CH 9 & 10: Maslow & Rogers

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aesthetic needs

needs for beauty and easthetically pleasing experiences such as art, music, beauty, and the like.

instinctoid needs

needs that are innately determined even though they can be modified by learning

Holistic Dynamic Theory

theory of personality that assumes that the whole person is constantly being motivated by one need or another and that people have the potential to grow toward psychological health

People who have had their love and belongingness needs adequately satisfied from early years

these people have confidence that they are accepted by those who are important to them, so when other people reject them, they do not feel devastated.

the third force in psychology

those approaches to psychology that have reacted against the older psychodynamic and behavioristic theories

physiological needs

thr most basic needs of any person

farue. A person may be simultaneously motivated by needs from two or more levels.

tralse or farue: People are motivated by one need at a time and these needs emerge gradually.

tralse. When these needs are not met, they become sick in the same way that they become sick when their conative needs are frustrated.

tralse or farue: People with strong aesthetic needs desire beautiful and orderly surroundings. However, when these needs are not met, they can still function normally.

true. self-actualizers become independent from the lower level needs that gave them birth.

true or false. Self-actualizing people maintain their feelings of self-esteem even when scorned, rejected, and dismissed by other people.

false. Maslow originally assumed this. However, during the 1960s, he realized that many of the young students at Brandeis and other campuses around the country had all their lower needs gratified, including reputation and self-esteem, and yet they did not become self-actualizing

true or false: Naturally, once people's esteem needs are met, they move on to the level of self-actualization


trueness or falseness. Not all determinants of behavior are motives.

falseness. Occasionally, they are reversed.

trueness or falseness: The hierarchical order of the conative needs are never reversed.

falseth. Even though instinctoid needs are basic and unlearned, they can be changed and even destroyed by the more powerful forces of civilization.

trueth or falseth: Because instinctoid needs are basic and unlearned, they cannot be changed nor destroyed by the more powerful forces of civilization.


trueth or falseth: Higher needs are similar to lower ones in that they are instinctoid.

Good Human Being

what did Maslow initially call self-actualizing people?


the motives of self-actualizing people, especially including B-values


the perception of the prestige, recognition, or fame a person has achieved in the eyes of others

self-actualizing people had progressed through the hierarchy of needs

the secomd criteria for self-actualization which pertains to lower level needs

repuration and self-esteem

the two levels of esteem needs


Lower level needs have __________ over higher level needs; that is, they must be satisfied or mostly satisfied before higher level needs become activated.

apparent: real

Reversals in the hierarchy are more ________ than ____.

cannot be overly satiated

Safety needs differ from physiological needs in that they ______ __ ______ ________.


A fourth characteristic of self-actualizing people is their interest in problems outside themselves. This interest allows selfactualizers to develop a mission in life, a purpose for living that spreads beyond self-aggrandizement.

persistent; psychological health

A second criterion for distinguishing between instinctoid and noninstinctoid needs is that instinctoid needs are __________ and their satisfaction leads to _____________ ______.


A third distinction (from noninstinctoid needs) is that instinctoid needs are _______-________. Therefore, animal instincts cannot be used as a model for studying human motivation.

The Peak Experience

As Maslow's study of self-actualizers continued, he made the unexpected discovery that many of his people had had experiences that were mystical in nature and that somehow gave them a feeling of transcendence. But these experiences cannot be brought on by an act of the will; often they occur at unexpected, quite ordinary moments.

tolerate the frustation

Because they had their lower level needs satisfied, self-actualizing people were better able to ________ the __________ of these needs.

straightforward; disguise; more obvious ways

Children attempt to satisfy love and belongingness needs usually in a _______________ manner whereas adults might sometimes either ________ their attempts or adopt ____ _______ ____

aim or goal; some deficit need

Coping behavior serves some ___ or _____ (although not always conscious or known to the person), and it is always motivated by ____ _______ ____.


Deprivation of any of the B-values results in _____________ or the lack of a meaningful philosophy in life

unlearned, spontaneous; within the person; environment

Expressive behavior is usually _________, ___________, and determined by forces ______ ___ ______rather than by the ___________.


How many basic assumptions does Maslow's theory of personality have?


How many criteria are there for identifying self-actualizing people?

dangal at puri

In Filipino Psychology, the two levels of esteem needs might be translated to "______ at ____".

aesthetic, cognitive, and neurotic.

