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what was one thing- gained during the revolution o f 1848- that remained in place

act of emancipation that freed slaves and eliminated all compulsory labor services

what was the purpose of the MIR

A village commune collectively responsible for the land payments to the government.

Cavour keno he would need help to defeat the Austrians -which nation did the turn to for help

France (Napoleon III)

in march 1862- who is the new prime minister king William appointed a new prime minister

Otto von Bismarck

according to Marx and engels with whose interests did current European gov defend

the industrial middle class and allies

"the Reform Act of 1867 was an important step word the democratization of Britain". what evidence dos Speivogel (textbook author) pride to support this statement

"By lowering the monetary requirements for voting (taxes paid or income earned), it by and large enfranchised many male urban workers. The number of voters increased from about 1 million to slightly over 2 million."

describe Darwin's theory of evolution

All plants and animals had evolved over a long period of time form earlier and simpler forms of life.

READ the primary source on p 683. "anesthesia and Modern surgery" what is the name of the heroic man who voluntarily agreed to be the 1st patient who revived anesthesia during surgery

Gilbert Abbott

who did not benefit form the Augsleich

The other nationalities that made up the multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire.

what is the communist mnifesto's main goal

intended to rouse the working classes into action

results of the treaty: what did kingdom of Piedmont get

only Lombardy

what was the cause of the crimean war in 1853? AND- who declared war on whom

-russia demand right to protect the christian and christian shrines (sights) -ottomans say no bc france is already doing that -russia gets mad and invades ottoman territory (Moldavia and Wallachia) - ottomans declare war on russia However, this was just an excuse for Russia to invade and get territory (so they don't look like "the bad guys")

what were the terms of the treat of Paris- which ended the war in 1856

-russia froced to give up Bessarabia at mouth of Danube and accept neutrality of Black Sea -principalities of Moldiavia and Wallachia were placed under the protection of all 5 great powers

Why was the Black Sea so important to the Russians?

-the water around them was all frozen and the only good water was far away from where everything was at -the Black Sea had this little opening that gave way to the Mediterranean Sea

when did Louis Napoleon (emperor Napoleon's nephew) get elected as the president of france

1848 He was voted into power mainly because of his name (Napoleon), no one really knew who he was or what he stood for.

when did Canada become a sovereign nation, no longer controlled by Britain but a part o the British conommnwealth o nations


when would Italian unification be complete -thanks to the Austro-prussian war and Franco-prussian war

1871 In the Austro-Prussian war, Italy allies with Prussia and Prussia wins and Italy gets Venetia. While these 2 nations battle it out, France recalls troops from Rome to fight in war and Italy moves in and gets Rome (capital of new Italian kingdom). Pope gets small territory, but basically has no power, but means full unification. People can vote for legislature.

one year later, in November 1852 -Napoleon asked the people to restore the French empire (making him an emperor like his uncle.) what did the people decide? how did they vote?

97% responded affirmatively Napoleon assumed title of Napoleon III

describe Napoleon III's new authoritarian gov

As chief of state, Napoleon III controlled the armed forces, police, and civil service. Only he could introduce legislation and declare war. The Legislative Corps gave an appearance of representative government since its members were elected by universal male suffrage for 6 year terms. But they could neither initiate legislation nor affect the budget.

"we will astonish the world by our ingratitude." which nation said this and what does It mean

Austria said this, and it meant that Austria remained neutral. Austria perceived that it was not in their best interest to intervene. They are TELLING IT TO RUSSIA (they were asked by Russia for help). Russia has helped them with revolutions in the past, but they don't intervene because they too are competing against Russia for Crimea. Austria know they should help, but don't (Russia's response: A FESTERING HATRED of Austria). They have been the most conservative allies, and now that strong alliance is broken

Three wars were fought in order to move the Germanic Confederation towards unification. Bismarck was the "master manipulator" of these wars. DESCRIBE how each of them began AND the important results/outcomes. AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR (1866)

