ch 53-Deinstitutionalization of American Marriage, ch 52- Bad boys, ch 54-promises i can keep, ch 51-a school in a garden, ch 58-Cosmopolitan Canopy,ch 56--Regime Change and Revolution, Chapter 41: McDonald's

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how does the author of school in garden use conflict theory

admission and getting into the school is a scarce resource, another scarce resource is how do we decide if a school is an elite school - the expensive ones, best teachers, best classes, curriculum, dinning hall, dorm rooms, how it is designated elite- society decides, more apply,

physical appearance, how we act can tell people what class you are

admission to elite schoold is highly correclated with parents socioeconmic standing because they transfer their affluence to their children.

Affordable Care Act

aimed to address the problem of too many uninsured Americans

racial profiling

an example of institutional racism in the criminal justice system


ant tangible objects - physical- food, water, clothing, appliances, furniture, buildings---separated into necessary (inelastic)- required for society to survive (food, water, clothes) or desired (elaistic)- goods that are wanted but not neccasry (entertainment, xbox, fasion)

minority group

any distinct group in society that shares common group characteristics and is forced to occupy low status in society because of prejudice and discrimination

intersection perspective

argues that class, race and gender combine to create a matrix of domination

transformation thesis

argues that the replacement of traditional societal hierarchies with educational ones is a definitive chapter in every societies progress toward modernity

what did max weber say about transformation thesis

as a society modernized, inequalities of family caste, and tribe gradually give way to hierarchies predicated on individual achievement

what was the single most reason student gace for coming to a collge

attracttion of the campus. -beauty of the campus


be able to motivate and renew motivations of individuals-mass media, schooling, education, family,religion

Sugar Quota

bolstered the ties of dependence between US and Cuba

how do fmilies know just which colleges are pretigious.

demans- the more peopl are denied the more popular the school,

charismatic authority

derived from the personal appeal of a leader

Social structures social institutions groups roles Statuses

diagram of social structures

Why did the revolution in Panama fail?

didn't have credibility in the labor sector; not everyone was united; it never got the PDF (military) to defect; Military was afraid of Noriega, he removed disloyal soldiers, kept close tabs on them, and was ruthless against those who turned on him


disseminated with the intention to justify the states power

Otto Molina

ex-general, president 2012-2015, dogged by war crime accusations

Deinstitutionalization-families of procreation

family that one chooses to form -children, adoption.

Rios Montt

former dictator facing genocide charges

Pax Batistiana

government under batista

usa & cohabitation

granting cohabitating couples some of the rights and responsibilities that married couples have.

Political Action Committees

groups of people who organize to support candidates they feel will represent their views

first place


McDonalds-things need to do or know in pre-industrial society

hunting, get water, build shelter, clothings, every can do all these

Deinstitutionalization-write down every member of your family

husband, son, me, 3 dogs, *friends

how did the author of school in the garden did author use functionalism

if not educated people would be dumb, impact on workforce and income do you need elite schools- yes because if there are smarter children who need that instruction may not need elite school just schools in general

democratic deepening

improvement in the quality of democracy, including the extent of participation, rule of law, and vertical and horizontal accountability


is a formal organization characterized by an authority hierarchy, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality


limited pluralism; usually no guiding ideology; limited to no political mobilization; small group that exercises power


looking at adult workers at mcD's

what is school in the garden about

looking at elite schools, and how they cause stratfication stratification

promises-film of international marriage

love at first sight, long marriages 50+ years, high school sweethearts,


marriage how

who was the first proponent of transformation thesis

max weber

People's Revolution

movement against the Marcos in the Philippines; used nonviolence and promoted fair elections

what type of research is school in the garden

observation over a year- author lived at the school, with councelors, walked around school


observation, mcdonalds university, historical,

McDonald's-workplace culture in post-industrial society


how do bureaucracies tend to distribute rewards

on the demonstrated individual accomplishment, not inherited

caste system

one's place in the stratification system is an ascribed status, meaning it is a quality given to an individual by circumstances of birth

Inclusive governing party

only care about controlling political realm, co-opt, big umbrella approach, usually long lasting

interlocking directorates

organizational linkages created when the same people sit on the board of directors for numerous corporations

individualized education programs (IEP)

outline specific types of learning that target specific needs


political violence targeted at civilian noncombatants

social stratification

relatively fixed, hierarchical arrangement in society by which groups have different access to resources, power, and perceived social worth

solutions for basic needs

separating people into jobs- paid in some way, money is a belief, government- decides rules- people decide who is in government. communism/dictator-they decide for everyone.

