't high enough to begin with. At that point, you just need to move on".


A good rule of thumb on when to call a woman is this: if you met her on a Friday or Saturday, call her on a Tuesday or Wednesday and set up a date for the following week. By the time you actually go out, it may have been a week and a half. If you met her on a Sunday through Thursday, call the following Monday or Tuesday, and ask her: "when are you free to meet up for a drink?" The goal is to leave days where she is going to be wondering about you, anticipating your call, and raising her level of attraction. This also gives her the opportunity to reach out to you first and start pursuing you. And when women start pursuing you, they're not blowing you off, ghosting you or dumping you.


A guy who is good looking can get away on his looks for the first few dates. If he's not centered, weak, and always does what she wants, her attraction will lower.


A strong, confident guy is sure of himself, is direct, decisive, quickly gets to the point, makes decisions and knows he can heave other women if he chooses. Why should this one woman warrant his time? You want to know that if you go out with her, she is going to have a high level of attraction. Once again be quiet and listen for her response.


A woman doesn't want it to be easy. She wants to be able to pull that information out of you. She loves to fish. She loves to work through the whole process with the thought: 'what am i going to find out next about this guy? You need to put her in that space of anticipation.


As i mentioned before, using humor and encouraging her laughter is the best way to bring down her barriers and get her to open up to you.


Ask people their opinion on gifts to buy for loved ones, opinions on dating and relationships, suggestions for cologne to ear, etc. Women LOVE to give their opinions on pretty much everything. Once you do this with the clerks and see how easy it is and how open they are to giving you advice on all kinds of topics, talking to random women or people in general at the mall will be much easier.


At that time, i wasn't looking to get her number of anything. I was just out to make her smile.


Attraction is no a choice.


Avoid falling into routines


Because of the way women deal with emotions and love, they can't quite comprehend the man's instantaneous emotional response. It makes her leery and uncomfortable. She doesn't feel safe with him, because he is not in his masculine. Guys who are needy tend to act like creepy stalkers.


Cats are curious creatures. They will keep checking something out as long as they are curious about it. Once they have figured out just what that something is, they become bored and walk away. The same thing is true with women. You need to keep them wondering. You need to keep them curious. If you tell them everything about you, and they can see all there is to know, the mystery is gone and they move on.


Doc Lov: Being a challenge, indifferent, making definite dates, using body language attraction skills, simple pick up approaches, seduction techniques, only using a phone to set dates and not to talk, asking questions only calling a girl once per week for a date, etc.


Every time i see a woman and an opportunity to tease her, I take it. It hones my skills and keeps me in practice. When I run into somebody that I want to approach, I can act the same way with the one I am interested in, as I did with the one that I was not. Practice makes perfect.


Feminine energy is about opening up and receiving love and presence. Masculine energy is about purpose, drive, direction, and mission in life.


For women who are looking for providers, when she asks you where you live or what you do for a living, be silly, outrageous or stupid. Do not give these types of obviously materialistic questions a straight answer.


Guys connect physically and, in an instant, can engage their emotions. Women take longer. They warm up more slowly to a reaction of interest. A woman needs to understand who the guy is before she will enter into that emotional reaction, and often before she will engage physically. Women go out on first dates with the attitude of just seeing what happens. The guy tends to be focused on making her his girlfriend and possessing her, instead of just letting the love story develop.


Hang out: make a definite date in the evening that can potentially lead to you having sex at her place or yours later in the evening. Have Fun: keep things funny and positive with no complicated situations or subjects; just do something fun. Hook up: go for the kiss. Kissing leads to heavy petting, which leads to "going back to my place"


He is not being in his masculine, he is too caught up in need. He is at the point where he needs her. He is not loving her, and he's certainly not loving himself, either.


He should be in that space of feeling confident in who he is, and that he is giving her a great opportunity by coming up to speak to her.


Here's how to get women to chase you by understanding the love and relationship dynamic between little girls and their fathers. Little girls tend to go to their fathers and sit in their laps for love and reassurance. When a girl becomes unsure of herself, afraid or upset, she will go sit in her daddy's lap for love and reassurance. He is her rock. Her unmovable mountain that is always there and always accepts and loves her unconditionally. He makes her feel safe and comfortable.