Bismarck made alliances with Russia and Italy, and with Austria isolated, Bismarck used the joint-occupation of Schleswig-Holstein to goad the Austrians into a war. Bismarck asked the Prussian Parliament to pass a bill of indemnity, retroactively legalizing the taxes he had collected illegally since 1862. With victory over Austria and German Confederation, he proved Napoleon III's dictum that NATIONALISM and AUTHORITARIAN government could be combined. He showed liberalism and nationalism could be separated by using the latter to win support from liberals and prevent government reform. He showed the same flexibility in the creation of the new constitution for the North German Confederation.This is war with Austria over the 2 territories (Schleswig and Holstein), Austria has no allies Peace terms: makes sure Austria doesn't get mad (Bismarck knows he might need them as a future alliance) and gets them out of German States

describe some of Franz Liszt's accomplishments in music

He has been called the greatest pianist of all time and has been credited with introducing the concept of the modern piano recital. He invented the term 'symphonic poem' to refer to his orchestral works, which did no strictly obey traditional forms and were generally based on a literary or pictorial idea.

describe the innovations that occurred in specific ares or by the people listed below: CHEMISTRY (MENEDELEYEV)

Classified all the material elements then known on the basis of their atomic weights and provided the systemic foundation for their periodic law.

As Garabaldi"s forces marched north, Cavour got worried that they would conquer Rome. what was Cavour afraid of?

He feared that such a move would bring war with France as the defender of papal interests. Moreover, Garibaldi and his men favored a democratic republicanism; Cavour did not and acted quickly to preempt Garibaldi.Garibaldi is working his way put to Rome (where the pope is) and might create war since French troops are three protecting the pope in Rome

describe the innovations that occurred in specific ares or by the people listed below: FARADAY

Discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and put together a primitive generator that laid the foundation fo the use of electricity.

what are some KEY characteristics of REALISM

Distinguished by their deliberate rejection of Romanticism. The literary Realists wanted to deal with ordinary characters from real life rather than Romantic heroes in unusual settings. They sought to avoid flowery and sentimental language by using careful observation and accurate description (they avoided poetry, and flavored prose and novels). A desire to depict the everyday life of ordinary people, an attempt at photographic realism, and an interest in natural environment.

the Augsleich (compromiser of 1867) created a dual-monarchy in Austria-Hungary. explain what this means? how did it work

Each part of the empire now had a constitution, its own bicameral legislature, its own governmental machinery for domestic affairs, and its own capital Holding the 2 states together were a single monarch and a common army, foreign policy, and system of finances. It simply enabled the German-speaking Austrians and Hungarian Magyars to dominate the minorities.

list a few women who defiantly broke through the gender barriers pt in place in the field of medicine

Elizabeth blackwell Elizabeth garret Sophia jex-blake

describe the innovations that occurred in specific ares or by the people listed below: BIOLOGY (LOUIS PASTEUR)

Formulated the germ theory of disease, which had enormous practical applications in the development of modern scientific medical practices.

list a few important realist authors

Gustave Flaubert, William Thackeray, and Charles Dickens.

why was Robert Koch's work so important

He artificially reproduced bacteria in animals, removed them, and re-infected healthy guinea pigs, successfully demonstrating that a specific bacterium was the causative agent of disease. He identified at least 21 bacteria.

He then restore a universal male suffrage (posing as a "friend" of the people -the one man they could "trust"- blaming rich guys and corrupt politicians for France's problems). what was the outcome of this next election where all men could vote? (what did they give Napoleon that he had asked for?)

He asked the French people to restructure the government by electing him president for 10 years, and they agreed.

whom did Napoleon III put in power in Mexico in 1864? did it go well

He installed Archduke Maximilian of Austria as the new emperor of Mexico. When the French troops were needed in Europe, Maximilian became an emperor without an army. He surrendered to liberal Mexican forces in May 1867 and was executed in June.

what types of themes did Wagner look to for his musical Inso

He looked to myth and epic tales from the past.

what discovery by Joseph lister dramatically transformed surgery wards

He perceived that bacteria might enter a wound and cause infection. His use of carbolic acid, a newly discovered disinfectant, proved remarkably effective in eliminating infections during surgery.