Method of difference

similar casual factors but different outcomes

traditional authority

stems from long-established patterns that give certain people or groups legitimate power in society

rational-legal authority

stems from rules and regulations, typically written down as laws, procedures, or codes of conduct

marginal elites

stuck in the middle, not "elite", not "peasant"

white privilege

the condition that allows whites to define themselves as politically and racially tolerant as they proclaim adherence to a belief system that does not see or judge individuals by "the color of their skin"


uprising of the people, masses; for change of or in government

participant observation

uses his own interactions w/ others in the setting as a source of data


vote yes to keep Pinochet in power; vote no for free elections (Chile)

franchise businesses

- anonymity, no one "owns" the place - predictability, no specialized knowledge is required to use the space

Other Spaces

- places where diverse strangers learn how to get along together -Franchise businesses: mcdonalds

Iranian Revolution

-1979, revolt against the Shah -Islamists under Ayatollah Khomeini seized power


-36 year civil war (1960-96) ended in peace treaty between army and rebels -elections pretty regular, free and fair -erosion of democracy due to drug violence

Syria background

-Assad fam has governed since 1970 -ethnically and religiously diverse -as gov has weakened, violence has erupted between groups

Arab Spring in Syria

-anti gov protests in 2011 -protesters etc founded Free Syrian Army

elijah anderson

-sociologist observes particular settings and the interactions that transpire in these settings

Chinese Revolution

-war between communists and nationalists (1931-49) -communists took over in 1949

mcdonalds-3 ways societies go from pre-industrial to industrial

1) growth of factory system- mass produced goods, making stuff for others. 2) increased specializations-narrow set of skills 3) wage labor-eventually get paid for the work you do ,

What is the 2 transitions in the the meaning of marriage?

20c 1st transition: by Burgess: from institutional marriage to companionate marriage. 2nd transition: individualized marriage (emphasis on personal choice) expanded.

Platt Amendment

American wins Spanish-American war; gave Cuba semi-independence

The Power Elite

C. Wright Mills's classic book, The Power Elite, first published in 1956, remains an important analysis of the system of power in the US. He argues that national power is located in three particular institutions: the economy, politics and the military. An important point in his article is that the power of elites is derived from their institutional location, and not their individual attributes

The Rise of the New Global Elite

Chrystia Freeland sees the new global economy as creating a plutocracy, wherein a small number of extremely wealthy individuals hold increasing world power. This represents a shift, she thinks, in traditional models of political power and authority

Ganhian model

Civil Disobedience; non-violent; Withdraw Support from the regime: 1,refuse to acknowledge rulers as legitimate, 2. contest mentalities or ideologies of obedience, 3. refuse to obey laws or cooperate, 4. withdraw material resources, 5. refuse to use your skills to promote and sustain government activities, 6. undermine state sanctioning power ex. Philippines(got the military on their side)

Constitutional Liberalism

Civil Liberties and Rule of law

Bureaucratic Authoritarianism

Coalition developed between businessmen, military and bureaucratic; technocratic solution group; against communism


Coalition parties for NO; Ran the NO campaign In Chele

What evidence is there of contemporary sexual attitudes and behavior?

Contemporary sexual attitudes vary considerably by social factors such as age, gender, race, and religion. Sexual behavior has also changed in recent years, with mixed trends in both liberal and conservative sexual values. In general, attitudes on issues of premarital sex and gay and lesbian rights have become more liberal, though this depends on social characteristics such as age, gender, and degree of religiosity, among others.

International solidarity

Cuba use Che Guevara and international solidarity to bring their cause to the forefront

Fidel Castro

Dictator of Cuba after Batista; very nationalistic

What is the importance of the education institution?

Education is the social institution that is concerned with the formal transmission of society's knowledge. It is therefore part of the socialization process. Although the US education system has long produced students at the top of the world's educational achievements, the US is falling behind other nations on standardized test scores


Ethnic group that Kenyatta is from


Ethnic group that Moi is from

What are possible gains to marriage?

Evolutionary theory cant explain the persistence of the formal wedding -recent studies show US and CA women with less education are less likely to married -Enforceable trust: marriage requires a public commitment to a long term / life long relationship -but divorce is more accepted by relatives now

Russian Revolution

Feburary Revolution and October Revolution; Bolsheveks and Vladimir Lenin Took over


Fully committed to the authoritarian regime

How does sociological theory inform our understanding of education?

Functionalism interprets education as having various purposes for society, such as socialization, occupational training, and social control. Conflict theory emphasizes the power relationships within educational institutions, as well as how education serves the powerful interests in society. Symbolic interaction theory focuses on the subjective meanings that people hold. These meanings influence educational outcomes

ex. of partly successful democratization


Illiberal democracy

Have elections but not civil liberties and rule of law


Head of the Kenyan African National Union; became president in 1964; Moi became vice president

Transitional justice

How do you punish the past leaders of the regime? Was it actually illegal? Do you have evidence? Make a statement? Fall to their level? Do they still have power?

Cost of toleration vs. cost of repression

Important for the military to weigh these

Committee for Peace

In Chile; offered legal aid and material assistance to those suffering political persecution; church sponsored organization


In the beginning it is similar to totalitarianism but with restraints on the leader; comes in many shapes and sizes; more social pluralism; almost no political pluralism because party is still in power; democracy is a threat

Contact Theory

Interaction and contact between two groups will reduce prejudice within both groups - but only if three conditions are met: 1) the contact must be between individuals of equal status 2) the contact between equals must be sustained 3) social norms favoring equality must be agreed upon by the participants


Kenyan African National Union; headed by Jomo Kenyatta, who had recently been released from prison


LEGAL SYSTEMS must regulate the relationships of adaptation, goal attainment, and latency- police, lawyers, judiciary


Military dictator in Chile; used a coup to take out the democratic government in power; lost to the NO Campaign; military ended up defecting


Minimal: Free and Fair elections, Suffrage Broad: elections, suffrage, rule of law, minority protection, civil liberties, etc.


