Ch. 3 Professionalism and Ethics

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A rule, standard, or measure against which to gauge the goodness or badness of an act is called a. An ethic b. A moral c. A norm d. A reaction


Which one of the following statements concerning unethical conduct is true a. Use of unnecessary force is concerned with physical force b. Receiving discounts on food and clothing is not considered unethical c. Slanting testimony to help the district attorney is unethical d. Failure to change for improvement is considered stupid but not unethical


75. (3.1.1) According to TCLEOSE, the earliest definition of "professionalism" comes from A. physicians B. law C. military D. religion


96. (3.3.2) The maximum imprisonment authorized by law for a violation of USC 242 is A. Imprisonment for not more than six months. B. Imprisonment for not more than one year. C. Imprisonment for not more than ten years. D. Imprisonment for any term of years or life.


Ethical men and women are a. Born, not made. b. Above corruption and temptation. c. Easily distinguished from unethical people. d. Made, not born.


Every aspect of human behavior is influenced by? 3.2.2 a. Ethical behavior b. Professionalism c. Objective thinking d. Personal Values


The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics refers to a. On-duty conduct only. b. Off-duty conduct only. c. Peace officers dealing with the public only. d. Peace officers' whole life experiences.


"Every calling is great when greatly pursued." 3.1.1 a. Oliver Wendell Holmes b. Thomas Huxley c. Napoleon d. None of the above


IACP stands for "International Association of the Chiefs of Police"? 3.2.2 a.True b.False


In order for peace officers to maintain the highest standards of personal and professional behavior, they must serve the entire community and never a. Represent any particular special interest group. b. Have a political opinion. c. Join a professional organization that represents the profession. d. Discuss a problem with a supervisor.


Individuals will not vary as to their compatibility with the characteristics and qualities of profession. 3.1.1 a.True b.False


Professionals profess to know better __ and __ a. Nature of their client, What is best for their specialty b. Nature of their specialty, What is best for their client c. Nature of their species, What is best for their liar d. Increased cost of training and development


USC 242 concerns a. Conspiracy Against Rights b. Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law


Which of the following is a learned profession? a. Law enforcement b. Law c. Teaching d. Religious order


85. (3.2.2) The expression or use of facts without distortion by personal feelings or prejudices is the definition of __________. A. professionalism B. ethical integrity C. objectivity D. courage


95. (3.3.2) United States Code (USC) _________ deals with "Deprivation of Rights Under Color of law. A. 240 B. 241 C. 242 D. 245


Ethical men are: 3.2.2 a. Financially well off b. Emotionally balanced c. Made, not born d. Professionally centered


Sometimes your short term goals seem to be the most important. 3.2.2 a.True b.False


81. (3.1.2) Which of the following was specifically listed by TCLEOSE as being an "advantage" of the "professional model for law enforcement?" A. Unethical Conduct B. Public or client better served. C. Very limited problem solving. D. Cost of training and development.


The earliest meaning of "professionalism" meant what? 3.1.1 a. One who is engaged in one of the learned or skilled professions b. The act of professing c. An occupation requiring advanced training in an art or science d. None of the above


Which of the following is an advantage of having the professional model for law enforcement. a. Increased cost of training and development b. Opportunity for educational benefits c. More effective problem solving techniques d. Limited entry-level opportunities for people from lower socioeconomic segments.


Characteristics of professionalism include all but which of the following: 3.1.2 a. Theoretical body of knowledge b. Remuneration for job occupant c. Standards for entry, practice, and ethical conduct d. Professional association to maintain standards


The professional behavior with peace officers and others in the criminal justice system needs to come closer to __ ethical behavior than may be possible in private life. a. Real b. Actual c. Ideal d. General


Which of the following is not an advantage of the professional model for law enforcement? a. Public or client better served b. Effective problem solving c. Officers conduct their affairs ethically d. Cost of training and development e. Higher salaries for professional performance.


