Chapter 1 Psychology AP

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Industrial Psychologists

focus on the relationships between people and work.

Environmental Psychologists

focus on the ways in which behavior influences, and is influenced by, the physical environment. Ways in which buildings and cities serve, or fail to serve, human needs.

Educational Psychologist

optimize classroom conditions so as to facilitate learning. Focus on course planning and instructional methods for a school system. May prepare standardized tests (SAT's).

Harry Harlow

Developmental Psychologist, theory: attachment comes with contact(touch)

Charles Darwin

Naturalist, the natural selection

James Old

Neurologist, used bunnies for experiments, found the Nucleus Acumas

Sigmund Freud

Physician, Founder of Psychoanalytic,

B. F. Skinner


Ivan Pavlov

Behaviorist, The repetitive experiment, smell Slim Jim... Your mouth salivates. Behavioral Psychology

John Watson

Behaviorist, theory: study observation behavior and abandon the study of consciousness altogether

Biological Perspective

Biologically oriented psychologists seek the links between events in the brain-such as the activity of the brain cells- and mental processes. They use techniques like the CAT scans, PET scans to show how various parts of the brain are involved in thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Also concerned with the influence of hormones and genes.

Wilhelm Wundt

FATHER of Psychology because he set up the first psychological laboratory to study the mind scientifically. He tried to break the mind down into its elemental parts by using a technique called introspection. Introspection is looking inward to describe smell, memory, and emotion. This did not work! There were just too many different descriptions of the same thing.

Psychoanalysis Perspective

Founded by Sigmund Freud. The notion that people are driven by hidden impulses and that verbal slips and dreams represent unconscious swishes largely reflect the influence of Sigmund Freud. He came to believe that unconscious processes, escpecially sex and aggression, were more influential than conscious thought in determining human behavior. People are motivated to gratify these impulses, ugly as some of them were. But at the same time people were motivated to see themselves as decent. He devised a method of psychotherapy called psychoanalysis. It aims to help patients gain insight into many of their deep-seated conflicts and find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs.

Carl Rogers

Founder of humanistic perspective,

William James

Functionalist, wrote the 1st psychology textbook.. Had major depression

Lewis Terman

Psychometric: make/create tests

Structuralism Perspective

The mind is a natural event that can be studied scientifically, just like light, heat, and the flow of blood. Founded by Wundt. It attempted to break conscious experience down into objective (known or perceived objects rather that existing only in the mind) sensations such as sight or taste, and subjective (of the mind; personal; determined by thought and feelings rather than by external objects) feelings such as emotional responses, will, and mental images such as memories or dreams. Structuralists believed that the mind functions by combining the elements of experience. NO LONGER EXISTS!


Their emphasis of behavior, personality, and motivation is on our conflicting unconscious. They believe that childhood experiences are important in affecting adult personality. It is a theory proposed as two mental states: the conscious and the unconscious. Freud (the most recognized psychologist of our time) stated that all thoughts, emotions, and actions are determined. In other words, if we probe deeply enough, we will find the causes of everything we fee, think, and do.

Cognitive Perspective

They investigate the ways in which we perceive, and mentally represent the world, how we learn, remember the past and plan for the future, solve problems, form judgements, make decisions, and use language. They study all things that relate to the mind. Its traditions have roots in Socrates' advice to "Know thyself" and in his suggested method of introspection.

Developmental psychologists

attempt to study the changes-physical, emotional, cognitive, and social- that occur throughout the life span. Effects of maternal use of drugs on embryo.

Functionalism Perspective

While structuralists were concerned with what mind is, functionalists were asking what mind does and why. Its interest is in how the mind functions to adapt as to our environment. Regarded consciousness as an ever changing flow or stream of images and sensations. They were concerned with how the mind, emotions, perception, habits, and other psychological processes aid survival. A functionalist's question: "What do people do, and how do they do it?" Guided psychology toward pragmatism (knowledge is validated by its usefulness). Founder was William James.

Sociocultural Perspective

addresses the influences of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status on behavior and mental processes.

Personality Psychologists

attempt to define human traits; to determine influences on human thought processes, feelings, and behavior.

Social Psychologists

concerned with the nature and causes of individuals' thoughts, feelings, and overt behavior in social situations. Tend to focus on external factors that influence behavior.

Clinical Psychologists

help people with psychological disorders adjust to the demands of life. They give administer psychological test, structure interviews, and help people change self-defeating behavior. They differ from a psychiatrist in that a psychiatrist is a medical doctor.

School Psychologist

identify and assist students who have problems that interfere with learning. Help to administer health care to children and adolescents when they need it.


mind and body were distinct entities that interact in the pineal gland. Concept of the soul, which is very similar to Freud's future concepts.

Sensitive soul

motion, sensation, memory, imagination (ego).

Vegetative soul

nourish and reproduce (id)

Rational soul

reason and moral virtues (superego), "The route to certainty is to doubt everything" Renee Descarte


scientific study of the behavior and mental processes.

Humanistic Perspective

stresses the human capacity for self-fulfillment and the central roles of conciousness, self-awareness, nad decision making. It views people as free to choose their own path and be responsible for those choices (existentialism). They view subjective experience to be the most important event in psychology. We should be allowed to invent ourselves without critisism from ourselves or others. It prompts people to get in touch with their own feelings and realize their potentials.

Organizational Psychologists

study behavior of people in organizations such as business firms.

Behaviorism Perspective

the school of psychology that defines psychology as the study of observable behavior and studies relationships between stimuli and responses. Notable names are B.F. Skinner, Ivan Pavlov, and John Watson. Main focus is on learning. We behave in certain ways that have been reinforced. Much of its findings come from the work of animals. They will do simple and complex behaviors because of reinforcement.

Forensic Psychologists

work with criminal justice system. May be expert witnesses in criminal trials. They handle suicide threats, hostage crisis, and family disputes.

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