CH. 23-28 Multiple Choice Online Quizzes

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The Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years' War, ensured that

Germany remained fragmented; the nations of Europe would no longer go to war over religion; each nation was permitted to direct its own internal affairs; the balance of power was the new principle of European diplomacy.

Martin Luther's work had enthusiastic popular support because

He attacked the sale of indulgences that the poor could not afford; any Christians shared his concern about the corruption of the church; many German princes saw this as a way to break away from the church; he supported the translation of the Bible from Latin into the vernacular languages.

Twelver Shiism was a Muslim sect that claimed that

Ismail was the "hidden" imam or even a reincarnation of Allah.

Which region is NOT correctly paired with a primary trade good? 1) Brazil and sugar 2) south Africa and wheat 3) India and cotton 4) Japan and spices 5) Peru and silver

Japan and spices

In the floating worlds in the major Japanese cities, one could find

Kabuki theaters, brothels, public baths, and teahouses.

Christopher Columbus believed that by sailing west 2,500 nautical miles he would

find a direct and profitable route to Japan.

The isolationism of the Tokugawa government included

forbidding Japanese from going abroad.

One significant difference in the administration of English colonies compared to their Spanish counterparts was

English colonies were often financed by private investors, who retained control over colonial affairs.

The Thirty Years' War began when

the Holy Roman emperor tried to force his Bohemian subjects to return to Catholicism.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Jesuit mission in China? 1) Jesuits attracted many converts, and Christianity became a popular religion. 2) Jesuits made an effort to learn Chinese and to understand Chinese culture. 3) Jesuits captured Chinese interests with European science and technology. 4) Other Catholic missionaries criticized the Jesuits' tolerance of Chinese traditions. 5) Most Chinese were put off by Christianity's claim of being the only true religion.

1) Jesuits attracted many converts, and Christianity became a popular religion.

By 1800 European exploration of the Pacific Ocean resulted in all of the following EXCEPT 1) the discovery of a northwest passage from Europe to Asia. 2) the first complete circumnavigation of the world. 3) the mapping of Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the South Pacific. 4) exploration of the coast of Alaska and the waters of the Arctic Ocean. 5) European colonization of the Philippines.

1) the discovery of a northwest passage from Europe to Asia.

"Dutch learning" in Tokugawa Japan referred to all of the following areas EXCEPT 1) weapons and armaments. 2) representational drawing and linear perspective. 3) astronomy and calendars. 4) anatomy and medicine. 5) Dutch language.

1) weapons and armaments.

Which of the following was NOT part of Charles V's holdings? 1) Austria 2) England 3) The Netherlands 4) Hungary 5) Spain

2) England

Which of the following was NOT conquered or defeated by the Portuguese? 1) Angola 2) Kilwa 3) Kongo 4) Songhay 5) Zimbabwe

2) Kilwa.

New institutions that supported early capitalism included all of the following EXCEPT 1) banks and lending institutions. 2) craft guilds. 3) stock exchanges. 4) joint-stock companies. 5) insurance companies.

2) craft guilds.

Which trading post is NOT correctly paired with a European power? 1) Goa and Portugal 2) Manila and Spain 3) Hormuz and England 4) Batavia and the Netherlands 5) Cape Town and the Netherlands

3) Hormuz and England

Which of the following is NOT true of China's civil service system? 1) It was open to all men regardless of social standing. 2) It provided the poor with an avenue for upward social mobility. 3) It ensured that the most progressive men available governed China. 4) It guaranteed the central place of Confucianism in Chinese education. 5) It was very competitive, with only a fraction of those applying gaining a government post.

3) It ensured that the most progressive men available governed China.

Which of the following is NOT true of the mita system? 1) It was used by the Spanish at Potosi 2) It had been used by the Incans 3) It was a form of slavery, in that workers were not paid 4) It led to high rates of death among workers 5) It affected a large portion of the indigenous population

3) It was a form of slavery, in that workers were not paid.

Which of the following could NOT be a leg of the triangular trans-Atlantic trade? 1) African slaves delivered to the Americas. 2) Barbados rum sold to England. 3) Mexican silver delivered to Manila. 4) manufactured goods sold to Africans. 5) Barbados rum sold to North America.

