Chapter 1: Introduction to Group Communication

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Define these Dialectics terms: 1. Cohesion 2. Norms 3. Task dimensions 4. Social dimensions 5. Homogenous group 6. Heterogenous group

*1. Cohesion*: The mutual attraction and teamwork that holds the members of a group together *2. Norms*: Specific standards of behavior expected by members of a particular group *3. Task dimensions*: Focus on achieving its goal *4. Social dimensions*: Focus on the interpersonal relationships among the group members *5. Homogenous group*: Composed of members who are the same or very similar to one another *6. Heterogenous group* Composed of members who are different from one another

What are several ways to resolve dialectic tensions? (Least to most effective)

*1. Do Nothing* -If the tensions are trivial or diminish with time, this strategy can work *2. Select Only One and Ignore the Other 3. Choose Different Options for Different Situations 4. Collaborate* -*Collaboration*: Describe coordinate group interaction in which interdependent members share a common goal, respect others, and work together

What are the six basic elements of the group communication process?

*1. Members*: People with distinct knowledge, experiences, personality traits, attitudes, skills, and cultural backgrounds who are recognized as belonging to the group *2. Messages*: The ideas, information, opinions, claims, and/or feelings expressed by group members that generate meaning in others *3. Context*: The physical and psychological environment in which a group communicates, including factors such as group size, working conditions, and the relationships among members *4. Channels*: The media through which group members share messages using one or more of their five sense in face-to-face or mediated settings *5. Feedback*: Vertical and/or nonverbal responses from members that indicate how well others received and interpreted a message *6. Noise*: Any external (sounds, room conditions) or internal (attitudes, beliefs, and values) factors that interfere with hoe well members express themselves or interpret the messages of others

What are the key elements of group communication?

*1. Members: Three or More Members* -While two group members talk, support, or criticize one another, a third person can offer alternatives and make a tie-breaking decision if the other two people can't agree. *2. Collaboration*: Characterized by coordinated group interaction in which members share a common goal, respect others' perspectives and contributions, and work together to create a successful group experience. -Ensures that members share relevant information and opinions *3. Interdependence*: The influence of each group member on the thoughts and actions of other members -A successful group with interdependent members functions as a cohesive team in which all members feel responsible for doing their part *4. Working*: Describes the physical and/or mental effort group members expand when trying to accomplish something -Working in a group is not about hard labor; it is about joining others in a productive experience in which members combine their talents and energy to achieve a worthy goal *5. Common Goal*: A group's common goal represents the shared purpose or object toward which group work is directed -A group's goal guides its actions, sets standards for measuirng success, provides a focus for resolving conflict, and motivates members

What are two concepts that can help to better understand the complex nature of group communication?

1. The critical functions of communication theories, strategies, and skills 2. The nature of the group communication pcoress

What is the Credo For Ethical Communication? What are the principles?

A. * NCA Credo for Ethical Communication*: A set of guiding principles that assess how well communication behaviors meet agreed-upon standards of right and wrong; an ethics credo is a belief statement about what it means to be an ethical communicator B. Principles of Ethical Communication: 1. We advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of communication. 2. We endorse freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to achieve the informed and responsible decision making fundamental to a civil society. 3. We strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and responding to their messages. 4. We promote access to communication resources and opportunities as necessary to fulfill human potential and contribute to the wellbeing of families, communities, and society. 5. We promote communication climates of caring and mutual understanding that respect the unique needs and characteristics of individual communicators. 6. We condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through distortion, intimidation, coercion, and violence, and through the expression of intolerance and hatred. 7. We are committed to the courageous expression of personal conviction in pursuit of fairness and justice. 8. We advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings when facing significant choices while also respecting privacy and confidentiality. 9. We accept responsibility for the short-and long-term con-sequences of ou

_____________ is the guiding principle of group work.

A. *Balance* as the guiding principle of group work -*Balance*: A state of equilibrium in which extreme approaches neither dominate nor interfere with the group's ultimate ability to achieve its common goal -An ideal group succeeds because it achieves balance -Tensions are best resolved by taking a *both/and approach* rather than the either/or perspective

What are dialectics?

A. *Dialectics*: A method for examining and resolving two contradictory or opposing ideas -Effective groups engage

What are ethics? How is this related to the doctrine of the mean?

A. *Ethics* embodies an understanding of whether group members' communication behaviors meet agreed-upon standards of right and wrong B. Aristotle's doctrine of the mean: An ethical virtue based on moderation and a response somewhere between the two extremes of expressing mild annoyance and spewing uncontrolled rage -Aristotle's golden mean constitutes the essence of and/or approach to group dialectics

Describe Group Systems Theory.

A. *Group Systems Theory*: Encompasses a group of theories that examines how interdependent factors affect one another in a complex environment. Recognizes that *communication does not take place in isolation, but rather necessitates a communication system* -Every group is a *system,* a collection of interacting and interdependent elements working together to form a complex whole that adapts to a changing environment. B. *Components of System Theory: Input -> Process -> Output* *1. Input*: Task requirements, member characteristics, skills, expertise, attitudes (Ex. game rules, team composition, player skills) *2. Process*: Planning, leadership, cohesiveness, conflict resolution, decision making, problem solving (Ex. Practice, execution of game, support from fans) *3. Output*: Group performance, decisions, achieving the common goal (Ex. Wins or losses; performance)

What are group dialectics?

