Chapt. 10: Rehabilitation Services, Case Management, and Related Services 2

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What did the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 mandate

- Free and appropriate education for all students with disabilities through the age of 21 or graduation -Required states to identify, locate, and evaluate all children in the state who required special education and related services - Required that education be provided in the Least Restricted Environment (LRE) and to the maximum extent possible with students without disabilities -Mandated nondiscrimination in testing and evaluation services for children with disabilities

According to IDEA 2004, What is IDEA based on

- the individual child's needs, taking into account the child's strength's, preferences and interests, and includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and if appropriate, acquisition of activities of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation

How does IDEA 2004 define transition

-A transition defined as a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievements of the child with a disability to facilitate the movement from school to post-school activities,

What does Workers Compensation guarantee

-Compensation benefits for workers who forego most of their rights to sue their employer in the event of injury -Benefits are paid regardless of who is at fault for the injury; as long as the injury or disease happened at work or was caused by work -Persons injured on the job receive money to replace lost wages at a fixed amount, medical expenses, and Vocational Rehabilitation

What are the qualifications for serving as a vocational expert witness

-Completion of a graduate degree in Rehabilitation Counseling or the Behavioral sciences and several years of experience in Rehabilitation Counseling practice and knowledge and experience in medical aspects of disabilities, functional limitations, rehabilitation and vocational potential, transferable skills analysis, marketability, and employability

What are Disability Case Managers Practitioners competent in

-Comprehensive individual case analysis and disability case management, -Performance of work-site/job analysis -Vocational Counseling -Development of individualized return-to-work and work retention plans -Coordinating services and collaboration with other services providers and employers to provide needed services for clients -Development of prevention and workplace intervention plans -ergonomic evaluation -Health and wellness program development -Development of worksite modifications and job accommodations

What are the key concepts associated with Independent living

-Independent living: A consumer driven movement to achieve control over one's life, choosing one's own goals, activities, and support system, including the strategies, people, and animal supports necessary to accomplish objectives -Independent Philosophy: Barriers and stigma, and not the disability prevent community inclusion of people with disabilities; people have the right to self-determination; people with disabilities are experts in their own self-care -Statewide Independent Living Council: A consumer -controlled council authorized by Rehabilitation Act Amendments to establish state Independent Living plans -Centers for Independent Living: Centers for Independent Living are cross-disability, non-residential, community-based nonprofit programs that provide information and referral, Independent Living skills training, peer counseling, and individual and systems advocacy.

What is imperative to Caseload Management

-It is imperative for Caseload Management that all activities, professionals referred to, collaborative efforts, timing, and planning be specifically documented during the caseload procedure.

What are the major precepts of Independent Living Philosophy

-It is not disability that prevents people with disabilities from living independently but external barriers such as stigmatizing attitudes, interpretations of disabilities and architectural, legal, and educational barriers -People with disabilities have the right to self-determination and to learn from their experiences -People with disabilities can be experts in their own self-care -People with disabilities must set the agenda for research and political actions in disability policy -Independent Living services are mostly managed and administered by consumers

What are the 5 domains of Rehabilitation Case Management Practice

-Medical Treatment and Services. (e.g. Pharmaceutical and pharmacological management, assessing clinical information for use in developing treatment plans, and establishing treatment goals that meet the clients health care and safety needs). -Community Resources and Services (e.g. community-based funding resources, eligibility for community-based care, crisis intervention) -Professional judgement and problem solving (e.g. legal and ethical issues related to confidentiality, planning and goal development techniques, and applying problem-solving techniques -Cost containment (e.g. understanding cost analysis and methods to determine cost effectiveness -Psychosocial Aspects of disability (e.g. theories of personality, understanding the interaction of psychological and social factors as they may pertain to wellness and independence

What was the investigation of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 about

-Providing services to individuals with the most severe disabilities who due to the severity of the disability and other factors, were not expected to be rehabilitated for employment but for whom such services may improve their ability to live independently for function within their family and community

What is Caseload Management

-Refers to a system based on the systematic synthesis of client information from diverse sources to enhance counselor decision-making and ensure the effective and efficient delivery of appropriate services to accomplish successful consumer outcomes within agency and ethical guidelines -Refers to the management of the total caseload, as opposed to a single client -A systematic process using both counseling and managerial skills to ensure efficient and effective decision making, and coordination of services.

