Ch. 16
contingent liabilities
most loss contingencies are also called what? possible existence of liabilities
recognition of what either involves recognition of liability or reduction of asset?
income tax returns
substantive procedure for critical expense that cannot be verified in audit of balance sheet accounts; analysis of this requires schedules for officers' salaries, directors' fees, taxes, travel/entertainment, contributions, & casualty losses
extrapolation differences
type of likely misstatement; projected misstatements determined by use of sampling
comparative income statement
working paper that compares major income statement categories for the yr under audit w/ prior yr amounts and industry averages
Subsequent Event
An event occurring after the date of the balance sheet but prior to completion of the audit and issuance of the audit report
measurement of income
accountants generally agree this is the most important single function of accounting
payroll work
division of duties among (1) human resources, (2) timekeeping, (3) payroll prep and record keeping, and (4) distribution of pay to employees is the most important controls
representation letter
does NOT stand alone as evidence; purpose of this is for mngt to acknowledge they are primarily responsible for fairness of stmts
type 2 subsequent event
events do not require adjustments to dollar amounts in stmts, but should be disclosed in notes if otherwise would be misleading
Securities Act of 1933
extends auditors' responsibility in connection w/ registration of new securities w/ SEC to effective date of registration statement
extends the auditors' responsibility for disclosure through the later date for only specified item
financial statements should be this instead of understate financial position and operating results; FASB rejected conservatism bc it is inconsistent with this concept
for many companies, this is the largest operating cost; deserves close attention of mngt and auditors
most common loss contingency appearing on financial statements is that stemming from actual or potential ______
other information
no inconsistencies found in _____= auditors not required to reference, but can include an other-matter paragraph w/ opinion
analytical procedures
should be performed at end of audit; help auditors assess validity of conclusions reached (including opinion), identify areas that need further examination, provide consideration of info gather in response to unusual/unexpected relationships
accounts receivable sold or assigned with _____ guarantees collectability
unasserted claims
this should be on list of letter of inquiry if legal counsel has devoted substantive attention to it and (1) PROBABLE a claim will be asserted (2) REASONABLY POSSIBLE that loss will result
effective budgeting program
this will reduce the risk of material misstatement by providing info on expected expense amounts; more likely to find errors bc of discrepancy b/w budgeted and actual amounts; budgeting amounts provide auditors w/ good expected expense amounts
Letter of Inquiry of the Client's Lawyer
A letter sent by auditors to a client's legal counsel requesting a description and evaluation of pending or threatened litigation, unasserted claims, and other loss contingencies.
Disclosure Checklist
A list specific disclosures required by the FASB, the GASB, the FASAC, and the SEC that is used to evaluate the adequacy of the disclosures in a set of financial statements
Unasserted Claim
A possible legal claim of which no potential claimant has exhibited an awareness.
An accounting doctrine for asset valuation in which the lower of two alternative acceptable asset valuations is chosen
Rollover Approach
An approach to making materiality judgements that quantifies the total likely misstatement as of the current year-end based on the effects of reflecting misstatements (including projecting misstatements where appropriate) only during the current year
Iron Curtain Approach
An approach to making materiality judgments that quantifies the total likely misstatement as of the current year-end based on the effects of reflecting all misstatements (including projecting misstatements where appropriate) existing in the balance sheet at the end of the current year, irrespective of whether the misstatements occurred in the current year or previous years.
