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B) the capacity to influence others

12) In organizational settings, how is power defined? A) the goodwill and resulting resources shared among members in a social network B) the capacity to influence others C) the act of changing another person's attitudes and behaviors D) the extent to which one person is required to follow another person's commands even though he or she does not want to follow the commands

B) Power requires asymmetric dependence in a relationship

13) Which of the following statements is TRUE of power? A) Power exists only when the power holder is able to change someone's behavior. B) Power requires asymmetric dependence in a relationship. C) Power is your own self-perception that you are powerful.. D) Power exists only when one person has something of value for a second person, but the second person has nothing of value for the first person.

C) Countervailing power is the weaker party's power to maintain the stronger party's continued participation in the relationship.

14) Which of the following statements is TRUE of countervailing power in organizational relationships? A) Countervailing power prevents anyone else from having any power over you. B) Countervailing power is used by the stronger party to prevent the weaker party from leaving the relationship. C) Countervailing power is the weaker party's power to maintain the stronger party's continued participation in the relationship. D) Countervailing power is one of the ways that people gain power by coping with uncertainty.

A) People in certain roles can request a set of behaviors from others.

15) Which of the following represents legitimate power? c B) The manager is able to reward or punish the employees. C) The manager has the capacity to influence others on the basis of an identification with and respect for the power holder. D) The manager is seen as an expert in their field.

A) employees value power-distance

16) For which of the following would employees be more likely to comply with a supervisor's legitimate power? A) employees value power-distance B) power holder gives orders outside the employees' normal role requirements C) company encourages people to disobey orders that interfere with their work D) manager has little charisma

A) charisma; referent

17) Bill started with the company in the accounting department as a staff accountant nearly two years ago. Yesterday, after several moves within the organization, he was named vice president of accounting. Other employees, even those who had been with the company for years, said there was just something about Bill that made you like and trust him. He worked well with everyone, never threw others under the bus to further his own career and is described by coworkers and management as an all-around great guy. Bill's interpersonal attraction, known as ________, is associated with ________ power. A) charisma; referent B) discretion; reward C) charisma; coercive D) discretion; legitimate

D) zone of indifference.

18) A manager asks his secretary to pick up his laundry at the cleaners on her way to work. The secretary refuses. This request was outside of the secretary's A) norm of reciprocity. B) referent power. C) zone of reciprocity. D) zone of indifference.

A) larger

19) Highly trusted power holders have a ________ zone of indifference. A) larger B) smaller C) reciprocal D) narrow

C) the norm of reciprocity

20) A coworker performs a large favor for you. Based on ________, you will now feel obligated to do a favor for them. A) zones of indifference B) the norm of indifference C) the norm of reciprocity D) the coworker's charisma

D) legitimate

21) When people have the right to control information that others receive, they have a potent form of ________ power. A) expert B) referent C) coercive D) legitimate

B) reward

22) Employees have ________ power over their bosses through their feedback they provide on the boss's leadership. A) referent B) reward C) legitimate D) expert

D) coercive power

23) Employees are using ________ when they apply peer pressure to change a coworkers behavior. A) reward power B) legitimate power C) referent power D) coercive power

C) expert power

24) Which of the following sources of power originates from the power holder's own characteristics? A) legitimate power B) coercive power C) expert power D) reward power

C) prevention, forecasting, and absorption

25) Which of the following are the three general strategies for coping with uncertainty? A) visibility, discretion, and prevention B) visibility, immediacy, and pervasiveness C) prevention, forecasting, and absorption D) discretion, immediacy, and prevention

C) referent

26) Although Joanna expects much from her employees, the people that work for Joanna identify with her values, like her, and respect her as a person. Joanna has ________ power. A) reward B) legitimate C) referent D) expert

D) Charisma

27) ________ is typically associated with referent power. A) A reward system B) Power distance C) A valued skill D) Charisma

D) Deferential followers rarely evaluate the appropriateness of the requested behavior or the power holder's right to make a request.

29) Which of the following is correct regarding deference to power? A) Deference to power is harmless; it rarely has negative consequences. B) People defer to power after considering the extent to which the power holder actually holds power over them. C) Deference of power passes responsibility from the power holder to the follower. D) Deferential followers rarely evaluate the appropriateness of the requested behavior or the power holder's right to make a request.

