Ch5 Learning Disabilities

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6 Major principles of effective instructional design

1. Big Ideas 2. Conspicuous Strategies 3. Mediated Scaffolding 4. Strategic Integration 5. Primed Background Knowledge 6. Judicious Review


A specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is a deficit in the phonological component of language and is characterized by poor spelling and decoding abilities.

graphic organizers

A visual-spatial organization of information to help students understand presented concepts.

Samuel Kirk

Coined the term learning disability in 1963

Auditory Processing Disorder

Difficulty hearing differences between sounds


Difficulty in speaking and/or comprehending language

Visual Processing Disorder

Difficulty interpreting visual information; problems with reading, math, maps, charts, symbols and pictures.

Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder)

Difficulty with fine motor skills; problems with hand eye coordination, balance and manual dexterity.

Unknown Causes of LD

Even with the large quantity of research that exists about the possible causes of learning disabilities, there remains large numbers of students who are identified and who do not fit into the previously addressed etiologies.

RTI Tier 1

Primary Intervention in the General Education Classroom- all students receive primary intervention in the form of evidence-based curriculum and instruction in the general education classroom

Genetic Abnormalities

Research studies appear to indicate a direct link between students who are identified with learning disabilities and parents who are identified with or who exhibit a substantial number of characteristics of the disability. Based on conducted research, it is estimated that approximately 35-45% of the first-degree relatives of children with learning disabilities also have some form of reading, speech, and / or language disorder. One study suggested the true impact of heredity on the chance of developing a learning disability. In this study, monozygotic twins (MZ), twins from the same egg, were used and researchers measured the co-identification of twins with reading, language and speech problems. They determined that in 54% of the cases, when one twin was identified as having a reading difficulty his/her twin would also have some form of reading difficulty. In the area of speech, both twins exhibited difficulty approximately 75% of the time. In the area of language difficulty, 32 % of the twins observed in the study were co-identified with the same problem.

RTI Tier 2

Secondary Intervention- an intensive fixed-duration trial of small-group supplemental tutoring using a research-validated program

LD- Behavioral Issues

Students with learning disabilities may become frustrated when facing a challenge in their area of identified exceptionality and may refuse to comply with teacher directives during instructional situations. Because of the student's refusal, he/she may be referred to the school's discipline officer. The visit to the administrator's office allows the student to avoid the frustrating academic situation. As a result of the multiple discipline referrals, the student may be identified has having a behavior disorder instead of an appropriately diagnosed learning disability.

Specific Learning Disability Includes

Such term includes such conditions as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. Specific Learning Disability Excludes - Such term does not include a learning problem that is primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.


Teratogens are agents that can cause abnormal growth or malformation in the fetus. The mostly widely discussed teratogens are lead-based toxins, alcohol abuse, and drugs abuse. Not as prominent as in previous generations, the amount of cases contributed to the lead poisoning has declined due to federal / state restrictions over the past several decades. The amount of contact that a pregnant mother has with items that contain a large quantity of lead has decreased dramatically. However, with the decrease of lead based cases, researchers have recognized an increasing number of children who are exposed to alcohol and drugs during the gestational period. Typically mothers who have used drugs or alcohol while pregnant receive a tremendous amount of the blame when the child is identified as having a learning problem. There is emerging research that indicates that alcohol and drug use by the father during conception could also be correlated with some delays in the child. Therefore, both parents should be monitor behavior patterns (i.e., the consumption of alcohol, medication, etc) prior to and during the gestational period

RTI Tier 3

Tertiary Intervention- intensive individualized interventions before determination of special education eligibility

Phonemic Awareness

The knowledge that words consist of separate sounds, or phonemes and the ability to manipulate these individual sounds.

Federal Definition of Learning Disability [IDEA 2004]

The term specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.

Specific Learning Disability Education Considerations

The two major approaches of cognitive training and direct instruction have been extremely successful when educating students with learning disabilities. With the "cognitive training" approach, students are provided with specific strategies for solving problems and self-initiation. This technique includes the use of mnemonic devices. For example, the phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" would assist students in remembering the sequence for calculating a math problem in relation to the order of operation. With "direct instruction" approach, students are provided with a precisely sequenced, fast-paced lesson with a heavy emphasis on drill and practice that is taught in small groups.

Definition Discussion

The typical definition of "learning disabilities" contains a series of components that appear to be uniform across agencies. Individuals with learning disabilities appear to have a significant discrepancy between intelligence (IQ) and achievement along with a presumed central nervous dysfunction. Additionally, students may exhibit a psychological processing disorder that occurs over the lifetime. Most definitions do include a series of disqualifying factors that may eliminate dual diagnosis opportunities. For example, students cannot be identified as having a learning disability and an additional disability such as intellectual / cognitive disabilities, emotional / behavioral disorders, and / or economic disadvantages.

specific learning disabiility

a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, or including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia

learning strategy

an individual's approach to a learning task. includes how a person thinks and acts when planning, executing and evaluating performance on a task and its outcomes

LD- Academic Issues

are possible the most recognized feature of this disorder. Students will demonstrate an average or above average intelligence, but fail to perform at the level of expectations as based on the student's intelligence test performance. Most students who are identified with a learning disability will have a single area or a small number of problems in the content areas. The most common area of difficulty for this population involved the content area of language arts, which includes the skills of reading, writing, and spelling as well as other skills. For example, a student may perform poorly in the area of math, but perform adequately in the remaining content areas. If a child exhibits problems in all academic areas, then the team should explore identification in another categorical area.

