Ch 10-16 Final review

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Typically, downregulation happens when someone is taking 1: an agonist, and upregulation happens when someone is taking 2: an antagonist.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentence.

oxytocin and vasopressin.

Helen Fisher's attachment stage of love is most associated with changes to


SSRIs and benzodiazepines are commonly prescribed

taxicab drivers

The University of London did a study using an fMRI to look at the brains of _______________ and found that people in this profession had enlarged hippocampi.

+Associative learning -instrumental conditioning -classical conditioning +Non-associative learning -habituation -sensitization

Categorize the different types of learning below as associative or non-associative.

the organum vaculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT).

Osmoreceptors are found in

releases opioids slowly over time (time-released).

Oxycodone was claimed to be a nonaddictive pain killer because it

a chemical that contributes to birth defects.

A teratogen is

endogenous opioid

Play behavior involves the _______________ system. Antagonists to this system reduce play behavior in animal models.

being injected with oxytocin antagonist and allowed to mate

Prairie voles like to pair-bond with other prairie voles, while montane voles do not like to pair-bond. Which of the following would cause a female prairie vole to NOT want to pair-bond with a male?


The Morris water maze is a good tool to study spatial memories in mice and rats.


what is released from the adrenal gland

Being diagnosed with schizophrenia. Scoring high on measures of impulsivity. Being young—people typically form addictions in their adolescence and early 20s. Experiencing early childhood trauma. Having genetic relatives that have addictions.

Which of the following are risk factors for developing addictions? Select all that apply.

Researchers have found that psilocybin given to cancer patients reduced the symptoms of both anxiety and depression. true In the United States, it is still illegal to conduct research where humans take hallucinogens. false Unlike SSRIs, hallucinogens can reduce symptoms of depression quickly. true

Mark the following statements about hallucinogens and treatment as true or false.

Highly sexually dimorphic animals like some apes tend to be 1:polygynous (one male with more than one female as a mate), while other less sexually dimorphic animals tend to be 2:monogamous (one male with one female as a mate).

Drag the correct response into the blank to complete the sentence.

During the attraction phase of love, there is an increase in 1:dopamine activity and a decrease in 2: serotonin activity.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentence.

an underactivation of glutamate systems.

In addition to problems with dopamine activity, people with schizophrenia also likely have

long-term depression (LTD).

In areas of the brain such as the hippocampus, extremely low-frequency stimulation between neurons causes

nitric oxide

In long-term potentiation, the influx of Ca++ ions into the postsynaptic neuron can cause _______________ to act as a messenger to the presynaptic neuron to release more glutamate.

Adrenal gland

In the HPA what does the A stand for

entorhinal cortex/ dentate gyrus

In the hippocampus the perforant pathway runs between the __________ and the ________

ventral tegmental area (VTA)

In the mesotelencephalic dopamine system, neurons in the _______________ send axons to the nucleus accumbens.


Insulin is a hormone that helps convert glucose into glycogen.

Peptide YY is released from the small intestine after a meal. true Peptide YY affects NPY neurons in the arcuate nucleus. true Peptide YY acts as a positive feedback loop increasing appetite. false

Mark the following statements as true or false.

serotonin agonists.

Most psychedelic hallucinogens are

1. corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) 2. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 3. glucocorticoids

Tatsuya was almost hit by a car. Order the hormones that were released in his body as part of the slow response to stress from first to last.


Using an fMRI, researchers found that the _______________ shows overactivity in adults on the autism spectrum compared to neurotypical controls.

omega-3 fatty acids

Although a bit controversial, taking _______________ may reduce the symptoms of depression. They are found in nuts and fish.

bipolar disorder

which is not a type of anxiety disorder?

Alzheimer's disease

which neuropsychiatric disorder is associated with neurofibrillary tangles

ventromedial hypothalamus arcuate nucleus

f the following areas of the brain, lesioning which ones would cause a rat to eat too much and get fat? Select all that apply.

metabolic tolerance.

The liver produces alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase, which break down alcohol and keep it from affecting the brain. As people drink more alcohol, the liver gets better at producing these enzymes, forming

exercise, low body weight, and social interaction can reduce the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

The main conclusion of the FINGER study was that


The more copies of a gene for vasopressin receptors a man has, the less he reports being happy in his marriage.

caffeine nicotine cocaine marijuana antidepressant alcohol

Which of the following are considered to be or contain a psychoactive drug? Select all that apply.


The fact that symptoms of withdrawal gets worse the more times someone goes through withdrawal is called ________, often happens with alcohol withdrawal.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

Which group of antidepressants produces a dangerous side effect of high blood pressure if a person eats certain food like cheeses and nuts?