A) visibility

32) Grace makes sure that she walks by her boss's office several times a day and tries to greet and make eye contact with her. She is trying to increase which contingency of power? A) visibility B) absorption C) centrality D) discretion

D) Discretion

33) ________ is the freedom to exercise judgment in an organization. A) Visibility B) Absorption C) Centrality D) Discretion

B) a high degree of centrality.

34) Your team is allocated a project involving a major client, the Beswick Company. Although the organization has many clients, this client, and project, is the largest source of revenue and affects the work of several other teams in the organization. The project requires continuous involvement with the client, so any problems with the client are immediately felt by others in the organization. According to the model of power, your team has A) very little power in the organization. B) a high degree of centrality. C) a high degree of substitutability. D) a low level of visibility.

A) a low degree of substitutability

35) Your team is allocated a project involving a major client, the Beswick Company. Although the organization has many clients, this client, and project, is the largest source of revenue and affects the work of several other teams in the organization. The project requires continuous involvement with the client, so any problems with the client are immediately felt by others in the organization. Jamie, a member of your team, is the only person in the company with whom this client is willing to deal. Jamie has which of the following? A) a low degree of substitutability B) a low degree of centrality C) a high level of discretion D) a high level of referent power

D) visibility

36) A new employee in the finance department of the Hogan Company prominently displays diplomas and past awards indicating his financial expertise. What contingency of power is this person trying to increase? A) countervailing power B) substitutability C) centrality D) visibility

C) personal brand

37) A form of nonsubstitutability occurs when people develop their ________ to differentiate their own resource from the alternatives. A) charisma B) personality C) personal brand D) discretion

D) Empowerment

38) ________ increases automatic rather than mindful thinking. A) Discretion B) Visibility C) Charisma D) Empowerment

B) stereotype less often

39) People who have power over others tend to do which of the following? A) stereotype more often B) stereotype less often C) use the dark triad to influence others D) rely on personal power sources

A) have a drive to bond

40) People ________, which is one reason to belong to social networks. A) have a drive to bond B) are insecure C) are extroverted D) have a need to defend their territory

C) social capital

41) Social networks generate power through which of the following? A) political behavior B) organizational politics C) social capital D) network capital

D) structural holes

42) Which of the following is NOT a source of power in a social network? A) information B) visibility C) referent power D) structural holes

C) Be aware of them as they are a source of power for organizational members.

43) In terms of managing social networks, which of the following would be good advice for organizational leaders? A) They are irrelevant and can be ignored. B) Forbid employees from engaging in them as they damage the formal structure of the organization. C) Be aware of them as they are a source of power for organizational members. D) Always manage and monitor them personally.

A) gaining valuable information from other members through networking

44) Which of the following networking styles increases a person's expert power? A) gaining valuable information from other members through networking B) identifying people who are in the same network as you C) having strong and weak ties D) belonging to a social network

D) through the norm of reciprocity

45) How does referent power increase in a social network? A) by decreasing trust among network members B) through organizational politics C) by isolating from other networks D) through the norm of reciprocity

D) close-knit relationships

46) What are "strong ties"? A) relationships a manager has with upper-level managers B) acquaintances who are usually different from us C) the best ties to have in a network D) close-knit relationships

D) Weak ties can be especially useful in job hunting.

47) Which of the following is correct regarding network ties? A) Social capital decreases as the number of ties increase. B) Recent research indicates this is an outdated concept. C) As the network grows, you have more time to devote to strong ties. D) Weak ties can be especially useful in job hunting.

A) betweenness, closeness, and degree centrality

48) What are the three factors that determine your centrality in a social network? A) betweenness, closeness, and degree centrality B) betweenness, visibility, and discretion C) closeness, discretion, and visibility D) closeness, degree centrality, and visibility

B) Betweenness

49) ________ refers to your location in a social network. A) Closeness B) Betweenness C) Ties D) Degree centrality

B) You have more control of the distribution of information to people on either side of you.

50) Which of the following is true as your betweenness in a network increases? A) Your reward power increases. B) You have more control of the distribution of information to people on either side of you. C) Your paths to many people in the network become shorter. D) It requires more brokering of structural holes.

A) high closeness

52) Shorter, more direct, and efficient paths or connections with others in the network would indicate you have which of the following? A) high closeness B) low closeness C) a lack of discretion D) a large structural hole

B) structural hole

53) What is the term for the gap between two clusters in a network? A) betweenness B) structural hole C) structural disconnect D) open space

A) get early promotions and higher pay

54) Research indicates that you will more often ________ as the number of brokering relationships you have increases. A) get early promotions and higher pay B) be seen as someone who is engaged in unethical practices C) engage in impression management D) be taken advantage of by others in the network

D) Women are still often excluded from social networks in male-dominated jobs.

