ch11- cis
Social networking includes the following positive effects EXCEPT _________.
increasing your privacy
How would you describe the social networking site YouTube?
YouTube is a media-sharing network.
Daniela's company has decided to allow employees to work from home. What can the company use to let employees continue to meet and collaborate on group projects?
web conferences
You just got back from vacation and are getting ready to post pictures online of all the fun you had. Which of the following photos would be appropriate to post on social media?
A photo of you horseback riding on the beach with friends.
You received an unpleasant email from a coworker and you want to discreetly notify your supervisor. Which of the following features could you use to do this?
BCC your supervisor in your response is an appropriate email address to use for communicating with potential employers.
Netiquette only applies to social media and social networking, not emails and instant messaging.
Wikis are not useful in education because students cannot use them to share notes and give feedback.
Businesses use webinars for the following reasons EXCEPT _____.
Group discussions
What is one advantage of a company using an anonymous messaging app?
It allows for honest feedback without disclosing identities.
An online game developer has an issue with its most popular game and must take the server offline. The company posts an update on its social media page. How is this a positive use of social networking?
It allows the company to communicate to many users at once about an issue and release status updates.
To observe professional messaging guidelines, you should avoid using the following EXCEPT _____.
Meeting invites
In the email communication process, what is the role of the email server?
Routing email messages through the Internet or a private network
You are using a social network and want to let others know that you are interested in their posts. Which of the following could you use to alert them to your interest?
Share the post on your news feed.
In business, what has replaced social bookmarking in helping users find the most relevant, high-quality information, collect it, and share it with others?
Social curation sites
Which of the following is a step in the email communication process?
The message travels along Internet routers to the recipient.
How might a business use a blog?
To communicate with customers
How do you create an email message?
Use an app or software to compose and send information.
Social networking can leave you exposed to criminal activity in the following ways EXCEPT _____.
Using your photos and posts to form impressions about your character
In his small business, Adrian wants to use his laptop to place and receive phone calls. What type of service should he use?
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
A business can use a wiki in the following ways EXCEPT _____.
aggregating content
If you want to remove an older email from your inbox, but not permanently delete it, you can _____ it.
Posting hostile or insulting comments in response to someone else's blog post is called _____.
Gwen is starting a blog about vegetable gardening. What information should she include on the blog's home page?
list of posts with the most recent ones at the top
Which of the following is typical content for a podcast?
radio shows