3) Mexican silver delivered to Manila.

The English East India Company and the VOC were privately owned companies that enjoyed all of the following advantages EXCEPT 1) funds to outfit ships and hire crews. 2) commodities and money for trade. 3) direct government supervision. 4) the potential for tremendous profits. 5) heavily armed ships to back up their demands.

3) direct government supervision.

The reforms of Peter I included all of the following EXCEPT 1) offering better pay for peasants who served for life as professional soldiers. 2) forcing his subjects to adopt western European fashions. 3) forming a council of nobles to advise him on how best to improve the lives of serfs. 4) building the city of St. Petersburg to serve as a base of naval operations. 5) providing extensive training and modern weapons to soldiers.

3) forming a council of nobles to advise him on how best to improve the lives of serfs.

Major motivations for European exploration of the world's oceans included all of the following EXCEPT 1) the search for raw materials and mineral resources. 2) the search for new lands to settle and cultivate. 3) population pressures in Europe. 4) the desire to trade directly with Asian markets. 5) the urge to extend Christianity beyond Europe.

3) population pressures in Europe.

All of the following are indicative of the low status of Chinese women in the Ming and Qing dynasties EXCEPT 1) The practice of foot binding 2) Female infanticide 3) the forced burning of widows. 4) A wife's obligations to her in-laws 5) Arranged marriages

3) the forced burning of widows.

Which of the following was NOT a significant factor in Cortés's defeat of the Aztec empire? 1) superior Spanish technology, especially swords, muskets, cannons, and horses 2) a devastating smallpox epidemic 3) the inadequate defenses of Tenochtitlan 4) the resentment of many indigenous peoples to Aztec rule 5) All these answers are correct, as none were factors in the defeat of the Aztecs.

3) the inadequate defenses of Tenochtitlan

African culture in the Americas included all of the following EXCEPT 1) distinctive language and dialect. 2) syncretic African-American religions. 3) traditional kinship ties. 4) distinctive foods and cuisine. 5) distinctive handicrafts.

3) traditional kinship ties.

The reforms of Akbar included all the following EXCEPT 1) religious toleration for Hindus. 2) a syncretic religion, called "divine faith," which stressed loyalty to the emperor. 3) a centralized administrative structure with ministers appointed to regional provinces. 4) education and basic rights for Indian women. 5) the conquest of Gujarat and Bengal.

4) education and basic rights for Indian women.

Shah Abbas revitalized the Safavid regime by all of the following means EXCEPT 1) increasing the use of gunpowder weapons. 2) making land grants to qizilbash officers. 3) expelling the Portuguese from Hormuz. 4) forging alliances with the Ottomans against Europeans. 5) promoting trade with other lands.

4) forging alliances with the Ottomans against Europeans.

Which of the following was NOT a typical result of the North American fur trade? 1) Intense competition and even warfare among indigenous peoples for European trade 2) intense competition among French, Dutch, and English fur traders 3) the decimation of the beaver population in North America 4) hostile relations between European traders and Native American trappers 5) the introduction of European manufactured goods to indigenous peoples

4) hostile relations between European traders and Native American trappers

All of the following are characteristics of slavery in Africa EXCEPT that 1) slaves in Africa had opportunities to earn their freedom. 2) slaves in Africa were the primary source of wealth and power. 3) slaves in Africa were frequently assimilated into their owners' kinship groups. 4) slaves in Africa had certain civil rights and could appeal to the law for justice. 5) occasionally slaves worked as soldiers or as advisors.

4) slaves in Africa had certain civil rights and could appeal to the law for justice.

Which of the following places did NOT come under the control of the Muslim Ottomans? 1) Albania 2) Anatolia 3) Egypt 4) the Iranian plateau 5) Tunsia

4) the Iranian plateau (and Vienna)

Which individual is incorrectly paired with a scientific discovery? 1) Newton and the principle of gravity 2) Kepler and the planetary orbits 3) Galileo and the principle of inertia 4) Copernicus and the sun-centered model of the universe 5) Ptolemy and the moons of Jupiter

5) Ptolemy and the moons of Jupiter

The new monarchs were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT 1) large centrally administered bureaucracies. 2) standing professional armies. 3) increased state revenues through taxes. 4) enhanced power at the expense of the nobles. 5) a commitment to individual liberty.