A. *Group dialectics*: The inevitable, contradictory tensions group members experience as they collaborate with one another to achieve a common goal B. *1. Individual Goals <-> Group Goals* (Members' personal goals are balanced with the group's common goal) *2. Conflict <-> Cohesion* (The value of constructive conflict is balanced with the need for unity and cohesiveness) *3. Conforming <-> Non-Conforming* (A commitment to group norms and standards is balanced with a willingness to differ and change) *4. Task Dimensions <-> Social Dimensions* (The responsibility and motivation to complete tasks are balanced with promoting member relationships) *5. Homogeneous <-> Heterogeneous* (Member similarities are balanced with member differences in skills, roles, personal characteristics, and cultural perspectives) *6. Leadership <-> Followership* (Effective and ethical leadership is balanced with committed and responsible followership) *7. Structure <-> Spontaneity* (The need for structured procedures is balanced with the need for innovative and creative thinking) *8. Engaged <-> Disengaged* (Member energy and labor are balanced with the group's need for rest and renewal) *9. Open System <-> Closed System* External support and recognition are balanced with internal group solidarity and rewards

What is group communication? What are the two basic uses of the word group?

A. *Group*: The collaboration of *three or more* interdependent members working to achieve a common goal B. Two Basic Uses of the Word Group *1. Shared circumstances*: People brought together by a circumstance (Ex. People discussing the weather at an airport, members of a church congregation listening to a sermon, who get together to watch a debate) *2. Shared goals*: People who interact with one another to accomplish something (Textbook's main focus; Ex. People who work with neighbors to pick up trash, choose a scholarship winner)

What is an optimal group experience?

A. *Optimal Group Experience*: An experience in which all group members are caught up in the group's work and are performing at a higher level of achievement B. Steps include negotiating several dialectic tensions: 1. You must have a worthy goal that motivates both *individual members* and the *group as a whole* 2. You must balance both *tasks* and *social dimensions* by encouraging members to complete tasks and by promoting strong interpersonal relationships 3. You must both *support* and *reward member engagement* and accommodate members who need to disengage by pausing, recharging, and relacing

What is Relational Dialectics Theory?

A. *Relational Dialectics Theory*:Leslie Baxter & Barbara Montgomery's theory that claims that relationships are characterized by ongoing, dialectic tensions among the multiple contradictions, complexities, and changes in human experiences - Focused on contradictions in relationships as the result of inherent tensions, or "dialectics" -Rather than trying to prove that one of these contrary proverbs (ex. "opposites attract," but "birds of a feather flock together") is truer than the other - an either/or response - relational dialectics takes a both/and approach

What is synergy?

A. *Synergy*: A state in which the effective collaboration of group members produces better results than what would be expected given the sum of skills and abilities of individual members working alone -Often expressed as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; comes from the Greek word "synergos," meaning "working together"

Describe virtual teams. What are the top-rated characteristics of an effective virtual teammate? What are the requirements?

A. *Virtual teams:* A group that relies on one or more mediated technologies to collaborate, often across time, distance, and organizational boundaries. *B. Characteristics of an effective virtual teammate* -1. A willingness to share relevant information -2. Active engagement and interaction with others -3. The ability to collaborate *C. Requirements for an effective virtual team* -1. Adequate resources (funding, people, skills, etc.) to achieve a group's common goal -2. Appropriate and effective information technology and support -3. Members with adequate and appropriate electronic communication skills -4. Members with adequate and appropriate collaboration skills suited to a mediated environment -5. Members who serve as role models for others in virtual interactions

What are some advantages of working in groups?

A. Group Advantages *1. Better Decision Making 2. Superior Resources 3. Member Satisfaction 4. Enhanced Learning 5. Greater Creativity* B. Groups in Balance create synergy: When three or more interdependent group members collaborate and work toward achieving a common goal, they have the potential to create a synergy

What is an ideal group size?

A. Most group members and leaders prefer groups of *3-9 members* -Groups larger than 9 members are generally less productive -Groups of 5-7 members are generally more effective for problem-solving discussions -To avoid tied votes, an odd number of members is usually better than an even number -Small groups are generally more effective than larger groups -The best advice is the simplest: limit *"group size to the smallest number of members necessary to accomplish group goals"*

How are theories, strategies, and skills important in understanding the group communication process?

A. Using strategies and skills without an understanding of appropriate theories can make the process of working in groups inefficient, ineffective, and frustrating for all members B. Definitions: -1. *Theory*: A theory is a clear, systematic, and predictive explanation of a phenomenon; based on the interpretation of knowable and verifiable facts -Ex. Group communication theories help us understand what factors cause a group to fail or success -2. *Strategy*: A method, guideline, or technique for dealing with the issues and problems that arise in groups -Effective strategies are based on theories -3. *Skill*: A specific ability that helps a group engage in collaborative work to achieve its common goal; most effective when based on theories

What are the different types of groups?

Many groups overlap. *1. Primary*: To provide members with affection, support, and a sense of belonging (Ex. Family, best friends) *2. Social*: To share common interests in a friendly setting or participate in social activities (Ex. Athletic team, college sororities and fraternities) *3. Self-Help*: To support and encourage members who want or need help with personal problems (Ex. Therapy groups, weight watchers) *4. Learning*: To help members gain knowledge and develop skills (Ex. Study groups, ceramics workshops) *5. Service*: To assist worthy causes that help other people outside the group (Ex. Kiwanis, charity or volunteer groups) *6. Civic*: To support worthy causes that help people within the group (Ex. Parent-Teacher Associations, neighborhood watches) *7. Organizational*: To achieve specific goals on behalf of a business or organization (Ex. Management teams, committees) *8. Public*: To discuss important issues in front of for the benefit of the public (Ex. Open-to-the-public panel discussions, governance groups)

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