Ch. 37

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What was Britain's response to growing demands for Jewish self-rule?

They handed over the issue to the United Nations.

How did Egypt's new leaders envision their role in relation to other Arab states?

They sought to lead the pan-Arab nationalist movement.

Which of the following temporarily halted the advance toward Indian independence?

World War II

Who was Kwame Nkrumah?

a Ghanaian political leader who led the struggle for independence

Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated by

a Hindu extremist

What is the intifada?

a large-scale movement against Israeli rule in the occupied territories

commitment by the British government to support a homeland for Jews in Palestine

balfour declaration

Kwame Nkrumah

became a leading spokesperson for Pan-African unity.

Beginning in 1965, what type of intervention did the United States mount in the Vietnamese conflict?

bombing campaigns and ground troops

the emphasis of religion over national identity


The government of South Vietnam avoided elections in order to help prevent the spread of ______ in Southeast Asia.


Which country sent aid and arms to the Viet Minh that helped them defeat French forces at the decisive battle of Dienbienphu in 1954?

communist China

Unlike many other developing nations, India has maintained a ______ form of government since its independence in 1947.


What was Zionism's primary goal?

establishing a national Jewish state in Palestine

True of False: Ngo Dinh Diem, the first president of the Republic of South Vietnam, assumed office through free elections.


True or False: Iraq won a swift and decisive victory over Iran in the Iran-Iraq War.


a Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule in the Gaza Strip and other occupied territories


What was the primary goal of China's Great Leap Forward?

massive increases in industrial productivity

organization formed by Vietnamese nationalists to fight for freedom from South Vietnamese rule

national liberation front

Communists from North Vietnam made up the majority of the National Liberation Front.

not accurate

The political movement that united Arab nations after World War II was ____ -Arab nationalism.


What were some of the advantages Argentina enjoyed in terms of its prosperity and independence from foreign influence?

remoteness from the United States and Europe and a growing middle class

Besides the United States, which of the following nations strongly objected to attempts to wrest the Suez Canal from Egyptian control in 1956?

the Soviet Union

Which strategy reflected China's emulation of communist programs developed in the Soviet Union?

the five-year economic plan

Where did the revenue for the Mexican "economic miracle" come from?

the nationalization of the oil industry

Britain withdrew from Palestine in 1947 because

they could not resolve the conflict between Palestinians and Jews

Even before India gained its independence from Great Britain, there were calls for separate Hindu and Muslim states.


True or False: Colonial officials accused Kenyan rebels of initiating a racial conflict.


Starting in 1945, Jews in Palestine agitated for self-rule in what way?

violence against the British in Palestine

Nelson Mandela's party, the _____ was formed in 1912, and faced severe repression because of its protests against apartheid.

African National Congress

France's bloodiest colonial war in Africa was fought in ______.


Against which of these foreign powers did Vietnam fight for its independence in the 1940s and early 1950s?


How did the Iran-Iraq War begin?

Iraq's military dictator, Saddam Hussein attacked Iran.

A shared opposition to the state of ______ was an element of pan-Arab nationalism.


Which of the following statements about the Organization of African Unity (OAU) is true?

It attempted to resolve conflicts that could lead to intervention by former colonial powers.

Nasser wanted to use the income generated from the Suez Canal to build a giant dam on the ______ River.


Which of these is an example of the actions Eva Perón took on behalf of Argentina's poor?

She established a foundation to extend aid to the poor.

Which of the following groups did not help overthrow the shah of Iran?

Sunni Muslims

After the shah fled, Iranian militants took dozens of hostages at the U.S. embassy in the city of ______.


Which body announced the proposal to divide Palestine into two states?

The United Nations General Assembly

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of increased U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?

The best the U.S. and South Vietnamese could accomplish was a stalemate against North Vietnam.

Despite military defeat, why did Egypt gain prestige in the aftermath of the Suez crisis?

The cold war superpowers ultimately sided with Egypt.

After European powers left their colonized lands in sub-Saharan Africa

a series of bloody civil wars ensued.

The Great Leap Forward resulted in

a terrible famine.

African poets emphasized European culture in their encouragement of nationalist ideas


Elite African intellectuals did not originally support African nationalist movements.


Following the Geneva conference, the U.S. ensured that free elections took place in Vietnam


Islamic leaders blamed the secular values of Europe and the United States for the breakdown of values in their societies.


Islamism emerged as an alternative to pan-Arab unity.


Islamists sought a revival of Islamic identity, values, and power.


President Lyndon Johnson significantly increased U.S. involvement in Vietnam.


South Vietnamese and American forces handily defeated the North Vietnamese.


