Ch. 17 - Linked Lists Short Answer
How is the end of a linked list usually signified?
Usually the last node point to NULL(Address 0).
What does "traversing the list" mean?
It means traveling through the list.
What is a singly linked list? What is a doubly linked list? What is a circularly linked list?
Single - Each node is linked to a single other node. Double - Each node not only points to the next node, but also the previous one. Circular - The last node of the list points to the first node.
What are two steps required to delete a node from a linked list?
- Remove the node from the list without breaking the links created by the next pointers. - Delete the node from memory.
What advantage does a linked list have over the STL vector?
Linked lists advantage is the speed at which a node may be inserted into or deleted from the list.
What is a list head?
A pointer that usually points to the first node of the list.
What are some of the advantages that linked lists have over arrays?
- Linked List is a dynamic data structure which creates memory according to its requirement that is; it can change memory size at run time, so it has no memory loss. Array is a static data structure that is fixed in size and cannot change at run time, so it wastes memory. - Insertion and Deletion operations of linked lists are easier than array insertion and deletion. - It utilizes the memory in efficient manner, array wastes memory size.
What is a self-referential data structure?
A data structure that contains a pointer to an object of the same type as that being declared.
What is the advantage of using a template to implement a linked list?
A template can easily create and store any kind of data (or data structure) in linked lists.
What is the difference between appending a node and inserting a node?
Appending - Adding the node at the end of the list. Inserting - Adding a node to the list, not necessarily at the end.
Name five basic linked list operations.
Appending a node, traversing a node, inserting a node, deleting a node, destroying the list.
What type of linked list is the STL list container?
Doubly Linked List