+Response -running through a maze -pressing a lever -salivating +Stimulus -a light -a bell -doggy bacon snack

Below are examples of stimuli and responses in research on learning in animals. For each example, determine whether if it is considered a stimulus or a response by dragging the correct category.


Which hormone directly causes the masculinization of areas of the brain, including the hypothalamus?

corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)

Which hormone is released from the hypothalamus after experiencing a stressful event?


A _______________ is a chemical signal released by an animal that affects the behavior of another animal.

health psychology.

A field of psychology interested in how behavior affects physical and mental health is called


A form of the hallucinogen __________ has been approved by the FDA as a treatment for depression.

a sea slug

A lot of work has been done with the Aplysia as an animal model for the biology of learning. What is an Aplysia?

freezing when getting shocked: unconditioned response tone: conditioned stimulus freezing to the tone: conditioned response shock: unconditioned stimulus

A rat normally does not freeze when it hears a tone but does normally freeze when a light shock is given to its feet. If a tone is paired with a light shock for several trials, the tone will make the rat freeze. Match each part of this experiment to its classical conditioning label.


A study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich found that _______________ can help stabilize glucose levels in the blood and may help with attention and memory.

lateral nucleus of the amygdala.

A tone is played, and then a rat's foot is shocked. The rat makes an association between the tone and the pain of the shock at the


A(n) _______________ is a list of common behaviors observed in an animal. It is often used to quantify changes in behavior in research on animal behavior.

testosterone and estrogen.

According to Helen Fisher's stages of love, lust is most influenced by

genetics (For example, there is a higher concordance in identical twins.) the pregnant mother having exposure to certain heavy metals and some pesticides problems with the microbiome (gut bacteria)

According to scientifically supported evidence, what are the risk factors for a child developing autism? Select all that apply.

dopamine GABA

Alcohol is a _______________ and a _______________ agonist.


Another term for someone with a disorder of sex development (DSD) is

Short-term memory fades faster than sensory memory. false Memories are influenced by attention, arousal, emotions. true Short-term memory and working memory last about the same amount of time. true

Answer true or false to the following statements.


B. F. Skinner created ways to automate animal research. For example, a rat would be put in a chamber, and if it pressed a lever, it would get food. A record of the lever pressing and food distribution was automatic.


Bacteria, viruses, and fungi in our gut make up our

prefrontal lobe

Barnaby has a phobia of squirrels. Being scared of squirrels is a bit irrational. The "rational" _______________ sends connections to the amygdala attempting to reduce the fear response when Barnaby sees a squirrel.

a positive and negative feedback loop.

Blood glucose levels get low, and glucose is released from the liver. Blood glucose levels get high, and glucose is removed from the blood and stored in the liver. This is an example of

dividing a person's weight by height.

Body-mass index (BMI) is measured by

Someone with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) has (an) enlarged 1: adrenal gland that overproduce(s) 2: testosterone

Choose the correct response to complete the sentence.

The glucostatic theory of hunger is supported by research that finds that when people are injected with 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG), they report being 1: very hungry.

Choose the correct response to complete the sentence.

The connection between the 1: entorhinal cortex and the 2: dentate gyrus is called the 3: perforant pathway.

Choose the correct responses to complete the sentence.

You eat a big bag of salty pretzels. This increases the concentration of salt and decreases the concentration of water in the blood. Osmoreceptors will 1: shrink because the fluid in the blood is 2:hypertonic compared with the osmoreceptor cells.

Choose the correct responses to complete the sentence.

+Declarative memory -your home address -the fact that neurons are cells in the brain +Non-declarative memory -riding a bicycle -smelling BBQ and salivating

Choose whether each example would be considered a declarative or non-declarative memory.

+Positive reinforcement theory of addiction -People are motivated to take drugs because drugs make them feel "high" or euphoric. -It is not a good theory because the bad of addiction reasonably far outweighs the good of the drug -It is not a good theory because some highly addictive drugs like nicotine do not produce a euphoric high. +Negative reinforcement theory of addiction -It is not a good theory because people relapse into taking drugs months or years after quitting, when there are no withdrawal symptoms. -It is not a good theory because some tricyclic antidepressants produce withdrawal but are not addictive. -People continue to take drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Choose whether the statement reflects the positive reinforcement theory of addiction or the negative theory.


Comfort foods can act as a negative feedback loop, reducing the levels of cortisol.


Delayed-response tasks are used to investigate working memory.


Dr. Hohmann interviewed people with spinal cord injuries and found that they reported a decrease in the level of emotional response as compared to before the injury. The conclusions of this study support the _______________ theory of emotions.

If a female rat is injected with testosterone as a pup and adult, it will show sexual behavior typical of male rats. true If an adult male rat is injected with estrogen, it will show sexual behavior typical of female rats. false

Dr. Seymour Levine and his colleagues conducted research on the effects of sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen on sexual behaviors in rats. Mark if each statement below is true or false about the results of their studies.

a behavioral endocrinologist.