What are the key elements of the 1998 Rehabilitation Act Amendments

-Streamlined the VR administrative procedures by establishing eligibility for people already receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. -The IPE replaced the (IWRP) to emphasize the employment focus of the VR program -Consumers were given an expanded role in the development of the IPE and the opportunity to either develop their own plan or to develop a plan with the assistance of the Rehabilitation Counselor

Permanent Total Disability (PTD)

-The worker is unable to work in any capacity

Temporary Partial Disability (TPD)

-With (TPD) if an injured worker can return to his or her former employer in some modified capacity, but at a reduced function or earnings compared to the pre-injury status. The worker receives income maintenance at a percentage of the difference between pre-injury and post-injury earnings. Usually covers the medical bills and a wage differential if the claimant is able to work but not in the same capacity while recovering from a work related-injury

When does transition begin

-at the age of 16 ( or younger, if determined appropriate by the IEP team)

What mandates and outcomes was the Rehabilitation Act of 1992 significant for

-increased client involvement at the individual level by ensuring increased client choice and participation in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Individualized Written Rehabilitation Program (IWRP) -increased client involvement at the agency level by requiring the establishment of Rehabilitation Advisory Councils to guide state VR policies and procedures, and mandating that the majority of members be persons with disabilities -increased access to VR services by incorporating (a) the presumption of benefit (the presumption of that the applicant with a disability applying for services can become employed, and will benefit from services (b) the use of existing data (c) requiring that eligibility decisions be made within 60 days of application Mandated policy to prepare more people from minority backgrounds as professional rehabilitation counselors and increased the federal share of the state-federal funding match by 78.7%

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1990

-increased the focus on post-school transition and firmly placed transition planning in the Individualized Education Plan (IPE)

What does the Recording and Reporting Function entail

-maintaining records and files, progress reporting, and preparing summary reports.

What mandates and outcomes was the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Significant for

-mandated that states serve individuals with the most-severe disabilities before serving persons with less severe disabilities --promoted and ensured client involvement in rehabilitation plan development through the joint (counselor and client) development of an Individualized Written Rehabilitation Program (IWRP) that identified vocational objective, sub-objectives, and related services as well as the criteria for evaluating client progress. -Implemented a pilot program of Client Assistance Programs (CAPS) through which clients could receive assistance with application and advocacy services. -established demonstration projects in Independent living Rehabilitation Services. -mandated program evaluation, such that states became accountable for collecting information on the percentage of the target population being served, the timeliness and adequacy of VR services, the suitability of placements and retention of clients in employment, and client satisfaction with services, -increased funding for rehabilitation and disability research, establishing the National Institute of Handicapped Research which later became the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research -Advanced the civil rights of people with disabilities through Title V

What are the types of transitions that a student with a disability may experience

-post-secondary education -vocational education -Integrated employment (including supported employment)

Temporary Total Disability (TTD)

-with (TTD) wages are usually paid to the claimant while he/she is off work due to a Worker's Compensation claim. the workers status following and industrial injury or illness and a brief qualifying period of generally days or weeks. Usually involves the period a worker receives reimbursed medical services directed towards maximum medical improvement

Wellness is a concept related to but also distinct from health, what is wellness

1. A process or a way of living rather than an end state 2. Involves striving for or achieving and maintaining the optimal level of well-being and health of which, one is capable

How are individuals eligible for State VR programs

1. An applicant must have a disability ( a physical or mental impairment) that constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment 2. Be able to benefit from rehabilitation services 3. Be able to eventually achieve an employment outcome

The multidimensional and inter-related ICF approach to health incorporates what factors (5)

1. Environmental factors external to the individual that may include the built environment and structural access, the physical environment, the social environment, including social supports, societal attitudes and cultural, legal, and political systems 2. Person factors including characteristics such as gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and education, individual person features and characteristics 3. Body structure and function, or the physiological and psychological functioning of body parts, systems and the body structure 4. Participation or the involvement and ability of the individual to participate in activities

What community resources should RCs be aware of

1. Health and diagnostic services a. medical b. home based c.mental and behavioral healthcare 2. Rehab and Vocational Services a. VR b. supported employment c. AT services d. Forensic rehab e. educational f. human services 3. Career and Technical Educational education b.special education c. centers for IL d. public/specialized transportation 4. Community Living resources a. public housing assistance b. supported housing for persons with disabilities c.other state and local housing and rental assistance programs 5. Legal and social services