Bismarck was a realist - and practices REALPOLITICK. what does this mean

He practiced politics based on principal concerns rather than theory or ethics ("politics of reality"). Bismarck: Junker, conservative, but uses Realpolitick (willing to be flexible, ex: use socialism, to achieve his goal He's practical, a very good politician and uses top-down approach to unify nation and thinks long term

your books says that Napoleon III was forced to "liberalize" his regime as opposition grew by the 1860s. what does this mean- what did he do to "liberalize"

He reached out to the working class by legalizing trade unions and granting them the right to strike. He also began to liberalize the political process. In the 1860's, opposition candidates were allowed greater freedom to campaign, and the Legislative Corps was permitted more say in affairs of state, including debate over the budget.

describe bismark's background in life and policies

He was born into the Junker class, the traditional, landowning aristocracy of Prussia, and remained loyal to it throughout his life. After earning a law degree, he embarked on a career in Prussian civil service, but soon retired to manage his country estates. In 1851, he began to build a base of diplomatic experience as the Prussian delegate to the Parliament of the Germanic Confederation. This, combined with his experience as Prussian ambassador to Russia and later to France, gave him opportunities to acquire a good knowledge of European affairs and to learn how to assess the character of rulers. RICH ARISTOCRAT CONSERVATIVE (he'll get job done no matter what; he won't just slam the lid on the pot, he will be flexible)

who was Willian Gladstonw? describe his Political party goals

He was the leader of the Whigs in Parliament. The Whigs were linked closely with political liberalism and favored a more constitutional monarchy and rights of Parliament for electoral reform.

where did Fredrick Engels et "firsthand" knowledge about the miserable factory conditions of the industrial rev

He was the son of a wealthy German cotton manufacturer, and worked in Britain at one of his father's factories in Manchester.

how did Bismarck respond

He went ahead and collected the taxes, and reorganized the army anyway, blaming the liberals for causing the breakdown of constitutional government (and he uses the military to get taxes and politicians hate him).

what are the differences between the public health movement that began in 1840s and the bacterial health movement which began in the 1860s? what areas did each focus on?

In the 1840's, the urban health movement was largely a response to the cholera epidemic. The prebacteriological hygiene movement focused on providing clean water, adequate sewage disposal, and less crowded housing conditions Bacterial discoveries led to greater emphasis on preventative measures, such as the pasteurization of milk, improved purification of water supplies, immunization against disease, and control of waterborne diseases. The public health movement also resulted in the government's hiring medical doctors not just to treat people but to deal with issues of public health as well.

Prussia created the Zollverein in 1834- describe what it did

It eliminated tolls on rivers and roads among member states, stimulating trade and adding to the prosperity of its members. Inner state trade barriers were removed, but British products are kept out, to help each other with trade and industrialization within the country (Prussia's economic advancement that led to it having greater power of the Germanic Confederation)

Three wars were fought in order to move the Germanic Confederation towards unification. Bismarck was the "master manipulator" of these wars. DESCRIBE how each of them began AND the important results/outcomes. DANISH WAR (1864)

It was over the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. In 1863, contrary to international treaty, the Danish government moved to incorporate the 2 duchies into Denmark. Bismarck pursuaded the Austrians to join Prussia in declaring war on Denmark, and the Danes were quickly defeated. Austria and Prussia then agreed to divide the administration of the 2 duchies; Prussia took Schleswig and Austria administered Holstein. Bismarck realized that for Prussia to expand its power by dominating the northern, largely Protestant par of Germanic Confederation, Austria would have to be excluded from German affairs or accept Prussian domination of Germany. The joint administration of the 2 duchies offered plenty of opportunities to create friction with Austria and provide a reason for war if it came to that. Bismarck makes sure the country he will go to war with has NO ALLIES before going to war so he knows he will win and create peace eres so they can be allies in the future (not make them want revenge) This war is the beginning of the path to get Austria out of the German States (Bismarck convinces Austria to fight Danish king; it is an Austro-Prussian invasion) Peace terms: His chance to set up ally and Bismarck convinces Austria to jointly administer these duchies to create future conflict (they have different values and ways of ruling) with Austria and kick them out in the future (he can invade and kick them out)

why was the period of the late 19th century called the "victorian age"

It was the period when Queen Victoria ruled (longest in European history). Her sense of duty and moral respectability reflected the attitudes of her age.