77. (3.1.2) Which of the following was specifically listed by TCLEOSE as being a "characteristic of professionalism?" A. Service to others. B. Community policing. C. Traditional policing. D. High criminal arrest rate.


83. (3.2.2) Specifically, the "__________" role is performed by being objective and ethical in personal behavior and in functioning as a representative of the criminal justice system. A. ethical B. professional C. paramilitary D. law enforcement


87. (3.2.3) Which of the following was specifically listed in the BPOC, Chapter 3, as an example of physical courage? A. Facing barricaded, armed suspect. B. Refusing gratuities C. Refusing to participate in cover-up. D. Refusing to participate in ethnic or gender based humor or practical joking, etc.


89. (3.3.1) A person would commit the offense of "__________" under the PC, if he intentionally or knowingly offers, confers, or agrees to confer on another, or solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept from another: any benefit as consideration for the recipient's decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, or other exercise of discretion as a public servant, party official, or voter. A. Bribery B. Illegal Offering or Acceptance of Gratuities C. Obstruction of Justice D. None of the above


91. (3.3.1) According to the Penal Code, a public servant acting under color of office or employment commits the offense of "Official Oppression" if the public servant _____________. A. intentionally subjects another to sexual harassment B. aids another in acquiring personal property C. coerces another with intent to obtain a benefit D. intentionally includes a report of facts known to the person to be false


97. (3.3.3) In the Penal Code the definition of "_____________" would include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, submission to which is made a term or condition of a person's exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, power, or immunity, either explicitly or implicitly. A. sexual harassment B. prostitution C. aggravated sexual assault D. none of the above


According to the penal code, a public servant acting under the color of office or employment commits the offense of Official Oppression if the public servant a. Intentionally subjects another to sexual harassment b. Aids another in acquiring personal property c. Coerces another with an attempt to gain benefit d. Intentionally includes a report of facts known to the person to be false


Bribery What is the offense under this section? a. Felony 2 b. Felony 1 c. State Jail Felony d. Slap on the wrist


If you obey the law you will set a good example for others and spare your fellow officers the a. Discomfort of having to intervene in you Private affairs b. Need o conduct a professional inquiry c. Action to convene an internal affairs investigation d. Necessity of conducting a criminal investigation.


Peace officers who violate the civil rights of a prisoner by intentionally subjecting a person in custody to bodily injury have committed a a. Class A misdemeanor b. State jail felony c. Third-degree felony d. Second degree felony


The best way to understand the concept of professionalism is to think of occupations differing as to the degree that they are professional? 3.1.1 a.True b.False


The prime beneficiary to the criminal justice system is: 3.2.2 a. The public served b. The criminals captured c. The officers serving d. The overall image


The science of Morality governing an individual or a group is called a. Ethics b. Professionalism c. Ethos d. Ethnics


USC 241 concerns a. Conspiracy Against Rights b. Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law


Which of the following is a characteristic of professionalism? a. Service to others b. High salaries c. Advanced academic degrees d. Elite status e. Crisp uniform and shined shoes


____ is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enable one to face danger with self-possession, confidence, and resolution, bravery, valor. 3.2.3 a. Courage b. Heroism c. Bravery d. Fearlessness


_______ Professionalism is a vocation or occupation requiring advanced training in some liberal arts or science and usually involves mental rather than manual work. a. Learned b. Ethical c. Acquired d. Advanced


"It's not who is right, but what is right that counts." 3.2.2 a. Oliver Wendell Holmes b. Thomas Huxley c. Napoleon d. None of the above


78. (3.l.2) Which of the following was specifically listed by TCLEOSE as being an "advantage" of the "professional model for law enforcement?" A. Public or client were less served. B. Quality of peace officers is improved. C. Unethical Conduct D. Less effective problem solving.


79. (3.1.2) Which of the following was specifically listed by TCLEOSE as being an "advantage" of the "professional model for law enforcement?" A. Unethical Conduct B. Stronger community support and respect C. Very limited problem solving. D. Cost of training and development.