What are the areas addressed in a Life Care Plan

1. Projected needs for evaluation and therapies 2. Diagnostic testing 3. Educational assessments 4. Vocational and educational planning 5. Equipment needs and aids for independent functioning 6. Medication and medical supply needs 7. Care setting considerations 8. Transportation 9. Health Maintenance and services 10. Leisure and recreational services

What are the 5 categories of the impairment rating system

1. Temporary total disability (TTD) 2. Temporary partial disability (TPD) 3. Permanent partial disability (PPD) 4. Permanent total disability (PTD) 5. Survivor (Death) Benefits

List the 11 criteria for substance use

1. The individual may take the substance in larger amounts or over a longer period than originally intended 2. The individual may express a persistent desire to cut down or regulate substance use and may report multiple unsuccessful efforts to decrease or discontinue 3. The individual may spend a great deal of time obtaining the substance, using the substance, or recovering from its effects 4. Craving is manifested by an intense desire or urge for the drug that may occur at any time but is more likely when in an environment where the drug previously was obtained or used 5. Recurrent substance use may result in a failure to fullfill major role obligations at work, school, or home 6. The individual may continue substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance 7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities may be given up or reduced because of the substance use (withdraw from family activities an hobbies) 8. The form of recurrent substance use in situations which is hazardous 9. The individual may continue substance use despite knowledge of having persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused to exacerbated by the substance 10. Tolerance is signaled by requiring a markedly increased does of the substance to achieve the desired effect or a markedly reduced effect when the usual does is consumed, ( Some first time alcohol users show very little evidence of intoxication with three or four drinking histories have slurred speech and incoordination 11. Withdrawal occurs when blood or tissue concentrations of a substance decline in an individual who had maintained prolonged heavy use of the substance.

What are the seven empirically derived knowledge factors as important for effective private rehabilitation practice

1. Vocational assessment and planning 2. Case management and reporting 3. Expert witness testimony 4. Employment and disability-related legislation and regulations 5. Community resources 6. Psychosocial and functional aspects of disability 7. Job Analysis and modification

What are the factors that created the conditions for the establishment of the state-federal VR

1. a national shift from a farm-based economy to an industry-based economy and a relocation of the population base to the cities. 2. economic, social, and political reform and an increased government role in creating opportunities for individuals to compete 3. teaching vocational skills and creating productive workers in cities that had large populations of people seeking to become employed and needing to be appropriately educated for employment 4. The federal income tax, which resulted in moneys that could, in part, be used in the federal sponsorship of VR programs for soldiers, veterans and civilians (people with disabilities became employed tax payers which was an incentive for VR

What is the return-to-work hierarchy in workers compensation that describes the preferred order or service goals and seeks to capitalize on existing capacities and relationships with the injured workers' employer

1. return to work in the same job, same employer 2. return to work in the same job, but modified job with the same employer 3. return to work in a different job (capitalizing on transferable skills), with same employer 4. return to work in the same job with a different employer 5. return to work in the same but modified job with a different employer 6. return to work in a different job (capitalizing on transferable skills) with a different employer 7. returning to work in a different job with retraining, with the same or different employer 8. return to work in self-employment

How much is a wage loss benefit during TTD

2/3 of the injured worker's average weekly wage at the time of injury

What is the State (VR) Vocational Rehabilitation program

A federally funded program authorized under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and subsequent amendments

What are life Care Planning Services

A form of medical and castastropic case management involving the design of a plan of comprehensive and long-term rehabilitation and related services for an individual who has experienced a castastropic injury or has significant chronic health care needs

Work Interruption Case Management

A knowledge domain of disability management that includes comprehensive individual case analysis/disability case management

Disability prevention and workplace intervention plan

A knowledge domain of disability management that involves risk mitigation, ergonomic evaluation and recommendations, health and wellness initiation, development of worksite modifications, and job accommodations

What is the Transtheoretical model

A model of health decision making and the stages of change, which are represented as categories along a continuum of readiness to change a behavior

What is Forensic Rehabilitation

A variety of rehabilitation counseling services provided in legal or quasi-legal settings or pertaining to legal proceedings These services may include testifying as a vocational expert in workers compensation or Social Security Administration (SSA) hearings, civil court proceedings, personal injury litigation, life care planning, marriage dissolution or family court hearings, employment discrimination, or medical malpractice cases

