Chapter 06

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10) The ________ is/are the smallest bone(s) of the skull. A) lacrimal bones B) nasal bones C) vomer D) palatine bones E) inferior nasal conchae

: A

12) Which of the following openings is found within the frontal bone? A) supra-orbital foramen B) foramen spinosum C) foramen lacerum D) optic canal E) foramen ovale

: A

20) The ________, which is the interface between the cervical curve and the thoracic curve, has a long, slender spinous process that ends in a broad tubercle that can be felt beneath the skin at the base of the neck. A) vertebral prominens B) axis C) T1 vertebra D) atlas E) None of the answers are correct.

: A

21) The spinous processes of the five fused sacral vertebrae form a series of elevations along the ________. A) median sacral crest B) lateral sacral tuberosity C) medial sacral hiatus D) medial sacral promontory E) lateral sacral cornuaz

: A

25) Which bone makes up most of the floor of the orbit? A) maxilla B) sphenoid C) frontal D) palatine E) ethmoid

: A

28) Which of the following fontanels is found at the junctions between the squamous suture and the coronal suture? A) sphenoidal B) anterior C) lambdoid D) mastoid E) posterior

: A

29) An anterior exaggeration of the lumbar curve can lead to which of the following? A) lordosis B) scoliosis C) kyphosis D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct.

: A

3) The parietal, temporal, frontal, and occipital bones are part of (the) ________. A) cranium B) skull C) facial bones D) axial skeleton E) None of the answers are correct.

: A

31) Which region of the vertebral column forms interlocking vertebral bodies that permit a relatively greater degree of flexibility than do those of other regions? A) cervical B) thoracic C) lumbar D) sacral E) coccygeal

: A

34) The primary curvatures of the spine functions mainly in ________. A) accommodation of the thoracic and abdominopelvic viscera B) aligning the weight of the head over the legs C) shifting the weight of the trunk to the hips and lower extremities D) increasing the ability to extend the limbs E) taking weight off the hips

: A

35) What event causes the cervical curve to begin development? A) an infant begins to lift his or her head B) walking begins C) intrauterine events D) the birth process E) None of the answers are correct.

: A

41) The posterior tubercle is a part of the ________. A) atlas B) vertebra prominens C) sacral promontory D) axis E) thoracic vertebra

: A

5) The lambdoid suture is the boundary between which bones? A) parietal and occipital B) frontal and nasal C) frontal and sphenoid D) parietal and temporal E) parietal and frontal

: A

7) The convex anterior surface of the frontal bone is called the ________, or forehead, which functions as an attachment site for muscles of the scalp. A) squamous part B) frontal crest C) orbital part D) supra-orbital margin E) alveolar part

: A

1) The divisions of the skeletal system include (the) ________. A) dorsal and ventral B) axial and appendicular C) proximal and distal D) cranial, caudal, and anterior E) None of the answers are correct

: B

11) The point of attachment for muscles that extend and rotate the head is the ________. A) styloid process B) mastoid process C) posterior clinoid process D) articular tubercle E) external occipital protuberance

: B

14) Which of the following bones contains the infraorbital foramen? A) zygomatic B) maxilla C) frontal D) ethmoid E) sphenoid

: B

16) The ________ arise at the junction between the vertebral pedicles and laminae, and are divided into a superior type, which projects cranially, and an inferior type, which projects caudally. A) costal processes B) articular processes C) vertebral bodies D) transverse processes E) spinous processes

: B

17) Which of the following lists includes only facial bones? A) frontals, nasals, parietals, and occipital B) maxillae, palatines, mandible, zygomatics, lacrimals C) sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillae, and mandible D) inferior conchae, vomer, ethmoid, nasal, lacrimals, and sphenoid E) None of the answers are correct.

: B

22) The bony structure of the orbit is composed of which of the following? A) maxilla, zygomatic, lacrimal, and palatine only B) ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, lacrimal, maxilla, zygomatic, and palatine C) zygomatic, nasal, frontal, and sphenoid only D) zygomatic, nasal, frontal, sphenoid, palatine, lacrimal, and temporal E) None of the answers are correct.

: B

23) The broad, triangular ________ articulates with the clavicles of the appendicular skeleton and the costal cartilages of the first pair of ribs. A) xiphoid process B) manubrium C) sternal body D) jugular notch E) interarticular crest

: B

23) Which of the following bones forms most of the posterior wall of the orbit? A) frontal bone B) sphenoid bone C) ethmoid bone D) zygomatic bone E) maxilla

: B

33) The primary curves of the vertebral column are the ________. A) cervical and thoracic B) thoracic and sacral C) dorsal and ventral D) thoracic and coccygeal E) cervical, lumbar, and sacral

: B

38) Which of the following structures can most easily be felt on the dorsum? A) transverse process B) spinous process C) vertebral body D) intervertebral disc E) pedicle

: B

4) The external surface of each ________ bone bears a pair of low ridges, which mark the attachment of the temporalis muscles. A) temporal B) parietal C) frontal D) occipital E) sphenoidal

: B

4) Which of the following sutures marks the boundary between the temporal bone and the parietal bone of each side of the skull? A) sagittal B) squamous C) frontonasal D) coronal E) lambdoid

: B

42) Ribs 1-10 articulate with the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and facets on (the) ________. A) spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae B) transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae C) spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae D) xiphoid process of the sternum E) None of the answers are correct.