If a woman is too sur eof you, if she thinks she can walk all over you, her attraction drops.


If a woman only perceives you as a 4 or below on a scale of 1-10, there is nothing that you are going to be able to do that will convince her to go out with you. At that point, you are wasting your time.


If her attraction level is a 5 and above, she will ask you personal questions, making eye contact, facing toward you, standing extra close, bumping into you, playing with her hair, exposing her neck these are signs of an attraction level of a 5 or higher.


If i meet a woman on a weekend, like a friday or a saturday night, then i might wait to call her until Tuesday or Wednesday to ask her out for the following week.


If she says, "how many other women are you dating?" -> Say, "I don't kiss and tell, but none of those girls are as awesome as you are babe".


If things don't work out with one girl, it's no big deal. There is another bus every 15 minutes.


If you act like a nice guy and do lunches and movies, but never make a physical move to kiss her, you'll get the "lets just be friends" speech"


If you are in a relationship, making a woman feel safe and comfortable is an ongoing process.


If you are with your lady, you should either be holding her hand or walking side by side with her as a true equal.


If you want to meet a woman and get into a relationship, you have to act as though you are already in one. You have to have that kind of confidence level because that's what draws women to you. It is called 'fake it until you make it'. Once you make it part of who you are, you will display that level of confidence whether you are in a relationship or not. Better yet, you will continually have a sense of centeredness that attracts women to you, without even having to try.


It is important to remember that the way you treat her when you are dating her and the way you treated her to get her to fall in love with you in the first place is the same way that you need to treat her even after being married for twenty years. Courtship is ongoing and it is never going to end.


Let's say you are completely noticing her, and she looks at you. If her eyes then go to the left or the right and she just continues doing what she is doing, that usually means that she's not finding you appealing enough. If you are walking toward her, and she looks you in the eye, looks down, back up at you, and then away, that usually means that she has an attraction to you.


Men who are successful and have choice with women plan evening dates that can lead to sex. A "fun-filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen".


My own insecurities and doubts about being enough of a man to attract the lady of my dreams had all been an illusion. What you fear you attract, but what you look at disappears.


No matter what her question, no matter how she tries to test you, you can't let her think she can get under your skin. Keep it positive. Keep it playful.


No matter what the cat does, or how it tests you, you need to be indifferent. You need to let it not meeting your expectations roll off of you, as though it does not bother you, or that you could not care less one way or another what it does.


Once you are past the first few months and your lady is totally in love with you, at that point, the more of your presence and love that you give your lady, the more she wants from you.


One suggestion I would like to make is go to the mall and banter with women you don't have any interest in at all. Joke and tease with them to develop your skills. What happens is when you start talking, teasing, joking and being humorous with a lot of different women, is that you get in the habit of doing it. When you come across a woman you are really interested in, you can just be natural.


The person that's asking the questions is the one in control of the conversation. Your goal is to find out as much as you can about her, and give her as little information about yourself as possible. Respond to her questions with light, joking answers, and ask her another questions.


The phone is for setting appointments, not for giving out information.


The place where you always want to come from, not only when you are in the relationship, but also before you have met someone, is to not take rejection personally. You have to go through life, give your gift, give your presence, and give who you are. People are either going to accept you or not. You can't take it personally. It's a numbers game. You have to get through the nos in order to get to the yeses.


The quality of your life is in the direct proportion to the quality of the people you consistently spend your time with.


The quickest way to get someone to like you is to ask them questions about themselves or their opinions and be a good listener. Ask them the kind of questions that they would enjoy answering.


When a woman leaves a conversation or your group, let her go. If you go after her, she will feel your weakness, instead of your strength. When you don't chase, she will come back, as long as her attraction is high. When a woman senses weakness in a man, they will become flaky and unsure. When they leave and you don't chase, they will later feel attraction and come back.


