Ch. 16-17: Unit 3 Test

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What would be the best title for this photograph taken in late 1914? (Photo of soldiers and women)

"If War Comes, We're Ready!"

Which date belongs in the blank cell on this chart? (Battles Fought in WW1 Chart)


This passage describes a key moment in "It started as a chance observation. My only merit is that I did not neglect the observation and that I pursue the subject as a bacteriologist"

Alexander Fleming's discovery of the first antibiotic.

In stating this goal, Wilson was seeking an end to agreements such as the "There shall be no private international understanding of any kind but instead diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view."- Woodrow Wilson, The Fourteen Points

Allied promise to give Italy some Austrian lands.

A consequence of Germany promising Austria a "blank check" was that

Austria sent Serbia an ultimatum to end all anti-Austrian agitation.

This photograph shows the event that launched the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937-38. In what city was the picture taken? (soldiers playing drums)


What was one immediate effect of the event shown in this painting? (photo of natives dying)

Demands for complete independence increased in India.

What was the main significance of flappers in the 1920s?

Flappers symbolized a postwar rejection of traditional values and attitudes.

The attitude expressed in this quotation most closely aligns with the goals of... "If you woke up one morning and found that somebody had come to your house, and had declared that house belonged to him, you would naturally be surprised, and you would like to know by what arrangement."- Jomo Kenyatta

Garvey's African Nationalism.

Which sentence completes this chart? (Settlements of Peace Conferences)

Germany was forced to assume complete responsibility for financial reparations.

How did Mao Zedong differ from earlier Chinese Communists?

He believed that the Communists should seek support among the large peasant masses.

Which measure did Lenin adopt in trying to achieve the promise made in the following quote? "We shall now occupy ourselves in Russia in building up a proletarian socialist state."-Lenin

He ended private ownership of land and distributed land to peasants.

How did Einstein's theories challenge accepted views of the universe?

He proposed that measurements of time and space were relative rather than fixed.

Which statement best describes Lenin's contribution to the creation of the Soviet Union?

He provided the new state with political and ideological leadership.

Which statement best describes Sun Yixian's role in the development of modern China?

He set goals for a modern democratic nation that were never fully achieved.

Based on this quotation, what conclusion can you draw about the author? "What with the political monopoly, the Cheka and the Red Army, all that now existed of the 'Commune-State' of our dreams was a theoretical myth."-Victor Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary

He was a Marxist who became disillusioned with the repressive policies of the Soviet government.

How did the man shown in this photograph contribute to the outbreak of the February revolution in Russia? (photo of Man raising his hand)

His influence over the Tsarina weakened faith in the government.

What was one reason the February revolution in Russia was less successful than the October revolution?

It did not affect Russia's commitment to World War I.

Which country fills in the blank space on this chart? (European Alliance B4 WW1 Chart)


Which statement is best supported by the information given on this map?

Japan looked to China for natural resources it lacked.

Which conclusion is best supported by this pie graph? (Land distributed in Mexico by President, 195-1940)

Lázaro Cárdenas gave twice as much land to peasants as the six presidents before him.

Why was the protest march shown here an example of civil disobedience? (photo of indians standing next to each other)

Marchers deliberately defied a laws passed by the colonial government.

The author and subject of this passage are most likely "The government of the day has passed a law which is applicable to me. I do not like it. If by using violence, I force the government to repeal the law, I am employing what may be termed body-force. If I do not obey the law, and accept the penalty for its breach, I use soul-force. It involves sacrifice of self."

Mohandas Gandhi describing civil disobedience.

Which of the following is a fact that supports the following statement? "By 1910, the dictator Porfirio Diaz, had ruled Mexico for almost 35 years, winning reelection as president again and again. On the surface, Mexico enjoyed peace and economic growth...However, underneath the surface, discontent rippled through Mexico."

Peasants in Mexico did not benefit from Mexico's economic growth.

Which statement describes a feature of "war communism" in Russia?

Peasants were forced to deliver their crops to feed the army and people in the cities.

Which phrase completes this chart? (Reasons for entering WW1 (July-August 1914))

Pledged to defend Belgium

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of "total war" in World War I?

Propaganda campaigns encouraged people to grow their own food.

What was the reason behind the incident described in this passage? "The second bullet struck the Archduke close to the heart. He uttered only one word, sofia,- a call to his stricken wife. Then his head fell back and he collapsed. He died almost instantly."-Borjove Jevtic, co-conspirator

Serbian nationalism

Which of the following was an unintended outcome of the passage of the Rowlatt Acts?

The Amritsar massacre took place.

What 1929 event helped spark the Great Depression?

The U.S. stock market crashed.

Why were posters like this one necessary to the U.S. war effort?

The United States entered the war late and had little time to mobilize.

What was one reason that the Great Depression spread quickly from the United States to other nations?

The United States tried to collect on war debts owed by France and England.

What was a primary feature of economic nationalization in Mexico?

The government took control of oil resources.

Based on the information in this map, what was one impact of the Ottoman empire joining the Central Powers? (The Ottoman Empire, 1914-1918)

The location of the Ottoman empire helped it to disrupt Allied supply lines.

Which statement completes this chart? (Events in the Russian Revolution)

The old Russian empire became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

How did Ottoman control of the Dardanelles and German submarine warfare in the Atlantic have a similar impact on World War I?

They both interfered with vital Allied supply lines.

