ch 29 bio test 2

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How many sperm get carried to an egg in fertilization?

critical innovations

New features that foster the diversification of phyla.

phloem xylem

Stems contain these specialized conducting tissues

liverworts, mosses, and hornworts

What phyla are Earth's simplest land plants that each form a distinct, monophyletic group ?


What tissue is unique to angiosperms?


A leaf with branched veins.


A plant that produces seeds that are exposed rather than seeds enclosed in fruits. e.g. cycads, ginkgos, conifers, and gnetophytes


A relatively small leaf having a single unbranched vein; produced by lycophytes.


A reproductive shoot; a short stem that produces reproductive organs instead of leaves.


A specialized conducting tissue in a plant's stem.


A specialized conducting tissue in plants that transports water, minerals, and some organic compounds. also provides structural support, allowing vascular plants to grow taller than nonvascular plants.


A tough polymer that adds strength and decay resistance to cell walls of tracheids, vessel elements, and other cells of plants.

tracheid - tracheophytes takes its name from this

A type of dead, lignified plant cell in xylem that conducts water, along with dissolved minerals; also provides structural support.


All of the living and fossil seed plant phyla.

many genetically diverse spores

Another reproductive advantage to plants of the sporic life cycle is that mature, specialized cells within multicellular sporophytes undergo meiosis to produce _____ ___________ ________ spores

plant tissues

Apical meristems give rise to

numerous; haploid

As noted, bryophytes and other land plants display an alternation of generations. On land, a multicellular diploid sporophyte generation is advantageous because it allows a single plant to disperse widely by using meiosis to produce ___________, genetically variable _________ spores

early; earliest; apical meristems; sporic

Because bryophytes diverged ______in the evolutionary history of land plants, they serve as models of the ______ terrestrial plants. Bryophytes display __________ that produce specialized tissues and other features that evolved early in the history of land plants, such as the ______ life cycle.

sporopollenin; gametophytes

Dispersed plant spores have cell walls containing a tough material, known as ________________, that helps to prevent cellular damage during transport in air. If spores reach habitats favorable for growth, their cell walls crack open, and new _____________ develop by mitotic divisions, completing the life cycle.


Each spore has the potential to grow into a


Flask-shaped plant gametangia that enclose an EGG cell.

haploid; haploid; mitosis; identical

From an evolutionary and reproductive viewpoint, the role of plant gametophytes is to produce _____ gametes. Because the gametophyte cells are already ________, meiosis is not involved in producing the gametes. Instead, plant gametes are produced by _______; therefore, all gametes produced from a single gametophyte are genetically ___________

KNOX; gametophyte

Genomic comparisons indicate that transcription factors encoded by ______ genes were key to the origin of plant sporophytes. These transcription factors suppress __________ development, thereby allowing sporophytes to develop from zygotes

1. lycophyte roots fork at their tips, WHEREAS pteridophyte roots branch from the inside like the roots of seed plants 2. Lycophyte leaves are small and posses one unbranched vein WHEREAS pteridophyte leaves are large and have branched veind like seed plants leaves

How do lycophyte roots and leaves differ from those of pteridophytes?

allows plants to take in co2 for photosynthesis and release oxygen in the air, WHILE conserving water. when the environment is most, the pores open, allowing gas exchange to occur. when the environment is dry, the pores close, reducing water loss

How does a stomata on the surface tissue of stems and leaves help maintain a stable internal water content?

it contains a polyester polymer known as CUTIN which helps to prevent attack by pathogens, and it has EAX which helps to prevent desiccation (drying out)

How does a waxy cuticle on surfaces of vascular plant sporophytes help maintain a stable internal water content?


In a seed plant, a megaspore-producing megasporangium and enclosing tissues known as integuments. a sporangium that typically contains only a single spore that develops into a very small egg-producing gametophyte; the entire structure is enclosed by leaflike structures known as integuments (a structure that encloses the megasporangium to form an ovule)

a waxy cuticle and stomata

In addition to having conductive tissues, what adaptations allow vascular plants to maintain a stable internal water content?

double fertilization

In angiosperms, the process in which two different fertilization events occur, producing both a zygote and the first cell of a nutritive endosperm tissue. This process produces both a zygote and a food storage tissue known as endosperm, a tissue unique to angiosperms. One of the two sperm delivered by each pollen tube fuses with the egg, producing a diploid zygote.. The other sperm fuses with different gametophyte nuclei to form an unusual cell that has more than the diploid number of chromosomes; this cell generates the endosperm food tissue.

photosynthetic; gametophytes; fitness

In bryophytes, the gametophyte generation is generally green and ___________, and thus organic food production is one of its major functions. The more spores that sporophytes produce, the greater the numbers of ___________, helping bryophytes to spread in their environments, thereby increasing their ________

placental transfer tissue

In plants, a nutritive tissue that aids in the transfer of nutrients from maternal parent to embryo.


