CH. 59

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A friend asks you about what has caused global warming. You explain A. as carbon dioxide and other gases have increased in the atmosphere, the global temperature has increased due to trapped solar radiation. B. as carbon dioxide and other gases have increased in the atmosphere, the global temperature has increased due to ozone depletion. C. as carbon dioxide and other gases have increased in the atmosphere, the global temperature has increased due to acid precipitation changing the pH of the atmosphere. D. that there really is no evidence for global warming and these are mere scare tactics being used by environmentalists to reduce oil consumption.


A friend asks you to give her a brief description of the rain shadow effect. Your response is that the rain shadow effect is a phenomenon caused when A. dry air (without moisture) ascends a mountain and after it reaches the top descends the other side causing a rain cloud formation that can produce unusual shadows. B. warm air with moisture ascends a mountain and after it reaches the top and descends the other side it produces rain cloud formations. C. warm air with moisture ascends a mountain and as it nears the top the air is so heavy with moisture that the moisture is lost as rain or snow and as the air mass descends the other side of the mountain there is no moisture to release causing a rain shadow. D. warm air with no moisture ascends a mountain and as it nears the top the air is so heavy with moisture that it has picked up that it causes the air mass to descend the other side of the mountain releasing rain or snow causing a rain shadow.


A layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere shields Earth from most A. acid rain. B. bacterial diseases. C. greenhouse effects. D. solar ultraviolet radiation. E. water pollution.


A mountain range along the coast of a continent is located perpendicular to the prevailing sea breeze. Which one of the following describes an area where the rain shadow is located? A. on the leeward side of the mountain where cool, dry air is descending B. on the leeward side of the mountain where warm, moist air is descending C. on the windward side of the mountain where warm, moist air is rising D. on the windward side of the mountain where cool, dry air is rising E. on the leeward side, far inland from the mountain


A protective covering shielding the Earth from harmful solar ultraviolet radiation; rapidly being depleted according to some scientists. A. chlorofluorocarbons B. ozone layer C. carbon dioxide and sulfur D. coal, natural gas, oil E. plastics


A significant drop in the upper atmospheric content of ozone is likely to lead to an increase in A. ocean temperature. B. polar ice. C. skin cancers. D. tropical rain forests. E. worldwide precipitation.


About 40% of the world's photosynthetic productivity occurs in _________floating in the oceans. A. seaweeds B. phytoplankton C. macroalgae D. zooplankton


About three-quarters of Earth is covered by _________ ecosystems. A. freshwater B. terrestrial C. forested D. marine


Acid precipitation (rain, snow, and fog) is caused by sulfur and nitrous oxides in the atmosphere combining with water to produce sulfur and nitrogen acids. Which statement concerning acid precipitation is accurate? A. Acid precipitation is currently not a major environmental issue. Utility companies worldwide have identified the problem and will have solutions within the next century. B. Acid precipitation in some parts of the world has actually increased agricultural production by freeing locked minerals from the soil. C. Acid precipitation has increased over the last fifty years and in some areas has caused extensive forest damage and lake wildlife extinctions. D. Acid precipitation will cause environments to have a higher pH, especially in lake ecosystems.


All of the following are true about temperate deciduous forests except A. they have moderate climates and plentiful rain. B. huge herds of grazing animals migrate with seasons. C. leaves are lost in the winter. D. familiar animals are deer, bears, beavers, and raccoons. E. they are found in Eurasia, northeastern U.S.A, and eastern Canada.


All of the following describe tundra except A. it is open, windswept, and often boggy. B. it covers a fifth of Earth's land surface. C. trees are found only around lakes and streams and are small. D. permafrost usually exists within a meter of the surface. E. it is a traditional lumber producing area.


As the global concentration of carbon dioxide increases, the world's temperature is rising, with great potential direct impact on the world's __________. A. climate B. biodiversity C. biogeochemistry D. ozone layer


Bacteria living symbiotically inside some of the animals clustered around deep-sea hydrothermal vents carry out A. photosynthesis. B. chemosynthesis. C. reductive synthesis. D. oxidative synthesis. E. all of these.


Biological magnification of persistent toxins should be greatest in A. herbivores. B. primary carnivores. C. secondary carnivores. D. detritivores. E. keystone species.