When a woman says something offensive (playful or not) always respond with humor. The whole point to her remarks is that she may or may not be interested. The lower her attraction level, the more she will test you. Pay attention to her reactions. Don't be offensive or angry, but show that you couldn't not care less whether she likes you or not. Have her try to prove to you why she is worth your time.


When we get hung-up on one woman only who has not earned it through her actions, we are acting needy, due to scarcity mindset and fear of loss.


When you are entering her number into your phone, text her yours also. Why? she may text you first if you wait for a few days to call.


When you ask her for her name, Nine times out of ten, the one that wants to know your name means she has a higher level of attraction.


When you first meet a woman, your goal is to make her laugh and feel comfortable. You need to engage her in talking to you. Ask her questions. Get to know who she is. Keep the conversation light and positive. Joke, banter, and tease her in a playful, non-offensive manner.


When you talk with her If she likes you, she will talk with you.


Women don't want control! They want the man to make the decisions and make the plans. Women just want to show up for a date looking hot, have fun and have the man lead things successfully into the bedroom.


Women like a guy who has options with women, but don't rub it directly in her face.


Women like mystery. They like the process of dating. They want to discover, and they want to be discovered. They want and expect you to be a man who is a leader. Women don't want any responsibility for sex, setting dates, picking where to go, etc. That is why it is up to you to lead things to a successful conclusion in the bedroom. Invite them on a date; don't tell them, sell or ask them if they'd like to go out with you. Assume all women want you and act accordingly.


Women say they want romance, and on a certain level that's true. But they also want to be engaged in the chase. Dating is a full experience of emotions for them. They don't want everything dropped in their laps. They want to feel as though they have earned your love, and that you have earned theirs.


Women want to be in a love story. Love stories are mysterious and full of building sexual tension and then releasing it at key moments. When you tell a woman everything that is going to happen, it's like telling a friend the ending to a movie they have not seen yet.


Women will chase you if you give them the space to miss you by not chasing them. Your inaction will cause them to take some action to get confirmation that you care and desire them.


You also have to treat the beautiful woman just like you would treat the woman you have absolutely no interest in. It is not about being rude to her, but you have to not let her beauty affect you. Like the cat, she is drawn to the one that seems to be least affected by her. Women, and men for that matter, are naturally attracted to the most dominant members of the opposite sex.


You are being a mystery. You are being different. That is what all women are dying for. They are dying fora guy that is not needy, one that is not going to be jumping all over a chance to go out with them like they're the last woman on the planet, someone that they can pitch and catch with, someone that's strong, and someone that they can't have their way with.


You do not need to ask her if she has a boyfriend. It is unimportant.


You do not need to spend more than five to fifteen minutes with her. If she is laughing and showing high interest, get her phone number; her reaction will give away her attraction level.


You should always assume that when a woman reaches out to you, she's really trying to make it easy for you to make another date to get together.


Your whole goal when you meet a woman is to judge her level of attraction for you. If it appears that she has a high level of attraction, then you want to get her phone number, a way to get in contact with her. You are not going to tell her that you are going to call and ask her out on a date. Just the very fact that you are asking for her phone number tells her that you are interested. She knows what that question means.


a woman wants someone who is a partner, someone who can take the direction in the relationship. An alpha male is a leader. A man's job is to lead the interaction to where HE WANTS it to go.


"You're not going to come see me. I'm sorry for all the fun that you're going to miss out on. I guess I'll just have to spend my time with somebody else. " In this situation, she wanted to know that if she didn't come, I would still be myself without her being there.


(CCW's technique for meeting women at the bar) Create an opportunity to get to know them, get their information, and leave. You are taking two steps forward, one step back. You are not hanging around like every other guy is doing. You are coming in slowly, and then you are gone again. You are building anticipation, being indifferent and being mysterious.


(Long term Relationships) As long as you stay in your center and do not become complacent, the testing will be minimal. If the testing starts, you know you are not doing something right, and you need to switch gears. Recognize it for what it is: An opportunity for growth and change from stagnation and complacency.