Dr. Stein is interested in how aggression between male hamsters affects testosterone levels. Dr. Stein would likely consider herself

Glycogen is converted to glucose with the help of the hormone (glucagon)

Drag the correct response into the blank to complete the sentence.

People with 1: complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (complete AIS) have the sex chromosome configuration of XY but may have female sex characteristics at birth and may not know that they have XY chromosomes unless tested.

Drag the correct response into the blank to complete the sentence.

According to the dual center model, the 1: ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) is known as the "satiety center" because it tells an animal when to stop eating, and the 2: lateral hypothalamus (LH) is the "feeding center" because it tells an animal when to start eating.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentence.

John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser, and Edvard Moser shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2014 for their discovery of cells in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex that selectively respond to locations as a rat navigates its surroundings. These include 1: grid cells, which respond to patterns, and 2: place cells, which respond to locations.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentence.

While the idea of 1: an engram is that memories are represented in specific areas of the brain, the idea of 2: equipotentiality assumes that memories are distributed at many different areas around the brain.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentence.

The American Heart Association recommends that we eat no more than 1: 6 teaspoon(s) of sugar a day for women and no more than 2: 9 teaspoon(s) for men, but on average we eat more than 20 teaspoons.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentences

1: Homeostasis is the idea that our body attempts to maintain a balance around a set point for water, sugar, fats, and temperature. 2: Allostasis is the idea that the body attempts to maintain a set point for water, sugars, fats, and temperature but that set point can fluctuate depending on the demands placed upon the body at any given time.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentences.

1: Primary sex characteristics develop in the womb. 2: Secondary sex characteristics develop during puberty.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentences.

A dog does not normally salivate to a bell. If a bell is paired with food, the dog will begin to salivate to the bell. Pairing the food and bell together for many trials is called 1: acquisition. If the bell is then presented without the food, the conditioned response will begin to go down in a process called 2: extinction.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentences.

If a rat sees a cat approaching, the 1: ventral periaqueductal gray will cause the rat to freeze. However, if the cat gets too close to the rat, the 2: dorsal periaqueductal gray will cause the rat to attempt a defensive attack at the cat and/or run away.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentences.

The 1: glucostatic theory is the assumption that we monitor the levels of sugars (carbohydrates) in our blood and have physiological and behavioral mechanisms to keep a homeostatic level of sugars. The 2: lipostatic theory is the assumption that we monitor the levels of fat in our body and have physiological and behavioral mechanisms to keep a consistent level of fat or body weight.

Drag the correct responses into the blanks to complete the sentences.


Drinking too much water can be as dangerous as not drinking enough. It can cause sodium levels in the blood to get too low, which is known as


Ego-dissolution is associated with taking

the brain-body connection.

The fact that chronic stress can damage a person's immune system and increase heart disease is a good example of


Experiencing a stressful event can make the immune system work better.

+Chronic stress -going through a divorce -being a refugee escaping a war-torn country -experiencing racism +Acute stress -riding a roller coaster -being chased by a dog while walking home from school

For each experience below, identify whether it would produce acute stress or chronic stress.

(decreases appetite): Insulin, Leptin, CCK, PYY (increases appetite): ghrelin

For each of the following hormones, mark whether it increases or decreases appetite.

+Positive symptom -visual hallucinations -persecutory delusions +Negative symptom -alogia -blunt affect

For each of the following symptoms of schizophrenia, mark whether it is considered a positive symptoms or a negative symptom.

+Benefit -It can shrink cancerous tumors. -It reduces nausea and increases appetite for those going through chemotherapy. +Harm -It can lead to substance abuse, especially if started in adolescence -Its persistent use can lead to cognitive impairment. +False claim -Its persistent use increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease

For each of the statements about marijuana, select whether there is evidence that it is a benefit, there is evidence that it is a harm, or it is a false statement about marijuana.

+Typical antipsychotics -Haloperidol and chlorpromazine are two antipsychotics in this category. -This was the first type of antipsychotic developed. +Atypical antipsychotics -Of the two types of antipsychotics, this one produces fewer motor-control side effects. -This type of antipsychotic is an antagonist to both serotonin and dopamine.

For each statement below, choose whether it applies to typical or atypical antipsychotics.

1. Gibbons 2. Chimps 3. Gorillas

For the great apes, order the degree of sexual dimorphism seen in each species from least to most sexually dimorphic.

behavioral sensitization.

