Ch. 3 & 4 HWST

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(Kumulipo) Who is the change named after?

Kalaninuiʻ īamamao

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") In 13 Wā, we learn that Haumea slept w/Kanaloa (Taʻaroa) and that their descendants - the _______ clan - went to live one very corner of Hawaiinuiākea


(Mythology) The descants of Tane and Hineahuone increased until time of what?


(Geology) The largest landslides known on earth are the: 1) north flank of ______________ 2) the northwest flank of the _____________ volcano

Molokaʻi (north flank); Koʻolau Volcano (northwest flank)

(Mythology) As a heroic figure, who did Maui serve as a role model and in particular which member of the family and why?

To junior children, the youngest born b/c status and succession was based on order of birth, that through determination and honorable qualities, they too could succeed in life

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) Lowland landscapes in Hawai'i were altered by both ________ and _________ migrants to the islands, through forest clearance, use of fire, and intro. of ______ plant and _______ species. While human impacts have become pervasive in the lowlands, the high-elevation ecosystems remain relatively intact

Polynesian & Western; Alien; Animal; Intact

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) The mean _________________ (TWI) height is where rainfall decreases sharply with elevation

Trade-Wind Inversion

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) Mountains in Hawai'i and elsewhere are important havens for _________ and sources of _________

biodiversity; fresh water

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The irrigation ditches and pond fields were engineered to allow the cool water to _______ among the taro plants and from terrace to ________, avoiding ________ and _______ by the sun

circulate; terrace; stagnation; overheating

(Geology) Fault scarps, aka ______, that are positioned almost parallel to the shoreline indicates that the ______- has failed and the current cliffs are headwalls of large slump blocks

cliffs; flank

(Geology) Unsupported flanks of island that were built on weak, rugby pillow may have _________ if shaken by earthquake or it volcano becomes too steep w/magma


(Kumulipo) What kind of chant is the Kumulipo?


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) A loose-roc _______ structure was built w/in the stream to build-up enough hydraulic energy to divert water into the irrigation ditches


(Geology) From initial eruption at sea floor to formation of an island shield volcano, the process takes at least

1 million years

(Places of Worship) What is the name given for each of the *three rituals observed in construction of a heiau*?

1) *Haku ʻOhiʻa* 2) *ʻAha Kaʻi* 3) *Hono Rituals*

(QUIZ QUESTIONS) #3) *three food production technologies* in Hawaiʻi that Marion Kelly describes in her article

1) *Loʻi kalo* --> ditch irrigated terraces (staple food - starch) 2) *Loko iʻa* --> walled fish ponds (protein) 3) *Systematic Dry land field Cultivation* --> non-irrigated crop fields (crops organized by vegetation zones

(Kumulipo) Approx. how many lines are there in this chant?


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) During the 1860s, Hawaiian population dropped from original 18th and early 19th century estimates by foreigners of 242,000-400,000 to approx. ______


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") According to Kumulipo, how many generations does it go back?


(Mythology) What else was brought into the world w/letting of light into the world (in addition to humans)?

?knowledge of good and evil

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") What is the Hawaiian word for sacred gathering place of worship or stone built temple in Hawaiʻi?


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The selected species of herbivorous fish, the 'ama'ama (mullet) and the awa (milk fish) removed _____steps in the natural food-chain by feeding directly on algae, bottom of pond and organic detritus (waste)


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The Souther imaginary line 23.5 degrees from equator is closest to sun, it marks one of the solstices of the year known to us in the norther hemisphere as the ________ solstice


(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) High elevation forests are refuge for these native birds but w/warming climate conditions, mosquitoes and avian malaria will be found at increasingly higher elevations, thereby _______________ the native birds habitat and their chances of survival

decreasing and limiting

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") When the sun passes directly over the Equator, the days and nights are equal length. This even happens twice a year and is known as an _______


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The flow of water was also controlled to prevent _____ of ditches and terraces, an __________ feat of no mean proportions

erosion; engineering

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) In Hawaii, distinct ecological zones called tropical montane cloud forests (TMCF) are found along mountain slopes in the zone where frequent _______ adds to hydrological input through _______________ (CWI) and has profound effects on biota

fog; cloud water interception (CWI)

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) According to 19th century Historian Kamakau, the scale and number of fishponds suggests a very large _______ in Hawai'i before Captain Cook's arrival in 1778


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The 'auwai or irrigation system was usually fed by a _____


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") When this norther imaginary line is closest to the sun, it marks one of the solstices of the year known to use in norther hemisphere as the ______ solstice


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The knowledge of Tāne is important b/c one cannot navigate w/out knowledge of movements of the ______


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The equinox and solstices mark the passage of ______ and _________

sun and seasons (time)

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The systematic organization of drylands agriculture may have been developed during the time of ________


(Places of Worship) How often did the people of old pray?