General Risk Contingency
An element of the business environment that involves some risk of a future loss. Examples include the risk of accident, strike, price fluctuations, or natural catastrophe. Not disclosed in the financial statements
Report Release Date
The date the auditors grant the client permission to use the audit report in connection with the financial statements. This is sometimes referred to as the date of issuance of the audit report
miscellaneous revenue
a mixture of minor items, some nonrecurring and others likely to be received at irregular internals
effective date
auditors' liability extended to _____; date of which securities may be sold to the public
contractual obligation to enter into transactions in the future; this obligation is closely related to contingent liabilities
Other Matter Paragraph
A paragraph included in the auditors' report that refers to a matter other than those presented or disclosed in the financial statements that, in the auditors' judgment, is relevant to users' understanding of the audit, the auditors' responsibilities, or the auditors' report
Emphasis of matter Paragraph
A paragraph included in the auditors; report that is required by GAAS or is included at the auditors' discretion, and the refers to a matter appropriately presented or disclosed in the financial statements that, in the auditor's judgment, is of such importance that it is fundamental to users; understanding of the financial statements
Contingent Liability
A possible liability, stemming form past events, that will be resolved as to existence and amount by some future event
Loss Contingency
A possible loss, stemming from past events, that will be resolved as to existence and amount by some future event. Disclosed in the notes to the financial statements if there is a reasonable possibility that a loss has been incurred. When they are considered probable and can be reasonable estimated, they should be accrued in the accounts
Representation Letter
A single letter or separate letters prepared by officers of the client company at that auditors' request setting forth certain representations about the company's financial position or operations
Other Information
Financial and nonfinancial information (other than the financial statements and the auditors' report thereon) that is included in a document containing audited financial statements and the auditors' report thereon but is not required by a designated accounting standards setter
Known misstatements
Specific misstatements identified by the auditors during the course of the audit
A contractual obligation to carry out a transaction at specified terms in the future. Material ones should be disclosed in the financial statements
A formal record of the issues discussed and actions taken in meetings of stockholders and the board of directors
pro forma financial statements
if subsequent event is so material this should be prepared, giving affect to events as if they had occurred as of balance sheet date
S-1 Review
Procedures carried out by auditors at the client company's facilities on or as close as practicable to the effective date of a registration statement filed under the Securities Act of 1933
lawyer's letter
letter to auditors in return to letter of inquiry of client's lawyer
required supplementary information
required to be presented as unaudited supplementary schedules accompanying finan stmts
type 1 subsequent event
requires that financial statements be adjusted to reflect changes in estimates resulting from additional evidence
this idea is central to loss contingency; relates to both amount of loss and if the loss has been incurred; resolved when future event does or does not occur
emphasis-of-matter paragraph
this is added to stmts with opinion to provide assurance on whether supplemental info is or is not fairly stated
loss contingencies
this is reflected in acct records when (1) info available prior to issuance of statements indicates PROBABLE a loss has been incurred before balance sheet date (2) amount of loss can be REASONABLY ESTIMATED
revenue accounts
this is verified by auditors in conjunction with the audit of a related asset or liability
professional fees analysis
this may disclose legal and audit fees properly chargeable to costs of issuing stock of debt instruments, or to costs of business combinations; furnishes names of attorneys to request letters to about pending litigation & other loss contingencies
Analytical Procedures
Evaluations of financial information made by a study of plausible relationships between financial and nonfinancial information
Supplementary Information
Information presented outside the basic financial statements, excluding required supplementary information, that is not considered necessary for the financial statements to be fairly presented in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. Such information may be presented in a document containing the audited financial statements or separate from the financial statements
Required supplementary information
Information that a designated accounting standards setter requires to accompany an entity's basic financial statements.
scrap sale
an item improperly included as miscellaneous revenue that its proceeds generally should be applied to reduce COGS
Likely misstatements
Misstatements identified by the auditors during the course of the audit that are due to either extrapolation from audit evidence or differences in accounting estimates
other information
if inconsistencies found in _____= (1) other-matter paragraph added w/ unmodified opinion (2) withholding auditors' report (3) withdrawing from engagement
general risk contingencies
in addition to loss contingencies and commitments, all businesses face risk of loss from numerous factors called what? loss that might occur in future; are not disclosed in stmts
accounting estimate differences
likely misstatements that are differences b/w management and auditors' judgment on estimates
payroll fraud
listing fictitious persons, overpaying employees, and continuing listing employees after they separated from the company
loss contingency
possible impairment of assets and possible existence of liabilities; stemmed from past events that will be resolved as to existence and amounts by some future event; possible loss
powerful force influencing decision of revenues and expenses; when applied to the income statement, this results in a low income number
letter of inquiry
sent by auditors to client's legal counsel requesting description and evaluation of pending or threatened litigation, unasserted claims, and other loss contingencies
loss contingencies
should be disclosed in a note to finan statements if ____ does not meet two conditions & there is at least a REASONABLE POSSIBILITY that loss has been incurred