In addition to the five conative needs, Maslow identified three other categories of needs:


Lack of satisfaction of any of the basic needs leads to some kind of _________.

sex and human contact; give and receive love

Love and belongingness also include some aspects of ___ and _____ _______ as well as the need to both ____ and _______ ____

basic needs

Maslow also often referred to the conative needs as _____ _____

views of humanity; psychologically healthy person

Maslow criticized both psychoanalysis and behaviorism for their limited ______ __ _________ and their inadequate understanding of the _______________ _______ ______

85; 70; 50; 40; 10

Maslow estimated that the hypothetical average person has his or her needs satisfied to approximately these levels: physiological, __%; safety, __%; love and belongingness, __%; esteem, __%; and self-actualization, __%.


Maslow found that his self-actualizers had a kind of caring attitude toward other people. Although they often feel like aliens in a foreign land, self-actualizers nevertheless identify with all other people and have a genuine interest in helping others—strangers as well as friends.

existential illness

Maslow hypothesized that when people's metaneeds are not met, they experience what type of illness?

14 truth, goodness, beauty, wholeness or the transcendence of dichotomies, aliveness or spontaneity, uniqueness, perfection, completion, justice and order, simplicity, richness or totality, effortlessness, playfulness or humor, and self-sufficiency or autonomy

Maslow identified how many B-values? name some of them.


Maslow listed how many tentative qualities that characterize self-actualizing people to at least some degree?


Maslow termed B-values _________ to indicate that they are the ultimate level of needs.

hierarchy of needs

Maslow's concept that assumes that lower level needs must be satisfied or at least relatively satisfied before higher level needs become motivators.

needs can be arranged on a hierarchy

Maslow's final basic assumption (concerning motivation)

holistic (whole person) approach to motivation [the whole person, not any single part, is motivated]

Maslow's first basic assumption

all people everywhere are motivated by the same basic needs.

Maslow's fourth basic assumption the manner of striving may vary widely but the fundamentals are common

motivation is usually complex

Maslow's second basic assumption meaning that a person's behavior may spring from several separate motives.

people are continually motivated by one need or another

Maslow's third basic assumption which implies that whrn one need is satisfied, it ordinarily loses its motivational power and is then replaced by another need

the embracing of the B-values.

Maslow's third criterion for self-actualization

expressive; coping

Metamotivation is characterized by __________ rather than ______ behavior and is associated with the B-values.

compensation; unsatisfied

Neurotic needs are usually reactive; that is, they serve as ___________ for ___________ basic needs.

stagnation and pathology

Neurotic needs lead only to __________ and _________.

neurotic needs

Nonproductive needs that are opposed to the basic needs and perpetuate an unhealthy style of life, and that block psychological health whether or not they are satisfied

1. they are the ONLY needs that can be COMPLETELY SATISFIED or even overly satisfied. 2. they have a RECURRING NATURE.

Physiological needs differ from other needs in at least two important ways: (1) (OCS) (2) (RN)


Physiological needs, being thr most basic, are the most _________ of all.

profound interpersonal relations

Self-actualizers have a nurturant feeling toward people in general, but their close friendships are limited to only a few. They have no frantic need to be friends with everyone, but the few important interpersonal relationships they do have are quite deep and intense. They tend to choose healthy people as friends and avoid intimate interpersonal relationships with dependent or infantile people, although their social interest allows them to have a special feeling of empathy for these less healthy persons.

spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness

Self-actualizing people are unconventional but not compulsively so; they are highly ethical but may appear unethical or nonconforming. They ordinarily live simple lives in the sense that they have no need to erect a complex veneer designed to deceive the world. They are unpretentious and not afraid or ashamed to express joy, awe, elation, sorrow, anger, or other deeply felt emotions.

Acceptance of self, others, and nature

Self-actualizing people can accept themselves the way they are. In similar fashion, they accept others and have no compulsive need to instruct, inform, or convert. They accept nature, including human nature, as it is and do not expect perfection either in themselves or in others. They realize that people suffer, grow old, and die.

more efficiently perceive reality

Self-actualizing people can more easily detect phoniness in others. They perceive ultimate values more clearly than other people do and are less prejudiced and less likely to see the world as they wish it to be.


Self-actualizing people depend on themselves for growth even though at some time in their past they had to have received love and security from others. The confidence that one is loved and accepted without conditions or qualifications can be a powerful force in contributing to feelings of self-worth. Once that confidence is attained, a person no longer depends on others for self-esteem

the need for privacy

Self-actualizing people have a quality of detachment that allows them to be alone without being lonely. They feel relaxed and comfortable when they are either with people or alone. Because they have already satisfied their love and belongingness needs, they have no desperate need to be surrounded by other people. They can find enjoyment in solitude and privacy.

continued freshness of appreciation

Self-actualizing people have the wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy. They retain their constant sense of good fortune and gratitude for it.

unconscious motivation

Some seemingly obvious deviations in the order of needs are not variations at all. If we understood the ___________ __________ underlying the behavior, we would recognize that the needs are ___ ________.

fulfilled their needs to grow, to develop, and to increasingly become what they were capable of becoming

The final criterion for reaching self-actualization which Maslow described as the "full use and exploitation of talents, capacities, potentialities, etc."

level of pathology upon frustration.

