Ch 13 Restoration Ecology

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To apply techniques to discourage or reduce undesired organisms and favor desired species


How does the massive ground trampling that bison herds accomplish affect prairie restoration?

It disturbs the ground and provides habitat for pioneer species.

Almost completely deforested after World War ll, this country can now boast that it is 60% forest-covered.


This state has nearly 40% of the remaining coastal wetlands in the United States.


Which of the following statements correctly describe American prairies?

They once covered most of the middle third of what is now the U.S. Their extensive root systems can form a dense sod. There are different types, including tallgrass and shortgrass

T/F: Floods threatening wealthy coastal cities triggered a demand for shunthing of rivers in the Florida Everglades ecosystem to bring water out to sea.


T/F: The goal of restoration is to return a biological community to its predisturbance structure and function


In addition to fire, the reintroduction of _________, which are large grazing animals, was done in the early 1990's at the Tallgrass Prairie Ecological Research Station in Oklahoma, in an effort to protect and restore the eastern Great Plain ecosystem.


The use of the fire restore to rare oak savanna ecosystems is best done by __________.

burning in intermediate time intervals, allowing young oaks to become established

Coastal wetlands in New Orleans provide important protection to the shoreline during hurricanes but have been lost due to _______ for navigation and oil exploration.


Coarse woody debris can be used to _________ in a stream.

create fish habitat

Often prohibiting __________ activities, such as agriculture, logging, or mining, can be enough to allow nature to heal itself.


Not only did the Kenyan Green Belt Movement inspire the United Nation's billion-tree campaign, it also __________ while improving environmental, social and economic conditions.

empowered women

Planting trees is effective in __________ (select all that apply.)

empowering women involved in the Kenyan Green Belt Movement providing food and fodder controlling erosion improving air quality

One method of treating land that is severely contaminated with organic pollutants is ____________.

excavate and incinerate the soil

Bioremediation is considered to be a(n) ___________.

growing and useful strategy to eliminate toxins from the soil

In Sequoia National Park, rangers have recently recognized that fire suppression _________.

has negatively affected forests

Testing of a scientific ________, or idea, is and important component of many restoration projects.


Intensive management, such as removal of ________ species and planting of native species, may also need to be done.


Severe degradation of a site may lead to an ecosystem condition that is known as a threshold of _______ resulting in a barren site.


The original prairies of the Great Plains have now almost entirely disappeared, having been converted to "the agricultural crops of soybeans and _______"


The process of wetland ________, or replacing a damaged wetland with a substitute, does not require that developers replant or restore th ________ species.

mitigation; native

Allowing fresh _____ to escape the levee system in New Orleans allows for the rebuilding of marshes and wetlands, and encourages the growth of vegetation. This also reduces the intrusion of saltwater up the river.

muddy water

Invasion by exotic species coupled with physical changes by human actions can sometimes bring about a state called a(n) ____________ ecosystem.


Prairie _______ are small, shallow ponds and grassy wetlands that once spread across the prairies from Alberta to Kansas.


Using intense physical or chemical methods to clean and repair severely degraded sites, which today means repairing land damaged by human activities, is ________.


Wetland mitigation refers to the process of _______.

replacing a damaged wetland with a substitute

A strict definition of ecological ________ would be to return biological community, as nearly as possible, to a pristine state.


An oak _______ is a forest with scattered "open-grown" trees where the canopy covers 10 to 50 percent of the area.


Diversion of river ______ that once replenished the coastal marshes and swamps of Louisiana, along with channels and boat wakes, are causing the Gulf shoreline to retreat about 4 m per year.


Many cities have found that artificial wetlands provide a low-cost way to filter and treat _______ effluent.


Prairie potholes are _________. (these potholes were important to migrating birds and mediated flooding)

shallow ponds and grassy wetlands that once spread from Alberta to Kansas

Physical stressors to an ecosystem that are removed or corrected first in restoration projects typically include __________.

water flow, vehicle traffic and pollutants

Rank the five components of restoration projects in order of occurrence , placing the first step of the process on the top.

1. Removal of physical stressors 2. Control of invasive species 3. Replanting 4. Captive breeding and reintroduction of fauna 5. Monitoring

______ plays a crucial role for prairie restoration by killing many weedy species as well as removing nutrients, which gives native grasses that are adapted to low-nitrogen soils an advantage


___________ __________, the first head of the U.SS Forest Service, recognized that the destruction of forest was unsustainable.

Gifford Pinchot

Restoration relies on inputs from scientific fields such as _________.

Hydrology geology ecology

_________ replaces a degraded or destroyed site with one of more or less equal value somewhere else


refers to relative abundance of native species as opposed to a non-native or alien species.

NARI (Natural Area Rating Index)

Which of the following statements describes the correct relationship between plantation and natural forests?

Natural forests have more diversity.

There are two competing approaches to saving prairies: with people or without them. The ________ project works with ranchers to protect prairie dogs and sage grouse on land that is still being used to graze cattle, whereas the _________ project bought land from ranchers and plans to set aside the land as nature reserve.

Nature Conservancy; American Prairie Foundation

Which of the following has been shown to improve air quality, reduce global warming, control erosion, provide fodder, and beautify cities?

Planting trees

_________ burning refers to setting fires under carefully controlled conditions to remove brush and flammable material from a forest or grassland.


To create an entirely new ecosystem on a severely degraded site


To rebuild a community to useful, functioning state


To cleam chemical contaminants from a polluted area


This country will focus on safeguarding the nation's rich wildlife, an important tourist attraction, to help restore its degraded forests, soil, water, and wildlife.


Where does the water come from that irrigates the crops of the middle, or mixed grass section of the Great Plains?

The Ogallala Aquifer

Building on the policies of Gifford Pinchot, lumber companies in this country now replant forests they harvest.

The United States

____________ act as water purification systems, removing slit and toxins.


Bioremediation is a growing strategy that uses living things, especially plants or ________, to selectively eliminate toxins from soil or groundwater.


The first step in conservation and ecological restoration is to _________ whatever is causing the damage.


The Greta Plains once were covered in different types of prairies, starting in the east with savanna, then moving to _______ prairie, mixedgrass prairie, and ending with ________ to the west.

tallgrass, shortgrass

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