CDEC: Exam 5 Study Guide

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Layering of instruments and/or voices creates:


A good place to begin a discussion about others in the child's world is:

the child's most immediate environment.

100 percent natural means that:

the product is nutritionally good for you and doesn't contain preservatives.

Beat and accent have to do with:

the rhythmic pulse.

One of the first social learnings young children have is to learn:

their own name.

One of the best ways children have to express themselves is:

through dramatic play.

Adults can provide infants and toddlers music experiences:

throughout the day.

To encourage rich and varied mathematical experiences in the block center, you need:

to carefully plan the appropriate equipment.

The purpose of a field trip is:

to provide children with firsthand experiences.

The key to variety in lesson planning is:

cross-curricular planning.

Creative movement art activities include:

dance and art.

In the elementary classroom, to help the teacher to manage creative movement:

define expectations.

When reading with infants and toddlers:

allow freedom and choice.

For children with special needs, movement activities can:

allow them to participate at their own level of ability.

A personal celebration is:

an experience worth emphasizing.

Puppets offer the child:

an imaginative experience.

Dramatic play is:

an important medium for language development.

Long before children formally use numerals, they:

are aware of them through daily experiences.

Cardinal numbers:

are the numbers one, two, three, and so on.

The beginning of dramatic play is visible in children:

as young as one year.

Some ways to promote inquiry-based learning in the early childhood classroom include:

ask open-ended questions and validate prior knowledge.

With regard to reducing the risk of obesity, the American Academy of Family Physicians suggest:

avoiding prepared and sugared foods when possible and providing ample fiber in the child's diet.

Creative dramatics is:

different from dramatic play.

Young children who are beginning to sort and classify can:

divide time in a binary way.

Pretend reading is also called:

emergent reading.

When a teacher introduces "marching music" instead of duple time, she is:

employing spiral teaching techniques and presenting just the initial basics.

Encouraging parents to place infants in different positions:

encourages attention to spatial relationships.

When parents use words to describe events or tasks in order, in mathematics learning, this is:

enhancing the child's sequential development.

In dramatic play activities, children with developmental delays often:

enjoy something that they are familiar with and get fatigued very easily.

Some main goals of the early childhood music program are:

exposure to a wide range of music, many opportunities to express feelings and emotions in music, and experience in playing simple instruments.

Temperate fruit includes:

fiber and pears.

The three general types of finger puppets are:

finger-leg, finger-cap, and finger-face.

A teacher can help a child's development of rhythm through:

focusing on the natural movements of the child.

Three music elements are:

form, syncopation and ostinato.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends:

four to six ounces of juice per day.

The most common methods of teaching a song are:

from recordings, whole-song, phrase-wise, combination of phrase-wise and whole-song.

Some good outdoor science activities include:

gardening, listening to sounds, cloud watching, and sky watching.

A starting point for learning about ecology is:

getting young children outdoors to touch and experience nature.

Creative drama:

goes beyond dramatic play in scope and intent.

A good substitute for sugar for young children is:

ground-up raisins.

You can maintain the young child's natural musical interest by choosing songs that:

have a natural appeal.

Movement activities for children with ADHD and behavioral issues need to:

have clear rules and expectations.

Having pets in the classroom:

helps children learn to appreciate the functional physical characteristics of animals.

Using rhythm instruments:

helps children learn to listen for a pattern of sounds in music.

Through dance investigations:

historical events can be understood.

In teaching peace, one of the most important tools we can provide children is:

how to use words instead of actions to express emotions.

In planning movement activities for children with developmental delays, you should:

include exercise videos or tapes that are motivating for the children and plan to have a role model engage in the activity for the children to watch.

Some of the 10 thematic strands of social studies in the National Standards for Social Studies are:

individual development and identity, culture, and global connections.

When teaching young children about shapes and form:

introduce one new shape at a time.

Puppets are used most successfully when teachers:

introduce them slowly to the class.

Inquiry-based learning is a term often used when discussing:

investigating to gather information.

A puppet's character:

is a constant.

For children with visual impairments, dramatic play:

is a natural activity.

Being able to pick up the third object from a series:

is an example of the ordinal number understanding.

Rote counting:

is counting without true meaning.

Incorporating the subject of ecology into the early childhood curriculum:

is endorsed in the National Science Education Standards.

When children play together in the block corner, they:

learn to share and communicate.

The block center is an excellent place to learn the third social studies theme of:

learning about people, places, and environments.

Children's books for preschoolers include:

lift the flap, pop-ups and pull-tab books.

In inquiry-based learning, the teacher encourages children to:

look closely and notice details.

A reason that peace is so difficult to teach is that:

many adults don't understand the meaning of peace.

A societal need for mathematics is:

mathematics for cultural literacy.