55) Which of the following is correct regarding social networks? A) Gendered networks boost diversity by welcoming all types of people. B) "Old boy networks" have disappeared as they are easy to remove. C) Social networks are artificial constructs which take time and effort to put together. D) Women are still often excluded from social networks in male-dominated jobs.

C) Influence

56) ________ refers to any behavior that attempts to alter someone's attitudes or behavior. A) Legitimate power B) Politics C) Influence D) Tactics

D) They are based on personal sources of power.

57) Why are persuasion, impression management, and exchange called "soft" tactics? A) They lack strength. B) They are usually met with resistance. C) They are based on automatic compliance. D) They are based on personal sources of power.

B) upward appeal

58) Which of the following is a "hard" influence tactic? A) ingratiation B) upward appeal C) persuasion D) visibility

C) Exchange; soft

59) ________ is a ________ influence tactic. A) Persuasion; hard B) Coalition formation; soft C) Exchange; soft D) Silent authority; soft

A) silent authority

60) Which of the following is the most common form of influence in high power distance cultures? A) silent authority B) coalition formation C) assertiveness D) ingratiation

A) Ingratiation

61) ________ is a form of impression management. A) Ingratiation B) Upward appeal C) Coalition forming D) Silent authority

D) It is also known as vocal authority.

62) Which of the following is correct regarding assertiveness? A) It refers to the process of gaining support from one or more people with higher authority or expertise. B) It is an indicator that a person lacks power due to low centrality. C) It is an attempt to increase liking by, or perceived similarity to, some targeted person. D) It is also known as vocal authority.

A) Assertiveness

63) ________ involves actively applying legitimate and coercive power to influence others. A) Assertiveness B) Upward appeal C) Persuasion D) Coalition forming

B) Information control

64) ________ involves explicitly manipulating others' access to critical work issues for the purpose of changing their attitudes and/or behavior. A) Ingratiation B) Information control C) Persuasion D) Assertiveness

D) It symbolizes that the issue is real.

65) Which of the following is true regarding forming a coalition? A) It is part of a typical manager's job. B) It is a soft influence tactic. C) It rarely involves more than one person. D) It symbolizes that the issue is real.

A) Employees of a company get together to collectively request the management to purchase new computer equipment.

66) Which of the following is an example of the influence tactic of forming coalitions? A) Employees of a company get together to collectively request the management to purchase new computer equipment. B) A few of the employees of an airline threaten to go on a strike just a few weeks before the company begins its busiest season, and the most profitable part of the year. C) A new executive immediately posts her diplomas and awards on the office wall for others to see. D) It relies on a person of higher authority supporting the issue.

C) persuasion

67) The effectiveness of ________ as an influence tactic depends on characteristics of the power holder, message content, communication channel, and the audience. A) coalition forming B) upward appeal C) persuasion D) information control

A) flattering a boss

68) Which of the following is an example of ingratiation? A) flattering a boss B) offering advice to the employees C) listening to counterarguments D) forcefully arguing one's point of view

B) the inoculation effect

69) According to ________, a speaker can be more persuasive by warning the audience about potential opposing arguments. A) impression management B) the inoculation effect C) the coalition effect D) an emotional appeal

A) when media-rich communication channels are used

70) Persuasion works best for which of the following? A) when media-rich communication channels are used B) highly intelligent audiences C) when the persuader repeats strong arguments until the audience is persuaded D) when the persuader acknowledges there is one point of view on the issue

B) People who engage in high levels of ingratiation are less influential and less likely to get promoted.

71) Which of the following is TRUE of impression management? A) Employees rarely engage in impression management to satisfy social norms. B) People who engage in high levels of ingratiation are less influential and less likely to get promoted. C) Impression management is part of a larger category of influence tactics known as ingratiation. D) It is not used for personal branding.