(when she doesn't give a definite yes) "Hey, i would love to go out and have drinks with you, but if you can't give me a definite yes, then I'm not going to make plans with you."


(when she requests a call to confirm) Example response #2: "I don't call and confirm dates or appointments. I am a very busy guy. I would like to take you out. If you can't a definite commitment to get together with me, then we will just have to do it some other time".


A gentleman doesn't go around telling intimate details of a relationship. A woman you have just met should accept and understand this. The chances are high that it will also make her feel more comfortable, because she can rest assured that you will treat any information she share swith you in the same manner.


A woman has to know that if she pushes you too far, you will walk away and never look back. Until she knows and feels that, you are never going to completely own her heart.


A woman in her full feminine wants a man that's in his full masculine. She wants a strong, centered, confident guy.


A woman may say one things, but her actions are saying something else.


A woman needs to feel safe to open her heart. She needs to trust you. She needs to know that her heart will be protected. The way you do that is to allow her to feel safe to be in her feminine energy, by making sure that she can feel certain you are in your masculine energy by being the leaser and leading things to a successful conclusion in the bedroom.


Add spontaneity. Leave her curious as to when the next surprise is going to come. Never tell women what you're going to do. Let them discover it in real time.


After a while, I just knew it was time from all the signals she was giving, and I told her: "You need to come over here and kiss me right now".


After you give her a goodnight kiss, you are going to say: i had a good time. Don't elaborate. Stay in your center, and leave her wondering just how good of a time you had.


Again, women will always test you. If things have been going well, she will test just to stir things up and make it exciting. She will do it just to make life interesting and to break up the monotony.


Always treat a woman like a lover always, never a friend, or she will assume you are weak and lack confidence


Always underestimate her attraction. If she is in the 7-8 range, act as if she is in the 6-7 range. Your goal is to get her to the point where she is completely, head-over-heels in love with you, which is in the 9 range.


An important concept you need to keep in mind as you are going through your daily life is about being centered. This means that you need to be the same way you are at work and in your business, when you meet a beautiful woman. You should treat all women the same. Be consistent will all women.


As far as getting married goes, you should date somebody for at least two or three years or maybe even live together for a couple of years before you decide to get married.


At some point, she will test you by not calling. Don't run after her, especially if this happens within the first two months. Wait until the following week to call her, set a definite date and get off the phone.


Be careful talking about sex, even if she is the one to bring it up. Change the subject after a few playful sexual innuendos. Use it sparingly and then change the subject


Be the leader. Make it happen when the signs are there. Do not wait or hesitate. Men are direct and go for what they want.


Beautiful women will often bluff you to test and see if you're really confident. Her bluff was in saying that she didn't like me, and it was her test to see if i would maintain my center, and be strong in who I was.


Before you can start getting into declarations of love, you need to make a woman feel comfortable. She has to feel safe. The best way to do this is with laughter.


Busy, successful men who are very popular with beautiful women never get fixated on just one woman when they are single. Why? Since they see themselves as a prize, and act like they are a prize, women respond accordingly.


By going along with what the female wants, he is giving away all of his power. He's not acting like a leader.


Don't go into a relationship, any kind of relationship, with the thought of what you can get out of it. You should go into a relationship to give. That's how you need to approach all the relationships and women in your life. Always go into it to have fun, be playful and just be a strong, confident, centered guy.


Don't overly compliment a woman, except maybe to tell her she looks nice when you pick her up.


Don't talk on the phone for an hour, it will lower your mystery and reduce the anticipation.


Every time she asked me a question, I would give her a short answer and would joke back and forth with her.


Everything they do is about getting your attention. That is why it's so important to understand what your attention means to them.


For guys that have been married, or have been in a long-term relationship, it means all those things you did in the courtship, "Being your own man, building anticipation, being completely unpredictable, are necessary". All these things are absolutely critical to maintain her love over the long term.


Guys should never call or pursue more than 20-30% of the time. Any time a guy does more than 30%, the woman slowly loses attraction.


Guys tend to project their attraction and assume it's mutual.