National Citizens Movement for Free Elections in Philippines - Marcos was so arrogant that he gave them freedom to organize; trained protestors in non-violence

One party Rule

No other political parties


No pluralism, gov. controls everything, yes to ideology, extensive mobilization (must openly support), undefinable limits on leadership


No rule of law; at the mercy of a despotic leader; extreme glorification of the ruler

Nepstad Theory

Non-violence is the way to go; rulers have no power if they aren't legitimate; strip away their power; leadership choices(agency)

Ninoy Aquino

Opposition party leader who was assassinated by Marcos; became a symbol to the people

political culture

Patters on belief, values, attitudes that people hold about authority, society and politics

July 26 Movement

People don't consider Cuban government under Batista legitimate; main labor movement, CTC, looses legitimacy; Fidel takes power

Uncertainty of transitions

People matter more than structural influences; Transitions are not normal. normal rules do not apply. Do not focus on structure, focus on the people and the choices they make


Popular socialist party (originally the communist party)

Salvador Allende

President of Chile before Pinochet; major economic issues; committed suicide during the coup

Grau-Guiteras government

Ramon Grau named president and Guiteras named minister of government; repealed the platt amendment;

social revolutions

Rapid transformation of socio-economic and political


Reform the Armed Forces of the Philippines Movement; planned a coup after fraudulent elections; led by two military leaders; someone tipped off Marcos; the leaders found out; publicly announced their recognition; were protected by non-violent protesters thanks to Cardinal Sin

In what sense is sexuality, seemingly so personal an experience, a part of social structure?

Sexual relationships develop within a social and cultural context. Sexuality is learned through socialization, is channeled and directed by social institutions, and reflects the race, class, and gender relations in society

Polity IV

Shows regime types and trends

ex. of successful regime change

South Africa

ex. of failed regime change


basic needs of a society

THESE ARE UNIVERSAL food, water, shelter, jobs, government/leader commerce/barter, security, rules,

How does education link to social mobility?

The number of years of formal education for individuals has important effects on their ultimate occupation and income. Social class origin affects the extent of educational attainment, as well as occupation and income

Why did the Revolution in Philippines Succeed?

The people were united; they withheld authority from Marcos; transformed citizens attitudes of obedience; they boycotted, withheld their cooperation and obedience; withheld their skills and labor; and undermined the sanctioning power, THEY remained NONVIOLENT

Why was the revolution in Chile successful?

They look away the legitimacy of the regime. Got support from the church; They withheld their skills and used strikes to undercut the regimes material resources; KEY: his military leaders defected(they resented that he made the other military branches subordinate, they didn't think he could convince people that the YES vote had won; and they knew they would retain power either way)

Carlos Prio

Third President during this time period; overthrown by Batista during his second coup

Bay of Pigs

US failed attempt to kill Castro

Panama Canal

US wanted control of this; many claimed that the US intervention in Panama was simply the US coming after the canal

Global Strategies for Workers

Utilizing what she calls a class analysis, Katie Quan analyzes how a "we/they" mode of thinking has characterized the connection of American workers to other workers throughout the world. She argues that workers in the global assembly line are not the cause of workers' struggles within the United States.

Cory Aquino

Wife of Ninoy; ran against Marcos; Won

implicit bias

a largely nonconscious form of racism, where individuals make unconscious associations ie. race and crime


a pattern of extreme segregation

Fulgencio Batista

Dictator in Cuba; civilian unrest, anti-American rhetoric, economic problems, corruption; took the Grau-Guiteras government down;

Daniel arap Moi

Dictator in Kenya (autocracy); originally vice pres. to Kenyatta; became pres. when Kenyatta died; became more oppressive over time; Won against the opposition

How would you define democracy?

Minimal: free and fair elections, suffrage; anything else is Constitutional Liberalism; need to separate the two; you can have one without the other; civil liberties do not make democracy; too many requirements for broad view; casual factors

A School in a Garden

Mitchell Stevens was the concept of social reproduction theory to explain how admissions in elite colleges contribute to social inequality in the US

Brinton's theory of revolution

Stages that Revolutions go through: Old regime looses legitimacy, 1. anti-regime forces, political problem-spark-rioting-troop desertion, 2. moderates seize power, 3. extremists/radicals seize power, 4. Thermidor-cooling off period, usually a dictator comes into power

Is marriage still important?

-The practicality is not significant but the symbolism of marriage has increased. Aaka it is a sign of prestige and personal achievement.