5) a commitment to individual liberty.

The putting-out system was profitable for all of the following groups EXCEPT the 1) entrepreneurs who moved cloth production into the countryside. 2) rural workers who did the spinning and weaving. 3) consumers who bought the finished cloth. 4) merchants and traders who shipped woolen cloth outside the country. 5) guild members who specialized in specific elements of cloth production such as weaving or dying.

5) guild members who specialized in specific elements of cloth production such as weaving or dying.

Charles V was unable to forge a united empire for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that 1) The Lutheran challenge sapped much of his attention. 2) French kings undermined his efforts and allied themselves with his enemies. 3) There was no central administration to the empire; each state governed separately. 4) His empire was geographically fragmented 5) He alienated the pope for failing to crush Luther.

5) he alienated the pope for failing to crush Luther.

Seventeenth-century constitutional monarchies were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT 1) representational institutions such as Parliament. 2) a system of shared authority. 3) state support for maritime trade and international commerce. 4) recognition of individual rights. 5) the election of the monarch by the merchant class.

5) the election of the monarch by the merchant class.

Portuguese mariners succeeded in building a trading-post empire early in the sixteenth century for all of the following reasons EXCEPT 1) the ruthless policies of naval commander Afonso d'Alboquerque. 2) the head start that Portugal enjoyed over other European powers in the exploration of the Indian Ocean. 3) the use of heavy artillery to overpower other craft and onshore sites. 4) the Portuguese control of strategic ports such as Hormuz and Melaka. 5) the superiority of the Portuguese navy over English and Dutch forces.

5) the superiority of the Portuguese navy over English and Dutch forces.

By 1750, all of the following regions were linked by trade and commerce EXCEPT


As a result of the Seven Years' War, Britain gained all the following EXCEPT

Cape Town from the Dutch.

The Janissaries were

Christian boys taken from conquered territories and raised as special forces.

In his treatise Deus Destroyed, Fabian Fucan expressed his concerns that

Christian missionaries planned to subvert Buddhism and destroy traditional Japanese culture.

What became of the Christian community in Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate?

Christians were brutally persecuted and driven into secrecy.

In their rise to power, the Ottomans were aided by the ghazi, who were

Muslim religious warriors.

Why were the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica and South America more likely to accept Christianity than were the peoples of North America?

North American peoples were more geographically scattered, and thus more difficult for missionaries to reach.

The Muslim resistance to new ideas and technologies by the eighteenth century is illustrated by the

Ottoman ban on the printing press. purchase of outmoded weapons from Europe. banning of "impious" telescopes. (impious = disrespectful, especially for a god) reluctance of Muslims to travel abroad.

In his Turkish Letters, the Hungarian diplomat Ghislain de Busbecq expresses concerns that

Ottoman forces are hardier and more disciplined than European forces.

The Portuguese slave trade began in the mid-fifteenth century with Portuguese raiders capturing African men and selling them in Europe. How had this trade changed by the mid-sixteenth century?

Portuguese merchants bought slaves from African raiders and sold them to Europe and the Americas.

Although relations between Portugal and the Kongo were initially friendly, the Kongo was ultimately destroyed because

Portuguese slave traders undermined the authority of the kings.

Martin Luther's criticism of the Roman Catholic church was greatly aided by

Printing Press

What political motivation encouraged the spread of Protestantism?

Protestantism provided monarchs an opportunity to break away from the political domination of Rome.

Although the Ming emperor Yongle encouraged maritime exploration, later emperors discontinued that practice because

Qing emperors feared that new ideas would lead to political instability.

Which of the following was NOT a significant presence in the Indian Ocean by the mid-eighteenth century?


What was Doña Marina's role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs?

She could speak several native languages and served as an interpreter.

Why did the production of sugar differ from that of other agricultural commodities of the western hemisphere?

Sugarcane required extensive processing to turn it into a profitable export.

The first indigenous people that the Spanish empire dispossessed of their lands and forced into labor were the


How did the mining industries of the Americas stimulate global economic growth?

The Spanish quinto circulated throughout European and Asian markets.

How did Portugal gain an empire in Brazil?