Giving a rat 0.25 mg of amphetamine will cause it to increase activity around its cage by 20%. But giving the rat the same dose two days later will increase its movement by 35%. This is an example of

obsessive-compulsive disorder addiction

Helen Fisher's attraction phase of love produces similar activation in the brain as someone with which of the following disorders? Select all that apply

target cells

Hormones are molecules that act like neurotransmitters, affecting receptors on _______________ found on tissue throughout the body.

depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron

How are Mg++ ions removed from NMDA receptors?

instrumental conditioning.

I'm trying to teach a dog to roll over. If I say "roll over" and the dog does nothing, she gets no reward. But if I say "roll over" and she lies down and rolls over, she gets a cheesy bacon doggy snack. This is an example of

+Episodic -meeting with classmates to have a study group two weeks ago -going to see the latest Star Wars movie with friends last winter +Semantic -that the retina is a structure in the eye -that the capital of Hawaii is Honolulu +Spatial -where you parked your car in relation to the building you are in right now -how to walk from your bedroom to the kitchen

Identify the following examples as episodic, semantic, or spatial memories.


If someone is deficient in _______________, they may show some deficits in cognitive functions, and taking supplements may improve their cognitive performance.


If the amygdala is responsible for learning about simple stimuli associated with fear, the _______________ takes on a larger role in contextual fear conditioning.

electrodermal activity (EDA)

In Damasio's experiment using the Iowa gambling task, which physiological measurement device did he use? The results supported the somatic marker hypothesis.

activity-dependent facilitation.

In looking at the biology of classical conditioning in Aplysia, touching the siphon of the animals was paired with nothing, but touching the mantel was paired with a mild shock to the tail. The most significant changes to the synapse occurred at the axoaxonic connection between the tail and mantel. This is because of

K+ channels are closed.

In sensitization, what is the reason that more glutamate is released from the presynaptic sensory neuron?


It was discovered that in eye-blink conditioning in rabbits, the classical conditioning associations take place in the _______________ in the cerebellum.


It was discovered that the neurotransmitter used at the axoaxonic connection in the process of sensitization was GABA.


Korsakoff syndrome can be caused by alcohol use disorder.


Lithium carbonate is a type of mood-stabilizing drug given as a treatment for bipolar disorder.


Male rats are used more often than female rats in research.


Marijuana that is high in CBD but low in THC has been used to treat epilepsy in children.

The recessive allele AP44-e12 increases the risk of developing AD. False People with Down syndrome often develop AD in their 40s. true It is caused by being exposed to aluminum. false It is the leading cause of dementia. true People who have had herpes are at greater risk of developing AD. true

Mark the following statements about Alzheimer's disease (AD) as true or false.

Someone with AIS will have the sex chromosome configuration of XY. true In complete AIS, a person will have more acne and body odor than someone without. false People with AIS generally have no problems conceiving children. false Babies born with incomplete AIS often have external genitalia that have both male and female characteristics. true

Mark the following statements about androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) as true or false.

According to the CDC, about 1 in 85 adults in the US take antidepressants. false They often take several weeks to reduce symptoms. true Tricyclic antidepressants are typically prescribed more often than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). false

Mark the following statements about antidepressants as true or false.

After the surgery, levels of PYY and ghrelin drop. true In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is made smaller and then connected at a point that bypasses a length of the small intestine. true While surgery can reduce the weight of the individual, it rarely helps reduce type 2 diabetes. false The number of people receiving bariatric surgery has been on the decline since its peak in 2011. false

Mark the following statements about bariatric surgery and gastric bypass surgery as true or false.

They are GABA agonists. true It typically takes several weeks of taking benzodiazepines before symptoms are reduced. false They are often linked to overdose, especially when taken in combination with alcohol or opioids. true

Mark the following statements about benzodiazepines as true or false.

It plays a role in the release of hormones in humans. true It plays a role in detecting pheromones in mammals. true It runs alongside the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve 5). false

Mark the following statements about cranial nerve 0 as true or false.

Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are typically increased in people with Alzheimer's disease. false Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) can foster synaptic growth and promote neurogenesis. true FNDC5 is a protein produced by muscles during exercise. true As FNDC5 goes up, irisin goes down. false

Mark the following statements about how exercise affects the brain as true or false.

One product of LTP is the creation of more AMPA receptors. true AMAP and NMDA are both glutamate receptors. true Protein kinase is a molecule that binds to DNA and facilitates the transcription. false AMPA and MNDA are both Ca++ ion channels. false

Mark the following statements about long-term potentiation (LTP) as true or false.

It is a product of the diathesis-stress model. true People with MDD often have an overactivation of areas of the limbic system such as the amygdala. true It is equally diagnosed in men and women. false It is thought to be caused by overactivation of monoamine systems. false

Mark the following statements about major depressive disorder (MDD) as true or false.