Summative Assessment

cannot be used to inform instruction because it is conducted after instruction has been completed

phonological awareness

conscious understanding and knowledge that language is made up of sounds

criterion referenced tests

differ from norm-referenced tests in that a child's score on this test is compared with a predetermined criterion, or mastery level, rather than with normed scores of other students. identify the specific skills the child has already learned and the skills that require instruction


difficulty with math


difficulty writing

Explicit Instruction

direct and systematic approach to instructional design and delivery in which students are guided through the learning process with clear statements about the purpose and rationale for learning the new skill, clear explanations and demonstrations of the instructional target, and supported practice with feedback until independent mastery has been achieved

LD- Social Issues

due to the inability to successfully read social cues given by others. Individuals with learning disabilities often are isolated from peers or have a very small peer group with little acceptance of anyone from outside of the group. Students who have learning disabilities should be provided with the opportunity to learn the meaning of various cues and understand the appropriate response for each cue in a variety of settings, in addition to the learning of academic skills within the school setting.

Curriculum Based Measurement

entails measuring the growth of students proficiency in the core skills that contribute to success in school

Medical Factors

have been linked with children who have learning disabilities include premature births, diabetes, meningitis, and pediatric AIDS. Children who have been born prematurely are at-risk for developing a learning disability. Researchers suggest that approximately 20% of students who are born prematurely with very low birth weight will also been identified with some form of learning disability. Researchers have concluded that children who are identified with diabetes at an early age also often are identified with learning disabilities at some point during their educational experience. Meningitis is an infection of the brain that has the potential to cause brain damage; it is often caused by a variety of viral or bacterial organisms. Researchers suggest that the AIDS virus in children can potentially damage the neurological components of the body, resulting in educational delays.

alphabetic principle

how letters and combinations of letters represent the small segments of speech called phonemes

Ability/Achievement Discrepancy

how you determine disability, comparing ability and achievement

Response to Intervention (RTI)

identifies students with learning disabilities by examining how well they respond to increasingly more intensive evidence-based academic interventions

LD- Speech Issues

language difficulties as part of their central nervous system disorder. Speech disorders can be manifested as cluttering, stuttering, and other speech problems. Students with learning disabilities may or may not exhibit speech issues as part of their disability.

LD- Motor issues

may have poor penmanship. Some general educators may indicate that this is a feature that can be attributed to students that are lazy versus a student who has a learning disability. This should not be quickly overlooked or misidentified by educators and parents when problems are suspected. Students may also exhibit difficulties with gross motor control. Adults often misinterpret awkwardness in gross motor activities as being simply a growth issue. Educators and parents should monitor the number of falls for students especially during periods of slower growth in childhood, as these can be indicators of a central nervous system dysfunction for the child.

Specific Learning Disability Characteristics

may or may not apply to each student identified with a learning disability. Some students may have one characteristic while other students may have an abundance of characteristics. When attempting to assist children who have specific learning disabilities, researchers have identified a list of seven characteristics that appear to be more prominent in most school age children. The list is in order from the most encountered problem to those that are less frequent; they include (1) reading problems, (2) problems with written / spoken language, (3) math difficulties, (4) organizational issues, (5) problems with visual / auditory stimuli, (6) fine motor control difficulties, and (7) gross motor difficulties.

mnemonics [nih-MON-iks]

memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Environment Factors

play a significant part in the development of the child. Issues such as low socioeconomic status appear to increase the possibilities of the identification of the student with a learning disability. Children who come from areas of poverty have a larger chance of being malnourished or may not receive an appropriate diet in order to meet his / her developmental needs. The child may also lack appropriate post natal care, which can be a result of inadequate services in very isolated rural areas or the lack of finances available for family health care. Many states have developed programs that provide free or low-cost medical services for children from high poverty environments. For services in your area contact your local Department of Health and Human Services. Finally children may be exposed to illegal drugs or misusage of drugs by adults. With the increasing in the amount of "methamphetamine" and other illegal drug labs, children who are exposed to the combination of chemicals stand a greater chance of developing long term learning disabilities. In addition, social workers are reporting an increase in the number of parents who use prescription and over the counter medication in an inappropriate manner with their children. Most report that parents administer the medication in order to obtain a desired condition, versus treating a medical condition. The misuse of medication in any form can potentially lead to learning problems as the child develops.

Formative Assessment

provides information on a student learning as instruction takes place over time

precision teaching

special system of direct daily measurement. make instructional decisions based on changes in a student's performance as plotted on a standard celeration chart

guided notes

teacher-prepared handouts that provide an outline of the lecture content, which students complete during class by writing in key facts, concepts, or relations

concrete-representational-abstract sequence

the logical sequence for teaching math using first objects (concrete), then pictures (representational), then numbers (abstract)


two conditions occurring in the same individual

content enhancement

wide range of techniques teachers use to enhance the organization and delivery of curriculum content so that students can better access, interact with, comprehend, and retain that information

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