what was the purpose of the ZEMSTVOS? were they sucessful

Local assemblies that provided a moderate degree of self-government. Representatives were to be elected from the noble land owners, townspeople, and peasants, but the property-based system gave nobles the advantage. They were given a limited power to provide public services and their efforts of levying taxes to pay for these services were frequently disrupted by the bureaucrats, who feared any hint of self-government. The hope of liberal nobles and other social reformers that would be expanded into a national parliament remained unfulfilled.

after 1851, the Austrian empire regained its authoritarian control under the Bach system. describe the repressive, conservative measures put in place

Local privileges were subordinated to a unified system of administration, law, and taxation implemented by German speaking officials. Hungary was subjected to the rule of military officers, and the Catholic Church was declared the state church and given control of education.

Cavour provoked the Austrians into invading the peidmornt in April 1859. things were going well for Cavour and his ally, france, but then, the French decided to negotiate a peace with austria without consulting caviar. WHY WOULD FRANCE DO THIS?

Napoleon realized that despite 2 losses, the Austrian army had not yet been defeated; the struggle might be longer and more costly than he had anticipated. Moreover, the Prussians were mobilizing in support of Austria, and Napoleon III had no desire to take on 2 enemies at once.

how was Darin's work iii ON THE ORIGINS OF SPEVIES different than THE DESACENT OF MAN

ON THE ORIGINS OF SPEVIES:discusses plants and animal species only THE DESACENT OF MAN:argued for animal origins of human beings

Cavour needed to stop Garibaldi -and so his army marched into the kingdom of Naples to meet them. what was the RESULT of the showdown between Garibaldi and Cavour?

Plebiscites in the Papal States and the Two Sicilies resulted in overwhelming support for union with Piedmont He is worried that Garibaldi wants a democratic republic (the north is constitutional monarchy) They agree to have the people vote and see what they want (the south wants a constitutional monarchy and this unites with the. North and there is now a kingdom of Italy)

what attempts were made to standardize and improve the training o doctors in the second half of the 19th century

Professional organizations founded around mid century attempted to elevate professional standards, but achieved little until the end of the century.

in southern Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi was a patriot who wanted a unified Italy. what was the name of his army

Red shirts They were a group of common Italians (rag-tag army) using gorilla warfare, lots of support from local people He leads these men successfully in the South of Italy

what other European power acquired the formerly controlled ottoman lands of Crimea and bessarabia


nationalism was a divisive force in the United States in the years leading up to the civil war. explain what was driving the differences between the north and south

Slavery caused a split between the North and South. The cotton economy and plantation-based slavery were intimately related, and an attempt to maintain them in the first half of the 19th century led the South to become increasingly defensive, monolithic, and isolated. At the same time, the rise of an abolitionist movement in the North challenged the southern order and created an "emotional chain reaction" that led to civil war.

despite emancipation, problems, persisted -list a few problems the newly freed peasants faced

The Russian peasants found that they had inadequate amounts of good arable land to support themselves. They weren't completely free either; the state compensated landowners for the land given to the peasants, who were expected to repay the state in long term installments. Emancipation led to an unhappy, land-starved peasantry that largely followed the old ways of farming.

it was the whig party who pushed through the Reform Bill of 1832- so what was the motive behind the Tories (opposition party) supporting a second Reform Bill

The Tory leader in Parliament, Benjamin Disraeli, was apparently motivated by the desire to win over the newly enfranchised groups to the Conservative party.

what other discovery would allow for better success in surgery procedures

The ability to lessen pain of the patient with the use of sulfuric ether and later chloroform (as anesthetic agents).

what was considered the most significant breakthrough for medicine in the 19 century

The application of natural science to the field of medicine.


The fit who survived propagated and passed on the variations that enabled them to survive until a new separate species emerged.

what two reforms put in place by Alexander II were sucessful

The legal reforms of 1864 (created a regular system of local and provincial courts) and a judicial court (accepted principle of equality before the law).

