Ch 12

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Which of these groups accounted for the largest percentage of the white population in the mid-nineteenth-century Cotton South?

Tenant farmers and day laborers

Which factor led to planters' need to smuggle slaves into the country rather than import them legally?

Congressional legislation

Which of these statements describes the planter aristocrats who lived in the cotton-growing regions of the South in the mid-nineteenth century?

Aristocratic planters took the lead in defending slavery as a benevolent social system.

How did planters attempt to resolve a labor crisis in the cotton South in the early nineteenth century?

By buying domestic slaves from the Chesapeake region

Which of the following were core institutions for African American society in the mid-nineteenth-century South?

Church and family

By 1860, the majority of African Americans lived and worked as slaves in which of the following regions?

Deep South

Which of the following attributes of American society did the planter aristocracy in the South value highly in the mid-nineteenth century?


Many African American slaves who converted to Christianity compared themselves to which of the following groups?


Which of the following methods was a highly uncommon form of slave resistance in the slave South?

Large-scale uprisings

Why did a labor crisis develop in the Cotton South in the first few decades of the 1800s?

Planters heading west needed many new slaves to clear, plant, and harvest the land.

Which of the following statements characterizes African American marriage customs in the slave South?

Slave couples often followed the African custom of "jumping the broom" to signify their union.

The notion of slavery as a "necessary evil" and a "positive good" was supported by which idea?

Slavery allowed a civilized lifestyle for whites and cares for genetically inferior blacks.

Which of the following statements was true of the American South in 1860?

The vast majority of slaves live in the Upper South.

Children born in slave communities in the nineteenth-century South often shared which of these characteristics?

They were named after family members.

Which of the following statements describes the class of propertyless whites living in the South in the mid-nineteenth century?

They worked hard physical jobs as day laborers and enjoyed little respect from other whites.

What prevented white southerners from working to diversity their economy in the nineteenth century?

Wealthy planters believed that the plantation economy would continue to produce wealth indefinitely.

In the nineteenth-century South, free blacks lived primarily

in the coastal cities and the Upper South.

The domestic slave trade affected the African American family unit before 1865 by

separating family members through sale and trade.

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