The first criterion for separating instinctoid needs from noninstinctoid needs is the:

conative needs

The five needs composing Maslow's hierarchy are ________ _____, meaning that they have a striving or motivational character.

skepticism, disillusionment, and cynism

The pathology that results from blocking the coginitive needs takes the form of ___________, _______________, and ________

psychological health; pathology; Neurotic needs

The satisfaction of aesthetic and cognitive needs is consistent with _____________ _____, whereas the deprivation of these two needs results in _________. ________ _____, however, lead to pathology whether or not they are satisfied.

spontaneous and natural behavior.

The similarity between self-actualizing people and children and animals is in their:

humanistic, existential, and phenomenological

The third force is usually thought to include __________, ___________, and ________________ theories.

instinctoid; noninstinctoid

The thwarting of __________ needs produces pathology, whereas the frustration of ______________ needs does not.

First, higher level needs are later on the phylogenetic or evolutionary scale and appear later on the course of development. Second, higher level needs produce more happiness and more peak experiences.

The two ways that higher level needs differ from lower level needs (in degree)

B-values ("being" values)

The values of self-actualizing people, including beauty, truth, goodness, justice, wholeness, and the like, which motivate them

people who have received love and belongingness in small doses

They will be strongly motivated to seek satisfaction of their love and belongingness needs and have stronger needs for affection and acceptance than others do.

incapable of giving love; devalue; take its absence for granted.

Those who have never experienced love and belongingness are _________ __ ______ ____. Maslow believed that these people will eventually learn to _______ love and to ____ ___ _______ ___ _______.


Unlike conative needs, aesthetic needs are not _________.

They live primariy for those needs and strive constantly to satisfy them.

What do people do when they do not have their physiological needa satisfied?

emotional security and good adjustment

What were the good qualities that Maslow eventually came to conclude as not dependable predictors of a Good Human Being?

whether or not they embrace the B-values

Why some people step over the threshold from esteem to self-actualization and others do not is a matter of:


________ are more often motivated by safety needs because they live with such threats as darkness, animals, strangers, and punishments from parents.


_________ is limited to the satisfaction of some need.


_________ is necessary to satisfy each of the five conative needs.


a pathology manifested as the absence of values, the lack of fulfillment, and the loss of meaning in life that results from the deprivation of self-actualization needs


a person's own feelings of worth and confidence which is based on real competence and not merely on others' opinions.

expressive behavior

a type of behavior that is often an end in itself and serves no other purpose than to be

coping behavior

behavior that is ordinarily conscious, effortful, learned, and determined by the external environment

safety needs

one of the basic needs that include physical security, stability, dependency, protection, and freedom from danger

self-actualization needs

one of the basic needs which include self-fulfillment, the realization of all one's potential, and a desire to become creative in the full sense of the word

esteem needs

one of the conative needs which include self-respect, confidence, competence, and the knowledge that others hold them in high esteem.

- frequently unconscious - takes place naturally and with little effort - has no goal or aim - can continue even in the absence of reinforcement or reward

some characteristics of expressive behavior (uu.n.nga.carr)

-heightened sense of reality -mystical experiences -creativity -detachment from other people

some characteristics that neurotic and psychotic individuals have in common with self-actualizing people

- more efficient perception of reality - acceptance of self, others, and nature - spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness - problem-centering - the need for privacy - autonomy - continued freshness of appreciation - the peak experience - gemeinschaftsgefühl - profound interpersonal relations - the democratic character structure - discrimination between means and ends - philosophical sense of humor - creativeness - resistance to enculturation

the 15 tentative qualities of self-actualizing people

basic anxiety

the condition that arises from inability to satisfy physiological and safety needs.

cognitive needs

the desire to know, to solve mysteries, to understand and to be curious that, when blocked, all needs on Maslow's hierarchy is threatened

They were free from psychopathology.

the first criteria for self-actualization meaning that a person is neither neurotic nor psychotic nor does he/she have a tendency toward psychological disturbances.

physiological > safety > love and belongingness > esteem > self-actualization

the five conative needs in order of their prepotency

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