CGS Practice exam chapter 1
Save the file to a new folder inside the Documents folder on the computer. Name the new folder Marketing. Name the file BusinessPlanUpdated.
You correctly performed the required steps
Save the document to the Documents folder in OneDrive with the name BusinessPlan Shared.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the Save As navigation button.
Cut the selected text.
You right-clicked the "We don¿t just look for th" text. In the Paragraph Right Click menu, you clicked the Cut menu item
Select the greeting line of the letter Dear Mr. Sakura:
You selected the "Dear Mr. Sakura:" text.
Select the second paragraph in the letter.
You selected the "We are still located one " text.
Change the font color of the selected text to the Red Standard color.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Font ribbon group, you clicked the Font Color Picker button. In the Font Color Selection menu, you selected the Red color option.
Change the line spacing to be 1.5 spacing.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Paragraph ribbon group, you clicked the Line Spacing button. In the Line Spacing menu, you clicked the 1.5 menu item.
Show the formatting marks in the document.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Paragraph ribbon group, you clicked the Show/Hide ¶ button.
Use the right-click method to correct the misspelling of the word controol with the correction control. Do not open the Spelling and Grammar task pane.
You clicked into the word the "controol" , right-clicked the "controol" text. In the Spell Check: Right Click Menu menu, you clicked the control menu item.
Using the right-click method, fix the spacing error in the second paragraph. Do not open the Spelling and Grammar task pane.
You clicked into the word the "still located" , right-clicked the "still located" text. In the Spell Check: Right Click Menu menu, you clicked the still located menu item.
Text has been copied to the clipboard. Paste the text above the text electric nerve stimulation.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Clipboard ribbon group, you clicked the Paste button.
Use the Redo command to redo the last action taken.
Next to the undo button
Text has been copied to the Clipboard. Paste the text using the paste option that will match style of the pasted text with the surrounding text.
Home ribbon, paste options
Add the text We will make every effort to work with your schedule. Thank you for your patience. We are very sorry. to the end of the last paragraph (the paragraph starting with Currently). Press Enter when you are finished.
If you need to reschedule, please call Anne Cole at (315)555-5000.We will make every effort to work with your schedule. Thank you for your patience. We are very sorry. in the text input , and typed Currently, we are rescheduling appointments for this upcoming week. If you need to reschedule, please call Anne Cole at (315)555-5000.We will make every effort to work with your schedule. Thank you for your patience. We are very sorry. in the text input
Change the font for the selected text to Calibri.
In the Font Choices menu, you clicked the Calibri font.
Change the font size for the selected text to 11 pt.
In the Font Size menu, you selected the 11pt font size.
Display the task pane where you can view copied items and then paste them into a document.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Clipboard ribbon group, you clicked the Clipboard Group Dialog Launcher button.
Using the Format Painter, copy the formatting from the phrase no elevator access and apply the formatting to the word unable (it is in the last sentence of the second paragraph of the letter).
In the Home ribbon tab in the Clipboard ribbon group, you clicked the Format Painter button. You clicked into the word the "unable"
Check the document for spelling errors, and make the following changes: change all instances of the word ahletes to athletes using a single command, fix the grammar error that is found, change the word sraff to staff, and ignore the suggestion for the word Smallville
In the Home ribbon tab in the Editing ribbon group, you clicked the Replace button. Inside the Find and Replace dialog, you updated the Find What input to "ahletes", updated the Replace with input to "athletes", and clicked the Replace All button. Inside the Microsoft Word dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Check the document for spelling errors, and change all instances of the word athleets to athletes using a single command.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Editing ribbon group, you clicked the Replace button. Inside the Find and Replace dialog, you updated the Find What input to "athleets", updated the Replace with input to "athletes", and clicked the Replace All button. Inside the Microsoft Word dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Apply the bold character effect to the selected text.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Font ribbon group, you clicked the Bold button.
Use the change case command to change the text from lowercase to all capital letters.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Font ribbon group, you clicked the Change Case button. In the Change Case menu, you clicked the UPPERCASE menu item.
Clear the formatting from the selected text
In the Home ribbon tab in the Font ribbon group, you clicked the Clear All Formatting button.
