Ch. 12 muscular analysis of selected exercises and related concepts

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accurate statement about push-up exercise. Multiple choice question.

It is a total body exercise.

Identify an accurate statement about the SAID (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands) principle. Multiple choice question.

It is applicable in every form of muscle training.

In _____ exercise, the subject is in a standing position, the dumbbell is held in the hand with the palm to the front. The dumbbell is lifted until the elbow is completely flexed and then is returned to the starting position.

arm curl

During triceps extension exercise, both the shoulder joint and the shoulder girdle muscles _____.

contract isometrically to stabilize the area

Depending on the activity, aggregate muscle groups can function to control the exact opposite actions by _____.

contracting eccentrically

They are an effective way to build and maintain muscular strength in a limited range of motion.

isometric exercises.

During arm curl exercise, many of the muscles of both the shoulder and the shoulder girdle are _____. Multiple choice question.

isometrically acting as stabilizers

An exercise technique called _____ is a type of muscular activity in which there is contraction of muscle groups with little or no muscle shortening.


During the _____ exercise, the subject reaches up and grasps a horizontal bar from a sitting position, pulls down the bar to a position below the chin, and then returns the bar slowly to the starting position. Multiple choice question.

latissimus pull

The _____________ principle states that, within appropriate parameters, a muscle or muscle group increases in strength indirect


Due to the minimal amount of movement in the _____ phase of the movements involved in sport skills, the majority of the joint position maintenance throughout the body will be accomplished through isometric contractions.


The _____ phase of the movements involved in sport skills allows an athlete to assume a comfortable and appropriately balanced body position from which to initiate the sport skill.


Motion at one joint does not require motion at other joints in the chain

.open kinetic chain activities.

What is the first movement for analysis in the rowing exercise?

Arm pull to chest/leg push to extend knees and hip phase

In abdominal curl-ups, what is the action performed by the trunk and hip during the rotating to right/left phase?

Right lumbar rotation

The _____ principle states that the body will gradually, over time, adapt very specifically to the various stresses and overloads to which it is subjected. Multiple choice question.

SAID (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands)

What does the open kinetic chain allow for ?

- allows any 1 -joint in extremity to move or function separately without necessitating the movement of other joints in the extremity

Define open kinetic chain

- when the distal end of the extremity is not fixed to a relatively stable surface.

Match the two phases of the rowing exercise with the corresponding actions performed by the shoulder girdle during these phases 1. The return phase to starting position 2. The arm pull/leg push phase

1. ABduction, upward rotation, and elevation 2. ADduction, downward rotation and depression

alternating prone extensions actions performed during the lowering phase to relaxed position 1. shoulder 2. shoulder girdle 3. tunk and hip

1. Extension 2. abduction 3. flexion

Match the following joints involved in abdominal curl-ups with the actions they perform during the rotating to right/left phase. 1. cervical spine 2. trunk 3. hip

1. Maintenance of cervical flexion 2. Right lumbar rotation 3. Maintenance of hip flexion

Match the joints involved in alternating prone extensions with the actions performed during the lifting phase to raise upper and lower extremities. 1. Shoulder 2. shoulder girdle 3. trunk and hip

1. flexion 2. adduction 3. extension

What is the first phase for analysis in a squat exercise?

1. the lowering phase into squat position 2. lifting phase to starting position

The abdominal curl-up exercise is divided into four phases for analysis. Identify the second phase.

1. trunk flexion phase 2. The rotating to right/left phase 3. return phase to curl-up position 4. return phase to starting position

In the context of latissimus pull exercises, identify the true statements about how the width of the grip on the horizontal bar affects the shoulder actions. (Check all that apply.)

A narrow grip allows for more glenohumeral extension. A wider grip requires more abduction.

In a dead lift exercise, what is the action performed by the hip and knee joints during the lifting phase to hip/knee extended position?


In abdominal curl-ups, what is the action performed by the cervical spine, trunk, and hip during the return phase to starting position?


True or false: The chin-up exercise is an open kinetic chain exercise.


During dead lift exercise, what is the action performed by the wrist and hand joints?


In squat exercise, what is the action performed by the hip and knee in the lowering phase to squatted position?


What would happen if the prime focus of one's strengthening exercises is just on bench press, overhead press, and biceps curl?

It can lead to an overdevelopment of anterior upper extremity muscles.

Identify the true statements about the Valsalva maneuver. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question.

It causes a dramatic increase in blood pressure followed by an equally dramatic drop in blood pressure. It can cause lightheadedness and fainting.

What is the first phase for analysis in dead lift exercise?

Lifting phase to the hip extended/knee extended position

During dead lift exercise, what is the action performed by the trunk joint?

Maintenance of extension

How is Open kinetic chain not very functional?

Most P.A. particularly for lower extremity, requires multiple-joint activity involving numerous muscle groups simultaneously.