A series of musical tones falling into a recognizable pattern is:


Young children all have:

music potential.

In order to classify, children:

must be able to observe objects for likenesses and differences.

Movement activities for children with visual impairments:

need to involve lots of encouragement for independent movement.

Learning about oneself, about others, and how to act with others is often accomplished by:

none of the above.

Louise Nevelson was:

none of the above.

An ABC book on wild animals is:

not a good ABC book for young children.

In music activities, young children should:

not be expected to meet performance goals.

During gross movement experiences for a child with special needs, it is important to:

not do too much for the child.

When working with dramatic play activities for children with special needs, be careful to:

not make too many rules.

Most food additives are:

not proven bad for you.

When planning dramatic play activities for children with ADHD, involve:

novelty in your planning as much as possible.

Learning experiences in the movement center fall under the three National Standards of Mathematics content standards of:

number and operation, measurement, and spatial sense.

Content standards in the National Standards of Mathematics for grades pre-K-12 are:

number and operation, patterns, functions and algebra, geometry and spatial sense, measurement, data analysis, statistics, and probability.

Historical concepts such as "long ago" or "far in the future" are:

often meaningless to young children.

All young children need:

opportunities to explore their world and experience math through their play.

Temporal awareness and number sense are:

part of the preschool curriculum.

Fruits that are a good source of fiber include:

pears and berries.

An example of a speech overgeneralization is:

"I thinked alot."

Suggestions made by the American Academy of Family Physicians on how to prevent childhood obesity include:

- avoiding prepared and sugared foods entirely. - providing ample fiber in the child's diet. - providing 40 percent or fewer calories from fat. - ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Romare Bearden:

- incorporated magazines such as Ebony and Life in his collages. - was a member of the New York-based African American artistic collective Spiral. - created a series of collages as his personal statement on civil rights. - ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Science provides young children:

- learning by doing. - transfer of learning. - the chance to exercise creative abilities. - ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Creative drama is:

- not unlike creative play in general. - an important part of the preschool curriculum. - similar to performing a play. - NONE OF THE ABOVE.

Children in upper-elementary grades can:

- sing in rounds. - learn musical notation. - enjoy listening experiences from a variety of music types. - ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Dramatic play is most appropriate for:

- the child who is music smart. - the child who is word smart. - the child who is person smart. - ALL LEARNING STYLES.

A 3-year-old:

- uses simple phrases and sentences. - enjoys looking at books. - points to ears, eyes, or nose when asked. - ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Products marked "juice" must contain:

100 percent juice.

A 2-year-old says about:

50 words.

Listening is:


Older students can be introduced to the history of a period and to how art was a powerful and effective tool for making a social statement by using the work of:

Shahn and Bearden.

The best ABC books focus on:

a central idea or concept and the alphabet sequence.

With regard to geography, it is:

a natural subject.

Puppets are:

able to be used with felt boards.

You should not consider any field trips until you:

can anticipate any potential disruptive behavior.

Introducing multicultural music and dance:

can be done with children 9 to 11 years of age.

Plants in the classroom:

can be grown to be eaten and provide experiences in classification.


can be used to teach fingerplays.

Before a child is 3 years old, he or she often:

can count to 10 in proper order.

Dramatic play:

can help a teacher understand a child's emotional state.

Genetics and sugar:

cannot alone account for the huge increase in obesity rates over the past few decades.

Foods that are "100 percent organic" are:

certified by the USDA.

The fundamental truth in the movement curriculum is:

children all love to move.

The study of animals is:

consistent with the National Science Education Standards.

Some examples of dramatic play kits are:

plumber, firefighter, and doctor.

The age group that has play groups that are not well-organized and tend to change often is:

preschool and kindergarten.

Spiral teaching of music elements refers to:

presenting initial facts without concern for details.

Four skills involved in the development of language are:

reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

An example of an experience in ecology is:

recycling materials in the classroom.

The movement of sounds through time is:


Activities for children in kindergarten include:

running, chasing, and hanging

The most important thing that is NOT in creative drama is:


Excursions into the community:

should be an outgrowth of children's experiences.

Tropical fruits:

should be served in moderation.

The discovery center:

should have things for the children to do.

When you display the letters of the alphabet, place them:

so that children can see them.

For children with physical impairments:

space is a problem.

In working with an English as a Second Language learner:

start slowly.

In a child's learning of mathematics, parents need to:

use mathematical words and concepts every day.

Dynamics refers to:

volume or relative loudness or softness of the sound.

Children who are the most overweight:

watch the most television and eat too many high-fat snacks.

A strategy for focusing on a child's uniqueness is:

writing the child's name and saying it.

In formal science activities

younger children need clearly-defined steps.

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