Chapter 1 Review

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45. In the late 1400's many Italian artists and writers left for a safer life in Northern Europe because of what event?

"In 1494, a French king claimed the throne of Naples in southern Italy and launched an invasion through northern Italy"

31. Describe one of Luther's main teachings?

(3 of them) -Salvation comes only from faith -Teachings come only from the Bible -Everyone with faith is equal

12. Which is the best time period for the Renaissance?

15th-16th century or 13th-16th century

3. Which label best characterizes the Italian Renaissance?

A cultural movement

38. What was the name of the first full-sized book printed with movable type?

Bible, the Gutenberg Bible

14. What does the term "secular" mean?

Concerned with worldly or spiritual matters

18. What was the name of the meetings in 1545 to 1563 where Catholic Bishops agreed that the church's interpretation of the bible was final, that Christians needed faith as well as good works for salvation, which the church and the Bible had equal authority, and the indulgences were a valid expression of faith?

Council Of Trent

4. Martin Luther looked up to this man as the person who laid the foundation for the reformation movement. He was a Dutch Priest.

Desiderius Erasmus

10. Name a few famous Italian City ports

Florence, Genjoa, Venice

5. Who is Martin Luther, and why is he historically important?

He wrote the 95 theses

27. Which English King wanted a male heir to the throne so he called Parliament into session to pass the Act of Supremacy which made him, not the Pope, the official head of the Church of England that would later be called the Anglican Church?

Henry VIII

34. Martin Luther was a German monk who took a stand against priests selling what which released a sinner from performing the penalty that a priest imposed for sins?


55. Which country fostered the Renaissance because it had the advantages of thriving cities, a wealthy merchant class, and the classical heritage of the Greeks and Romans?


44. Which Flemish artist used oil-based paints a new techniques to display unusually realistic details to reveal the personality of his subjects?

Jan van Eyck

1. Which group traces its roots to the Catholic Reformation, sometimes referred to as the Counter-Reformation?


49. Name a true Renaissance man who filled his notebooks with observations and sketches of new inventions and incorporated his findings in his art?

Leonardo da Vinci

48. Which Renaissance writer examined how a ruler can gain power and keep it in spite of his enemies, and was not concerned with what was normally right but what was politically effective?

Niccolo Machiavelli

11. The new medium (material) for painting that was used in the Renaissance was?


52. What term best describes people who aided the Renaissance by financially supporting artists?


24. What term best describes Calvin's doctrine that God has known since the beginning of time who will be saved an who will not?


22. What term describes the variation of Calvinism that originated in Scotland and consists of a community church that is governed by a small group of elders?


28. What term applied to Christians who belonged to non-catholic churches?


29. After coming out of hiding Martin Luther discovered followers of his teachings created a new religious group called what?


40. The Renaissance in England was also called the Elizabethan age, named after which well educated Queen who wrote poetry and was a patron of the arts?

Queen Elizabeth I

37. By 1500, there were approximately 10 million cheap books on many subjects that helped spread new ideas and led people to form their own opinions about what?


19. Which Catholic Reformation movement laid out a day-by-day plan of meditation, prayer, and study and also concentrated on founding schools, converting non-Christians to Catholicism via missionaries, and attempting to stop Protestantism from spreading?

Spiritual Exercises

46. England and France were united by strong what, who often sponsored the arts?

Strong Monarchs

33. What was the name given to Luther's formal statements attacking "pardon-merchants?"

The 95 Theses

20. Which protestant group believed that only those old enough to decide to be Christian should be baptized and eventually evolved into the Mennonite and Amish religious sects?

The Anabaptists

26. Under the leadership of Elizabeth I, the Anglican Church's doctrines and ceremonies remained similar to which church?

The Catholic Church

36. The Renaissance emphasis on the secular and the individual weakened and challenged whose authority over society?

The Church's authority

30. What was the name of the imperial order issued to Luther that stated he was an outlaw and heretic and should be refused food and shelter?

The Edict of Worms

13. Which wealthy Florence family basically ran that city and helped inspire countless artists, scientists, inventors, and writes? They even had Michelangelo as a house guest when he was a teen.

The Medici Family

32. Martin Luther's actions led to the religious reform movement called the Reformation and also led to the founding of Christian churches that did not accept whose authority?

The Pope's authority.

39. Although the Chinese invented movable type 400 years earlier, Johann Gutenberg reinvented movable type in 1440 by creating what, which is a machine that press paper against a try full of inked movable type?

The Printing Press

21. Which believers taught that the Bible is the source of all truth about religion and that all people should read it to discover those truths?

The Protestants

17. The legacy of what left Europe no longer united by religion, allowed individual monarchs and states to gain power, laid the groundwork for a future rejection of Christian beliefs in western culture and ultimately set the stage for the modern world?

The Reformation

25. John Calvin published a book that expresses his belief that people were what by nature and that God chose very few people to save?

The book was "Institutes of the Christian Religion". And people were sinful by nature. The name of the people that were chosen by God are called the "elect."

8. As part of the "counter reformation" movement from the Catholic Church, officials in Rome revived a practice of aggressively convicting and punishing heretics. They often used torture and even death as a tactic. What was this called?

The inquisition

35. During the Renaissance, what organization patronized the arts, spent extravagantly on personal pleasure, fought wars, and had some members who had children, wives, and could not read or teach?

The popes who ruled during the Renaissance.

50. Name a true Renaissance artistic technique that indicates three dimensions?

The technique of perspective

47. What type of Renaissance writers gained fame by writing about personal subjects, not politics?

The women writers

7. Lutherans wanted to get the bible into as many hands as possible. This is why they had it translated into many different languages. True or False


51. What term describes the ideal individual who excelled in many fields such as dancing, singing, playing music, riding and wrestling?

Universal man or Renaissance Man

42. What is the name of the imaginary land that Thomas Moore wrote about which was inhabited by peace-loving people and means "no place" in Greek?


41. What is the name of possibly the greatest English play write of all time whose works demonstrated a deep understanding of human beings and examined human laws?

William Shakespeare

53. What term best describes living a worldly existence in there and now without the fear of offending God?

Worldly Pleasures

54. What belief focused on human potential and achievements and popularized the study of history, literature and philosophy?


9. The focus on human achievements was known as what?


16. In spite of the Black Death, the Hundred Year's War, trade increased and people moved from farms to towns; people become more focused on earthly successes and wealth than in heavenly concerns. This doctrine or attitude in the way people looked at their lives with more concern for human capacity and achievements was known as?


15. The result of growth in towns and cities in northern Italy brought a growth of independent ____________ where Renaissance thinking grew.


23. What term describes Calvin's belief that the ideal government should be controlled by religious leaders?


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