Reading Terminal Market

-draws mix of residents from local neighborhoods -setting more/less neutral because no one group owns the space -people engage in spontaneous conversation

How do young adults see marriage

-marriage is status that builds up -Centered on intimacy and love -combination of sexual fidelity, romance, emotional intimacy and togetherness

Mohammed Morsi

-part of MB, elected in 2012 -granted himself power to legislate without constitution -prosecution of journalists -toppled by military in 2013

sexual identity

the definition of oneself that is formed around one's sexual relationship

teacher expectancy effect

the effect of teacher expectations on a student's actual performance

Racial formation

the process by which a group comes to be defined as a race

assimilation theory

the process by which a minority becomes socially, economically and culturally absorbed within the dominant society

Freedom House

Focus on the Freedom level of countries


Forum for the restoration of Democracy


Labor union; defend the working class


Noriega's enforcers; riot police; violent in Panama; caused Black Friday, the single most worst incident of repression in Panamanian history

Gerardo Machado

Was the president of cuba


a group treated as distinct in society based on certain characteristics, some of may be biological, that have been assigned or attributed social importance

McDonald's-removal of boundary between work and home in post- industrial society

cant make cars, can take certain work home-lawyers, billing. home office-

self-fulfilling prophecy

merely applying a label has the effect of justifying it thus affecting performance


norms about who should be considered an insider or outsider

beliefs and rules- school in garden

norms, folk-ways, cognative


overthrow of regime by local pop, always involves a certain degree of violence, previous leadership is replaced

revolutions from below

revolutions that involve the mass uprising of the populace to overthrow the government as a central part of the process

McDonald's- in preindustrial society you are rewarded for work immediately, for industrial society - weekly or bi-weekly paycheck.

rewarded for effort--education- 2-4 yrs, exercising,

stereotype interchangeability

stereotypes, especially negative ones, are often interchangeable from one social class to another, from one racial or ethnic group to another, from a racial or ethnic group to a social class, or from a social class to a gender

What is the new patterns of family forming that is not marriage?

cohabitation 1 out of 3 in Us, UK, Ireland, CA

Third Space (Oldenburg)

where we come together and mix: cafes, parks, barber shops, etc - essential for community and sense of place -socially and physically accessible

sexual revolution

the widespread changes in men's and women's roles and the greater public appearance of sexuality as a normal part of social development

credential inflation

the diminution of the value of college degrees in a labor market that was flooded with them. helped people articulate their sense that a mere college degree might not be sufficient to attainment of upper-middle-class comforts


the evaluation of a social group and the individuals within it, based on conceptions about the social group that are held despite facts that disprove them; the beliefs involve both prejudgment and misjudgment


the fear and hatred of lesbians and gays

founding election

the first democratic election in many years (or ever), marking the completion of transition to democracy

net worth

the result of adding all financial assets and subtracting their debts


the separate maintenance and persistence of one's cultural, language, mannerisms, practices, art, and so on


the separating of students within schools according to some measure of ability

autonomous state model

the state as its own major constituent

educational attainment

the total years of formal education and the third indicator of SES

political violence

the use of violence by nonstate actors for political ends

Does the educational system perpetuate or reduce inequality

although the education system in the US has traditionally been a major means for reducing racial, gender, and class inequalities among people, the education institution has perpetuated these inequalities. Segregation of schools and communities keep minority and poor children in schools that lack resources for success

Folk Ethnography

- provide people with opportunity to observe others and eavesdrop - people collect information on others and eavesdrop -people collect information on others to make sense of who those others "really are"

commercial (private) places

- public function of bringing people together - highly surveillanced - oriented around consumption EX: the mall

Why do people still marry?

-Importance of marriage is still the same --women expected to marry and have good family -unknown why US marries when cohabitation and single parenthood are accepted

Egypt's aborted revolution

-Arab Spring attempt

The social basis of sexuality

1. Human sexual attitudes and behaviors vary in different cultural contexts. 2. sexual attitudes and behaviors change over time. 3. sexual identity is learned. 4. social institutions channel and direct human sexuality 5. sex is influenced by economic forces in society 6. public policies regulate sexual and reproductive behaviors

Bad Boys- history of education-

1800s- mass education- there will be public education system-civilizing the youth. 1900s- education for Jobs-shop class, computers, home economics, nursing, child development, welding, shift toward bureaucratic structures.-formal structure of business or companies.- dress code, time usage, organizational structure, productivity, standarized testing, mid 1900s to today- shift to higher education-GI bill, females going now too, technology, money vs unemployment , community colleges are cheap education

Che Guevara

Argentinian Marxist in Cuba; guerrilla warfare;


Dictator in Phillipines; after 20 years of rule, he got arrogant; nepotism; held snap elections in hope of gaining legitimacy

What does sociological theory have to say about sexual behavior?