All the time

(Places of Worship) Where was the first Heiau built? Give both traditional name and contemporary location

Waolani, Nuʻuanu

(Geology) All of the plate boundaries throughout the Pacific _______ through time, adjusting to ________ in plate motion

shift; changes

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The ______________ controlled the flow of water into and out of the pond and allowed fresh _________ into the pond

sluice gates; sea water

(Places of Worship) Were the heiau for the people smaller or larger in comparison to those built by the chiefs?

smaller in comparison

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") What is traditional navigational name of Polynesia?


(Kumulipo) How many Wā or time periods are described in the chant?


(Geology) Slump block may fails catastrophically as giant _________


(Places of Worship) What was the hardest work in making the Heiau?

laying stone

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) Another food production system was the extensive ____ (stone-faced, terraced pond fields) and ________ (accompanying irrigation systems) that were developed for the cultivation of wetland taro

lo'i; 'auwai

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) Dryland cultivation was characterized by variety of __________ root and _______ crops grown for subsistence, and farmers would have gardens in one or more ___________- zones

non-irrigated; tree; vegetation

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) 'Umi-a-liloa was famous for farming, fishing, and for

organizing the division of labour

(QUIZ QUESTIONS) #4) the preferred term used to describe Hawaiiʻs water cycle and why?

orographic rainfall; b/c it includes FOG DRIP. Precipitation doesn't not include fog drip

(Mythology) What does *phenomenological* mean?

- a movement in philosophy that has been adapted by certain sociologists to promote understanding of relationship b/t states of individual consciousness and social life. - as an approach w/in sociology, phenomenology seeks to reveal how human awareness is implicated in the production of social action, social situations, and social worlds

(Places of Worship) Describe each of the following Heiau: 1) *Luakini po'okanaka* 2) *Waihau ipu-o-Lono* 3) *Hale ipu-o-Lono* 4) *Wahihau, hale-o-Papa 5) *Ku'ula / Ko'a* 6) *Pohaku-o-Kāne*

1) *Luakini po'okanaka* --> large heiau called [ʻohiʻa ko] and [haku ʻohiʻa] built along the coast in interior of land and on mountainsides; they were only for the paramount chief of the moku 2) *Waihau ipu-o-Lono* --> these were "comfortable" heiau; they did NOT have the stringent tabu of the luakini, the chief built first then the makaaina would build them 3) *Hale ipu-o-Lono* --> Were heiau to inspire rain 4) *Wahihau, hale-o-Papa --> Were comfortable heiau, belonging to the [piʻo] and [niʻaupiʻo] chiefesses, and were for the good of women and children borne for benefit of land 5) *Ku'ula / Ko'a* --> fishing heiau, the chief built the [kuʻula] and the people built the [koʻa] all around the land 6) *Pohaku-o-Kāne* --> Single stones set up commemoration of Kane, and families would set up these stones at their residences and make offerings and sacrifices to obtain forgiveness for wrong doing

(QUIZ QUESTIONS) #1) *three metaphors for Papa and Wākea*

1) *Nīʻaupiʻo* --> Sacred mating among chiefs to secure chiefly line 2) *ʻAikapu* --> Sacred eating - religion of traditional Hawaiʻi 3) *Mālama ʻĀina* --> A familial, caring relationship to land though genealogical connection

(MATCHING TERMS) 1) *Puʻuhonoa* 2) *Sailor Hat non-native plants* 3) *Protect Kahoolawe* 4) *Aloha ʻĀina Ahupuaa* 5) *Hot spot* 6) *Pele* 7) *Indigenous plants* 8) *endemic plants* 9) *atoll* 10) *sea mount* 11) *kahoolawe* 12) *kahoolawe island reserve commission*

1) *Puʻuhonua* 2) *Sailor Hat non-native plants* 3) *Protect Kahoolawe* - mission: to perpetuate Aloha ʻĀina throughout our islands through cultural, educational, and revitalize cultural and natural resources of Kahoʻolawe. 4) *Aloha ʻĀina Ahupuaa* - Kamehameha Schools project 5) *Hot spot* 6) *Pele* 7) *Indigenous plants* (native plants) 8) *endemic plants* (plants being native/special in one area only) 9) *atoll* - ring-shaped reef or island 10) *sea mount* - a submarine mountain 11) *kahoolawe* 12) *kahoolawe island reserve commission*

(Mythology) What are the *three states of existence*?