What is the Disease model of SA and addiction

Addiction is seen in terms of a medical orientation as resulting from genetic predisposition, pathological metabolism, or as an acquired disease resulting from repeated exposure. SA is seen as primary disease with progressive and irreversible stages and as chronic and incurable, thus the term "recovering" rather than "recovered" addicts is used by adherents of this perspective and abstinence, rather than cure is seen as the goal of treatment

What is the prevalence of Substance abuse disorders for adults with disabilities

Almost twice as high compared to the general poplulation , more than 20% of persons eligible for VR services experience Substance Abuse or dependence

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of (IDEA)

Amendment and subsequent reauthorizations of the above Act, IDEA -Ensures that children with disabilities have available a free appropriate public education that includes special education and related services to meet their needs and prepare them for employment and Independent Living. -Increased the focus on Post-School transition mandates transition planning in the IEP

Who develops an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)

An IPE is developed collaboratively by the VR counselor and the Client

What is Workers' Compensation

An insurance-based program designed to provide monetary compensation for workers who are injured on the job

What is Social Cognitive Theory

Behavior change and maintenance are a function of expectations about whether the behavior will achieve certain outcomes and efficacy beliefs

How are Worker's Compensation claims by injured workers handled

By state-based compensation boards and statutes regulating eligibility, compliance, and the administrations of benefits and services are legislated at the state level

What is the Certification for Disability Management Specialist

CDMSC: an independent body that protects the public by monitoring the competency of disability, and control costs associated with injury

What is Case Management

Case management is the process of coordinating and integrating case services and involves such functions and processes as intake interviewing; assessment and evaluation; planning; evaluating; coordinating, and evaluating services; and recording and reporting of case information

What is the Caseload Management Approach

Caseload Management Approaches and styles can vary by agency -Caseload management is generally learned on an organizational level and counselors adopt the style of caseload management that is practiced within their agency while following state and federal guidelines and ethical principles of the overseeing professional organizations

How does the DSM V define substance use disorders

Cluster or cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicated that the individual continues using the substance despite significant substance related problems. A pathological pattern of behaviors related to use of the substance. (impaired control, social impairment, risky use, and pharmocological criteria.

What are the psychological models of SA and Addiction

Cognitive-behavioral models: People perceive or derive certain satisfactions and reinforcement from substance use. Addiction results from an inability to regulate or control the reward systems Learning model suggests that substance use is a result of faulty learning, and that use is reinforcing and leads to repeating the behavior, which may lead to addiction, and that social and environmental conditions may be associated with or trigger the behavior. Psychodynamic models view SA as a symptom of other basic psychopathology, and problems with regulation of affect and link SA to inadequate parenting, ego deficiencies, attachment disorders, masturbation, homosexuality, and other issues Personality theory models assume that certain personality traits such as dependency, immaturity and inability to express anger lead to addiction

Education for all Handicapped Children Act (PL94-142) of 1975

Concerning the public education of children and youth with disabilities, Mandated: -Free and appropriate education for all students with disabilities through age 21 or graduation -Required states to identify, locate and evaluate children who required special education and related services -required that education be provided in the Least Restrictive environment -Mandated nondiscrimination in testing and evaluation services for children with disabilities

What have self-management programs been found to result in

Decreased pain, disability, anxiety, and health-care utilization and increased psychological functioning, role functioning, adherence, and use of cognitive coping techniques.

What is Disability Management

Disability Management involves prevention and remediation strategies to prevent disability from occurring in the workplace, and early interventions following the onset of disability.

How does the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 describe the role of State Rehabilitation agencies in Transition

Each state is required to develop a plan containing plans, policies, and procedures for coordination with education officials responsible for the provision of the public education of students with disabilities

What is Social Security Disability Insurance

Established in 1954. SSDI provides eligible people with monthly income benefits and Medicare insurance. SSDI is an eligibilty program; a person must have worked and paid SS taxes, be permanently disabled, and earn less than SGA. Eligibility is based on contributions the worker (or in some cases the spouse or parents) made to FICA while employed

What does the Federal Workers Compensation program include

Federal Employee's Compensation Act (FECA), Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act and the Railroad Retirement and Unemployment Acts

what is theory of planned behavior

Health behavior is driven by behavioral intentions The individual's attitude toward the behavior The subjective norms surrounding the performance of the behavior behavioral control

