
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

what is a prokaryotic cell?

a cell that lacks a nucleaus and most organelles

What is a polymer?

a chain of monomers

What is an amino acid?

a polymer chain constructed from a set of 20 monomers

What is a monomer?

a small molecular uint

What is a selective permeable membrane?

allows some substances cross the membrane

What does anaerobic mean?

an environment without oxygen

What is a carbohydrate?

an organic compound made of sugar

What is an autotroph?

an organism that makes it's own food

What does cellular respiration produce?

carbon dioxide and water

What is active transport?

cell expands energy to move molecules or ions across a membrane

What is cellular respiration?

chemical process that converts oxygen into energy

what is a catalayst?

compounds that speed up chemical reactions

What is exocytosis?

contents of a cell vacuole are released to the exterior through diffusion

What is the function of the nucleus?

control center for cell

What is an organelle?

each cell with a specific job

What is kinetic energy?

energy in motion

What happens during a light reaction?

energy splits water molecules apart and oxygen is put back into the air

What is potential energy?

energy stored due to an objects position

what is the function of a cell wall?

gives support to plant cells

What is the function of microtubules?

gives the cell structure

Where does photosynthesis occur?

in the chloroplast

Where does cellular respiration occur?

in the mitochondria

What does the cellular membrane do?

keeps functions of eukaryotic cells organized

What is ATP?

main energy supply for cells

What does the calvin cycle do?

makes smaller sugar G3P

What are the three types of chemical work?

mechanical, chemical, and transport

why are many mitochondria required by a cell that moves by means of cilia or flagella?

mitochondria provide energy

What is diffusion?

movement of particles of a substance from a high concentration to a low concentration.

What are a monosaccarides?

one simple sugar uint

What is a heterotroph?

organisms that cannot make their own food

What is osmosis?

passive transport of water across a selectively permeable membrane

what would be the likely function of a plant cell that contains many chloroplasts?


What are the 3 steps of the carbon cycle?

photosynthesis, consume food, and cellular respiration

What is G3P used for?

plant cell use G3P for raw materials for glucose and other organic molecules

which organelles are required by cells that have the function of making protein?


What is the function of a plasma membrane?

separates cell contents from environment and maintains a homeostasis

What is the function of a cytoplasm?

site for chemical reactions

what is the function of chloropast?

site for photosynthesis

what is the function of the mitochondria?

site of cellular respiration and produces ATP

What is the function of ribosomes?

site of protein synthesis

What is isotonic?

solutions where concentrations of a solute are equal.

What is an enzyme?

speeds up chemical reactions in organism protiens by lowering reaction energy needed.

What does activation energy do?

speeds up specific reactions

What are the function vacuoles?

stores water, nutrients, and other materials

What is endocytosis?

taking in the matter by a living cell by invagination of its membrane to form a vacuole

How do you break polymer?

the bond is broken by adding water (hydrolysis reaction)

What is equilibrium?

the ratio of molecules on each side are equal

what is hypertonic mean?

the solution with a higher concentration

What is hypotonic?

the solution with the lower concentration

What is the function of an amino acid?

they act as signals for cells and moves cells

What is the carbon cycle?

when carbon moves from inorganic compound to an organic compound

What is a eukaryotic cell?

has a nucleus surrounded by its own membrane and has internal organelles

which organelles are common in both plants and animal cells?

plasma membrane

What are polysaccharides?

polymer chain made out of simple sugar monomers

which plant cells might not contain any chloroplast?


How is a polymer formed?

1.) a monomer is added to a chain 2.) a water molecule is released (dehydration reaction)

What is the main ideas of the cell theory?

1.) cells come from existing cells 2.) all organisms are made of cells 3.) cells are the basic units of structure for all living things

What is the chemical formula for cellular respiration?

6CO2+6H2O -> C6H12O6+6O2

What is the structure of a charbohydrate?


What is the structure of a lipid?


What is the structure of a protien


What is the structure of a nucleic acids?


What does fermentation do?

Fermentation takes the place of cellular respiration when there is little to no oxygen

How is chemical energy released in cells?

It is released through cellular respiration

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