Ch. 2
What are the seven tools of qulity?
1. Flow Chart 2. Control Chart 3. Check Sheet 4. Histogram 5. Pareto Diagram 6. Cause and Effect Diagram 7. Scatter Diagram
What four areas influence quality? (Dr. Ishikawa)
1. Market-in Quality 2. Worker Involvement 3. Quality Begins and Ends with Education 4. Selfless Personal Commitment
What are Crosby's five erroneous assumptions about quality
1. Quality means goodness, luxury or shininess 2. Quality is intangible and therefore not measurable 3. An economics of quality exists 4. Workers are the source of quality problems 5. Quality originates in the quality department.
What are Dr. Crosby's four absolutes of quality?
1.Quality Definition: Conformance to requirements 2.Quality System: Prevention of defects 3.Quality Performance Standard: Zero defects 4.Quality Measurement: Costs of quality
What is Dr. Demning's Second Point?
Adopt a new philosophy
What is Dr. Demning's Ninth point?
Break down barriers between departments.
What is Dr. Demning's Third Point?
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
What were the two causes Dr. Shewhart propose?
Common (Chance) Causes Special (Assignable) Causes
What is Dr. Demning's Fifth Point?
Constantly and forever improve the system of production and service.
What is Common (Chance) Causes?
Controlled variation that is present in a process due to the very nature of the process.
What is Dr. Demning's First Point?
Create a constancy of purpose
Who originated the plan, do, study, act cycle?
Dr. Shewhart
Who was the Father of Quality Management?
Dr. W. Edwards Deming
What is Dr. Demning's Eighth Point?
Drive out fear.
What is Dr. Demning's Eleventh point?
Eliminate arbitrary work standards and numerical quotas. Substitute leadership.
What is Dr. Demning's Tenth point?
Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce.
What is Dr. Demning's Fourth Point?
End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone.Instead minimize total cost.
What is Dr. Demning's Thirteenth point?
Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement.
What is Dr. Demning's Seventh Point?
Institute leadership.
What is Dr. Demning's Sixth Point?
Institute training on the job.
What six combinations comprise variation?
Machine Method Man Materials Measurement Environment
Define Quality improvement
Occurs when new, previously un-obtained, levels of performance ~ Breakthrough Performance ~ are achieved!
What is Dr. Demning's Fourteenth point?
Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.
What are Dr. Juran's Three Universal Processes of Managing for Quality?
Quality Planning Quality Control Quality Improvement
What is Dr. Feigenbaum's definition of quality?
Quality is a customer determination which is based on the customer's actual experience with the product or service, measured against his or her requirements—stated or unstated, conscious or merely sensed, technically operational or entirely subjective—always representing a moving target in a competitive market.
What is Dr. Demning's Twelfth point?
Remove the barrires that rob people of their right to pride of workmanship.
What did Dr. Shewhart propose?
That controlled and uncontrolled variation exists.
What was Dr. Ishikawa known for creating?
The cause and effect diagram. (fish bone)
Who was Dr. Walter Shewart?
The father of Statistical Process Control. Defined two aspects of quality: What the customer wants (subjective) What the physical properties are (objective)
Who was Dr. Armand Feigenbaum?
The first individual to encourage treating quality as a fundamental business strategy; an approach to doing business that makes an organization more effective.
Define Quality Planning
The process of understanding what the customer needs and designing all aspects of a system to meet those needs reliably.
Was Dr. Shewhart the first person to encourabe the use of easy-to-use statistics to remove variation?
What is Special (Assignable) Causes?
Uncontrolled variation caused by something that is not normally part of the process.
Define Quality Contol
Used to constantly monitor performance for compliance with the original design standards.