The ventricles in women with schizophrenia are larger than average, but there is no difference in the size of ventricles in men with schizophrenia compared to averages. false The male brain is typically larger than the female brain. true Females tend to have a higher ratio of gray matter to white matter in the cerebral cortex than males. true The parietal lobe and amygdala tend to be larger in females than in males. false

Mark the following statements about male and female brains as true or false.

A male rat is put into the home territory of another male rat. The rat that is guarding its territory will attack the intruder by trying to bite the intruder's back. true A male rat is put into the home territory of another male rat. When attacked, the intruder male will try to bite at the face of the other rat. true Lesions to the amygdala will eliminate or reduce defensive aggression. true The opportunity to experience offensive aggression can be rewarding. true

Mark the following statements about offensive and defensive aggression as true or false.

Someone diagnosed with PTSD typically has resting cortisol levels lower than others. true PTSD is more commonly diagnosed in men than women. false Someone diagnosed with PTSD typically has an enlarged hippocampus compared with others that do not have the same diagnosis. false

Mark the following statements about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as true or false.

There have been some differences found in the brain of homosexual and heterosexual men. true Sexual orientation is still considered a disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). false There have been found genes that play a role in sexual orientation. true

Mark the following statements about sexual orientation as true or false.

It is more active just before receiving a reward than when actually receiving a reward. true It requires a dopamine agonist like cocaine to be active. false It is most active when the rewarding outcome of a behavior is certain (always received). false

Mark the following statements about the mesotelencephalic dopamine system (MTDS) as true or false.

Addiction is considered a neurological disorder as there are changes to the brain that affect thoughts, motivations, and behaviors. true The majority of people that experiment with methamphetamine form addictions. false One can only be addicted to drugs. Problems with behaviors like gambling are classified as compulsions. false

Mark the following statements as true or false.

An increase in cholecystokinin will suppress appetite. true Cholecystokinin is produced and released by the first segment of the small intestine, called the duodenum. true Cholecystokinin's primary function is in protein digestion. false

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Antidiuretic hormone is also called oxytocin. false An increase in antidiuretic hormone will ultimately cause an increase in angiotensin II. true Alcohol consumption decreases the release of antidiuretic hormone. true Antidiuretic hormone is released when someone becomes dehydrated. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

At about three months, a fetus has both the male and the female duct system. true Both the X and the Y chromosome contain the srY gene. false Sperm typically can have either an X or a Y chromosome, but an egg typically can only have an X chromosome. true An embryo with sex chromosomes of XY will typically develop into a male. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Chemical bases such as baking soda and ammonia are added to cocaine to make crack cocaine. true Overdoses related to cocaine use decreased between 2012 and 2017. false Cocaine is a direct agonist to dopamine in that it binds and activates dopamine receptors on the postsynaptic neuron. false Crack cocaine is typically more addictive than powdered cocaine. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Close to a half a million people die from cigarette smoking each year. true People using e-cigarettes are less likely to start smoking tobacco cigarettes compared to people that have never tried e-cigarettes. false The rate of smoking cigarettes has been declining in the United States since the 1950s and 1960s. true Both cigarettes and e-cigarettes can cause harm to the cardiovascular system. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Dopamine increases during offensive aggression attacks. true Lesioning the amygdala will cause the reduction or elimination of offensive aggression. false Serotonin agonists can reduce offensive aggression behavior in rats. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Fats are large sources of energy (ATP) in the body outside of the central nervous system. True Fats are large sources of energy inside the central nervous system. false Glucose is the largest source of energy (ATP) inside the central nervous system. true The brain is good at storing glucose. false

Mark the following statements as true or false.

It is most common to form conditioned food aversion to familiar foods such as rice and potatoes. False If a person eats regularly at 6:00 PM, the hormone ghrelin will start to be released several minutes before 6:00 PM. true Classical conditioning can cause the increase in insulin release from the pancreas. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

People with alcohol use disorder can die while going through withdrawal. true Alcohol use disorder is diagnosed about as often in women as in men. false Consuming alcohol, especially to excess, increases a person's risk for getting cancer. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Testosterone is needed for the Müllerian system to develop. false The Wolffian system will develop into the male internal reproductive system. true Testosterone is a type of androgen. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Using neuroimaging techniques, researchers found that the brains of people taking LSD show more "unified" activity. Areas of the brain that are not normally active together became active at the same time. true Hallucinogens are considered to be highly addictive, as they are direct dopamine agonists. false Dissociative hallucinogens are glutamate antagonists. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

We tend to eat more when there is a greater variety of food and flavors. true We tend to eat more food when the flavors are familiar. true Women tend to eat more around other women and less around men. true Men eat more around other men and less around women. false

Mark the following statements as true or false.