1) *Te Kore* (the void) 2) *Te Po* (the dark) 3) *Te Aomarama (the world of light)

(QUIZ QUESTIONS) #2) *three realms* described in Maori mythology

1) *Te Kore* --> To void 2) *Te Pō* --> the dark/night 3) *Te Marama* --> the light/day Distinction b/t time of darkness and time of light is COMMON THEME found in many Polynesian origin stories in Kumulipo, the cosmogonic chant in Hawaiʻi

(Mythology) Give *two examples of the successes of Maui*

1) Slowed passage of the sun 2) Fished up the land 3) He invented strongest twine, cord, and ropes 4) He obtained the secret of fire

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") What *two solar events* did the alignment of the temples walls seem to refer to?

1) Winter Solstice 2) Summer Solstice

(Geology) The pacific region displays each of the major processes of plate tectonics:

1) hot spot volcanism 2) divergent and convergent plate margin process 3) transform fault motion

(Geology) The landmasses that surround the Pacific and the islands w/in Pacific have been created by ___________ and ___________

1) plate tectonics 2) volcanism

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) Today, the ahupua'a is threatened by changes and rapid shifts in _______ , ______ , ______ , and ______ frequency to the slopes of Hawaii's mountains

1) temperature 2) Rainfall 3) cloud cover 4) fog

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) There were *three main technological advances that resulted in food intensification* in Hawaii before Captain Cook's arrival. They were...

1) walled fishponds 2) terraced pond fields w/irrigation systems 3) systematic dry-land field cultivation organized by vegetation zones

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) Thus Hawaiians raised the natural food chain efficiency of protein production, through farming fish, by _____ times


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The terraced pond fields were built b/t approx. b/t centuries of______________ by prominent chiefs

1300 & 1600

(Kumulipo) Brief description for each Wā, highlighting major birth, persons, or event for each period. *Ao (time of light)*

Ao (time of lightness) *9)* Laʻilaʻi, the older sister is exalted; mates w/ Kiʻi, and born are niʻaupiʻo (god like children) *10)* Laʻilaʻi and Kāne; born are children (concepts of *jealousy*, poʻolua, and punalua) *11)* 800 generations later ends w/Pōlaʻa and Kaihinaliʻi. Moa vs. Wākea, honoring Moa, longest time, issues of "mana gobbling" b/t Māui descendants - navigators lineage, and descendants of Wākea the lineage of all Hawaiians. Issues of ʻmana gobblingʻ *12)* Glorification of Wākea and son Hāloa *13)* Honors Papa (mother of HI islands) *14)* Laka is born (goddess of forest plants *15)* Haumea (mother equated to Papa, Laʻilaʻi, and Kāmehaʻikana "the great source of female fertility" Haumea marries both Wākea and later Hāloa and has many husbands *16)* Māui. His father is Akalana, mother is Hina. His adventures include pushing up sky, getting fire from mushed, fishing up islands, snaring sun hat Haleakalā

(Mythology) Which island nation in Polynesia are the Maori, the indigenous people, from?

Aotearoa (New Zealand)

(Kumulipo) Who is Pōʻele?

Black night, the female entity that mates w/male entity, Kumulipo

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) ________ may contribute a meter or more of water per year to soil, groundwater, and streamflow in some windward, high-rainfall areas


(Places of Worship) Who was responsible for building large heiau for human sacrifices? Was is the chiefs or commoners?


(Places of Worship) Where were the *heiau koʻa* built?

Close to the beach or in seacoast caves

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") Most famous temple in Hawaiʻinuiākea is ___________ (Sanctity or Sacred Space of Area), located at center of ancestral ________ alliance and religion of navigation, at __________ or now Raʻiatea, in village called opoa through pass of ʻAvarua (double pass)

Famous temple: Taputapuatea; Hauatea alliance; Hawaiki

(Places of Worship) What was the purpose of a *"Heiau Koʻa"*?