What is Independent Living

Independent Living can be defined as being in control of one's life, choosing one's own's goals and activities, and ultimately deciding one's own support system, including the strategies, people, and animal supports necessary to accomplish any given objectives in the entire environment in which the support system is needed

What is intake interviewing

Intake interviewing requires counseling and time-management skills applied in the process of learning about the consumer and his or her Rehabilitation goals and objectives through a comprehensive interview, and providing information about the agency, its policies, information necessary for informed consent and professional ethics, expectations, services and limits of services

What is self-management

Learning and practicing the skills necessary to carry on an active an emotionally satisfying life in the face of a chronic condition. Includes concepts such as self-care, management of one's condition including medication and treatment management, communicating with physicians, caring for oneself through exercise and diet, maintaining, changing, and creating new meaningful behaviors and roles, engaging effectively in work and leisure activities, maintaining social relationships and coping emotionally with feelings associated with illness and realizing and developing a new sense of future

What does the IPE plan include

Medical, psychological, vocational, and other diagnostic assessments and evaluation services; counseling and guidance; physical and mental therapy or treatments; occupational and vocational training and education; interpreter services; job placement or services necessary to achieve an employment outcome

What do Substance Abuse disorders most frequently occur comorbidly with

Mental health diagnosis

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)

Permanent partial disability means the worker is able to work, but has a permanent residual deficit

How are VR interventions effective in perm, partial and perm total disability hearings

Play a vital role in the hearing process by presenting evidence on behalf of either the plaintiff (injured worker) or the (defendant (insurer and employer)

What are Proactive Techniques in Disability Management

Proactive Techniques such as wellness programs, safety awareness, and illness/injury prevention are used to reduce occupational disabilities

What are Reactive Techniques in Disability Management

Reactive Techniques include employee assistance programs, transitional work programs, outplacement and work hardening

How were Rehabilitation Services provided prior to the establishment of Public VR

Rehabilitation Services were provided by private religious, philanthropic, and charitable organizations.

What happens at the Assessment Function

Relevant information for current status and planning is obtained

What is Genetic, Biological, and Neurobiological models of SA and Addiction

Research on addiction suggest that SA and alcohol dependency is associated with genetic factors; however, it is difficult to distinguish between social and environmental factors that are also likely to contribute to the development of addiction or dependence. The neurobiological model suggest that the actions of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) cause chemical changes in the limbic system of the brain that may lead to addiction

What does treatment look like for SA and Addiction

Residential models, including in-patient treatment programs (frequently based on the Alchoholics Anonymous (AA) 12 step orientation) and therapeutic communities (based on social learning approach to prevention and skill development, intensive outpatient treatment programs, halfway houses, self-help groups (AA, NA, Rational Recovery), and family programs and Pharmacological therapies (which may be combined with above therapies)

What is Supplemental Security Income

SSI provides monthly benefits and Medicaid to adults and children with disabilities and has limited income and resources, people with low income who are aged 65 years or older, or people who are blind. The amount of benefit received is based on the individual's other sources of income and living situation. The government determines that based SSI benefit rate annually

What does Title V sections of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 cover

Section 501: mandated nondiscrimination and affirmative action in federal hiring Section 502: established the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board to oversee compliance to the Architectural Barriers of 1968 Section 503: Prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of disability, and required affirmative action plans among recipients of federal contracts and their sub-contractors of amounts in excess of US $10,000, and a written affirmative action plan of employers/contractors receiving under US $50,000 or with 50 or more employees Section 504: Prohibited disability-based exclusion of otherwise qualified persons with disabilities from participation in any federal program or activity, or any program or activity that receives federal funding (including school districts, colleges and universities, hospitals, day-care programs public welfare agencies, or nursing homes)

What is the 504 plan under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Students with disabilities who do not have an IEP, but have a disability and require reasonable accommodations while attending school

What should be included in counseling to promote self-management

Teaching and helping clients to develop problem-solving skills, helping consumers to become informed and aware of their illness or disability and its treatment , helping consumers to find and use health information and resources helping consumers to form effective relationships with health care providers helping consumers to take actions that promote their health and manage their condition

What does the IPE plan identify

The IPE plan identifies the specific types and number of services that will be provided to help the individual achieve his or her employment goal

