Ch. 28 Biology

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haploid spores gametes (diploid) gametophyte generation sporophyte generation

Produced by a sporophyte Produced by a gametophyte What generation is haploid What generation is diploid

prokaryotic eukaryotic eukaryotic prokaryotic

has a large circular chromosome? undergoes mitosis? has compartments (organelles)? Is the precursor of mitochondria?

protist bacteria prion prion

African sleeping sickness Anthrax Chronic Wasting disease Kuru

gametes are not equal in appearance (human)


No, just photoautotrophs (some algae and plants)

Do all eukaryotic cells have chloroplasts? Which ones?

found in fungi, plants and animals (photosynthetic organisms) Parasites do not have mitochondria

Do all eukaryotic cells have mitochondria? Which ones do not?

No- kingdom Protista has been broken up

Does the term protist have systematic meaning?

eukaryotic prokaryotic prokaryotic both!!

Has a nucleus? Divides by binary fission? Has peptidoglycan as part of a cell wall? Has a cell membrane (plasma membrane)?

-Formanifera -Diatoms -Red Algae -Red Algae (food additives) -Dinoflagellates

Formed the sedimentary rock that makes up the white cliffs of Dover? Produces biofilms? Is used to wrap sushi? Produces carageenan (where do you find this?) Can cause red tides

-Diatoms -Trypanosomes -Plasmodium -Brown Algae -Dinoflagellates -Brown Algae (kelp)

Has a cell wall of silica Causes African sleeping sickness? Causes malaria? Is likely one of the largest protists? Is an endosymbiont of coral tissue? Can reach a size of 60 ft tall?

-They're both types of Rhizaria that use threadlike pseudopodia (false feet) for feeding and movement -Actinopoda- have skeletons made of silica -Formanifera- multi-chambered tests made of calcium carbonates

How are Formaniniferans and Actinopodans similar? How do they differ?

-Planton is made up of tiny plants (phytoplankton) and tiny animals (zooplankton) -diatoms and dinoflagellates (responsible for seasonal algae blooms)

How are phytoplankton different from zooplankton? Can you name some protists that would be classified as phytoplankton?

serial endosymbiosis- evolved from special infolding of the plasma membrane

How did Eukaryotic cells get Mitochondria and chloroplasts?

-Pseudopodia -Flagella and cilia -No, not necessarily (dinoflagellates are algae and Giardia are protozoans although they both have flagella)

How does an Amoeba move? What other mechanisms for motion are found among protists? Do similar modes of transport always signify phylogenetic relationships?

gametes are equal in appearance


Protist virus virus virus virus bacteria

Malaria Small pox Common cold Ebola Flu Botulism

flagellated sperm moves to a non motile sperm (human)


Cilia are short/many per cell Flagellates are long/1-few Flagella motion is wavelike, cilia perform complicated 3D motion with a power and recovery stroke

Paramecium has cilia. How is this different from a protist that has flagella?

fusion of gametes


-any of numerous groups of chlorophyll-containing, mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms (great range) -different accessory pigments allow absorption of different lights -green algae

What does the term algae refer to? What is one major difference between brown, red and green algae? (Ancestor of plants? Forms part of lichens?)

microscopic organisms that float freely with oceanic currents and in other bodies of water

What does the term plankton refer to?

multicellular algae (green, brown or red) -thallus- the body -holdfast- rootlike for attachment only (no nutrients) -stipe- stem like blade- leaf-like

What does the term seaweed refer to? What are the major parts? How is a holdfast different form a root?

dinoflagellate bloom (red tide) is disastrous for our economy and marine ecosystem (kills everything) Zooxanthellae is the main food source in reef systems, it's what makes coral reefs pretty (tourism) -Plasmodium- causes malaria

What ecological effects (and economic) do dinoflagellates have? What are their closest relatives (among those we discussed in class)?

sporophyte generation gametophyte generation haploid diploid production of haploid spores

What generation develops from a zygote? What generation develops from a spore? Are spores haploid or diploid? Are gametes haploid or diploid? What is meiosis used for?

1. Chemoheterotrophs (absorptive and ingestive protists) 2. photoautotrophs (photosynthetic pigments-diverse) 3. mixotrophs (both autotrophic and heterotrophic)

What type of nutritional categories are found in protists?

free-living oceans, fresh water, leaf litter--> anywhere moist

Where are protists (unicellular eukaryotes) found?


are human gametes isogamous or anisogamous


what domain are protist found in?

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