Apply the italic character effect to the selected text.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Font ribbon group, you clicked the Italic button.
Apply the single underline character effect to the selected text.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Font ribbon group, you clicked the Underline button.
Change the text so it is justified.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Paragraph ribbon group, you clicked the Align Justify button
Change the text so it is left aligned.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Paragraph ribbon group, you clicked the Align Left button.
Change the spacing before the paragraph to 12 pt. and the spacing after the paragraph to 12 pt.
In the Home ribbon tab in the Paragraph ribbon group, you clicked the Paragraph Group Dialog Launcher button. Inside the Paragraph dialog, you inputed the Before stepper, inputed the After stepper, and clicked the OK button.
Use the Undo command to undo the last action taken.
In the Quick Access Toolbar, you clicked the Undo Button button.
Use the Office Clipboard to paste the MediSport Clinic text to the document.
Inside the Clipboard dialog from the clipboardPasteList MediSport Clinic Split List Item, and undefineded the MediSport Clinic Split List Item.
Using the Thesaurus, replace the selected word (founded) with the synonym established
Inside the Thesaurus dialog from the Thesaurus Suggestions list from the originatedThesaurusTreeList list, you double-clicked the established list item. Inside the Thesaurus dialog from the Thesaurus Suggestions list, you double-clicked the originated (v.) list item. In the Thesaurus Insert Item menu, you clicked the Insert menu item.
Create an AutoCorrect entry to change ligamant to ligament when typed.
Inside the Word Options dialog, you clicked the AutoCorrect Options ... button. Inside the AutoCorrect: English (United States) dialog, you typed ligamant in the Auto Correct Replace Input, typed ligament in the Auto Correct Replace With Input, clicked the Add button, and clicked the OK button. Inside the Word Options dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Open the dialog where you can review the number of words in the document.
You clicked the Design ribbon tab, clicked the References ribbon tab, and clicked the Review ribbon tab. In the Review ribbon tab in the Proofing ribbon group, you clicked the Word Count button.
Using the Spelling and Grammar task pane, check the document for spelling errors. Replace the misspelled word sraff with staff.
You clicked the References ribbon tab, clicked the Review ribbon tab. In the Review ribbon tab in the Proofing ribbon group, you clicked the Spelling & Grammar button. Inside the spelling dialog, you clicked the Change button. Inside the Microsoft Word dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Check the document for spelling and grammar errors. Fix the grammar error that is found.
You clicked the Review ribbon tab. In the Review ribbon tab in the Proofing ribbon group, you clicked the Spelling & Grammar button. Inside the grammar dialog, you clicked the Change button. Inside the Microsoft Word dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Create a new blank file
You opened the backstage view, clicked the New navigation button, and clicked the Blank document button.
Open the MediSportBusinessPlan file located in the Documents folder.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the Open navigation button, clicked the This PC button, clicked the Documents button, and clicked the MediSportBusinessPlan option. Inside the Open dialog, you clicked the Open button.
Add a tag that reads marketing to the metadata for this document, and then return to the document
You opened the backstage view, clicked the marketing field.
Copy the selected text and paste it below the text
You pressed the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut, clicked into the word the "(315)555-5000" , and pressed the Ctrl + V keyboard shortcut.
Cut the selected text and paste it below the text Call for a free medical evaluation.
You right-clicked the " " text. In the Paragraph Right Click menu, you clicked the Cut menu item. You clicked into the word the "(315)555-5000" , right-clicked the "(315)555-5000" text, clicked into the word the "(315)555-5000" , and pressed the Ctrl + V keyboard shortcut.
Copy the selected text to the clipboard.
You right-clicked the Text ListItem. In the Paragraph Right Click menu, you clicked the Copy menu item.
Select the word circumstances in the first sentence of the first paragraph of the letter.
You selected the "circumstances" .
Use the Insights task pane to look up information about the selected text.
clicked the Layout ribbon tab, clicked the Home ribbon tab, clicked the Insert ribbon tab, clicked the References ribbon tab, clicked the Mailings ribbon tab, and clicked the Review ribbon tab. In the Review ribbon tab in the Insights ribbon group, you clicked the Smart Lookup button.