In plants, a structure that encloses the megasporangium to form an ovule.


In plants, the formation of two different types of spores: microspores and megaspores; microspores produce male gametophytes, and megaspores produce female gametophytes.


In plants, the phenomenon in which zygotes remain enclosed within gametophyte tissues, where they are sheltered and fed.


In seed plants, the sperm needed for fertilization are supplied by ______, tiny MALE gametophytes enclosed by protective sporopollenin walls.

apical meristems

Land plant tissues arise from one or more actively dividing cells that occur at growing tips. Such localized regions of cell division are known as _______ In plants, a group of actively dividing cells at a growing tip.

sporangia; UV radiation; microbial attack

Meiosis occurs within enclosures known as _________ (from the Greek, meaning spore containers), whose tough cell walls protect developing spores from harmful _________ and _________.

microspores; male; megaspores; female

Microsporangia produce small ____________ that give rise to _____ gametophytes, which develop into pollen grains. Megasporangia produce larger _________ that give rise to ______ gametophytes, which develop and produce eggs while enclosed by protective megaspore walls.


Molecular and other evidence indicates that the plant kingdom evolved from green algal ancestors that primarily lived in aquatic habitats such as lakes or ponds. Together, plants and their modern green algal relatives are known as _______. Together streptophyte algae with land plants, form a clade- the _________

matrotrophy; embryophytes; bryophytes

One reproductive advantage of the plant life cycle is that zygotes remain enclosed within gametophyte tissues, where they are sheltered and fed. This critical innovation, known as ___________ (from the Latin, meaning mother, and the Greek, meaning food) gives zygotes a good start while they grow into embryos. Because all groups of land plants possess matrotrophic embryos, they are known as __________. Sheltering and feeding embryos is particularly important when embryo production is limited by water availability, as is often the case for bryophytes.

vascular tissue

Plant tissue that provides both structural support and conduction of water, minerals, and organic compounds.


Plants are distinguished from their algal relatives by the presence of traits that foster survival in _________ conditions, which are drier, sunnier, hotter, colder, and less physically supportive than aquatic habitats


Round or elongate gametangia that produce SPERM in plants.


Specialized structures produced by many land plants in which developing gametes are protected by a jacket of tissue.


Structures that produce and disperse the spores of plants, fungi, or protists.

water loss; water loss; lower

The bodies of all land plants are composed of three-dimensional tissues. Tissues provide land plants with an increased ability to avoid ___________at their surfaces. ____________ is decreased in land plants because bodies composed of tissues have _________ surface area/volume ratios than do branched filaments

gametangia; gametangia; outer protective jacket of tissue; drying out; microbial attack

The gametophytes of bryophytes and many other land plants produce gametes in specialized structures known as _________ (from the Greek, meaning gamete containers). Certain cells of __________ develop into gametes, and other cells form an ____________. The gametangial jacket protects the delicate gametes from __________ and from __________ while they develop.

taller; spores

The presence of vascular tissue, and the ability to branch allow plants to grow much _______ than bryophytes and produce more ______ and vascular plants also more prominant bc of this

integuments; embryo

The seed coat develop's from a plant's _________ and protect's a plant's ______

zygotic life cycle; sporic life cycle; sporic life cycle; Alternation of generations; 2n; n

The streptophyte algae display a _________ in which the diploid generation consists of only one cell, the zygote. By contrast, sexual reproduction in bryophytes and all other plants follows what is called a_________, in which generations alternate. In the ____________, meiosis results in the formation of spores, reproductive cells that allow organisms to disperse in the environment. _______________ means that land plants produce two types of multicellular bodies that alternate in time. These two types of bodies are known as the diploid (2n), spore-producing sporophyte generation and the haploid (n), gamete-producing gametophyte generation. sporophyte = ____ gametophyte = _____

drought; mechanical stress; specialied functions

The tissue-producing apical meristems of land plants produce relatively thick, robust bodies able to withstand _______ and _______ and produce tissues and organs with ___________


The tough material that composes much of the walls of plant spores and helps to prevent cellular damage during transport in air

zygotic life cycle/ haploid life cycle *in protists but just a reminder

The type of life cycle of most unicellular protists in which haploid cells develop into gametes. Two gametes then fuse to produce a diploid zygote. Zygotic life cycles take their name from the observation that the zygote is the only cell that undergoes meiosis INDIVIDUAL IS ALWAYS N

Lycophytes and pteridophytes

These two phyla diverged prior to the origin of seeds?