84. (3.2.2) According to the BPOC, which of the following is a true statement? A. Ethical people are born, not made. B. Ethical people are made, not born. C. Ethical problems are always clearly seen. D. Peer pressures do not work for or against ethical behavior.


A peace officer who gives materially false testimony under oath in a court of law is subject to confinement in a. Jail for one year and may be fined up to $4,000. b. Prison for two to 10 years and may be fined up to $10,000. c. Jail for 180 days and may be fined up to $2,000 d. Prison for 2 to 20 years and may be fined up to $10,000 e. The state penitentiary for 5 to 99 years or life and may be fined up to $10, 000


As we interact with people, participate in community relations and education programs, and work with other criminal justice professionals, doing what is ___, rather than what may be more rewarding financially or simply more expedient, is most important. a. Politically correct b. Right c. Easy d. Necessary


The Oxford English Dictionary offers the following definition for Professionalism: "The occupation which one professes to be skilled in and to be follow. A vocation in which professed knowledge of some branch of learning is used in its application to the affairs of others, or in the practice of an art based upon it." Applied specifically to the three learned professions of all except? 3.1.1 a. Divinity b. Industrialism c. Law d. Medicine


The ethical role is performed by being ___ and ____ in personal behavior and in functioning as a representative of the criminal justice system. 3.2.2 a. Understanding/Kind b. Objective/Ethical c. Professional/Respectful d. Aloof/cool


The ethical role is performed by being _______ and ethical in personal behavior and functioning as a representative of the criminal justice system. a. Subjective b. Objective c. Rational d. Honest e Reflective


The highest level of professional certification by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education is a. Advanced Peace Officer. b. Master Peace Officer. c. Chief of Police. d. Superintendent of Police.


____ is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger with self-possession, confidence, and resolution. a. Self-confidence b. Courage c. Self-determination d. Professionalism


"The more I study the world, the more I am convinced of the inability of brute force to create anything durable." 3.1.2 a. Oliver Wendell Holmes b. Thomas Huxley c. Napoleon d. None of the above


76. (3.1.1) "____________"is the occupation which one professes to be skilled in and to follow. A vocation in which professed knowledge of some branch of learning is used in its application to the affairs of others, or in the practice of an art based upon it. A. Law B. Religion C. Profession D. Military


80. (3.1.2) Which of the following was specifically listed in the BPOC as an "advantage" of having the professional model for law enforcement? A. increased cost of training and development B. opportunity for educational benefits C. more effective problem solving techniques D. limited entry-level opportunities for people from lower socioeconomic segments


86. (3.2.3) "_____________" is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery; valor. A. Strength B. Wisdom C. Courage D. None of the above


88. (3.2.3) Which of the following was specifically listed in the BPOC, Chapter 3, as an example of moral courage? A. Facing barricaded, armed suspect. B. Arresting a combative suspect. C. Refusing gratuities. D. None of the above


90. (3.3.1) In the PC, a person commits the crime of "________________" if he privately addresses a representation, entreaty, argument, or other communication to any public servant who exercises or will exercise official discretion in an adjudicatory proceeding with an intent to influence the outcome of the proceeding on the basis of considerations other than those authorized by law. A. Bribery B. Coercion of Public Servant or Voter C. Improper Influence D. Obstruction or Retaliation


92. (3.3.2) What federal law enforcement agency has a special role assigned to them to investigate violations of federal statutes designed to prevent violations of civil rights of citizens by peace officers? A. ATF B. Secret Service C. FBI D. None of the above, must be investigate by state police


93. (3.3.2) Investigations relating to the deprivation of civil rights under color of law are usually conducted by the _______________. A. Federal Civil Rights Commission. B. United States Attorney General C. Federal Bureau of Investigation D. Attorney General of Texas


94. (3.3.2) It would be a violation under "__________" (Conspiracy Against Rights) if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or if two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured. A. PC 49 B. CCP 38 C. USC 241 D. USC 242


Disadvantages to the Professional Model include: 3.1.2 a. Higher Salaries b. Stronger role in the criminal justice system c. limited entry into the work force from poor because of limited opportunity for educational attainment d. None of the above


Ethics is concerned with encouraging you to do what you know you should do. Moral progress depends on our a. Willingness to improve the consistency of our ethical judgement and behavior b. Applying the same principles more thoroughly to our conduct involving other people c. Both a and b are correct d. None of the above is correct - it is much easier to live up to ideals than to hold them.