Functionalist theory depicts sexuality in terms of its contribution to the stability of social institutions. Conflict theorists see sexuality as part of the power relations and economic inequality in society. Symbolic interaction focuses on the social construction of sexual identity. Feminist theory uncovers the power relationships that frame different sexual identities and behaviors, as well as linking sexuality to other forms of inequality

goal attainment

POLITICS OR GOVERNMENT---define and achieve primary goals of the societies- everyone should have access to food, water, shelter, expansion of empire, religious expansion

Skocpol's Theory

Structural argument; social revolutions- rapid transformation of socio-economic and political; 1. agrarian bureaucracy; 2. pressures of modernization' need money to do this= revolt


The amount of money brought into a household from various sources during a given period

Toward a Framework for Understanding Forces That Contribute to or Reinforce Racial Inequality

William Julius Wilson the social structural processes that shape racial inequality. His analysis shows how outcomes, such as poverty and unemployment, are shaped by forces that go beyond individual attitudes and behaviors

social mobility

a person's movement overtime from one class to another


a process of social selection in which class advantage and social status are linked to the possession of academic qualifications


a process whereby some social category, such as a social class or nationality, takes on what society perceives to be racial characteristics

key element of social institutions

basic needs- every society needs to exist, or last over time

cultural capital

certain types of parents will have access to knowledge and information about preparing their student for college entrance exams

Liberal democracy

election, civil liberties, rule of law, constitution


in transition to democracy, a conscious agreement among the most important political actors in the authoritarian regime and in civil society to establish a new form of government


includes those institutions that represent the population, making rules that govern the society


intangible goods-skill knowlegde skill- car mechanic, musician, concerts, theater, electricity, teaching, dr office, ---what is McD's providing--applies to every society



power elite model

linked to the framework of the conflict theory; the state in this framework is the instrument by which the ruling class exercises power

what did steven study in school in a garden

lived on campus studied college admissions and financial aid process. what factors influence student college choice

reasons for revolutions

poverty and inequality, state repression, unfair wages and conditions for workers

what current reforms are guiding education?

the No Child Left Behind Act program emphasized accountability in the schools, largely through testing. Current educational reforms focus on achieving educational standards, assessing school progress, and developing strong measures of student and teacher success. Free community college is also an educational reform idea

political liberalization

the opening of the political system to greater participation; typically before a transition to democracy


the organized system of power and authority in society

revolution leaders

usually from middle class, but masses from working class to unite against poli and econ elites

second place


Clases populares

working class and also probably those who worked on the sugar plantations in Cuba

Civil Society

you need certain things to make democracy function such as solidarity, toleration, civic engagement, political equality, voluntary associations

National Civic Crusade

(also known as civilistas) Civil resisters challenging Panama;s ruling military leader, Noriega

Muslim Brotherhood

-founded in 1928 by Hassan Banna -advocated for social welfare programs and political participation -widespread public support, won many seats in parliament


the belief that one's group is superior to all other groups

Clases economicas

the business owners and the land owners (bourgeoisie would be another way to refer to this class)

General Manuel Noriega

Dictator in Panama; remained in power until the US militarily intervened; put a puppet president in power and used him to control things

America Without a Middle Class

Elizabeth Warren argues that the American tradition of having a strong middle class is now at risk because of the economic crisis that has beset America. She shows the increasingly fragile status of many middle-class families, who are now working harder than ever just to keep up with basic expenses.

Brown v. Board of Education

Fearful of the quality of public education now that segregation of schools has ended, many families who could afford it enrolled their children in private schools

The Rise of Food Democracy

Food has become a target for those who are critical of the domination of multinational corporations in the production and distribution of food. Brian Halweil discusses the new food movements that are developing to make food more "local."

How do homophobia and heterosexism influence lesbian and gay experience?

Homophobia is the fear and hatred of gays and lesbians. Heterosexism refers to the institutional structures that define heterosexuality as the only socially legitimate sexual orientation. Both produce relationships of power that define gays and lesbians as a social minority group

"Dude, You're A Fag": Adolescent Masculinity and the Fag Discourse

In this piece, Pascoe summarizes the results from her field research in a working-class, suburban high school in California. She examines the use of the word fag as an insult among and between adolescent males. Using gender and queer theory, the author presents evidence that there is a discourse that uses the word far and negative homosexual stereotypes in interactions among high school boys. Instead, heterosexual high school boys use the term to mock or tease other heterosexual boys. The "fag discourse," then, is a tool for establishing and highlighting the masculinity of the person using the language

Strategic Ambiguity: Protecting Emphasized Femininity and Hegemonic Masculinity in the Hookup Culture

In this reading, Currier summarizes her findings from interviews with college students about the experiences of HU. She specifically looks at how HU has no clear definition and can involve various different sexual activities. The term "strategic ambiguity" is used to explain that by not having a consistent and clear definition of HU behavior, men and women are able to be vague about their sexual behaviors. Additionally, the author uncovers clear gender distinctions in what are accepted sexual behaviors for men and women.

Liberalization vs. Democratization

Liberalization- process of making effective certain rights that protect both individuals and social groups from arbitrary or illegal acts committed by the state or third parties. Democratization- citizenship is the guiding principle, the right to be an equal in collective choices and making that choice accessible to all members of the polity

dominant group

the group that assigns a racial or ethnic group to subordinate status in society

democratic consolidation

the idea that democracy has become widely accepted as the permanent form of political activity in a particular country, and all significant political elites and their followers accept democratic rules and are confident everyone else does as well


the institutionalization of heterosexuality

sexual politics

the link between sexuality and power, not just within relationships


the more formal, institutionalized aspects of education


the overt negative and unequal treatment of members of some social group or stratum solely because of their membership in that group or stratum


the perception and treatment of a racial or ethnic group, or member of that group, as intellectually, socially and culturally inferior to one's own group


Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa & Latin America

How is sexuality related to other social inequalities?

