Chapman's Points & OMM

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unilateral extension of sacrum tx

basE Exhalation External rotation of leg

speed test

biceipital tendonitis pt fully extend elbow, flexes shoulder, then supinate forearm. Pt then flexes shoulder against phyisician's resistance += pain in bicipital groove

bilateral sacral flexion

bilateral sacral sulci deep bilateral ILA shallow inc lumbar curve

bilateral sacral extension

bilateral sacral sulci shallow bilateral ILA deep dec lumbar curve

OMM: Post Chap - neck


talar tilt test physician grasps the pt's distal tibia and fibular with one hand and inferior calcaneus with other , blocking motion of the calcaneus on talus. Then invert the talus to evalulate motion + = laxity and inc ROM or pain

calcanofibular or anterior taoofibular ligament pathology for anterior talofibular only, golden is ankle anterior drawer test

frontal bone dysfunction

commonly seen in: sinusitis allergy visual disturbance (eyes reside in orbit)

slow, irregular CRI with little amplitude

compression of SBS AP comppressive force during birth --> sphenoid and occiput forced together

therapeutic pulse felt during CS treatment

consistent with pt's heart rate (suggest vascular response to tissue treated) -correlates with myofascial tissue relaxation and improved treatment response

OMM: Ant Chap - Cerebellum

corocoid process

parietal lift

correction dysfunction at squamous suture

vault hold

index @ greater wing of sphenoid middle finger @ preauricular portion of temporal bone ring finver @ mastroid process little finger @ squamous portion of occiput thumb rests abov surface of cranium

facilitated positional release

indirect, passive OMT (put body in neutral position to diminish tension -->add compression/torsion force -->go into ease---> hold for 3-4 sec--> release

SP of T7

inferior angle of scapula location of TP of T8 (rule of three, T7-9 SP is one full step below their TP)

OMM: Ant Chap - nasal sinuses

inferior clavicle

tight hip adductor

inferior pubic sheer (ant /post rotation of inominate = tight quad/ hamstring )

exhalation somatic dysfunction means rib is restricted in exhalation/inhalation?


OMM: Ant Chap - Small intestines

intercostal spaces 8, 9, 10

OMM: Ant Chap - Sinuses

lateral 2nd rib

OMM: Ant Chap - peristalsis

lateral below iliac crest

OMM: Ant Chap - Uterus

lateral to pubic symphisis

OMM: Post Chap - acidity of stomach (body)

left T5

OMM: Post Chap - peristalsis of stomach (pylorus)

left T6

positive straight leg raising test

lumbar nerve root impingement/irritation + = get pain/numbness/tingling radiate down leg when elevating leg

galbreath maneuver

manipulation of mandible to open eustachian tube for *acute OM*

OMM: Post Chap - ocular structures

mastoid process

OMM: Ant Chap - Neck

medial humerus (armpit)



pterion trauma

middle meningeal artery damage

short leg syndrome lumbar compensation

sidebend away, rotate toward side of short leg also anterior innominate rotation

occipial and sphenoid bone

sphenobasilar synchondrosis - keystone to all cranial movement

calcaneus to navicular

spring ligament

level of T4 SP

sternal angle

level of T2

sternal notch

OMM: Ant Chap - bronchus

sternum at 2nd intercostal space

OMM: Ant Chap - esophagus

sternum at 2nd intercostal space

OMM: Ant Chap - thyroid

sternum at 2nd intercostal space

OMM: Ant Chap - upper lung

sternum at 3rd intercostal space

OMM: Ant Chap - lower lung

sternum at 4th intercostal space

facial nerve

stylomastoid foramen within temporal bone

OMM: Ant Chap - middle ear

superior clavicle

OMM: Ant Chap - ovaries

superior to pubic tubercle

OMM: Post Chap - esophagus, bronchus & thyroid


OMM: Post Chap - lower lung



temporal, parietal, sphenoid, frontal

OMM: Post Chap - clitoris & vagina

upper medial thigh

sacral inhibition

tx dysmenorrhea

OMM: Ant Chap - bladder


chronic somatic dysfunction presentation

*NOT hypertonic muscle (=acute)* cool skin dry, thick skin prolonged blanching dull achy tenderness firbotic tissue texure asymmetry with COMPENSATION in other body areas restriction with little/no pain


