Ch 2 Comprehension and Extension
porphyrian tree
a convenient way to break down a complex xoncept into simple concepts
what is the extension of man?
all the men who have ever lived, who are now living, and who will live in the future
what are the 2 properties of simple apprehsion?
comprehension and extension
what are the 5 concepts of a man?
rational, sentient, living, material, substance
what are the 4 concepts of an animal?
setient, living, material, substance
simple concepts used to define a complex concept
what are the 5 categories on the porphyrian tree? (left side)
substance >material >living >sentient >rational
tells us the things to which that essence applies to
the completely articulated sum of the intellible aspects, or elements (or notes) represented by a concept, tells us the essence of a thing
what is the relationship between comprehension and extension?
the greater number of notes a concept has, the less extension it has