While overdose to opioids showed a tremendous increase between 2011 and 2016, overdose due to methamphetamine declined during that time period. false Habitual use of methamphetamine is associated with liver disease and damage to the pancreas. false A form of amphetamine is used to treat people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

Withdrawal from sugar affects endogenous opioids. true The average American today eats roughly 17 times the amount of sugar the average American ate in 1822. true Excess sugar in the body is converted into fats. true Rats would rather press a lever to get sugar than press a lever to get cocaine. true

Mark the following statements as true or false.

+Klinefelter syndrome -smaller testicles -weak muscles -more common of the two disorders +XYY (Jacob's) syndrome: -more acne -a bit taller than average

Mark whether the characteristics below are associated with XYY (Jacob's) syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome.

esophagus: Connects mouth to the stomach large intestine (colon): Reabsorbs water small intestine: absorbs nutrients into the blood stomach: contains hydrochloric acid

Match each anatomical part of the digestive system with one of its functions

+THC -binds to CB1 receptors -is associated with the euphoric feeling of being high -elevates dopamine in the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens +CBD -is in high concentration in a strain of marijuana called Charlotte's Web

Match each characteristic with its cannabinoid.

CREB: causes a decrease in pleasurable feelings from taking a drug1 ΔFosB: causes long-term sensitization (learning) to drugs and drug-related stimuli2

Match each chemical with what its role is in drug addiction

Jacob's syndrome: XYY1 Klinefelter syndrome: XXY2 Turner syndrome: XO

Match each disorder with its sex chromosome configuration.

asexuality: attracted to neither sex heterosexuality: attracted to someone of the opposite sex homosexuality: attracted to someone of the same sex bisexuality: Attracted to both sexes

Match each sexual orientation with its description.

semantic memory: medial and inferior temporal lobe1 episodic memory: precuneus2 spatial memory: hippocampus3

Match each type of memory with the brain structure thought to be heavily involved in storing or retrieving that type of memory.

+Posterior pituitary gland: -axons from the hypothalamus terminate here -releases oxytocin and vasopressin +Anterior pituitary gland: -creates and releases its own hormones

Match the description with either the anterior or posterior pituitary gland.

mania: bipolar I disorder hypomania: bipolar II disorder

Match the symptom with the disorder.

neurofibrillary tangles: inside the neuron beta-amyloid plaque: outside of the neuron

Match the two factors that contribute to Alzheimer's disease to whether they are found inside or outside of the neuron.


Most drugs that result in addiction or abuse increase _______________ in specific areas of the brain.


Nicotine acts as an agonist to acetylcholine (ACh) by binding directly to ACh receptors.

electroconvulsive therapy

Of the following treatments for major depressive disorder, which one works the quickest to relieve symptoms?

Anxiety disorders

Of the following, which is the most common type of neuropsychiatric disorders in the United States?

depression Parkinson's disease autism spectrum disorder

Problems with gut bacteria are linked to which of the following disorders? Select all that apply.


Opioids increase dopamine in the ventral tegmentum and nucleus accumbens by inhibiting _______________ interneurons.

the acidity (Ph) in the brain

Panic attacks may be initiated by _______________ in people with panic disorder (PD).

the Schachter-Singer Two-Factor theory of emotion

Participants in a research study were given a shot of adrenaline (which caused an increase in heart rate) but were told it was a vitamin that would produce no bodily response. When the participants were then put in a room with a happy person, they interpreted their racing heart as the fact they themselves were happy. But when put in a room with an angry person, the participants reported being angry. Which theory does this experiment support?

Auditory hallucination

Positive symptom of schizophrenia

being injected with vasopressin and exposed to females

Prairie voles like to pair-bond with other prairie voles, while montane voles do not like to pair-bond. Which of the following would cause a male montane vole to want to pair-bond with a female vole?


Problems with executive functioning, verbal fluency, and working memory are _______________ symptoms of schizophrenia.

1. strong depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron occurs 2. Ca++ enters the postsynaptic neuron through open NMDA receptors 3. CREB proteins facilitate gene transcription 4. More dendritic spines formed

Put the following in order of occurrence during long-term potentiation (LTP). (Note: these are not the only things that happen in LTP.)

spontaneous recovery.

Rachel has a phobia of spiders. She is presented with a picture of a spider in a safe environment until she no longer shows a fear response. Then she is shown a live spider until she shows no fear response. This is a process of extinction of a conditioned fear response to a spider. However, a week later she shows fear again when she sees the picture of a spider. This is an example of

Alzheimer's disease

Select the disease(s) that have shown an increase in the rate of occurrence since the year 2000.

steroid hormones simple amino acid-derived hormones protein and peptide hormones

Select the three classes of hormones.