Sexuality intertwines with gender, race and class inequality. This is especially revealed in the sexual stereotypes of different groups, as well as in the double standard applied to men's and women's sexual behaviors, such as in the hooking up culture.

How is sexuality related to contemporary social issues

Sexuality is related to some of the most difficult social problems-including birth control, abortion, reproductive technologies, teen pregnancy, pornography, and sexual violence. Such social problems can be understood by analyzing the sexual, gender, class and racial politics of society.

Sortal/Scalar Definitions

Sortal: you are or you are not democratic, no in between Scalar: there is a range, you can have components of both regimes types

sex tourism

the practice whereby people travel to particular parts of the world specifically to engage in commercial sexual activity

status attainment

the process by which people end up in a given position in the stratification system

how does the US compare to other nations in the area of health care?

The US is only recently providing universal health care for its citizens, through the Affordable Care Act. Despite disagreement with the program, more Americans now have health care insurance. The health care system is organized according to social patterns, including that disease itself is influenced by social factors such as race, gender, and social class

From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in the US Schools

The article is a speech given in 2006 by the then president of the American Education Research Association, Gloria Ladson-Billings. In her presidential address, she uses the analogy of the national debt and the national deficit to explain what has happened in American education. She argues that instead of focusing so much attention on the achievement gap between minority disadvantaged students and white privileged students, educational research and policy should focus on the education debt. The problem with the American system is that all students are suffering from a poor system. The article calls for action, policy, and research that will help reverse this trend

Why was the revolution in Kenya a failure?

The protestors did not withhold essentially skills; Military followed Kenyatta's orders without question; Protestors fought back instead of remaining non-violent; lots of ethnic divisions; Moi KEY: his counterstrategy by rigging the vote but convincing the international community that it was fair

coming out

the process of defining oneself as gay or lesbian

Operation Just Cause (US Invasion of Panama)

Under president Bush; Panama was easily defeated; US considered it a success; the rest of the world did not; People said the US just wanted canal rights; blatant act of aggression

Coup Poker

You begin to worry about central of military; who's pocket are they in; not actually common but everyone fears it; soft-liners need more reforms than they want to give up to keep military from wanting a coup

Hybrid Regimes

You can be a combination of numerous influences

Institutional racism

a form of racism is the negative treatment and oppression of one racial or ethnic group by society's existing institutions based on the presumed inferiority of the oppressed group


a relatively rapid transformation in the political system and social structure of a society that involves mass participation in extra-legal political action to overthrow the prior regime and usually includes violence


a representative government with elections by the population and, typically a multiparty political system

social institutions

a set of beliefs and rules that establishes how a society will meet its basic needs.

stereotype threat

a situational predicament in which people are or feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group


a social identity that develops when a person is socially devalued by others because of some identifiable characteristic


a society must be able to adapt to the natural environment-food, water, shelter, accomplished because of economy

transition to democracy

a type of regime change typically involving a negotiated process that removes an authoritarian regime and concludes with a founding election for a new, democratic regime

Electoral model

activist non-violently transform rigged electoral rituals into fair elections; 1. Civil resisters build a cross-class opposition coalition, 2. the coalition concentrates on increasing voter registration, improving the quality and accuracy of registration lists, and expanding voter turnout, 3. organizers solicit help of domestic and international election monitors and public opinion pollsters, 4. Civil resisters implement plans for mass demonstrations if the election is rigged. example: Chile (NO Campaign)

NO Campaign in Chile

against Pinochet; won; non-violent; secure the services of neutral election observers, independent pollsters,Reminded people that Pinochet had burned the electoral registers in 1973; register to vote; convince people that they can actually vote no


an extreme form of authoritarianism where the state has total control over all aspects of public and, to the extent possible, private life


an oversimplified set of beliefs about members of a social group or social stratum

interest group

any constituency in society organized to promote its own agenda, including large, nationally based groups such as the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and the National Riffle Association (NRA)

reproduction thesesis

built from karl marx insights about how powerful proups inevitably careate social and cultural systems that legitimate their own class advantage

how do magazines rank the best institutions

by how many applicants they turn away

Mcdonalds-industrial society need to do or know

do one things well- people get paid for the one skill they have then use that money to buy the things they need.

agrarian bureaucracies

economy is agriculturally based, landed elite, state bureaucracy (90% of pop is usually peasants)

social distance

extent to which individuals or groups are removed from or excluded from participating in each others lives

mcdonalds-industrial economy

focus on secondary sector- processing raw materials into finished goods. wool to cloth, skins to clothes, plants to food, lotions soaps, desks from wood,

McDonalds-preindustrial economies

focus on the primary sector- extraction of raw materials from environment. find stuff in nature and you use it--- animals for food, plants, orchards, water from stream, hunter gatherer society,

Bad Boys-informal vs. formal

formal- structured, math informal-swearing,


frequency and quality of interactions b/w two groups

Bad Boys- social statuses

gender, race-black treated different, labeling theory.