How do you know when it's time to go steady? When she is emotionally ready, usually by week 7 of dating, she will bring it up. Until then, hang out, have fun and hook up. Rise. Recycle. Repeat. You just gently lead, so she thinks it's her idea.


How much do you really care about me? Are you willing to get past all these barriers and these blocks I'm putting in your way to find out what is going on or not?


I am the rock. I am the mountain. I am going to be here. I love you. I care about you. Let's talk about this. Let's work it out. Let's get to the root of the issue.


I often make it a point when I am initially dating someone, to be the first one to end the date. Again, I want to leave her wanting more.


I was building anticipation. I wanted her to wonder what I was all about. Every time she asked me a question, I gave her a short, funny answer, and then I would turn it back around and ask her another question.


I was ready with the responses. That was one of the things I was starting to get at that point: "Always be prepared".


If a woman asks, "do you have a girlfriend" -> always be playful.


If a woman calls you in those early days of dating and has something she wants to talk about, just tell her: Honey, I want to hear everything about it. Why don't you tell me all about it when I see you tomorrow night, or: tell me all about it when I see you on Tuesday. I want to hear all about it then. That way, I can give you 100% of my attention. I'm really jammed up right now, and I can't talk.


If she ever backs off, always go back to the once per week rule, where you initiate one phone call per week to set one date per week.


If she has her arm around you and then take sit away, you do the same until she gives you the next invitation. It is another subtle test women use to see if you are pursuing her more than she is pursuing you.


If she is always chasing you, then she's not dumping you. She can't be breaking up with you, if she is pursuing you.


If she is bumping into me, that is a sign she wants to be touched. It's her signal to you that touching is okay. If she is working to maintain that space between you, then she has a lower level of attraction. You need to let her give the invitation. It's always better that way, and it helps escalate things physically when she reaches out to you.


If you are going to share all your baggage, you want to put a positive spin on it, such as how it helped you grow, and how you are a better person because of it. If there is a very negative event that you feel the need to share with her, put a positive spin on it. Let her know that it's not deflating or destroying you.


If you are looking for someone to take care of and baby you, it is one of the quickest ways to turn your lady off. Why? You're simply acting like a woman. You MUST be the leader. Save your sad stories and insecurities for your best buddies.


If you are talking to her every day, and then the last time you hear from her is on a Wednesday, don't call her until the following Monday or Tuesday to ask her out for a date. Make it a definite date. If she doesn't give the definite date; do the Take Away Sale. If she doesn't bite call her in one week for a second attempt; if she shoots it down again, cut your losses and move on.


If you do everything right for the first two months, she will be in love with you by the end of the second month.


If you had your date with her on Wednesday or Thursday, you are going to call her the following Monday or Tuesday to ask her out for a date by saying: "When are you free to get together?" The important thing is that you want to limit your dates to once a week until she starts calling or texting you after dates.


If you spot that kind of a pattern with the person you're with, it's best to walk away and find somebody else, because they're not mature enough to communicate. It's not your job to fix them if they refuse to participate.


If your wife or girlfriend calls you in the middle of the day, and you are busy doing something, you should not stop what you're doing just to talk to her. Say, "Honey, i'm really busy. I twas really sweet of you to call and tell me how much you care. I just want you to know that i appreciate the phone call. I can't talk right now, but I'll definitely see you tonight. I've got to run. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye." When you go home that night, show her how much you appreciated her calling: Hey, it was really good hearing from you today. I love hearing your sweet voice in the middle of the day.


In other words, don't pursue a woman who is not reciprocating a high level of attraction back at you.


It always shows more confidence and masculinity if you call instead of texting her.


It is important to keep in mind that if a woman walks, there is another bus coming by in fifteen minutes.


It is important, especially for guys who are successful, not to spend the night talking about your achievements, how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, what your watch is like, or how much you spend on wardrobe. Most guys talk too much and ruin attraction. None of this causes attraction.


It's a big mistake to try to use logic and reason to win an argument, because even if you win, you'll lose.


It's always better if a woman thinks that she wants you a little more than you want her.