Biomagnification is a significant problem in aquatic communities. The amounts of chemicals magnify (increase or accumulate) at each new link in a food chain. Use the following information to calculate the level of chemical X in the large-mouth bass. One small plant can accumulate 1 unit of chemical X. A microscopic animal eats 15 small plants. A minnow consumes 10 microscopic animals, a large-mouth bass consumes 20 minnows. A. 15 units of chemical X B. 30 units of chemical X C. 150 units of chemical X D. 300 units of chemical X E. 3,000 units of chemical X


Biomes are broad regional areas with defined flora and fauna. Which one of the following choices correctly identifies the biomes shown plotted in the included graph of precipitation versus temperature? A. Tropical Rain forest = 1; Desert = 2; Tundra = 3; Grassland = 4 B. Tropical Rain forest = 2; Desert = 3; Tundra = 4; Grassland = 1 C. Tropical Rain forest = 3; Desert = 4; Tundra = 1; Grassland = 2 D. Tropical Rain forest = 4; Desert = 1; Tundra = 2; Grassland = 3


CO2 and other gases, which absorb the longer wavelengths of infrared light and radiated heat from Earth, are responsible in causing the _________. A. ozone layer depletion B. greenhouse effect C. decreased biodiversity D. acid rain


Characteristics of oligotrophic lakes include all of the following except A. waters richer in oxygen content. B. they have greater depths. C. they have very clear blue water. D. they are highly susceptible to pollution. E. they are nutrient-rich.


Chlorinated hydrocarbons cause A. "Biological magnification." B. air pollution. C. ozone hole. D. greenhouse effect. E. acid precipitation.


Drifting freely in the upper, well-illuminated waters of the ocean, a diverse biological community exists, primarily consisting of microscopic organisms called A. plankton. B. algae. C. detritus. D. benthos. E. bacteria.


Fossil fuels that the developing countries are using at an alarming rate; can potentially produce greenhouse gas and acid rain. A. chlorofluorocarbons B. ozone layer C. carbon dioxide and sulfur D. coal, natural gas, oil E. plastics

Temperate Grasslands

High productive agricultural soils; long, cold winters; perennials; grazing mammals and burrowing rodents; fires.


If the climate warms by global warming phenomenon, all of the following are expected to occur except A. a rising sea level. B. a lack of sunlight. C. frequent El Niño events. D. increasing storms, hurricanes, and other disasters. E. frequent epidemics of cholera and other diseases.


If you plot mean annual precipitation against mean annual temperature and look at the distribution of major biomes relative to these two variables, which biome would be in the central region of the graph? A. savanna B. hot desert C. tropical rain forest D. temperate rainforest E. taiga


In a temperate zone lake, what should the temperature profile be immediately after the fall overturn? A. coldest water at the top, 4° C water at the bottom B. warmest water at the top, 4° C water at the bottom C. 4° C water throughout D. 10° C water throughout E. 4° C water at the top, coldest water at the bottom


Longer wavelengths of infrared light or heat are trapped to produce the so-called "greenhouse effect" by A. carbon. B. nitrogen monoxide. C. carbon dioxide. D. ozone. E. sulfur.


Microscopic plant-like organisms are collectively called A. zooplankton. B. phytoplankton. C. pelagic organisms. D. benthic organisms. E. heterotrophs.


Most of the best soils for agriculture occur in a A. temperate grassland. B. deciduous forest. C. taiga forest. D. tropical rain forest. E. tundra.


Most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the upper atmosphere is absorbed by A. CFCs. B. ozone. C. nitrogen. D. carbon dioxide. E. water vapor.


Non-biodegradable material that still remains largely unchanged in the solid waste dumps. A. chlorofluorocarbons B. ozone layer C. carbon dioxide and sulfur D. coal, natural gas, oil E. plastics


One of the most serious and rapidly accelerating of all global environmental problems is the loss of A. carbon dioxide in the tropical forests. B. ground water in the tropical forests. C. cloud cover in the tropical forests. D. nutrients in the tropical forests. E. biodiversity in the tropical forests.


Open tropical and subtropical grasslands with scattered shrubs and trees are called A. the tundra. B. savannas. C. deserts. D. partially treed grasslands. E. partial shrublands.


Periodic disturbances in ocean currents by the warming of the waters known as ________ can have profound global influences on world climate. A. El Niño B. the intertropical convergence C. La Niña D. Trade Winds


Periodic disturbances of the Pacific currents that seem to cause global weather changes are given the name A. El Niño. B. gyrals. C. the Humboldt current. D. the Japan current. E. west equatorial drift.


Photosynthetic organisms of the open oceans are confined to the upper A. few hundred millimeters. B. few hundred centimeters. C. few hundred meters. D. few hundred kilometers. E. few thousand kilometers.


Prairie is another name for a A. desert. B. temperate grassland. C. savanna. D. taiga. E. tundra.


Restricted by water availability; 20 degrees to 30 degrees latitude; hot sunny days, cold nights; annuals; shrubs with long roots; succulents.


Select the two biomes that are likely to be most adversely affected by global climate change. A. tropical forest and temperate forest B. desert and savanna C. tundra and tiaga D. coral reefs and hydrothermal vents E. savanna and temperate grassland


Spruce, fir; moose; deep snow, brief summer; vast sameness; marshes, lakes, and ponds.