Three wars were fought in order to move the Germanic Confederation towards unification. Bismarck was the "master manipulator" of these wars. DESCRIBE how each of them began AND the important results/outcomes. FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR (1870-71)

The throne of Spain was offered to prince Leopoldo HOHENZOLLERN-Sigmaringen. If he assumed the throne of Spain, France would be surrounded by Hohenzollerns. France objected and William I wrote an apology to them. But, Bismarck edited it to be insulting, causing France to declare war. The Second French Empire collapsed, Paris was captured, and an official peace treaty was signed. German unity had been achieved by Prussian monarchy/army. The Prussian leadership of German unification meant triumph of authoritarian, militaristic values over liberal. With its industrial resources and military might, the new state became the strongest power on the Continent. This shows PRUSSIANS ARE DOMINANT on battlefield and when war ends, Southern German States want to unity with powerful/strong north

describe the innovations that occurred in specific ares or by the people listed below: PHYSICS

Thermodynamics, the science of the relationship between heat and mechanical energy.

why did great Britain and france declaration war on Russia in march 1854

They are AFRAID RUSSIA WOULD BE TOO POWERFUL and upset the balance of power (the Russians are a threat to Britain's trade in the Mediterranean)

despite his frustrations, Cavour received good news from some of the northern Italian states (Parma, Modena, Tuscany, and part of the Papal States). what did they offer the Piedmont?

They joined Piedmont after being taken over by nationalists.They wanted to be part of Piedmont since they succeeded in kicking Austria mostly out and these people agree to create a northern Italian unification (Pope is super upset because this harms his political power- Romagna belonged to Papal States)

what did realists reject

They rejected Romanticism (didn't use Romantic heroes in unusual settings or flowery/sentimental language).

in march 1861 -the newly unified kingdom of Italy was proclaimed under the leadership of king victor Emmanuel. what 2 territories were left of of this unification (but would be added soon)

Venice (Austria) and Papal states (Pope and guarded by French)

what fed an interest in basic scientific research in the 19th century

advances in industrial technologies

who did no paritcipate in the zollverein


who was still the dominant power in Italy in 1850


which 2 nations dominated the germanic confederation

austria and prussia It is a rivalry about who will dominate Germany and have more influence in German Confederation (in the end, Prussia has more influence because they start economically) Germany is able to unify from the top down (use rulers to unify, showing triumph of conservatism/authoritarian/militaristic values over liberal/constitutional sentiments)- France's biggest fear is a strong, unified German neighbor to the northeast

which two nations were interested in obtaining land in the balkan region

austria and russia

the ottoman empire was in decline- and as it became weaker and weaker- it was forced to give up the territory in southeastern europe that it had once controlled. this created what we call a "power vacuum" WHICH EUROPEAN EMPIRE ACQUIRED THE FORMERLY CONTROLLED OTTOMAN LANDS OF HUNGARY, TRANSYLVANIA, CROATIA, AND SLOVENIA IN 1699

austrian empire

after the means of production had been reorganized and the deterioration of capitalism was complete, what would emerge

classless society would emerge and the state-itself an instrument of bourgeoise-would wither away since it no longer represented the interests of a particular class

"between 1850-70, European railroad track mileage increased from 14,500 to almost 70,000." what other industries benefitted bc of railroad expansion

coal and inron industries

in 1847, engels and Marx jouend the communist league and agreed to draft a statement of their ideas for their group. what was this writing alled

communist manifesto

the kingdom of Piedmont-sardinia was nw seen as the best hope for Italian unification especially after the new king, victor Emmanuel II, named a new prime minister - Count Camillo di Cavour WHAT TYPE OF GOV DID CAVOUR FAVOR

constitutional gov

Napoleon did ave economic success in his first five years. what policies dud he put in place to stimulate economic growth

construction of railroads, harbors, roads, and canals. In his reign, the major French railways were completed, and industrial expansion was evident in the tripling of iron production. provided hospitals and free medicine for the workers and advocated better housing for the working class.