It's better to always ask, "when are you fre to get together" when setting dates. This should remain consistent for the first two months. When you don't call her the next day after your date, she is going to wonder whether you liked her or not. If she is wondering about you, she will like you more.


Lean back in your seat, and be casual. Show her that you are confident and centered. Let her lean in toward you. Lean back, spread your legs out and take up too much space like a king of his kingdom.


Listen up guys!, you need to really focus on the answers a woman is giving you to all the questions you are asking about her. She will bring little things up here and there to test whether or not you were listening. If you pass those tests, it will definitely raise her attraction level.


Love is fun. It is something you are supposed to enjoy.


Make a date happen in as few steps as possible.


Men will pursue in the beginning of a relationship .usually through week 2, week 3 on average, and once the woman starts reaching out in between those dates, then the guy's pursuit is over, and from that point forward, all he has to do is wait to hear from her, and then when he does, make the next date and then get off the phone.


Mention that you are busy, but you look forward to seeing her, and get off the phone.


Multiple layered date You can meet up for happy hour, then maybe go someplace for appetizers or dinner and then go shoot some pool or bowling, etc.


Never forget, even when you are moving into more serious topics in your relationships, love is playful. Keep it funny and positive, even with serious subjects. Don't get into a serious discussion thinking you have to do things a certain way. Love is supposed to be fun.


No group dates until she's officially your girlfriend and in love with you.


No matter what she throws at you, she can't rock your boat. She can't dump you in the water. She can't knock you over. You have to be her rock.


Not all women are going to call you after the first date. Actually, very few of them will, except the ones that have an extremely high attraction for you to start with. If they do call you, you can simply say something along the lines of: "Great. Well, i had a really nice time, too. When are you free to get together next?"


One good thing to understand is that dating, courtship and love should always be playful. You should always be having a good time with it. We didn't have any serious conversations. They were all humorous and fun. We were sharing stories and making each other laugh.


One thing you don't want to do is to go in for the kiss, and try to kiss her on the cheek. A woman immediately takes this as a sign of your low attraction to her or as a lack of self-confidence. A woman will read it as the "kiss of death", even though you might be trying to be a gentleman about it.


Put who you are out into the world and accept whatever comes back. If you love any other way, it is attached, needy love. Real love is none of these things.


Realize we have a lot of options.


Regardless, for the firs ttwo months, the phone is for setting appointments, period. It is not for getting to know her.


Remember - you want her to be curious and unsure of her standing with you. If you tell her everything that's going to happen, there is no anticipation, no mystery, there is nothing to look forward to. You become boring and predictable.


Remember: If a woman shares information with you, you always want to remember it.


Remember: The couple that plays together stays together. Think of it as though you are two children, always wanting to have fun. That is the approach you need to take with your relationships to keep the magic alive long-term.


Remember: When she brings up the topic, don't assume she wants to be exclusive. Ask her: 'what do you mean?' If she says: 'where is this going?'


Say, "when are you free to meet up for a dink" instead of, "I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime".


Set definite dates - be direct and make definite plans.


She is angry because you haven't opened her back up. For some reason she's not trusting your masculine core and has to move into her masculine, which is not her natural essence, to make up for your perceived weakness. That makes her fearful and bitchy.


She is going to test you and make it really hard, because she wants to be sure that if she does open up to receive your love that you are going to give that love and presence to her.


She is going to test you to see if she can push you off that center of confidence. She is looking for your reaction, to FEEL your strength. If you just blow it off, you are confirming to her that you really are as confident as you portray. You have passed her test.


She is now seeing that no matter what she does, she can't sway me from my purpose. My purpose is to find out what's wrong, what's on her mind. My purpose is to give her the love that she is really looking for. My life is a drama free zone and I'm simply not going to put up with drama. I am only having fun and being playful. I am the man and I set the tone... always. If i were to give in to her attempt at drama and negativity, I'm letting her be the leader. That would only make things worse. Women don't want the power anyway. Be her rock. Be her mountain.