Substances dissolving the ozone layer; largely discontinued in use. A. chlorofluorocarbons B. ozone layer C. carbon dioxide and sulfur D. coal, natural gas, oil E. plastics


Temperate grasslands and temperate deciduous forests are two different biomes that are located in the same latitudes. Which one of the following abiotic conditions is most likely to account for the differences in their community composition? A. temperature B. precipitation C. sunlight D. soil nutrients E. a rain shadow


The abrupt change in water temperature of large lakes is called A. thermocline. B. epilimnion. C. hypolimnion. D. eutrophication. E. oligotrophication.


The area of the ocean that is along the coasts of continents and islands, and less than 300 meters below the surface is called the A. surface zone. B. abyssal zone. C. neritic zone. D. littoral zone. E. limnetic zone.


The biome that is farthest north in Eurasia and North America is the A. taiga. B. polar region or biome. C. tundra. D. Siberian biome. E. permafrost.


The biome where survival depends on water conservation is the A. temperate grassland. B. savanna. C. desert. D. tundra. E. taiga.


The biome which contains at least half of Earth's plants and animals is the A. desert. B. grassland. C. savanna. D. taiga forest. E. tropical rain forest.


The distribution of biomes is dependent upon all of the following except A. available moisture. B. temperature. C. mountains and the irregular outlines of continents. D. distance from the oceans and elevation. E. a thermocline.


The eastern sides of the Sierra Nevada mountains are much drier than the western sides, and the vegetation is often different; this phenomenon is called the A. solar effect. B. precipitation effect. C. latitude effect. D. rain shadow effect. E. cloud shadow effect.


The equatorial region of rising warm, moist air of low pressure causes A. equatorial rains. B. westerlies. C. rain shadows. D. microclimate. E. El Niño.


The great deserts and associated arid areas of the world mostly lie along the western sides of the continents at about A. 0° north and south latitude. B. 15° north and south latitude. C. 30° north and south latitude. D. 60° north and south latitude. E. 90° north and south latitude.


The major cause of thinning of the ozone layer was attributed to A. greenhouse gases. B. nitric and sulfuric acids. C. chloroflourocarbons. D. phosphorus. E. water vapor.


The most serious and rapidly accelerating of all global environmental problems is the loss of A. biodiversity. B. fossil fuels. C. fresh water. D. unused land for agriculture. E. small farms.


The northern coniferous forest that extends across vast areas of Eurasia and North America is called the A. tundra. B. taiga. C. polar region forests. D. permafrost forests. E. temperate coniferous forests.


The orbit of Earth's revolution around the sun is inclined at an angle of 23.5°, and this causes seasonal variation in the amount of solar energy reaching a given region. Which of the following does not differ for the tropics and polar regions? A. angle of incidence B. total hours of possible sunlight per year C. mean annual air temperature D. solar energy input during the month of July E. annual variation in day length


The richest land biome in terms of the number of different species is the A. tundra. B. temperature deciduous forest. C. savannas. D. grasslands. E. tropical rain forest.


The taiga forest is dominated by plants such as A. shrubs. B. maple and oak. C. perennial grasses. D. pine. E. spruce, hemlock, and fir.


The world's greatest fisheries occur in the shallow waters over _______. A. estuaries B. continental shelves C. salt marshes D. tidal pools


Thermal _________ is characteristic of larger lakes in temperate regions. A. stratification B. turnover C. inversion D. conformation


Thermal stratification is characteristic of larger lakes in the A. photo zone. B. equatorial zone. C. intertidal zone. D. temperate zone. E. tundra zone.


Tropical climates are warmer than temperate climates because A. temperate climates have more mountains and thus more snow causing the landmasses to warm slower. B. tropical climates have more vegetation and thus can absorb more heat. C. temperate climates are closer to the poles and the polar surfaces cause a reduction in heat gain. D. tropical climates receive the sun's rays at an almost perpendicular angle; since Earth is a sphere, the temperate climates receive the sun's rays at a much steeper incidence thus spreading the radiation over a broader area. E. tropical climates receive the sun's rays at a much steeper incidence thus spreading the radiation over a broader area and causing the tropic to be warmer while the temperate climates receive the sun's rays at an almost perpendicular angle, which causes some areas to be warm and other areas to be cold.


Tropical; grassland with scattered trees; seasonally dry; nutrient poor soils; large grazing mammals


Undesirable by-products of the burning of the fossil fuels; produce greenhouse effect and the acid rain respectively. A. chlorofluorocarbons B. ozone layer C. carbon dioxide and sulfur D. coal, natural gas, oil E. plastics

Tropical rain forest

Very high solar energy input; temperature and moisture not limiting; high biomass, high total productivity; many species.