Together, lycophytes, pteridophytes, and seed-producing plants are known as the _______, a term used to describe vascular plants

stems, roots, leaves

Vacular tissues occur in the major plant organs, name them


What are liverworts, mosses, and hornworts are collectively known as? -the modern nonvascular land plants

(1) liverworts (formally called Hepatophyta) (2) mosses (Bryophyta) (3) hornworts (Anthocerophyta) (4) lycophytes (Lycopodiophyta) (5) pteridophytes (Pteridophyta) (6) cycads (Cycadophyta) (7) ginkgos (Ginkgophyta) (8) conifers (Coniferophyta) (9) the flowering plants, also known as angiosperms (Anthophyta) in order from oldest to youngest

What are the 9 phyla of living land plants?


What did lycophytes and pteridophytes diverge prior to the origin of?

1. bryophyte gametophytes are more common, larger, and longer lived than bryophyte sporophytes (e.g. moss are gametophytes but to see the sporophytes u'd have to look closely bc this stage is small and short) so gametophytes is the dominant generation in their life cycle. WHEREAS, in plants, the sporophyte generation is the dominant one 2. bryophyte sporophytes are small and remain attached to parental gametophytes, are unable to branch and have short lifetimes WHEREAS in land plants, the sporophytes are independent bc they can branch and continue to grow and produce sporangia on lateral branches for many years. basically bryophytes are the ones that have issues bc in all land plants except bryophytes, the sporophyte generation is more dominant, larger, more complex, and longer-lived than the gametophyte generation 3. bryophytes LACK VASCULAR TISSUES, tissues that provide structural support and serve in conduction of water and nutrients. they are known as NONVASCULAR PLANTS. WHEREAS other land plants are VASCULAR PLANTs because they produce vascular tissues that function in both conduction and support

What features distinguish bryophytes from land plants?

moist; antheridia; archegonia; archegonium; sporophytes

When the plant sperm are mature, if _____ conditions exist, the sperm are released from _________ into films of water. Under the influence of sex-attractant molecules secreted from ________, the sperm swim toward the eggs, twisting their way down the tubular neck of the ___________. The sperm then fuse with egg cells (in a process called fertilization) to form diploid zygotes, which grow into embryos. New _______________ develop from embryos.


Which specialized conducting tissue contains tracheids?

the larger the diploid generation, the more spores produced, the more plants can disperse progeny through the environment. so the sporophyte generation has evolved to be larger and more complex

Why is spore production a measure of plant fitness?

seeds; carbs; lipid, protein

_______ are reproductive structures having specialized tissues that enclose plant embryos; produced by gymnosperms and flowering plants, usually as the result of sexual reproduction; they contain stores of ____, ______, and _________


are structures that develop from flowers, enclose seeds, and foster seed dispersal in the environmen

endosporic gametophytes

gametophytes produced by heterosporous plants grow within the confines of microspore and megaspore walls so they're known as

seed plants

gymnosperms and angiosperms are referred to as these type of plants

flowers, fruits, and endosperm

gymnosperms produce seeds and many are woody plants, but they lack ________________________

flagellate; water; limit

in general, fertilization cannot occur in bryophytes unless water is present because the sperm are __________ and need _______ to reach eggs. Conditions of uncertain moisture, common in land habitats, can thus ______ plant reproductive success.


is a nutritive seed tissue that increases the efficiency with which food is stored in the seeds of flowering plants. Flowers, fruits, and endosperm are defining features of the angiosperms, and they are integral components of animal nutrition.

sporic; alternation; embryos; spores; gametes; spores

land plants have distinctive reproductive features including a ______ life cycle involving _______between two types of multicellular bodies; _______that depend on maternal tissues during early development; tough-walled reproductive cells known as _______ that allow dispersal through dry air; and specialized structures that generate, protect, and disperse _______and ________


multicellular eukaryotic organisms composed of cells having plastids, and primarily live on land


non vascular plants


pollen comes in contact with ovules


seeds are very layered, which increases


so u know that xylem helps provide structural support which is why vascular plants can grow taller than nonvascular ones. but what compression and decay resistant waterproof material does the support function rely on?


some lycophytes and pteridophytes produce and release two distinct kinds of spores, relatively large megaspores and small microspores which grow into female, and male gametophytes, respectively. the large size of megaspores allows them to store food to support later developing sporophytes

small; moist; tall; dry

the bryophytes are all relatively _____ in stature and are most common and diverse in _____ habitats because they lack traits allowing them to grow _____or reproduce in ______places.

distinctive type of cytokinesis intercellular connections known as plasmodesmata sexual reproduction

what are some of the shared features that LATER streptophyte algae share with land plants?

cross-fertilization --> genetic variation; and protection from environmental damage from surrounding spore walls

what is an advantage of heterospory?


what is the nutritive tissue in the seeds of angiosperms?


when one type of spore is released that develops into one type of gametophyte. the gametophytes live independently and produce both male and female gametangia like in modern lycophytes and pteridophytes

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