+Psychedelic -LSD -psilocybin (magic mushrooms) -ayahuasca +Dissociative hallucinogen -ketamine -PCP

Select whether each drug is considered a psychedelic or a dissociative hallucinogen.


Sensitization is a decline in a response to a non-threatening stimulus.

delirium tremens (DTs).

Someone going through alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) may show confusion, auditory hallucinations, and hyperactivity of the autonomic nervous system. These are symptoms of


Someone with a disorder that involves trouble with emotions is said to have a(n) _______________ disorder.


Someone with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) has which of the following sex chromosome configurations?

an associative connection between the sound of the whistle and the action of jumping through the hoop

Stephanie works as a dolphin trainer. When she blows a whistle, the dolphin jumps through a hoop and then swims back to get a fish reward. According to Thorndike's theoretical law of effect, what causes the dolphin to jump through the hoop?

excessive blood loss vomiting and diarrhea

Which of the following are causes of hypovolemic thirst? Select all that apply.


The German company Bayer began marketing diamorphine (a more potent version of morphine) in the early part of the 20th century and marketed it under the name


The __________ study has shown that experiencing stressful events or chronic stress as a child can lead to several problems as an adult, including increased risks of cancer, heart disease, depression, anxiety, and substance use disorder.


The ____________ gene codes for the production of testis-determining factor.


The _______________ amygdala is responsible for sending information about fear to other areas of the brain, such as the PAG, the hypothalamus, and the locus coeruleus.


The _______________ contains many nuclei that monitor the blood and help regulate homeostasis.


The _______________ theory of addiction says that the mesotelencephalic dopamine system becomes hyperreactive to drugs and the stimuli associated with the drug. For example, someone addicted to alcohol would start craving a drink if they saw a beer bottle.

The median eminences do not have the blood-brain barrier, which typically blocks large molecules from entering the brain. So, the arcuate nucleus has good access to the levels of chemicals such as glucose flowing through the blood.

The arcuate nucleus lies close to the median eminences. Why would that be important?

do-it-again center.

The best way to think about the mesotelencephalic dopamine system is as the brain's


The db/db mouse and the ob/ob mouse had problems with the hormone

there is an overactivation of dopamine receptors, especially D2 receptors.

The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia proposes that


The emotions of fear and aggression produce different behaviors and are the product of different brain systems.

long-term potentiation.

The physiological mechanism of Hebb's rule is


The process of converting short-term to long-term memory is called

classical conditioning

The reason some people addicted to drugs tend to overdose in unfamiliar environments is due to

the type of environment that one lives in contributes heavily to addiction.

The results of the "rat park" study demonstrated that

emotions and decision making

The somatic marker hypothesis is most associated with


The testes secrete anti-Müllerian hormone.

detecting sex pheromones.

The vomeronasal organ is involved in


Tickling rats is given in the book as an example of research on positive emotions.

bipolar affective disorder (BPAD)

To better understand the neurology of a specific neuropsychiatric disorder, the international collaboration group called ENIGMA has conducted a meta-analysis of MRI recordings of 2,447 people diagnosed with _____________ compared to health controls.

weakened immune system weight gain

What are some known side effects of taking clozapine? Select all that apply.

energy metabolism (e.g., sugar regulation) regulation of reproduction, pregnancy, and lactation osmoregulation and blood pressure controlling body temperature response to stress

What are the functions served by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland? Select all that apply.

pituitary gland

What does the P stand for in the HPA axis?

substance use disorder (SUD)

What is the clinical name for the disorder where someone takes drugs to the point where it harms the person's health, emotional state, personal relationships, or productivity?

at the top of the list.

When tracking statistics on how certain drugs harm people and society, alcohol typically ranks

neurons in the arcuate nucleus

Where would one find cells that have neuropeptide Y (NPY)?

Many disorders share symptoms. The symptoms of most disorders are on a spectrum of severity. People diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders are stigmatized by society in ways that people with other disorders like cancer or heart disease are not. The development, symptoms, and progression of disorders are likely a product of genetics, epigenetics, and environmental factors. Scientists still have a great deal to learn about the causes and progression of disorders. In addition, there is still a great deal of work to do on understanding effective treatments for disorders.

Which are fundamental principles when discussing neuropsychiatric disorders? Select all that apply.

infertile unless given help through fertility treatments webbed neck shorter in stature female

Which characteristics are associated with Turner syndrome? Select all that apply.

Emotions such as anger and aggression can still be shown in a cat even after the cerebral cortex is removed. Different emotions may produce very similar physiological responses.

Which of the following are criticisms of the James-Lange theory of emotion? Select all that apply

Treat yourself on occassion, but don't buy treats in bulk. Reduce stress. Don't lose more than 1-2 pounds per week.