Investigation to the deprivation of civil rights under the color of law are usually conducted by the a. Federal civil rights commission b. United States Attorney General c. Federal Bureau of Investigation


Performing the Ethical Role include all but which of the following? 3.2.2 a. Moral Duty b. Consider all sides c. Short term goals d. "Ideal" ethical behavior in private life e. Moral progress


Sometimes the line between professional and non-professional behavior is very narrow, sometimes there is a____. 3.1.2 a. Ethical dilemma b. Institutional influence c. Behavioral continuum d. "Just reason"


The expression or use of facts without distortion by personal feelings or prejudices is the definition of... a. Professionalism b. Ethical integrity c. Objectivity d. Courage


The standards by which peace officers are judged, even in their private lives, are often _____ than those required for other members of society. a. Less defined b. Lower c. Higher d. More judgmental


Which one of the following is true concerning police professionalism.. a. Further advancement in police professionalism cannot be expected. b. Police professionalism is similar to the professional trades such as construction. c. Police professionalism is public oriented. d. Police professionalism can be achieved through enough experience on the street .


Who are most responsible to ensure that U.S. citizens live under the rule of law and not the rule of human whim? a. Attorneys b. The U.S. Congress c. Peace Officers d. The FBI


_____________ is one of the best methods to enhance public service for a community and its citizens. a. Bureaucracy b. Salesmanship c. Professionalism d. Discretion


82. (3.1.2) Which of the following was specifically listed by TCLEOSE as being a "disadvantage" of the "professional model for law enforcement?" A. Stronger community support and respect. B. Stronger role in the criminal justice system. C. Financial rewards. D. Cost of training and development.


A peace officer who completes 6 semester hours of college work and goes to an in-service training program for 20 hours will have accumulated how many education points toward upgrading his or her certificate a. 26 b. 21 c. 16 d. 7


An officer acts ethically when he or she does all but one of the following. Which element does not apply to the ethical role of a peace officer? a. Acting in a manner that reflects belief in the fundamental value of ethical behavior and in application of this value to the job b. Assisting the public to understand how they can help in achieving objective and ethical behavior c. Providing objective information and constructive assistance to all people, regardless of personal feelings d. Conducting daily activities in a subjective manner influenced by emotion, personal prejudice, and/or insufficient evidence


Characteristics of professionalism include which of the following: 3.1.2 a. Service to others b. Assessment of Client needs c. Continuing education and lifelong learning d. All of the above


Police professionalism depends on a. Training and education of law enforcement personnel b. The way peace officers approach their responsibilities c. The integrity of individual police officers d. All of the above


The earliest definition of "Professionalism" comes from a. Physician b. Law c. Military d. Religion e. Oxford English dictionary


The early religious term for 'Professionalism' was secularized by: 3.1.1 a. 1492 b. 1679 c. 1836 d. 1675


The law enforcement code of ethics was created and first publicized in a. Washington dc b. Chicago c. New York d. California


To be effective an officer should be objective. Objectivity is learned and improved with practice. It involves the expression or use of facts a. Based on feelings and sensitivity. b. Using both relevant and irrelevant information on a topic. c. That distort the validity of the information. d. Without distortion by personal feelings or prejudice.


Advantages to the Professional Model include: 3.1.2 a. Public is better served b. Financial rewards c. More respect and support from the community d. Both A and C e. All of the above


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