B) Negotiation

72) ________ is an integral part of exchange influence activities. A) Resistance B) Negotiation C) Upward appeal D) Impression management

D) exchange

73) The norm of reciprocity most directly relates to which influence tactic? A) silent authority B) upward appeal C) persuasion D) exchange

D) Resistance

74) ________ occurs when people or work units oppose the behavior desired by the influencer. A) Compliance B) Upward appeal C) Commitment D) Resistance

B) Commitment

75) ________ is the strongest outcome of influence, whereby people identify with the influencer's request and are highly motivated to implement it even when extrinsic sources of motivation are no longer present. A) Compliance B) Commitment C) Organizational politics D) Role modeling

C) silent authority

76) People with expertise tend to have more influence using persuasion, whereas those with a strong legitimate power source are usually more successful applying which influence tactic? A) upward appeal B) coalition formation C) silent authority D) assertiveness

C) build commitment

77) Soft influence tactics are likely to do which of the following? A) produce compliance B) undermine trust C) build commitment D) create resistance

D) assertiveness

78) At DoubleTalk Inc., Jeremy, a supervisor, pushes his employee's; performance by constantly checking their work and threatening them if they fail to keep their deadlines. After months of mistreatment, the employees get together and sign a letter to the human resources department to express their grievances. Which form of influence is Jeremy using? A) impression management B) persuasion C) information control D) assertiveness

B) coalition formation

79) At DoubleTalk Inc., Jeremy, a supervisor, pushes his employees' performance by constantly checking their work and threatening them if they fail to keep their deadlines. After months of mistreatment, the employees get together and sign a letter to the human resources department to express their grievances. What form of influence are the employees using? A) impression management B) coalition formation C) silent authority D) assertiveness

B) coalition formation

80) Kristi's boss in the accounting department initially rejected her proposal for a new budgeting process. So, Kristi spoke to and received support from the heads of two departments that would benefit from the proposed budgeting process. She also found support from several coworkers in the accounting department because they believed the new budgeting process would be simpler and fairer. When Kristi's boss realized that several key people supported the new budgeting system, he agreed to test it in a pilot project. What form of influence is Kristi mainly using here? A) information control B) coalition formation C) assertiveness D) impression management

B) based on complex and ambiguous rulesvvvvv

81) When resource allocation decisions are ________, organizational politics are more likely to occur. A) easy to understand B) based on complex and ambiguous rules C) based on the brainstorming technique D) based on clearly defined principles

C) scarce resources in the workplace

84) Which of the following would be more likely to cause people to engage in organizational politics? A) organizational stability B) the presence of formal rules for resource allocation C) scarce resources in the workplace D) clear resource allocation decisions

B) encouraging leaders to become role models of organizational citizenship instead of symbols of successful organizational politicians

85) Organizational politics can be minimized by which of the following actions? A) cutting back resources available to organizational units B) encouraging leaders to become role models of organizational citizenship instead of symbols of successful organizational politicians C) being more tolerant of employees who use political tactics to get what they want from the organization D) selecting employees with a high need for personalized power

B) when the action is motivated by self-interes

86) When do influence activities become organizational politics? A) when the activities are meant to benefit the organization B) when the action is motivated by self-interest C) whenever the influence tactic used is assertiveness D) when the politics are positive

A) The "positive politics" view labels almost all influence activities as political tactics.

87) Which of the following statements is correct regarding organizational politics? A) The "positive politics" view labels almost all influence activities as political tactics. B) Organizational politics are more beneficial than harmful. C) Only senior managers engage in organizational politics. D) Employees with a strong need for personal power are not likely to engage in political behavior.

A) the human tendency to mindlessly follow the guidance of people who are charismatic

28) What is deference to power? A) the human tendency to mindlessly follow the guidance of people who are charismatic B) the human tendency to not want to hold power C) using a power base one does not possess D) the human tendency to naturally disobey authority

B) substitutability

30) Which contingency of power refers to the availability of alternatives? A) visibility B) substitutability C) centrality D) discretion

C) centrality

31) Which of these refers to the degree and nature of interdependence between the power holder and others? A) visibility B) substitutability C) centrality D) discretion

A) Degree centrality

51) ________ is the number or percentage of connections you have in a network? A) Degree centrality B) Discretion C) Closeness D) Betweenness

A) Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathyvticism, low extraversion, and psychopathyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

82) Which of the following personality traits indicate a person is more likely to engage in organizational politics? A) Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathyvticism, low extraversion, and psychopathy C) Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sociopathy D) sociopathy, narcissism, high neuroticism

A) strong Machiavellian values

83) People who have ________ seldom trust coworkers and tend to use cruder influence tactics. A) strong Machiavellian values B) a high level of organizational citizenship C) excellent skills for working in teams D) more expert power than others in organizations

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