Fishing shrines

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") Hawaiian traditions from Kumulipo teach us how we, the descendants of Kanaloa and Haumea, are united by _______, and how all of the cousins were also united in similar body of knowledge, speaking very similar languages. It was because of the ________-alliance that we find nearly identical god, prayers, and rituals everywhere in Hawaiinuiākea

Genealogy; Hau-atea

(Places of Worship) What was the main THING prayed for by the people of Hawaiʻi?

Good health

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") One of Haumeaʻs daughters is ______(sina) who is the goddess of the ______. HINA who teaches us about the movement of the moon throughout skies. This knowledge is crucial to navigation as well; she teaches us the ebb and the flow of the _________ , and the prediction of _______ throughout the year

HINA; goddess of the MOON; tides; weather

(Places of Worship) What is the name of the ritual or ceremony that was observed for obtaining the timber for the houses and for the main kiʻi (carved images)?

Haku ʻOhiʻa

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The ________ alliance was a religious-political alliance b/t all of the cousins in ______________ including Hawaiʻi, Papa Nui, and Aotearoa, and all of the islands w/in triangle bounded by those three points

Hau-atea; Hawaiinuiākea

(Mythology) Who did Take fashion out of earth and then breathed the life force *mauri* into the nostrils and mouth?


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) Captain _______________, second in command on Cook expedition, used measuring system that estimated population to be about _________ the island of Hawai'i and about ___________ for all of the islands

James King; 150,000 400,000

(Places of Worship) Directions (eg. north, south, or left, right) were associated to powers of the female or male essence. According to Kamakuaʻs writings, carved images at the heiau were either male or female. What was the essence of the images outside the *North or right wall*, were they male or female?


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") South of the equator these temples are known generically as _______, meaning clear space. In Hawaiʻi, our temples are called Heiau


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The general term for sacred temple or gathering place found in French Polynesia and Aotearoa is known as


(Places of Worship) What kind of heiau was a *"luakini"*?

One for human sacrifice

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The English name for this star constellation is __________, however, it is widely known as the constellation of ________ (Wide expanse)

Orion; Atea

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") Priests of Taputapuatea were called ________ and _________, and they tended to religion teachings in islands in their general _______, navigating their way among them to bring new knowledge developed in homeland

Paoa-uri & Paoa-tea

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") What family name can be found throughout Hawaiinuiākea that refers to a family of navigators?

Paʻao -- the family of navigators

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") Wherever Atea travels, he mates w/local earth mother and populates land. The earth is always female, she is always earth mother, and union of sky and earth produce the ____________ everywhere in Hawaiʻinuiākea

People of the land

(Kumulipo) Brief description for each Wā, highlighting major birth, persons, or event for each period. *Pō (time of darkness)*

Pō (time of darkness) *1)* coral polyp, birth of sea urchins, and limu *2)* fish, porpoises, and sharks are born *3)* flying creatures in sea and sky are born *4)* creeping and crawling things are born *5)* The pigs, Kamapuaʻa *6)* ʻUku, ʻiole, the nibblers are born *7)* ʻilio, Peʻapeʻa, the mammals *8)* Four divinities are born: - Laʻilaʻi (sister) - Kiʻi - Kāne - Kanaloa

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") Laniākea, a popular surf spot, is also name of island in French Polynesia known as __________. Both names mean Sky of Area, the ancient Sky Father, who his constellation Orion


(Mythology) What happened after Hinetiitama found out who her father was?

She descended into Rarohega, and became Hinenuitepo, the goddess of death

(Mythology) Who are Hinetiitamaʻs parents?

She was the daughter of Tane and Hineahuone

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) Trends in rainfall and observed recent changes in the _______ suggest warming may result in drier conditions. ________ rainfall would be experienced everywhere, but especially for areas above the ______________ (around 2200m). This would result in _______ impacts to highly vulnerable ecosystems found in mountains

TWI (trade wind inversion); lower Lower; mean inversion heigh; severe

(Mythology) Who accomplished the task of separating earth and sky?


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") According to great Tahitian academic Teuira Henry, which temple did the ancestors in large double hull canoes bring everyone to?


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") It was at ____________ that the divine knowledge of navigation, of medical plants and healing, and resource management were taught and indicating widespread alliance of worship and traditional knowledge shared among the cousins


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The name for the famous navigational center or sacred temple in Raʻiatea, French Polynesia is


("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The temple name of _________ along w/its gods, priests, prayers, rituals of worship, and even temple design, is found in many islands of Hawaiʻinuiākea.