Which statement best describes Western countries' attempts to end the Great Depression?

They developed programs that lessened suffering but did not solve all the problems.

Why did the soldiers mentioned in this statement choose to fight in World War I?

They expected that their service would be a step toward self-rule or independence.

What impact did rapid-fire machine guns have on the course of the war?

They helped prolong the stalemate because they made it difficult for troops to advance.

How did the Allies fight against German vessels like the one shown in this picture?

They organized convoys of merchant ships protected by warships.

Which of the following is the best example of how World War I was a total war?

Women took over many jobs in war industries.

What was the immediate result of the sinking of the British liner Lusitania by a German u-boat?

Woodrow Wilson threatened to cut diplomatic ties with Germany.

The careers of Miriam Ferguson and Nancy Astor provide evidence that, after World War I,

a number of women in the West enjoyed new opportunities.

What is one a reason for the staggering casualties that Russia suffered in World War I?

a poorly equipped army

By the 1930s, South Africa was

an independent nation with a strict policy of racial separation.

The Armenian refugees shown in this picture were fleeing from....

attempted genocide by the Ottoman Turks.

In September 1940, the Tripartite Pact created an alliance of...

authoritarian, expansionist states.

These soldiers are marching through Belgium in August 1914, an action that

brought Britain into the war.

The négritude movement in Africa had goals that were most similar to the goals of

cultural nationalism in Latin America.

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was designed to..

end wars between countries.

The image shown here could best be used to illustrate which of the following causes of World War I?

extreme nationalism

Which phrase best completes this chart?

famine and attacks by bandits

The British naval blockade of the North Sea contributed to

food shortages in Germany.

The major goal of the Pan-Slavic movement in Serbia was to

free Serbia from Austrian domination.

The naval rivalry between Germany and Britain was the direct result of

growing German imperialism in Africa.

The weapon described in this passage was primarily used "I suppose I resembled a kind of fish with my mouth open gasping for air. It seemed as if my lungs were gradually shutting down and my heart pounded away in my ears like the beat of a dream...To get air into my lungs was real agony."-William Pressey, quoted in People at War 1914-1918

in trench warfare.

Which type of military technology played the largest role in creating the long stalemate on the Western Front?

machine guns

Following World War I, western art generally became...

more abstract.

When he made this prediction, German chancellor Otto von Bismarck was most likely referring to.. "I shall not live to see the Great War, but you will see it, and it will start in the east."

nationalist and ethnic tensions in the Balkans.

The chief goal of the League of Nations was to

prevent future wars.

Which phrase belongs in the blank space on this table? (Table of Rise Of Nationalism)

radical reforms introduced by Mustafa Kemal

The goal of the poster below was to win support for a U.S. policy that (photo of Strengthen)

reduced U.S. intervention in Latin American political affairs.

This quotation, one of the Fourteen Points, reflects which goal of Woodrow Wilson? "The peoples of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity of autonomous development."


Based on the information in this quotation, for what "ideal" was Ferreira probably fighting? "I am glad to have fought in the same cause with Zapta.. and so many of my dear revolutionary friends who were left behind in the hills, their bones eaten by animals. I wasn't afraid. Just the opposite. I was glad. It's a beautiful thing to fight to realize an ideal." -Zeferino Diego Ferreira

social equality for peasants

This map includes information that shows the impact of

the Balfour Declaration.

In the long term, who benefited the most from the journey depicted by the red arrows in this map? (Map of Civil War in China, 1927-1936)

the Communists under Mao Zedong

Which of the following is the best example of how imperialism increase tensions in Europe in the years before World War I?

the Moroccan crisis of 1904

Who benefited most from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

the United States

Which situation shown on this map shaped Germany's military strategy in World War I? (European Alliances, 1914 Map)

the alliance between France and Russia

The "broad Executive power" that Roosevelt describes in this passaged led to.. "I shall ask the congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis-broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe."

the foundation of the New Deal.

In the above passage, a British woman criticizes which provision of the Treaty of Versailles? "Although they would no doubt have welcomed the idea of a league of Nations, Roland and Edward certainly had not died in order that Clemenceau should outwit Lloyd George, and both of them bamboozle President Wilson, and all three combine to make the beaten, blockade enemy pay the cost of the war."- Vera Brittain, Testament of Youth

the imposition of reparations on Germany

The passage below is an example of what theme common in western literature of the 1920s? "Our thought are clay, they are molded by the variation in the days-good, when we are in camp, and deadened when we are under fire."- Eruch Maria

the realities of the Great War

The above statement made by Tsarina Alexandra is evidence that "They are constantly frightening the emperor with threats of revolution, and here, - you see it yourself- we need merely to show yourself and at once their hearts are ours."

the royal family underestimated the growing discontent in Russia.

What was one of the chief goals of the Guomindang leader shown here? (Soldiers on Horses)

to end the domination of the warlords in China

These words reflect which of President Woodrow Wilson's war goals? "We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them."

to make the world safe for democracy

This passage describes the impact of.. "There were vast stretches of mud, of fields once cultivated, but now scarred with pits...rusty barbed wires. The roads were rivers of clay. They were lined with dugouts, cellars, and caves."-Richard Harding Davis, war correspondent.

trench warfare.

The military technology shown in this illustration was important in World War I because it allowed..(Photo of soldiers and a tank)

troops to attack targets more than 100 miles away.

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