What is the Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is a written plan that specifies the special education goals and services that the school must provide to meet the unique educational needs of a student with a disability

What are the three defenses which prevent injured employees from suing employers for receiving payment for medical services and lost wages

The assumption of Risk The fellow servant doctrine, which prevented recovery if the injury was caused by a fellow workers negligence Contributory negligence, which prevented recovery if the workers' own negligence contributed to the accident or injury

What happens in the Services Coordination Function

The case manager establishishes contacts with other professionals for services, including referrals for evaluations and assessments

What is adherence to treatment

The degree to which health-care recipients follow, or adhere to, Treatment reccommendations

What is the purpose of VR in workers's compensation

The early return to work and minimized loss of earnings capacity by the injured worker to help mitigate insurer and employer losses.

When was the first Independent Living Center in the United States established

The first Independent Living Center in the United States was established in the early 1970's in Berkely California. It served as a model for development of such centers across the country

How is permanent partial and total disability earning capacity calculated

The individual's state worker's compensation regulatory body receives a petition from the insurer with evidence of the degree of loss and offering a specific compensation settlement or award. At this time, litigation becomes germane (relevant) . The worker has the right to protest the award, and then may hire an attorney. This is an area where the VR interventions may be effective

What professionals may be involved in the development of a Life Care Plan

The individual, physicians, medical specialist, physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation professionals, lawyers, and economist, as well as family and friends

What is the theory of reasoned action

The intention to perform a behavior is the primary determinant of behavior The individual's belief that the action will lead to a certain outcome The value attached by the individual to the outcome Subjective norms: the extent to which the person believes that other individuals or groups think that he or she should engage in the behavior, weighed by the individuals's desire to comply with their wishes

What is the moral model of Substance Abuse and Addiction

The moral model explains the etiology of substance and addiction based on beliefs about right and wrong or acceptable and unacceptable behavior. SA is seen as a personal choice, and individuals as capable of making alternate choices, and this model is still prevalent in public policies and attitudes.

What does the plan include

The plan includes information on a formal interagency agreement between the state educational agency and the state rehabilitation agency that provides for 1. Consultation and technical assistance to assist educational agencies in planning for transitions from school to post-school activities, including Vocational Rehabilitation services 2. Transition planning by state agency and educational agency personnel that facilitates the development and completion of (IEP) 3. The roles and responsibilities, including financial responsibilities of each agency 4. Procedures for outreach to and identification of students with disabilities who need transition services

How is the plan designed

The plan is designed to facilitate the transition of students from receiving services in school to receiving Vocational Rehabilitation services

What does the Case Manager Arrange and Monitor

The services and assessments with; for example; Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Vocational Evaluators, and Medical and Health-Related professionals.

What does the State VR program provide

The state VR program provides employment related services for individuals who are most significantly disabled.

What is the Health Beliefs model

The value placed by an individual on a particular goal The individual's estimate of the likelihood that a given action will result in achievement of that goal Self-efficacy

What was the purpose of linking The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to The Workforce Development System

To streamline services by integrating multiple employment and training programs in one agency, where customers can easily access the employment information and services they require through a "One Stop" system

How are Workers' Compesation wage loss benefits calculated

Wage loss benefits are calculated using an impairment rating, a wage loss system, or loss of earning capacity

How is Workers' Compensation funded

Workers' Compensation is an employer-funded program through the purchase of commercial insurance or by setting up a self-insurance account

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Written plan that specifies the special education goals and services to meet the unique educational needs of a student with a disability, including beginning at 16 (or younger) a statement of needed transition services and interagency responsibilities or linkages before the student leaves school

How is the "impairment rating" determined

by medical guidelines as well as by individual state statues that classify the injury as either "scheduled" or "unscheduled"

What are "unscheduled injuries"

industrial injuries not found in the statutorily defined scheduled (e.g. Spinal cord injury, double amputation) The benefits for unscheduled injuries are calculated differently

What happens at the Planning Function

information obtained in the intake interview, assessment, and other available information about the consumer is used to develop a plan for service and goal achievement

What are "Scheduled injuries"

involve the extremities, eyes (vision), ears (hearing). Schedules of impairment list the disability and the corresponding compensable payment for the loss.

In cases of permanent total or partial disability,at the point of MMI, who determines the degree of loss, disability or impairment

the attending physician

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