The Treaty of Tordesillas, designed to divide the Atlantic between Spain and Portugal, unintentionally granted Brazil to Portugal.

How did European settlers in North America legally justify seizing lands from native North American peoples?

The settlers negotiated treaties.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Manchus? 1) They were nomadic warriors from Manchuria. 2) They spoke a different language from that of their ethnic Chinese subjects. 3) They rejected Confucian principles in favor of a Mongol-style tribal council. 4) They established the Qing dynasty. 5) They ruled China from the Forbidden City in Beijing.

They rejected Confucian principles in favor of a Mongol-style tribal council.

Which of the following is NOT true of the scholar-bureaucrats of China? 1) With few exceptions they came from a class of well- educated, highly literate men. 2) They were independent warlords, far from court and above the law. 3) They were responsible for the security and stability of the country. 4) Their appointment was based on their performance in the civil service exams. 5) They enjoyed positions of power and prestige.

They were independent warlords, far from court and above the law.

The sea route to the Indian Ocean discovered by Vasco da Gama offered European merchants

a chance to buy goods directly from Indian merchants.

Portuguese sailors were able to tack against the prevailing winds by using

a combination of square and lateen sails.

The person with the lowest status in the Chinese household was

a daughter-in-law.

Smallpox, influenza, and measles spread rapidly in the Americas because of

a lack of previous exposure that would have built natural immunity.

Sunni Ali's administration of the Songhay was strengthened by

a system of provincial governors. an effective chain of military command. an imperial navy to patrol the Niger River. the profitable trans-Saharan traffic.

Tokugawa Ieyasu ruled Japan as

a temporary military ruler in support of the emperor.

The population growth in Japan slowed after 1700 because of the practice of

abortion. contraception. (early birth-control) infanticide. (killing a baby within a year of its life) late marriage.

One persistent challenge within all three empires was

achieving a peaceful succession after the death of the emperor.

European and Arab mariners in the fifteenth century determined latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or pole star above the horizon with

an astrolabe or cross staff.

Slavery's impact on Africa

fell most heavily on the societies of west Africa.

The Mughal leader Babur originally invaded northern India in order to

finance his military campaigns in central Asia.

Queen Nzinga resisted the Portuguese conquest of Angola

by mobilizing military resistance to the Portuguese.

Süleyman the Magnificent

captured Belgrade and laid siege to the city of Vienna.

The Manila galleons were noted for

carrying large cargoes between Mexico and the Philippines.

Who benefited most from the religious controversy generated by the Reformation?

centralizing monarchs, because they gained more independent authority

Confucian education tended to support

conservative values such as filial piety and submission to authority. (filial piety = respect for one's parents and elders)

According to traditional Confucian values, merchants were

considered social parasites.

The Spanish Inquisition relied on religious justifications to advance what political end?

discouraging the Spanish nobles from adopting Protestantism

The Dutch in Indonesia concentrated their efforts on

dominating the spice trade through the Sunda Strait.

By the mid-fifteenth century, Portuguese mariners used a strategy called the volta do mar, which

enabled them to sail with westerly winds rather than force their way against trade winds.

Olaudah Equiano's experience contributed to the abolishment of slavery because he

exposed the horrors of slavery, particularly the middle passage, to a European audience.

In spite of the isolation and harsh climate, Russians ventured over the Urals into Siberia in search of


The Ottoman military made use of

gunpowder weapons. siege warfare. (siege = completely surrounding) specially trained Janissary forces. armored cavalry.

Indentured servants who worked off their contracts in the colonies often

hoped to become independent artisans or planters.

The population of Europe grew dramatically in the seventeenth century because of

improved nutrition, with new American food crops.

In the New World, the Columbian exchange generally resulted in the

introduction of infectious diseases. staggering loss of indigenous populations. introduction of domesticated animals such as cattle and horses. introduction of food crops such as wheat.

Spanish forces were able to conquer the Philippines because of the

lack of a centralized, powerful state to organize resistance.

Politically, all three of the Islamic states began as

military states.

The most valuable commodity for the Spanish in the Americas was

minerals like silver and gold.