: B

8) The nasal conchae of the ethmoid ________. A) are perforated by foramina that allow passage of the branches of the olfactory nerves B) provide additional time for warming, humidifying, and dust removal before incoming air reaches more delicate portions of the respiratory tract C) form part of the nasal septum, a partition that also includes the vomer and a piece of hyaline cartilage D) separate the right and left sides of the cribriform plate E) stabilize the position of the brain

: B

9) The anterior two-thirds of the bony palate is formed by the ________ of the maxillae. A) alveolar process B) palatine process C) frontal process D) orbital surface E) perpendicular plate

: B

11) The lateral edge of each nasal bone articulates with the ________. A) temporal process of a zygomatic bone B) nasal crest of a palatine bone C) frontal process of a maxilla D) orbital surface of a maxilla E) frontal crest of the frontal bone

: C

13) In the condition called spina bifida, the most common neural tube defect (NTD), a portion of the spinal cord develops abnormally such that the adjacent ________ do not form. A) spinous processes B) pedicles C) vertebral arches D) transverse processes E) vertebral bodies

: C

15) In the normal adult, there are ________ distinct curvatures to the vertebral column. A) five B) three C) four D) seven E) six

: C

19) The temporal processes are part of which bone? A) occipital B) temporal C) zygomatic D) sphenoid E) maxilla

: C

19) Vertebrae with large, oval-shaped bodies, triangular vertebral foramina, and stumpy spinous processes describe the ________ vertebrae. A) cervical B) sacral C) lumbar D) coccygeal E) thoracic

: C

2) The facial bones ________. A) enclose the cranial cavity B) consist of the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, nasal, lacrimal, and zygomatic bones C) protect and support the entrances to the digestive and respiratory tracts D) form a specialized joint that stabilizes the positions of the cranium and vertebral column while permitting a considerable range of head movements E) comprise the "braincase" that surrounds and protects the brain

: C

30) Compression injury is most likely to occur in which of the following? A) coccygeal vertebrae B) cervical vertebra C) lumbar vertebra D) sacral vertebra E) thoracic vertebra

: C

39) Which of the following can be found on CERVICAL vertebrae only? A) facets B) transverse processes C) transverse foramina D) laminae E) spinous processes

: C

43) The true ribs ________. A) consist of twelve pairs B) are the only ribs that are unpaired C) attach to the sternum by separate cartilaginous extensions D) attach only to the vertebral column E) attach directly to the body of the sternum by bone to bone contact

: C

46) The most inferior portion of the sternum to which the diaphragm and rectus abdominis muscles attach is called the ________. A) manubrium B) body C) xiphoid process D) sternal angle E) sternal groove

: C

47) Which of the following organ systems would most likely be affected by a broken rib? A) endocrine B) digestive C) respiratory D) excretory E) All of the answers are correct.

: C

6) The ________ processes are vertical projections of the sphenoid bone that are important sites for attachment of muscles that move the lower jaw and soft palate. A) styloid B) anterior clinoid C) pterygoid D) posterior clinoid E) zygomatic

: C

6.2 Multiple Choice Questions Part II 1) Bones of the axial skeleton form the ________ axis of the body. A) transverse B) coronal C) longitudinal D) horizontal E) diagonal

: C

7) The small depression on the temporal bone with which the mandible articulates is called (the) ________. A) temporal fossa B) temporal foramen C) mandibular fossa D) mandibular foramen E) None of the answers are correct.

: C

8) Which of the following is TRUE of the foramen magnum? A) It allows passage of the carotid arteries into the head. B) It is located between the parietal and occipital bones. C) It is located in the inferior surface of the occipital bone. D) It is the second largest foramen in the cranium. E) It primarily provides passage for the optic nerve.

: C

9) Which of the following contains the foramen ovale? A) frontal B) temporal C) sphenoid D) ethmoid E) maxillary

: C

12) The ________ extends to the smooth articular surface of the head of the mandible. A) alveolar part B) mylohyoid line C) coronoid process D) condylar process E) mandibular fossa

: D

13) Bones within the temporal bone that provide the sense of hearing are called ________. A) acoustic bones B) external acoustic meatus C) internal acoustic meatus D) auditory ossicles E) foramen lacerum

: D

17) The transverse foramina function in ________. A) permitting rotation of the head B) providing additional surface area for muscle attachment C) maintaining the cervical curvature without muscular effort D) protecting the vertebral arteries and vertebral veins, which are important blood vessels supplying the brain E) permitting nodding of the head but prevent twisting

: D

22) Ribs 8-10 are called ________ ribs. A) floating B) vertebrosternal C) true D) vertebrochondral E) tubercle

: D

26) Which bone is NOT in direct contact with any other bone of the skeleton? A) ethmoid B) sphenoid C) palatine D) hyoid E) zygomatic

: D

27) Fontanels on an infant's head ________. A) occur where the cranial bones have not yet fused B) allow the skull to be distorted without damage C) are areas of fibrous connective tissue D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct.