Which of the following choices best describes the relationship that exists between moisture and air temperature? A. The moisture-holding capacity of air decreases when it is warm and increases when it is cool. B. The moisture-holding capacity of air remains the same (warm or cool) and is not related to its temperature. C. The moisture-holding capacity of air increases when it is warm and decreases when it is cool. D.The moisture-holding capacity of air increases as the higher altitude winds of the polar regions descend onto the continents.


Which of the following gases is most associated with global warming? A. oxygen B. ozone C. nitrous oxides D. carbon dioxide E. chlorofluorocarbons


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a savanna? A. area of reduced annual precipitation B. open grassland with scattered shrubs and trees C. a transitional between a tropical rain forest and desert D. many of the plants and animals are active only during the day E. rainfall of 150 to 450 centimeters annually


Which of the following is not dependent on sunlight as a source of energy? A. tundra B. taiga C. neritic zone D. benthic zone E. pelagic zone


Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of a biome? A. They include terrestrial communities the world over. B. They contain the same species throughout their range. C. They occur over wide areas. D. They are recognized by their overall appearance. E. They have characteristic climates.


Which one of the following marine ecosystems would be expected to have the lowest species diversity and primary production per unit area? A. oligotrophic oceans B. upwelling regions of ocean C. coral reefs D. estuaries E. intertidal zone


Which one of the following statements about El Niño is false? A. Occurrence of El Niño is irregular and unpredictable. B. The immediate effect of El Niño is a weakening in the east-to-west trade winds. C. Weakening in the trade winds results in more upwelling along the Peru-Ecuador coast. D. El Niño results in the movement of weather systems from the western Pacific eastward. E. El Niño events in the Pacific can influence weather as far away as Africa.


Which one of the following statements about acid precipitation is false? A. Acid rain is intermediate between point-source and diffuse pollution. B. Mercury is a pollutant that often accompanies acid precipitation. C. Acid precipitation is a severe problem in areas with soils having high buffering capacity. D. Acid precipitation can affect aquatic ecosystems. E. Acid precipitation can affect forests, weakening the trees and making them more susceptible to disease.


Which one of the following statements about ozone depletion is false? A. Concentrations of ozone-depleting chemicals continue to rise in the atmosphere. B. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the major cause of ozone depletion. C. Free chlorine in the upper atmosphere catalyzes the conversion of O3 into O2. D. Weather conditions also influence the size of the ozone hole in the stratosphere. E. CFCs are acted on by conditions in the stratosphere to form diatomic chlorine (Cl2).


Which one of the following statements about the causes and effects of global warming is false? A. Global warming will not be uniform in different regions of the world. B. In addition to carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases include methane and nitrous oxide. C. Melting of the Artic permafrost will speed the process of global warming because of its release of methane. D. The effects of global warming can be measured today. E. Carbon dioxide absorbs short wavelength radiant energy better than long wavelength radiant energy.


Which one of the following statements about the consequences of global warming is false? A. The rate of global warming may be too great for populations to be able to adapt through natural selection. B. Rising sea levels will be a consequence of global warming. C. Global warming will cause an increase in the incidence of diseases caused by mosquitoes. D. Since most crop plants grow better at higher temperature and CO2 concentrations, the effect of global warming on agriculture is likely to be positive. E. The frequency of El Niño events may increase as a consequence of global warming.


Which one of the following statements about the effects of deforestation on terrestrial ecosystems is false? A.At present rates of deforestation, it is predicted that all of the world's tropical rain forests will be degraded or gone within 30 years. B. Today, deforestation is the greatest problem facing terrestrial ecosystems. C.Deforestation usually leads to nutrients such as nitrates/nitrites becoming locked up in the topsoil and unavailable to plants. D. Deforestation can lead to loss of topsoil. E. Deforestation can lead to eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems.


Which one of the following would not be different if Earth did not rotate on its axis? A. westerlies B. notheast trade winds C. southeast trade winds D. descent of air at 30° N and 30° S latitude E. coriolis effect


Which statement best describes the relationship between elevation and latitude? A. Elevation and latitude are related because they are both measurements of distance. B. Elevation and latitude are related because as one increases the other increases. C. Elevation and latitude are related because they have similar effects on temperature. As the elevation increases, the temperature of the air increases, which is likewise with latitude. D. Elevation and latitude are related because they have similar effects on temperature. As the elevation increases, the temperature of the air decreases, which is likewise with latitude.


Which term from the five listed is used as a descriptor of a zone found in freshwater habitats? A. neritic zone B. abyssal zone C. pelagic zone D. littoral zone E. intertidal zone


Which two pair of words is correct for describing the near-shore zone of a body of water (marine and freshwater)? A. abyssal : littoral B. pelagic : profundal C. neretic : littoral D. pelagic : littoral E. limnetic : pelagic

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