Pasteur ideas about vaccines were not new.... history reveals that many brave individuals whose efforts contributed to the ideas behind vaccinations (including a woman in the 18 century named Lady Montague whose work on preventing vaccines helped Edward Jenner to create the sucessful small po vaccine). by the 1890s, the idea behind vaccines was applied to what other serious diseases

diphtheria, typhoid fever, cholera, and plague, creating a modern immunological science

1861 was seen as a turning groin in the germanic Tates... when Frederick William IV died- his brother, king Willian I took power. what were the goals of this new king

double the size of the army and institute 3 years of compulsory military service for all young men

what policies did Cavour ubstutytue that were sucessful

economic expansion; encouraged building roads, canals, railroads; fostering business enterprise by expanding credit stimulating investment in new industries

what important factor helped in the expansion of European markers

elimination of barriers to international trade essential international waterways were opened up bu the elimination of restricted tolls

what did the middle- class liberals in parliament thin of the new kings plan

feared compulsory military service bc they believed the gov would use it to inculcate obedience to the monarchy and strengthen the influence of the conservative military clique in prussia

what did Britain still control -even though Canada was independent

foreign affairs

which two nations were interested in obtaining more trade and naval bases in the eastern mediterranean

france and Britain

what 4 more territories did the ottomans have to give up

greece, serbia, moldavia, and Wallachian

list a few important realist artists

gustave courbet jean-français millet

what did Auguste Comte hope to accomplish

he attempted to apply the methods of science systemically to the study of society.

Louis Pasteur developed an important process called PASTEURIZTION. what does it do

heating a product to destroy the organisms causing spoilage

what did Florence nightingale do that deserves recognition

her insistence on strict sanitary conditions saved many lives and helped make nursing a profession of trained middle class women

why did some feel threatened by Darwin's ideas

his theory made humans feel ordinary products of nature rather than unique beings. Others were disturbed by the implications of life as a struggle for survival for those who believed in a rational order in the world.

why would France's Napoleon III agree to help Cavour

in compensation for its efforts, France would receive the Piedmontese provinces of Nice and Savoy. A kingdom of central Italy would be created for Napoleon III's coursing who would be married to the younger daughter of King Victor Emmanuel. This agreement seemed to assure the French ruler of the opportunity to control Italy. Also, Napoleon was using it as a distraction from France's problems (he sees it as an easy war to win and winning ti will show the people of France how great France is)

what was the first international

it saved as an umbrella organization for working-class interests

what did baron Haussmann do to reorganize the streets of Paris

narrow streets and old walls were destroyed and replaced by broad boulevards, spacious buildings, circular plazas, public squares, an underground sewage system, new public water supple, and gaslights

what action by the British parliament gave omen more opportunities in the field of medicine

passed a bill in 1876 giving women the right to take qualifying examinations

after the violent revolution (proletariat overthrowing the bourgeoise), what would form

proletariat would form a dictatorship to reorganize the means of production and then create a classless nation

Pasteur also created a vaccine against what


if Alexander II was willingly trying to implement positive reforms in russia, why weren't reformers happy

reformers wanted more and more rapid change

the success of science and innovation often undermined people's belief in what

religious revelation and truth

tsar Alexander II (Romanov) made a conscious decision to make progress in his mation. one of the key elements to his reforms was the emancipation o the ____ on march 3,1861


What territory did Giuseppe Garibaldi army gain control of


which radical group, who demanded sweeping reforms, assassinated the tsar

the People's Will

what is materialism

the belief that everything mental, spiritual, or ideal was simply a result of physical forces

what WAR made it very clear that Russia was "backwards" and falling behind the Great Powers of Europe

the crimean war

what does the crimean war tell us about the functioning of the concert of europe

they destroyed the alliance of 5 powers don't have common interests anymore destroys willingness w other nations making more war more likely

Bismarck gave an impassioned speech to parliament (the "blood and Iron" speech) sking for military reforms. what did parliament decide

they were not impressed and rejected the bill once again

who was Benhamen Diraeli? describe his political party goals

tory leader in parliament they were more conservative and opposed to parliamentary reforms

Once in power, Louis Napoleon wanted more power -and worked for 2 years quietly taking away the rights of people.. EXAMPLES: outside 33 socialist deputies from the legislature, suppressed public meetings, and imposed controls on the press (censorship), and schools were put back under the control of Catholic Church and most blatantly -in 1850- took away universal male suffrage (now the poorest and most "socialist" frenchmen could no longer vote) WHAT DID HE DO ON DECEMBER 1, 1851

used troops to seize control of gov

what territory remained under Austrian control


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