(Mythology) Which god disagreed the most and what element of nature was he god of?

Tawhirimatea, god of winds

(Mythology) What did the separation of Earth and Sky bring into being?

Te Aomarama, the world of light

(Mythology) What did Tane not want to tell Hinetiitama?

That she was his daughter

(Mythology) What did this state of existence bring into being?

The abode of human beings

(Mythology) What was the separation of earth and sky was though to be the first example of?

The first-misdeed of creation

(Kumulipo) What main event "rises" and differentiates the two major halves from each other?

The sun rises w/emergence of the gods Laʻilaʻi and her brothers Kiʻi , Kāne, and Kanaloa

(Mythology) The gods were angry and disagreed about the separation of their parents. How was this theme of disagreement played out in the Maori story of creation?

The war of the gods

(Places of Worship) Why were the *Heiau koʻa* important?

They brought life to the land though the abundance of food

("Hawaiʻinuiākea Comparative Gods Char"t; "Hawaiʻinuiākea Cousins") The Northern imaginary line that marks 23.5 degrees above equator is known as Tropic of __________. It is also know as Ke Alaʻula a Kane.

Tropic of Cancer

(Mythology) Which brother was Tawhirimatea unable to vanquish and what element was the brother a god of?

Tumatauegna (aka Tu, god of war and ancestor of fierce man encompassed in his names the aggressive characteristics of the warlike nature of human beings)

In Hawaiʻi, the earthly and celestial equator is known as Ka Piko o _________ ( the navel of __________). This also correlates to the first star in the "Belt of _____________" the rises at exactly 0 degrees _________ and its passage through the sky bifurcates the night sky into two hemispheres, the north and souther hemispheres)


(Places of Worship) Directions (eg. north, south, or left, right) were associated to powers of the female or male essence. According to Kamakuaʻs writings, carved images at the heiau were either male or female. What was the essence of the images outside the *South or left wall*, were they male or female?


(Places of Worship) Waolani is considered to be the location where the first heiau was built. Who lived in this place?

Wakea guys

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) Mountains create range of climates and support varied environments that make up the _________ systems of ancient Hawaii that Hawaiians organized their _________, ____________, and societal systems

ahupua'a; agricultural, aqua-cultural

(Places of Worship) What shapes were the Heiau built in?

all shapes

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) A correctly constructed pond would eventually become _______, self perpetuating, and self proficient


(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) But while local climates changes associated with __________ are likely to be most pronounced in the __________, the impacts of those changes will also be felt _________ where most of the _________, industry, and _________ development is located

global warming; mountains; downslope; agriculture; residential

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) The native _____ are the most vulnerable to human impacts and the main threats to them are _______ loss and introduced _______

habitat; diseases

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The flow through the pond fields were controlled by the ______ of the terraces and the speed of the flow of water was controlled by the _______ and the _______ of the ditch

height; length; slope

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The genius of Hawaiians cultivating fish was the utilization of the _________ link in the food chain


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The sluice gate protected the ________ fish from the _________ predators

herbivorous; carnivorous

(Geology) The Pacific and its western margins exhibit number of different geologic processes. The geologic process that describes formation of Hawaiian islands is known as

hot spots

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) Possible changes in amounts and patterns of ___________ may be more important than changes in temperature in Hawaii. Hawaii does not have the option of importing water from neighboring states to meet its _______ and _______ water needs. The ground and surface water resources of islands, already strained, are certain to come under greater pressure during coming decades as population grows. Any changes to water balance of islands that reduce the amount of _________ or the _________ recharge, will have serious consequences

precipitation; domestic and agricultural; stream-flow or ground-water

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) Division of labour, a device often used to increase ________, necessitates centralization of _________

production; authority

(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) King's figures were problematic b/c he did not take into account the quantity and quality of _______ to support the population across the different island terrains


(Dynamics of Production Intensification in Pre-contact Hawaii) The fishponds were built by some of the highest _____________ approx. b/t centuries of ______ and ______

ruling chiefs; 1400 & 1600

(Climate Change in Hawai'i Mountains) In traditional Hawaiian belief system, Hawaiians perceived mountains were ______ places where the _______ of the forests takes place

sacred; regeneration

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