She wants to feel your strength. She wants to feel your ability to resist her, even though you want her and you want to explode inside of her. It goes back to the woman not being able to have her way with you. It makes her feel safe. It makes her completely open up to you. They know that you can completely have your way with her and still protect her, protect her heart, and make her feel safe.


She would make plans when she wanted to make plans, and call me when she wanted to call me. My being at her beck and call was being weak. She was no longer curious. At that point, she knew she could have me.


Slowly over time, she won't want to be with anyone else other than you. If you try to force or rush the process, she will reject you, friend zone you or ghost you.


So you give a woman the space to fall for you and come to you at her own pace to the point that she thinks it's her idea.


So, even if everything is hitting the fan at work, and the bills are behind, it doesn't move him off center. He is the rock. When he is the rock, she doesn't have to worry about anything. Even if things aren't going well, she knows he will somehow find a way to turn it around.


The concepts I have taught you from the beginning of this book need to be applied throughout your dating and relationship life. This includes having fun, listening to your lady and really hearing what she is saying, always judging her attraction, continuing to build the anticipation, remaining in your masculine, staying in your center, and never letting a woman push you off that center.


The goal is that you want her to wonder. She enjoys discovering her feelings. She enjoys letting those feelings grow. Women are just dying to chase the guy.


The guy is her rock, and she is his joy. No matter what goes on, how horrible her day as been, or how bad she feels, her man needs to know how to talk to her. He needs to know how to pull it out of her, how to open her up, and how to make her feel like he understands her.


The idea is not to interrogate her with questions like a robot, but to ask questions that elicit interesting and fun answers that can lead the conversation into fun and unexpected directions; the idea is to ask her the kind of questions that she would enjoy answering.


The more steps you put in between meeting a woman and making a date, the higher the likelihood that you'll never get one.


The phone is for making dates, not being her therapist, emotional tampon or gay male girlfriend. You need to maintain the attitude of a busy guy.


The simple answer is that you basically have to treat the ones you Do like just like the ones you don't like.


The whole experience of dating and discovering what you have planned in real time is what raises a woman's attraction to you. The less she knows, the more it heightens her anticipation and the more her attraction grows. also, don't ask her what she wants to do. Invite her to join you.


Think: "how can i give to this person? How can i contribute to her? How can i make her life really amazing by having fun with her?"


Those are the types of things you save for special occasions, and only after she's in love with you. You only give gifts to your girlfriend or your wife.


Through praise, you are telling her what it is that you like, and what it is that you want.


Tip: don't do lunches. Hang out, have fun and hook up. Do evening dates. If you want to be her lover, do things a lover would do.


To open a woman up, you should build rapport. Every few minutes or so when she shares something with you, in order to create rapport with her, you are going to repeat back to her some of the things she just said to you.


Treat her like a bratty little sister no more than 10% of the time, or you will come off as just putting her down constantly. This makes you look insecure if you do.


Two steps forward, one step back


Unless you're going out on dates, sleeping together, etc. You don't have a romantic relationship. You are only friends.


Until she is in love with you, you want to stay off the phone, even if she is the one calling you.


Walking away had a positive effect on her attraction - It is a scientifically proven fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.


We just sat at dinner, while she chatted away for a couple hours. I just kept asking her questions, because I was so into her. I wanted to know everything about her.


What a woman says is an expression of what she is feeling in the moment! She is riding the wave of emotion. Don't take it personally. She's just expressing herself. It is just the place that women come from.


What i want you to understand is that if you screw up, let's say you are dating and she's calling every day, and then all of a sudden she backs off, don't call her because she didn't call you. nine times out of ten, it's a test. You need to hang back and wait. Go back to the once a week rule.


When a woman says you are not listening to her, she is indicating that you are not remembering the things she's saying, or understanding where she's coming from.


When she's ready for a relationship or a commitment, she'll bring it up.


When you call to ask a woman out, you are going to set a definite date, and you should not be on the phone more than five minutes.