National liberation movements

get rid of colonial forces within countries; national independence

legacy admissions

giving preference to the children and siblings of alumni

promises-how does Jen view her pregnancy

greatest thing happened her life, makes her happy, got her off drugs and away from bad crowd

queer theory

has evolved from recognizing the socially constructed nature of sexual identity and the role of power in defining only some forms of sexuality as "normal" - that is, socially legitimate

cosmopolitan canopy

heterogeneous, densely populated urban spaces - provides respite from such wariness - where people can relax their guard

Deinstitutionalization- research

historical -1950s to now


how much sympathy/empathy the members of the group feel for another group

Bad Boys- about

how teachers in society states who the bad boys are

Deinstitutionalization-how has views on marriage has changed

individualized- not as much about the family- each person is his own. women working now need two income home. same sex marriage cohabitation having kids w/o being married

Color-blind racism

individuals affected by this type of racism prefer to ignore legitimate racial-ethnic, cultural, and other differences and insist that the race problems in the US will go away if only race is ignored altogether

pluralist model

interprets power in society as derived from the representation of diverse interests of different groups in society

what are the elaborate bureaucracies that characterize all industrial societies

large corporations, centralized governements, highly bureaucratized religious organizations, and schools

Bad Boys- cultural values

manners, please and thank you following instructions, rules, reading, literacy positive, formally taught- anti-bullying

promises-changing marriage laws-interracial marriages

no law, got rid of it a long time ago, 167-supreme court ruled law unconstitutional

estate system

ownership of property and the exercise of power are monopolized by an elite class who have total control over societal resources


provides health insurance to older Americans


provides health insurance to poor Americans

hybrid regime

regime the mixes elements of democracy with authoritarian rule

Cycle of mobilization

returning to some form of normalcy; 1. at the onset of the transition, the soft-liners may believed that they can control the transition; hard-liners find it difficult to enlist support 2. when conflicts and disorder reach their zenith, hard-liners have their worst fears confirmed; Soft-liners begin to fear a coup; the soft-liners give more than they want to prevent it; 3. tolerance has been increased; soft-liner and people on the fence accept more than they would have at the beginning

revolutions from above

revolutions in which the outcomes are often negotiated among political elites, each with the backing of a segment of the populace


routines, normal behaviors- food prep, measuring, greetings, -other places---how do customers get rootinized--routine about order- go to counter then order- menu has numbers--get own drinks, throw away own trash. useful--fast service, need fewer employees because customers do most of it--- you learn by observation, self check out

residential segregation

segregation based on where one lives


social institution that insure the maintenance of society through the introduction and distribution and consumption of goods and services.

what is the most prominent explanation for the recent growth of demand for seats at colleges with nationally recognize names

students seeking graduate schools, seek prestigious, and valuable undergraduate degrees

Aversive racism

subtle, covert and non-obvious racism

how does author of school in garden use symbolic interactionism

symbolically important= pretty campus-seems peaceful,

mcdonalds-who they employ

teens, senior citizens- why--part-time workers, flexible hours for school and older ppl cant work so long, first job are easy to train,

McDonald's-post-industrial economy

tertiary sector- provision of services rather then providing goods--information displaces property, carpenter--to fix--assume they have the property for the job. doctor- needs degree, computer, dx things, has to do with ***information exchange, skill set***


the ability of one person or group to exercise influence and control over others

sexual orientation

the attraction that people feel for people of the same or different sex


the spatial and social separation of racial and ethnic groups


the strong identity associated with an extreme sense of allegiance to one's culture or nation

Laissez-faire racism

the subtle but persistent negative stereotyping of minorities, a tendency to blame Blacks themselves for the gap between occupational achievement and educational achievement, and clear resistance to meaningful policy efforts designed to ameliorate racially oppressive social conditions and practices in the US

sex trafficking

the use of women and girls worldwide as sex workers in an institutional context in which sex itself is a commodity

Exclusive governing Party

totalitarian, no pluralism

T or F does the overall distribution of educational attainment remains stubbornly correlated with socioeconomic background


T or F higher education has not been the great equalizer between the distribution of priviledge in this country


competitive authoritarian regime

type of hybrid regime in which formal opposition and some open political debate exist and elections are held to select the executive and legislative branches; these processes are so flawed, however, that the regime cannot be considered democratic in any real sense; also called semi authoritarian and electoral authoritarian

social construction perspective

used by symbolic interaction theory to interpret sexual identity as learned not inborn

reproduction thesis

variation in educational attainment essentially is a coating for pre-existing class inequalities.


view changes over time; eventually grow to be uncomfortable with repression in the regime, open to moderate reform to deal with the problem of legitimacy


where encounters with others are likely, social distance and tension are expressed as wariness


where power is concentrated in the hands of a very few individuals who rule through centralized power and control

big stick system

whoever has the biggest stick whoever is toughest is the leader

What is the argument of Cherlin?