Which of the following are helpful suggestions the textbook provides for ways to lose weight and keep it off? Select all that apply.

cardiac disease type 2 diabetes high blood pressure sleep apnea

Which of the following are increased risks for someone who is obese? Select all that apply.

increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases damage to the hippocampus, affecting cognitive performance worsening symptoms of autoimmune diseases

Which of the following are possible problems associated with experiencing chronic stress? Select all that apply.

the person being born in the winter as compared to being born in the summer the father of the person being older at the time of conception the person's identical twin being diagnosed with schizophrenia

Which of the following are risk factors or contributors to the likelihood of a person developing schizophrenia? Select all that apply.

sadness disgust surprise anger fear happiness

Which of the following are the six basic and universal emotions according to Paul Ekman?

Amphetamines can act as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. The habitual use of methamphetamine can cause a reduction in dopamine transporters. In addition to dopamine, amphetamine can also act as an agonist for norepinephrine and serotonin.

Which of the following are true about amphetamine and methamphetamine? Select all that apply.

endorphins dynorphins enkephalins

Which of the following are types of endogenous opioids? Select all that apply.

the arcuate nucleus the lateral hypothalamus the ventromedial hypothalamus

Which of the following areas have glucose-sensing neurons? Select all that apply.

cocaine methamphetamine Ritalin

Which of the following drugs are considered psychostimulants? Select all that apply.

MAOIs tricyclics SNRIs SSRIs

Which of the following groups of antidepressants increase serotonin levels in the synapse? Select all that apply.

the fact that withdrawal symptoms often get worse the more times one goes through withdrawal

Which of the following is an example of kindling?

A female bird is attracted to the dances and song of a male bird and so chooses to mate with him.

Which of the following is an example of sexual selection?

A man feels an incredible attraction for a woman after they both ride a roller coaster together.

Which of the following is an example of the misattribution effect?

the HPA axis

Which of the following is thought to be overactive in someone with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

Losing weight causes a rapid drop in resting metabolism. The lipostatic and weight set-point theory applies. When we go off the diet, we tend to binge on foods we crave—the "what the hell effect."

Which of the following reasons does the textbook discuss for why crash diets (where someone loses weight rapidly) end up not working well in the long run? Select all that apply.

Joseph LeDoux

Which of the following scientists is best known for his research on the amygdala and fear?

a difficult time making decisions or choices

Which of the following would be a result of damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex?

sweaty palms just after making a bad decision

Which of the following would be considered a somatic marker?

the death of a family pet putting your foot in ice-cold water taking a difficult exam going without water for 20 hours

Which of the following would be considered a stressor? Select all that apply.

an increase in the release of alpha-amylase in the mouth adrenaline released from the adrenal medulla an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity

Which reactions would be involved in the fast stress response? Select all that apply.

I see a spider. My heart races, and this physiological response causes me to feel scared.

Which scenario below best describes the James-Lange theory of emotion?

Charles Darwin Paul Ekman

Which scientists looked for similar expression of emotions across cultures? Select all that apply


Which structure gets a signal from the amygdala and then causes a fight/attack/freezing behavior

the interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3)

Which structure in humans is thought to be analogous to the sexual-dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus (SDN-POA) in rats?

dorsal striatum

While the ventral tegmental area and the nucleus accumbens play a large role in drug addiction, the _______________ is also essential in the fact that stimulus-induced cravings for a drug can last for a long time because this structure facilitates the learned association between a drug and the stimulus associated with the drug. This learning can last a long time.


Who conceptualized emotions as categories on a wheel, with polar opposite emotions being across from each other and other emotions being a blend of primary emotions?

Eric Kandel

Who won a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2000 for his work on the biology of learning?


Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) as men.


Work with the biology of learning in Aplysia found that habituation was primarily due to a reduction in __________ activity over time at the presynaptic neuron.


__________ proteins stabilize microtubules inside the neuron. When these proteins change their structure, they begin to clump together, killing the neurons in someone with Alzheimer's disease.

Tardive dyskinesia

______________ is the uncontrollable muscle twitching that is often produced as a side effect to taking antipsychotic medication.


_______________ , a synthetic form of an opioid, is extremely powerful and has been linked to many overdoses.


_______________ causes a decrease in the pleasurable feelings of a drug over repeated use.

Neural plasticity

_______________ is the idea that neurons are constantly changing with experiences, such as increasing or decreasing dendritic spines, axonal branching, and receptors


_______________ is when someone needs to take more of a drug to experience the same effect.

Na+ (sodium)

what enters the AMPA receptors when they are open?


what is thought tp be homologous in humans to the rat's SDN-POA


what protein is associated with Alzheimer's disease

nucleus accumbens

which structure receives info from the ventral tegmental area and is sensitive to dopamine agonist?

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