In order to control daimyo and maintain political stability, the Tokugawa bakufu

obliged the daimyo to live in the capital on alternative years. limited contacts between individual daimyo. had final approval over all marriage alliances among the daimyo. limited contacts between daimyo and the outside world. (daimyo = shogun is to daimyo as parent is to son bakufu = type of government w/ shogun as ruler)

In Eurasia, new American food crops translated into

overall improvements in diet and nutrition. steady population growth in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. more varied cuisine. better food for livestock.

By far the biggest social class in early modern China was the


A mestizo is a

person of mixed Spanish and indigenous descent.

The indigenous religions of sub-Saharan Africa were essentially

polytheistic, recognizing numerous local gods as well as a single creator god.

The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb

replaced many Hindu temples with mosques. required all nonbelievers to pay a special tax. extended Mughal authority into southern India. faced many rebellions and religious conflicts.

Louis XIV managed to control the nobles of France and their activities by

requiring the nobility to live at Versailles where he could distract them and keep an eye on them.

The "middle passage" of the slave trade was the

ship voyage across the Atlantic in the cargo decks.

Major trade commodities sought by European merchants from the Islamic empires included

silks, carpets, and other crafts.

Foreign traders sought all of the following Chinese products EXCEPT

silver. (b/c they used silver for the currency after their paper currency became inflated)

Maroons were

slaves who ran away and formed their own communities in remote areas.

African slaves were in demand for the New World because

so many native Americans died from imported diseases. native peoples frequently escaped into the hinterlands. sugar plantations in the Caribbean required considerable labor. Spanish and Portuguese conquerors disdained manual labor.

On the plantations of the Caribbean and Brazil, slaves

suffered heavy losses due to tropical diseases and brutal conditions.

In response to the challenges raised by the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic church

summoned a council to clarify doctrine and strengthen their spiritual commitment.

One example of a syncretic cult combining elements of Christianity and African beliefs is

the Antonian movement.

One significant difference between the Portuguese settlement of Angola and the Dutch settlement of Cape Town was that

the Portuguese came to Angola as traders, while in south Africa the Dutch settled on the land as farmers.

Foreign trade took hold primarily in

the Safavid and Ottoman empires.

In colonial governments, the power of the Spanish viceroy was kept in check by the authority of

the Spanish crown.

At the battle of Chaldiran in 1514,

the Sunni Ottomans defeated the Shiite Safavids.

One reason for the hysterical witch hunts of the sixteenth century was that

the conflicts of the Reformation contributed to a climate of suspicion and violence.

The labor system that compelled native workers to labor in Spanish mines and fields in exchange for protection and Christian conversion was known as

the encomienda system.

The labor system that dominated on haciendas of Spanish America was

the encomienda system.

The English settlements in North America grew slowly at first because

the first English settlements did not prepare sufficient food crops.

The first explorers to Australia were not interested in settlement because

the first explorers were driven away by hostile aborigines; the first explorers could not sail across the Great Barrier Reef; the land appeared too densely forested to settle easily; Australia was too far from European markets.

In spite of the ravages of the slave trade, the population of Africa actually increased in the eighteenth century due to

the introduction of new staple foods from the Americas.

Which of the following is NOT an example of religious toleration under Muslim rule?

the jizya tax imposed by Aurangzeb

According to the divine-right theory of government,

the king derives his authority from God alone and is not accountable to his subjects.

Which of the following was a factor in the decline of slavery?

the realization that wage labor in factories was cheaper that slave labor on plantations

A major reason for the decline in the Islamic empires was

the refusal to accept new ideas and technologies from the West.

Isaac Newton's work seemed to suggest that

the stars and planets were part of a unified system, governed by the same natural laws. (I.e. the stars and planets were actually something, and were very much like anything on our planet, hence "part of a unified system."

Galileo's discoveries would not have been possible without

the telescope.

Most African slaves went to

the tropical and subtropical plantations of the Americas.

Criollos differed from peninsulares only in that

they were born in the western hemisphere and not the eastern hemisphere.

What was the principle work of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)?

to be disciplined, educated representatives of the church throughout the world

The Safavid empire began with the reign of Shah Ismail, who claimed legitimacy to the throne by

tracing his ancestry back to a Sufi religious leader.

In the view of Emperor Qianlong, the trade between China and England was

unnecessary to China but a favor to England.

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