How did Deng Xiaoping push economic development in China?

by opening China to foreign influences and capitalist values

What was the initial reason that the United States decided to intervene in Vietnamese politics?

cold war concerns over communist power in vietnam

The Bandung Conference in 1955 focused on

developing "nonaligned" alternatives to choosing sides between the U.S. and Soviet Union

Which of the following are two factors that were at the heart of pan-Arab nationalism in the postwar period?

geographic proximity of Arab states and the shared Islamic faith

Mao Zedong's plan to modernize China through collectivization and industrialization

great leap forward

Mao Zedong's plan to root out the revisionism in Chinese life by cleansing Chinese society of opponents to his rule

great proletarian cultural revolution

one of Kenya's largest ethnic groups; starting in 1947 they mounted an intermittently violent campaign against British colonial rule


Which of the following was an important tactic for protesters in the Gold Coast and Northern Rhodesia?

labor strikes

Which of the following groups held considerable power throughout Latin America in the twentieth century?

landowning elites

How did the United States control interests in Latin America in the twentieth century?

military intervention and economic influence

Islam helped newly independent Arab nations to ally with the United States.

not accurate

Nationalism was widespread in sub-Saharan Africa by the end of World War II.

not accurate

Some Islamic thinkers advocated for the incorporation of some non-Muslim cultural influences into the Muslim world

not accurate

Some anticolonial movements drew from the pan-African movements that had emerged in the United States and the Caribbean.

not accurate

War in Vietnam ended after the Paris Peace Accords.

not accurate

Workers' strikes against oppressive labor practices helped to spread African nationalist ideals.

not accurate

celebration of African culture; a revival of Africa's great traditions and a movement to encourage Africans to move away from European culture and colonial rule


In the post-World War II era, foreign powers interfered most heavily in Middle Eastern affairs because of the vast reserves of ______ in the region.


What effect did the wars between Israel and its Arab neighbors have?

significant territorial gains for Israel

One major factor responsible for violent decolonization struggles in Africa was the

support of imperial rule by the European settlers in the colonies.

Mao Zedong's primary goals included rapid industrialization and

the collectivization of farming.

As a result of the Cultural Revolution in China,

the elite were beaten and killed, jailed, or sent to corrective labor camps or to toil in the countryside

Which of the following is one of the contributing factors to anti-U.S. sentiment among the Iranian revolutionaries?

the long-term U.S. role in bringing the shah to power

In the twentieth century, ______ often directly intervened in the Argentine political process.

the military

Women's rights organizations in twentieth-century Latin America often fused personal concerns for women with larger political goals, like

voting rights

After the Geneva peace conference in 1954, Vietnam

was divided into North and South Vietnam

Eva Perón used her power as Argentina's first lady to

win the support of the masses and earn a remarkable degree of popularity.

How did Nasser come to power?

After a bloodless coup that ended the monarchy of King Farouk, Nasser named himself Prime Minister.

What country served as a model of political development for many former Asian colonies in the post-World War II era?


Which of the following supported the decolonization movement in Africa?

Christian churches

Vietnam was unable to keep its independence movement distinct from the struggles of the ______ War.


Which of the following statements about France's relationship with its colonies in Africa is most accurate?

France granted independence to some colonial possessions, while others had to fight for independence.

Which of the following statements regarding decolonization struggles in Africa is true?

Internal divisions in African societies complicated the decolonization process.

Ho Chi Minh was enraged after the which foreign power invaded Indochina in 1940 with the agreement of the French Vichy regime?


India and ______ were the only two south, southeast, or east Asian countries that did not become ruled by authoritarian regimes in the post-World War II period.


Shah ______, who was ousted from power in the Iranian Revolution, was initially brought to power via a U.S.-engineered coup in 1953.

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

Who became South Africa's first black president, after the 1994 elections when the African National Congress claimed an overwhelming victory?

Nelson Mandela

Gandhi predicted that "rivers of blood" would flow in the wake of the creation of


Which of the following was not an element of the Suez crisis in 1956?

The Soviet Union wanted control of the Suez Canal.

What effect did the Cultural Revolution have on the Chinese educational system?

The education system was left in shambles.

Which of these was the primary goal of the Cultural Revolution?

The elimination of "revisionism" and other forms of opposition to Mao

How did the British government try to suppress the nationalists who were working for Ghanaian independence?

The nationalists were subjected to jail terms.

How did Nicaraguan women contribute to efforts to overthrow the government?

They fought with the Sandinista front to rid the nation of Somoza rule.

As international opposition to apartheid grew, what was the immediate cause of South African independence from the British Commonwealth?

White South African leaders declared their own sovereignty.

How did apartheid finally end?

White leadership of the National Party willingly dismantled the system.

Who were the primary opponents in the battle over Kenyan independence?

White settlers and Kenyan nationalists

Which of the following statements about the division of Palestine into two states are true?

- In 1948, the Jewish people living in Palestine founded the independent state of Israel. - The United States and the Soviet Union supported the idea. - A civil war broke out, and Arab and Jewish troops fought each other as the British departed.

Which of the following statements about Mexican politics in the aftermath of the "economic miracle" are true?

- Lázaro Cárdenas's son led a rival political party that challenged the PRI. - The country functioned with a one-party system that often treated the poor badly. - In the 1990s Mexican peasants rose in protest against government oppression.

Which of the following freedoms has India upheld, even in times of crisis?

- freedom of the press - free elections

Which of the following Middle Eastern nations were successful in achieving full independence by the end of World War II?

- lebanon - jordan - iraq

A developing sense of pan-Arab nationalism among the newly independent states in the region was characterized by.

- support for Arabs living in Palestine. - opposition to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Which of the following helped cement the British government's support of the Zionist movement?

- the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 - the Balfour Declaration of 1917

In what year did Ghana become independent from Britain?


More than thirty African nations declared independence in the decade between

1957 and 1966.

What year was the "year of Africa," which saw the granting of independence to most former French African colonies?


Lagging behind all other Latin American countries, Paraguay finally granted women the right to vote in


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