-Marriage is going through a process of deintitutionalization aka the weakening of social norms that define partner's behaviors in the past few decades. -This is proven through patterns of increasing new union like cohabitation and emergence of same sex marriage.

What are the possibilityof alternative futures in marriage?

1-re-institutionalization highly likely 2-continuation of curent situation where marriage is common and distinctive 3-fading away from marriage (fits middle class, well educated, childless adults) 4-cohabitation and marriage might be on equal footing

what are the stages

1. cohabitation is a fringe or avant garde phenomenon 2. , it is accepted as a testing ground for marriage 3. acceptable as an alternative to marriage 4. undistinguishable from marriage

promises-jen's life

15 meets rick- gets pregnant, falls in love and wants a child with her, rick goes to jail, gets out they get back together he then kills someone in a bar fight and is sent away to prison and jen meets somone else.

same sex marriage (90s) of america

1993: hawaii law restricting marriage to heterosexual 1996: US passed defense of marriage act, allowing states to refuse to recognize same sex marriage 2004: MA same sex marriage legalized

promises-family authority patterns

3 groups patriarchies- male decision makers matriarchies- famale decision makers egalitarian-equal -jen's is using a matriarchal style

Color-Blind Privilege

Charles A. Gallagher discusses the problem of a color-blind approach to race and race relations in this country. By denying race as a structural basis for inequality, we fail to recognize the privilege of whiteness. With the blurring of racial lines, white college students lack a clear understanding of how the existing social, political and economic systems advantage or privilege whites.

Racial Formation

Omi and Winant coined the term racial formation to signify the process by which groups come to be defined as races. They emphasize that race is a socially constructed concept, even though it has significant and lasting effects.

promises-marriage without love?

US-4%, India- 49%, Pakistan %- arranged marriages.

how do low income people see marriage

US: lower social strata will notmarry until they see their partners have the ability to hold decent job -Philadelphia: marriage is form of social bragging, power symbolic way of elevating one's relationship above others in society -demand of low income women: commitment of family first, companionship, faithfulness

Subordinating Myth: Latino/a Immigration, Crime, and Exclusion

Unauthorized immigration has been a heated national discussion, one that indicates the need for reform in our national immigration policies. In this article, the author discusses how immigrants have been framed by perceptions of them as criminals, misrepresenting their actual experience.

The Souls of Black Folk

W.E.B. DuBois, the first African American Ph.D. from Harvard University, is a classic sociological analyst. In this well-known essay, he develops the idea that African Americans have a "double consciousness" - one that they must develop as a protective strategy to understand how Whites see them. Originally writing this essay in 1903, DuBois also reflects on the long struggle for African American freedom.


a group of people united by childrearing, emotional and economic support, or kinship ties

urban underclass

a new lower class; includes those who are likely to be permanently unemployed and without much means of economic support

Ethnic group

a social category of people who share a common culture


a system in which one's status is based on merit or accomplishments, not other social characteristics

Bad Boys- theoretical perspectives

confict theory-scarce resources= good education symbolic interactionism-harsher punishments -cycle

promises-social statuses- all older people, white couples

examples-19 and counting- symbolically fit as a family- unusual to have so many kids. 3-4 is norm, this is considered a positive things, tom green family- married 6 women- 29 children- bigamy- symbolically this would be negative.

Bad Boys- research


Deinstitutionalization-why do people still get married- is it important

people don't have to be married to have kids, people can live together and don't have to be married. legal issues symbolic interactionish- about sympbols-signifier,

Deinstitutionalization-pattern of decent

perianal emphasize male- lily Davis matrilineal emphasize female-lily dan bilateral both- lily dan-davis kids-

promises-marriage norms of mate selection

similar cultural views, similar likes, good looks, hobbies, goals, both want kids, location, good job, sense of humor, personality, money expectation- similar age range, language, geographic region, religious beliefs, outside immediate family,

When did cohabitation increase

since the 80s and 90s

Bad Boys-education

social institution or the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values, with in a formally organized structure.

class system

stratification exists, but a person's placement in the class system can change according to personal achievements

promises-theoretical perspective-

symbolic interactionism society views it as a negative- prevention, birth control. look down on her.


teen moms and ow society views them

Kiernan said what about acceptance of cohabitation

the acceptance of cohabitation is occurring in stages in European nations, with some nations further along than others

false consciousness

the class consciousness of subordinate classes who had internalized the view of the dominant class

economic restructuring

the decline of manufacturing jobs in the US, the transformation of the economy by technological change, and the process of globalization


the monetary value of everything one owns

life chances

the opportunities that people have in common by virtue of belonging to a particular class

Conspicuous consumption

the ostentatious display of goods to define one's social status

class consciousness

the perception that a class structure exists along with a feeling of shared identification with others in one's class

social class

the social structural position that groups hold relative to the economic, social, political, and cultural resources of society


the value others assign to people and groups

Deinstitutionalization-family structures or families orientation

this is where early socialization takes place. family that someone is born into.

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