Cell as a city
Construction Company: Builds structures for the city.
Nucleolus: Small dense object found in the middle of the nucleus. Makes RNA for the cell
City Hall: Controls all the activities of the city
Nucleus: A large, round/oval structure near the center of the cell that controls all of the activities in the cell.
City Limits : Controls what goes in and out of a city
Cell Membrane: A thin flexible covering that surrounds the cell. Controls what goes in and out of the cell.
City Auditor: Stores all the records of the city and passes them on as the city grows.
Chromosomes: Rod-shaped bodies found in the nucleus that pass on hereditary traits.
Delivery Van: Delivers products made at the construction company to other locations in the city.
Cytoplasm: Jelly-like; Helps organelles move throughout the cell
Road System: Allows for movement throughout the city
Endoplasmic Reticulum: A network of tube-like passageways through which proteins from the ribosomes are transported.
Food Processing Plant: Processes large quantities of food entering the city into smaller packages that can be used more easily.
Lysosomes: Small, round structures in the cytoplasm. Contain digestive enzymes to break down large food into sugars.
Power plant: Produces energy for the city.
Mitochondria: Tiny bean shaped structure in cytoplasm. Highly folded inner membrane. Supplies energy for the cell by transforming sugar into energy
City Planning: Place in city hall where plans are made for the construction of the city
Ribosomes: Grain-like bodies made of RNA in the nucleolus where proteins are produced.
Warehouse: Stores materials needed by the city.
Vacuole: A large round sac in the cytoplasm stores water, food, wastes.