: D

36) The vertebral arch ________. A) projects dorsally and often caudally from the midline B) is the part of the vertebra that transfers weight along the axis of the vertebral column C) arises at the junction between the pedicle and the lamina D) forms the lateral and posterior margins of the vertebral foramen E) are interconnected by ligaments and separated by pads of fibrous cartilage

: D

37) The major function of the vertebral body is to ________. A) allow twisting motions B) provide support C) protect the spinal cord D) transfer weight along the axis of the vertebral column E) provide a passageway for nerves

: D

44) Choose the correct combination matching the type of rib to its associated number of ribs. A) true ribs; 6 B) false ribs; 4 C) true ribs; 4 D) floating ribs; 4 E) true ribs; 10

: D

45) Which of the following organs is protected by the rib cage? A) lungs B) heart C) thymus D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct.

: D

5) The sphenoid, temporal, and parietal bones form the ________. A) posterior cranial fossa B) internal nares C) anterior cranial fossa D) middle cranial fossa E) crista galli

: D

A) mental foramen B) mandibular foramen C) coronoid process D) hypoglossal canal E) mylohyoid line

: D

14) The vertebral column ________. A) provides a passageway for cranial nerves that begin or end at the spinal cord B) consists of 26 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx C) helps maintain the curved position of the body while sitting or standing D) provides a column of support, bearing the weight of the hips and lower limbs E) is divided into the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal regions

: E

15) Which of the following features belongs to the mandibular bone? A) supraorbital margins B) supraciliary arches C) frontal suture D) lacrimal fossa E) mental foramen

: E

16) Bones of the skull that articulate with the zygomatic bone include (the) ________. A) temporal bone B) frontal bone C) maxillary bone D) sphenoid E) All of the answers are correct.

: E

18) During development, the body of C1 fuses to the body of C2, creating the prominent ________ of the axis. A) bifid process B) pedicle C) vertebral prominens D) costal process E) dens

: E

18) Features of the maxillae include ________. A) sinuses B) alveolar processes C) orbital surfaces D) inferior orbital fissures E) All of the answers are correct.

: E

2) The axial skeleton functions in ________. A) housing special sense organs for taste, smell, hearing, balance, and sight B) providing an extensive surface for the attachment of muscles that adjust the positions of the head, neck, and trunk C) forming a framework that supports and protects organs in the ventral body cavities D) the production of blood cells by the red marrow found in portions of the vertebrae, sternum, and ribs E) All of the answers are correct.

: E

20) Which of the following is TRUE of the vomer bone? A) It performs the same functions as the conchae of the ethmoid. B) It is attached to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. C) It articulates with the mandible and both the zygomatic bones. D) It supports the olfactory epithelium. E) It forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum.

: E

21) Which feature of the palatine bone articulates with the maxilla to form the posterior portion of the bony palate? A) perpendicular plate B) ethmoidal crest C) conchal crest D) nasal crest E) horizontal plate

: E

24) Paranasal sinuses ________. A) humidify and warm incoming air as it flows across the carpet of mucus lining the air-filled chambers B) act as extensions of and open into the nasal cavities C) resonate during sound production D) lighten skull bones E) All of the answers are correct.

: E

3) The ethmoid contains ________. A) an interconnected network of air cells, which produce mucous secretions that flush the surfaces of the nasal cavities B) the cribriform plate, which is perforated by foramina C) a perpendicular plate, which forms part of the nasal septum D) a prominent bony ridge to which is attached the falx cerebri, a membrane that stabilizes the position of the brain E) All of the answers are correct.

: E

32) Which of the following spinal curvatures is/are convex anteriorly? A) sacral only B) thoracic and sacral C) cervical only D) lumbar and thoracic E) cervical and lumbar

: E

40) Which type of vertebra has a transverse costal facet? A) coccygeal B) sacral C) cervical D) lumbar E) thoracic

: E

6) The structure that cradles and protects the pituitary gland is called the ________. A) crista galli B) greater wing C) lesser wing D) dorsum sellae E) sella turcica

: E

10) The first cervical vertebra is the axis.


3) The temporal bone contains the foramen magnum and forms part of the wall of the jugular foramen.


4) The most massive portion of the temporal bone is the squamous part, which surrounds and protects the sense organs of hearing and balance.


5) The sphenoid bone has two condylar processes.


6) The mandible is the upper jawbone.


7) The lacrimal bones form the cheekbones and some of the lateral wall of the orbit.


11) A point of contact between the axial and appendicular skeletons is the manubrium.


2) The sphenoid bone contains the foramen rotundum and superior orbital fissure.


6.3 True/False Questions 1) The zygomatic process is part of the temporal bone.


8) The inferior nasal conchae are paired scroll-like bones, each of which attach to the lateral walls of the nasal cavity on each side of the nasal septum.


9) The coccyx actually consists of three to five coccygeal vertebrae that have usually begun fusing by age 26.


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