"to knead" in French deep tissue technique in massage therapy such as knuckling, scissoring, wringing , skin-rolling

temporal bone dysfunction

"trouble maker" responsible for dysfunction of CN5, 7, 8

rule of 3

0,0,0 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 1, 1, 1, 1 1/2 0 T1-T3 TP = SP T4-6 SP is 1/2 seg below T7-9 SP is 1 seg below T10 same as T7-9 T11 same as T4-6 T12 same as T1-3

OMM: Ant Chap - kidneys

1" lateral, 1" superior to umbilicus

OMM: Ant Chap - Adrenals

1" lateral, 2" superior to umbilicus

rib motion

1-5 pump handle 6-10 bucket handle 11-12 caliper

normal CRI

10-14 cycles/min

OMM: Ant Chap - Tonsils

1st intercostal space near manubrium

OMM: Ant Chap - Tongue

2nd rib near sternum

iliacus muscle tenderpoint

7cm medial of ASIS

OMM: Ant Chap - Rectum

Anterio-medial thigh (lesser trochanter)

OMM: Post Chap - middle ear

C1 laterally

OMM: Post Chap - pharynx, tongue, larynx, sinuses, arms

C2 spinous process

OMM: Post Chap - cerebrum


CT vs Xray

CT is more expensive more radiation exposure (thus not considered for children/adolescent usually)

unilateral flexion of sacrum tx

ILA Inhalation Internal rot of leg

OMM: Post Chap - spleen

L T7

HVLA set up for FRS(l) at T6 where do you place thenar eminence of thrusting hand?

L transverse process of T6, with fingers pointed *cephalad* , with the other thenar eminence on R transverse process of T6 with fingers pointed caudad

OMM: Post Chap - kidneys


OMM: Post Chap - bladder & abdomen


OMM: Post Chap - urethra


OMM: Ant Chap - Acidity of the stomach (body)

LEFT 5th intercostal space

OMM: Ant Chap - Colon

Laid out over anterolateral thighs

OMM: Ant Chap - Ocular structures

Lateral humerus (shoulder)

OMM: Ant Chap - peristalsis of the stomach (pylorus)

Left 6th intercostal space

OMM: Ant Chap - spleen

Left 7th intercostal space

IT band syndrome

MCC knee pain in athlete, esp long distance runner

OMM: Ant Chap - Larynx

Medial 2nd rib

OMM: Ant Chap - Pylorus

Medial sternum


NOT OMT deep tissue technique involving pressure applied through knuckles, fists, elbows to loosen tendon/ligaments

OMM: Post Chap - sciatic nerve


OMM: Post Chap - fallopian tubes & seminal vesicles

PSIS & near piriformis

OMM: Post Chap - gallbladder

R T6

OMM: Post Chap - pancreas

R T7

OMM: Post Chap - Pylorus

R T9

OMM: Ant Chap - gallbladder

Right 6th intercostal space

OMM: Ant Chap - pancreas

Right 7th intercostal space

OMM: Post Chap - prostate, broad ligament


OMM: Post Chap - Rectum and groin lymph

SI joint

OMM: Post Chap - hemorrhoids

SI joint & ischium


SWEDISH MESSAGE rhythmic percussion administered with cupped hand

OMM: Ant Chap - myocardium

Sternum at 2nd intercostal space

OMM: Post Chap - ovaries


OMM: Post Chap - adrenals


OMM: Post Chap - appendix

T11 on the R

OMM: Post Chap - upper lung & mycocardium


OMM: Post Chap - Small intestines

T8, 9, 10

OMM: Post Chap - large intestines

a triangle from L2-L4 to the iliac crest

cerebral cortex atrophy

alzheimer - diffuse, mild; with progressive memory loss pick - frontotemporal; behavioral change

compression of 4th ventricle (CV4)

enhance CRI relief HA, reduce fever, assist in difficult labor reduce edema *encourage extension and discourge flexion* =operator resist flexion phase of occiput and enhance extension phase until a "still point" is reached. At this point flexion and extension will stop, then restart.

