Chapter 10: Augustine of Hippo

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"Gift of God" Augustine's son with his mistress from his monogamous relationship of concubinage. Augustine had great love for the woman but the two split and she returned to Africa. We never learn her name.


Augustine returned to North Africa and it was divided in a schism--Diocletian had commanded Christian clergy to hand over all copies of the Scripture. Some cooperated but others handed over heretical writings. Those who had handed over scriptures were called "traditores" (traitors) and were said to have renounced their religious faith. Christians refused to acknowledge these bishops and priests who were "traditores". Caecilian was elected the new bishop of Carthage, but this was controversial. The bishop who consecrated him was a traditor and he had a bad record during the persecution. Many bishops refused to recognize his legitimacy and a rival bishop was elected in his place. Donatists are the opponents of Caecilian. The name comes from "Donatus", the name of one of the early rival bishops of Carthage. They appealed to Constantine and Constantine decided against the Donatists. Donatists regarded all non-Donatist Christians as illegitimate. Donatism was the true Christian church and outside of them there was no salvation. Thrived in N. Africa, especially in the countryside. There were gangs that tried to enforce Donatism with violence. The movement was grounded in the social protest of the poor and disenfranchised against the power of the wealthy. Donatists saw themselves as true continuation of the church of the martyrs. The church must be pure and holy and set apart from the world. Believed sacraments administered by non-Donatist churches were invalid because they didn't have the Holy Spirit.


Augustine's mother. Was a devout Christian who prayed eagerly for Augustine to embrace the faith. Exerted a great influence on Augustine.

Ambrose of Milan

Christian bishop and former provincial governor. Augustine attended his sermons in Milan and began to work his way back to Christianity. Was an eloquent and educated Christian. Was skilled in the allegorical method of biblical interpretation--learned from the Greek Christian writers. Taught Augustine that the Old Testament could be interpreted non-literally, or as symbols of moral or spiritual truths. Augustine began to read books of the Platonists and discovered Neoplatonism which gave him a new way to think about God, the world, and evil, thus allowing him to break with Manichees. Neoplatonism was the bridge that led Augustine to Christianity. Baptized Augustine.


God has decided beforehand that some people would be saved and others damned. Christian tradition sided with Augustine's teachings for the most part. An Augustinian teaching that wasn't adopted.


Manichean leaders. They were a place for the liberation of spirit from matter. They were celibate and vegetarian--their digestive organs facilitated the escape of light from darkness.


Members of the Manichean sect. Augustine was a Hearer for 9 years. He liked that the Manichean sect defined the source of evil. Manichees believed that God in the Old Testament was a vicious demon. Augustine believed the Bible was unworthy of a philosopher. They aren't celibate and vegetarian.


Monk from Britain who came to Rome. Gave spiritual advice to Christians at Rome who wanted to pursue asceticism. Opposed the Manichees and wanted to undermine their influence among Christians. Was a Christian reformer--wanted to convince wealthy and worldly Christians that they can be authentic Christians by living lives of simplicity and monastic rigor. Had views about sin, grace, human nature that opposed Augustine's. God gave humans the power to know right from wrong (reason) and the ability to choose between the two (free will). With sufficient effort and help of God's grace, humans can overcome sin and live holy lives. Was eventually banished by the emperor.


New religion in which Augustine becomes involved. Named after its founder Mani who was a prophet and visionary from Mesopotamia. Mani was born into a baptizing religious sect that lived on the margins of Judaism and Christianity (Zoroastrianism). He believed he was inspired to found a new universal religion that would supersede all existing religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism). From the beginning of time, there have existed two fundamental realities: the power of good (the Kingdom of Light) and the power of evil (the Kingdom of Darkness). Kingdom of Light consisted of spirit, Kingdom of Darkness consisted of dark elements like smoke. These two powers are coeternal and coequal. Kingdom of Darkness is restless and desires conquest so it invaded the Kingdom of Light and swallowed up part of it. Kingdom of Light defended itself and produced a created world by generating spiritual beings. The goal of the creation was to liberate the elements of spiritual light still trapped in the evil matter. Manichees mocked polygamy. Augustine like the Manichees' dualistic conception of the human person--it explained why Augustine felt torn between his intellectual desire and his craving for sexual delight and worldly success. His spirit belonged to the Kingdom of Light, but his body belonged to the Kingdom of Darkness. Augustine grew skeptical of Manichean theology--he became interested in astrology. Manichees viewed God as fundamentally weak and vulnerable to invasion. Their idea of God was modeled on a material substance. Believed in a spiritual and material world.


The greatest and most influential of the Western Christian thinkers in the early church. Is from Hippo. Wrote treatises and sermons, moral essays, commentaries on the Old and New Testaments, theological treatises. The ideas of original sin and grace received their distinctive character from Augustine's teachings. Shaped the Catholic understandings of the sacraments and the nature of the church. Affected Christian views on the relation between the church and the wider political/social world. We know alot about his life through biographies and his own book, Confessions. Born in 354 in Thagaste in the Roman province of North Africa. First 50 years of his life saw a dramatic change in the character of the church and society--Christians were no longer persecuted and the Christian church was growing and developing rapidly. Accepted the Christian faith and was baptized at age 33. Came from a family of modest means. Believed that Rome had been built on the lust for power and the pagan gods did nothing to protect Rome. Believed God would use all empires and kingdoms for his own purposes. Was enrolled as a catechumen at a young age. Became a teacher of Latin rhetoric, but his love of Latin drew him further from Christianity. "Hortensius" by Cicero made the Bible seem unworthy. Had a monogamous relationship--concubinage.

Original Sin

The sin of Adam and Eve that damaged human nature. An idea that Augustine developed--goes against the monks and ascetics. Newborns are not innocent of the tendency toward greed and envy--the sign of a distorted will in humanity. God's grace is necessary to change the orientation of the human will and direct the human heart toward God--Augustine's idea. Original sin doesn't deprive human beings of the two great gifts that represent the divine image in man--freedom and reason.

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