T/F with open kinetic chain, motion at one joint does not require motion at other joints in the chain.


Which of the following is accomplished by exhaling against a closed epiglottis?

The Valsalva maneuver

context of the overload principle? Multiple choice question.

The amount of overload must be adjusted to match the specific needs of the individual.

True or false: In barbell press exercise, the barbell is held in a position high in front of the chest, with palms facing forward, feet comfortably straight, and back and legs straight. From this position, the barbell is pushed upward until fully overhead, and then it is returned to the starting position.

This is true. In the barbell press exercise, which is an open kinetic chain exercise, the barbell is held in a position high in front of the chest, with palms facing forward, feet comfortably straight, and back and legs straight. From this position, the barbell is pushed upward until fully overhead, and then it is returned to the starting position. This exercise is also referred to as the overhead or military press.

True or false: The specific needs of an individual must be addressed when designing an exercise program.

This is true. The specific needs of an individual must be addressed when designing an exercise program because the components of physical fitness are not general body types but are specific to each body area and muscle group.

In the _________________________________exercise, the participant contracts the muscles in the anterior abdominal region as strongly as possible, with no movement of the trunk or hips.

abdominal contraction

Muscles are usually grouped according to their concentric function and work in paired opposition to an antagonistic group. This is known as ____________________grouping.

aggregate muscle group

In shoulder pull exercise, _____ are the muscle groups contracting to produce a movement.


In _____, a participant lies in a prone position, facedown, with the shoulders fully flexed in a relaxed position lying in front of the body. The head, upper trunk, right upper extremity, and left lower extremity are raised from the floor.

alternating prone extensions

They involve a lifting phase to raise the right upper extremity off the surface and raise the left lower extremity off the floor.

alternating prone extensions.

Strengthening exercises, such as bench press, overhead press, and biceps curl, concentrate primarily on the muscles of the _____.

anterior upper extremity

The chest press exercise is also known as the _____.

bench press

What is beneficial about the open kinetic chain?

beneficial in isolating a particular joint to concentrate on specific muscle groups

In _____ exercise, the subject lies on the exercise bench in the supine position, grasps the barbell, and presses the weight upward through the full range of arm and shoulder movement.

chest press

In the _____ exercise, the subject grasps a horizontal bar with the palms away from the face, and from a hanging position on the bar, the subject pulls up until the chin is over the bar and then returns to the starting position.


In the _____ exercise, the participant begins in hip/knee flexed and ankle dorsiflexed position, keeping the arms, legs, and back straight, and grasps the barbell on the floor. Then a movement to the standing position is made by extending the hips.

dead lift

During _____ exercise, the subject is kneeling on a bench so that the contralateral arm supports the body, and the involved arm holding the dumbbell is free from contact with the floor. The subject adducts the shoulder girdle and horizontally abducts the shoulder joint.

dumbbell bent-over row

aggregate muscle grouping activity ex.

elbow flexors work together as an agonist group to cause flexion in opposition to the triceps brachii and ancones or elbow extensors

During squat exercise, what is the action performed by the hip and knee in the "lifting phase to starting position" phase?


Which of the following actions is performed by the knee, hip, trunk, and shoulder joints during the arm pull/leg push phase of the rowing exercise?


True or false: In the abdominal contraction exercise, the shorter the contraction in seconds, the more valuable the exercise will be

false. In the abdominal contraction exercise, the longer the contraction in seconds, the more valuable the exercise will be, to a degree.

True or false: The chin-up exercise is an open kinetic chain exercise.

false. The chin-up exercise is a closed kinetic chain exercise.

Barbell press is also referred to as _____.

military press

If the distal end of the extremity is not fixed to a relatively stable surface, the extremity represents a(n) _______________________________________chain.

open kinetic

In what type of chain is the core of of the body and the proximal segment are stabilized while the distal segment is free to move in space though a single plane?

open kinetic chain

Dumbbell bent-over row is also referred to as _____.

prone row

In _____ exercise, in a standing or sitting position, the subject interlocks the fingers in front of the chest and then attempts to pull them apart and maintains this contraction for 5 to 20 seconds.

shoulder pull

The components of physical fitness are _____.

specific to each body area and muscle group

During _____, the participant places a barbell on the shoulders behind the neck and grasps it with the palms forward. The participant squats down, flexing the hips while keeping the spine in normal alignment, until the thighs are parallel to the floor.



the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function that comes with aging

In _____ exercise, the subject may use the opposite hand to assist in maintaining the arm in a shoulder-flexed position. Then, grasping the dumbbell and beginning in full elbow flexion, the subject extends the elbow until the arm and forearm are straight. Multiple choice question.

triceps extension

through increasing our muscle mass, we burn more calories and are less likely to gain excess fat. What does this mean?

you can burn more calories if you add 1lb of muscle siting on the couch vs doing cardio for 1-2hrs.

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