Spurling's test

extend and ipsilaterally sidebend, apply pressure

OMM: Ant Chap - pharynx

first rib

spencer's technique

for adhesive capsulitis/frozen shoulder syndrome move pt's glenohumeral joint through each plane of motion

dura attachment

foramen magnum C2 C3 S2 coccyx (via filum terminale)

metatarsus adductus - adduction of forefoot at tarsometatarsal joint with normal hindfoot alignment - d/t intra-uterine positioning

forefoot adducted , lateral foot boarder convex, normal hindfoot

atrophy of caudate nucleus

huntington - perosnality change and chorea

common compensatory pattern

in most healthy individual (~80%) OA rotated left cervicothoracic junction rotated R thoracolumbar junction rotated L lumbosacral junction rotated R unhealthy do not show this alternating pattern

sphenobasilar synchondrosis flexion

midline bone flex paired bone externally rotate dura cephalad sacral base counternutate cranium more rounded as AP diameter decrease

Fryette's third law

motion initiated at any vertebral segment in any plane of motion will decrease the mobility of that segment in other two planes of motion


occipital and parietal bones

CN12 which exit hypoglossal canal infants pass through birth canal *suckling difficulties*

occipital condyles

CN9 and 10 impinged @ jugular foramen this suture connects temporal and occipital bones

occipital mastoid suture

OMM: Post Chap - cerebellum


HVLA of rib with corresponding affected vertebae by treating vertebrae first where to put thenar eminance

on TP of *rotated* side

lateral femoral condyle

origin of popliteus mm attachment of ACL

Plantar Fasciitis - d/t overuse (long periods of standing), inc exercise, obesity - resolve with time and rest - myofascial release helps (move fist distal to proximal towards calcaneus along plantar fascia) - chronic plantar irritation --> heel spurs

pain in heel at bottom of foot - worse in MORNING or FOLLOWING PERIODS OF REST - worse when bending foot and toe towards shin (stretching the fascia)

tarsal tunnel syndrome - posterior to med malleolus - contains : tibial n, posterior tibial a/v

pain/numbness at bottom of foot mostly at night weakened toe flexion

articulartory techinque

passive direct technique that gaps joints/separate facet low velocity

anterior knee pain , esp when climbing stairs or sitting for prolonged period of time (theater sign)

patello=femoral syndrome - weak vastus medialis mm cause patella to deviate laterally--> pain when knee is flexed - inc Q angle (eg. genus valgus = knee knocked)

Patrick's test / FABERE test

pathology at hip or SI joint (Flexion, abduction , external rotation of hip, with foot on top of contralateral knee --> extension) *in shape of a 4* + = pain

hip scour test

pathology of hip joint including osteoarthritis and labral tears pt in supine with hip and knee flexed to 90. physician internally and externally rotate hip while adding compression of femur towards acetabulum

OMM: Ant Chap - broad ligament

posterior IT band

OMM: Ant Chap - prostate

posterior IT band

worsening scoliosis causes which compromise first - resp or cardiovascular?

resp --> cardio

OMM: Ant Chap - liver

right 5th and 6th intercostal spaces

OMM: Post Chap - liver

right T5-T6

pes anserius

sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus mm group that attaches to anterior medial aspect of tibia at tibial tubercle

Ober test

test *tight tensor fasia lata* or * IT band syndrome* pt lies in lateral recumbent position with affected side up. Physician flexes the knee to 90, abducts and slightly extends the hip while stablizing the pt's pelvis. Physician slowly allows thigh to fall to table + - thigh remains in abducted position

adson's test

thoracic outlet syndrome + = radial pulse becomes marketly decreased / absent (trying to pinch subclavian artery by contracting the scalene)

wright's hyperextension test

thoracic outlet syndrome d/t compression under pectoralis muscle at coracoid process hyperabducting arm ablove head with some extension += severely dec or absent radial pulse

physician wraps their hand around pt's distal leg, contacting the distal tibia/fibular with both thenar eminence. Physican then squeezes for 2-3 sec and rapidly releases. + = upon squeezing there is pain

tibia / fibular syndesmosis indicative of high ankle sprain

thomas test

tight psoas pt lies supine and brings knee of unaffect side towards chest. + = hip and knee of affected side flex

OMM: Ant Chap - Appendix

tip or 12th right rib

OMM: Post Chap - Uterus

transverse process of L5

Wallenberg's test

vertebral artery insufficiency while pt supine, physician flexes neck for 10sec, then extend for 10 sec. repeat with rotation to R and L with neck flexed and repeat this with neck extended. BASICALLY MOVE NECK THROUGH MOTION OF PHYSIOLOGIC MOVEMENT + = pt feels dizzy, lightheaded, or vision change at any point

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