When you first come home from work, it is important that the first thing you do before anything else is to go up to your wife and say: Hey, honey, how was your day? extras like, "how'd that make you feel? and "don't leave anything out", "what else? tell me more?" are good. Also: repeat back some of what she said to you. It is your way of acknowledging her and letting her know that you understand her, because women want to be understood.


While you are on the date, you are going to be watching her for signs of growing attraction. Is she touching your hand? Is she touching your arm? Is she looking you in the eyes? One of the things you need to do is to look her in the eyes.


Why would you want to bother with someone who doesn't have that high level of attraction, when life can be this effortless? I only had to show up, hang back, and say very little.


Women are all about opening up and receiving your love and your presence.


Women need to wonder about you.


You become comfortable with being yourself. You make it a part of who you are. Sooner or later, you own it. And you have to own it, because if you can't maintain it later in the relationship, if you ever let that down, then you are not the person she thought you were in the first place. She will see weakness, test and pull away. This makes you start to pursue her, which drives her away even more. Learn how to read her attraction level, and make it a natural part of who you are and what you do, and you will win the heart of the woman of your dreams with little effort.


You can have a powerful effect on a woman when you are being playful, but still in your center.


You have to be a strong man who does what he wants and marches to the beat of his own drum. You have to be indifferent to all of the testing she puts you through. She may act as though she is turned off by something, but nine times out of ten, she is testing to make sure that you are this presence that they feel.


You have to be playful, but totally own your masculinity, and be assured of what you are doing.


You have to read her actions. You always judge a woman by what she does, not what she says. If she breaks a date and then tells you that she can't wait to see you again in the same sentence, the bottom line is that she still broke the date.


You have to show her that you want to know everything about her. Listen to what she says.


You just have to be the one that sets the plans and knows what you are doing. Women just want to be able to go out, relax, completely get in their feminine side, and just let the guy take total control. All a guy really needs to focus on when dating is hang out, have fun and hook up.


You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.


You need to keep the conversation light. Stay away from serious subjects. If she presses you to talk about serious subjects, especially in the beginning, always be humorous and fun. You want to make her laugh - she will associate those feelings with you.


You need to know it, to feel it, and to allow yourself to shift from a place of insecurity to a place of confidence, knowing that you deserve to have the relationship that you want in life. It is your birthright.


You need to maintain your level of mystery, not just in the beginning, but throughout the relationship.


You never want to argue with a woman, because it is only going to escalate.


You really don't buy a woman anything until she is completely head over heels in love with you.


You should always come from the place and assume that all women want you.


You should ask for the check and pay, since you invited her out, signaling the end of the date without words. While you are doing this, watch for her reaction. Does she seem disappointed? Does she seem as though she could keep on talking, and is surprised by you ending the date so soon? These are all good signs that you have raised her attraction level even more.


You want her to wonder about you, because again, that is going to have a positive effect on her attraction for you.


Your focus needs to be 100% on her having a good time, and finding out everything there is to know about your new lady. Otherwise, if she thinks you're just trying to get laid and will ditch her afterwards, she will reject you before you get the chance.


by listening to what she says, you are not only raising her attraction level, but you are also raising her level of trust in you.


it had everything to do with being strong and confident, and being willing to walk away if she pushed me too far. That was the feeling I gave her. Until a woman knows that and feels it, you will never own her heart.


seduction is the process of getting closer and closer to her, until you end up inside of her.


the important thing to understand about the love and relationship dynamic between little girls and their fathers, and why it causes women to chase the men they desire, is they both crave the unconditional love and masculine presence of the men they love or care about.


the whole purpose of the initial conversation, is to get past that instant, visual interest of attraction; to engage her and at the same time, gauge her attraction level for you -> to see if this is a woman that you even want to go out with.


when she asked me where we were going, I said, "That's for me to know, and you to find out when I come and pick you up tonight" - in a playful tone.


when she asks, "Do you think that woman over there is pretty?" - respond with, "Where? Or... yeah, she's hot, but not as hot as you, baby". In her own subtle way, she is looking to see how you react to another woman. I take that as an opportunity to show her how into Her i am, and how committed i am.

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