chapter 10 notes

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In olfactory receptors, each neuron contains only _____ type of an olfactory receptor membrane protein.


our _____ million different olfactory receptor neurons help us identify about ________ different smells.

40 10,000

there are at least ____ types of taste cells


tastebuds are the spherical organs of taste; each contains __________ taste cells.


The structure of the ear all work together to ________ and ________ sound ________ to the ______ _______. The ear uses _________ to accomplish this. sound waves are collected by the _____ (outer ear) and are passed through the ______ _______ ______. the sound waves then vibrate the _____ ______( eardrum). soundwaves then travel through the _____ _____, a set of 3 tiny jointed bones( ossicles): ______,______, and the stirrup. They _______ the sound waves to the ______ ear through a membrane called the _______ _______.

Collect transfer vibrations auditory nerve mechanoreceptors auricle tympanic membrane middle ear ossicle malleus incus stapes amplify inner oval window

when olfactory receptors contact a substance continually, they become_________ to the smell. this is called ________. the tongue is filled with bumps called _______. many of these contain____ _____, which contain __________.

Insensitive accommodation papillae taste buds chemoreceptors

the eye is comprised of 3 tissue layers

Sclera, choroid, retina

how we experience our 6 major senses boils down to sensory cells translating chemical, electromagnetic, and mechanical stimuli into ________ ________ that our nervous system can make sense of. This process is called___________

action potential transduction

taste is all about how_____ _____ get triggered

action potentials

others that may be recognized are _________ and_________

alkaline and metallic

______ is a partial or complete loss of sense of smell


in front of the lens is a fluid called _______ ____________, which nourishes the cornea and behind the lens is the ________ ___________, which is a thick jelly-like fluid that refracts light and filled the space between the lens and retina.

aqueous humor. vitreous humor

when the action potential is transferred though the _____ ____, the brain registers these impulses as sound.

auditory nerve

the _____ of olfactory receptor neurons form _____ nerves, the olfactory nerve

axons cranial

_________is an additional special senses that has receptors housed in the ear.


In olfactory receptors, receptor cells are _____ neurons containing cilia


In olfactory receptors, smell (olfactory) receptors are __________, inhaled odorants stimulate particular groups of olfactory receptors, to provide discrimination smells.


It is controlled by ________ _________ and ________ ___________. these muscles and ligaments help bend or flatten the lens based on the distance of the image being viewed.

ciliary muscles suspensory muscles

the ______ muscle adjust the shape of the lens, allowing light to hit the ______. the ________ and __________regulate the amount of light entering the eye and are protected by the ______

cillera retina pupil lens cornea

lacrimal glands above the eye constantly release tears to _______ and ________the eye.

cleanse moisten

the inner ear contains the ________, bony snail-shaped structure containing membranes filled with fluid ( ______). the tiny portion of the cochlea that created an impulse is called the ______ of _______.

cochlea perilymph organ corti

the brain interprets different receptor combinations as an olfactory ______



concentrated in center of retina. responsible for detection of colors loss sensitive.

a thin membrane called the _______ covers the ______ of the eyeball and the inner layer of the _______. it secretes mucus to ______the eye

conjunction surface eyelid lubricate


contains photoreceptors that turn light energy into nerve impulses

the______ is made of thick, transparent tissue. it allows light into the eye


The impulses produced in the skin are called _______ sensations. these sensations include______,______,______,______,&______. These receptors are not equally ______ throughout the body. Some body parts are more _______ than others.

cutaneous touch heat cold pressure pair distributed sensitive

ruffian's corpuscles

detect deep pressure and stretch of skin

Merkel's disks

detect light touch and pressure within epidermis

hair follicle receptors

detect movement of hair


distributed all over the retina responsible for vision in low light. extremely sensitive.

these canals are filled with fluid to help maintain_____ equilibrium (while moving). because the 3 canals are at right angles, all types of _______ can be recognized.

dynamic motion

a mitral cell sends the message to the brain, where it goes where it can trigger an _______ response. here it can trigger fight or flight responses or pleasant responses depending on the trigger.


Meissner's corpuscles

encapsulated nerve endings found in hairless skin that detect light touch

Pacinian corpuscles

encapsulated nerve endings located in deeper layers of skin detect deep pressure and vibration.

your taste buds are actually tucked inside specialized ________ cells. The receptors cells come in two types: gustatory cells (actually do the tasting) and _______ cells (stem cells that replace gustatory cells after you burn them)

epithelial basal

olfactory organ are masses of ______ in roof of the nasal cavity


the eye is covered with an ________ that meets the corners of the eye at the_____ _______ and the _____ _______and is lined with _________

eyelid medial commissure lateral commissure eyelashes

taste impulses travel on the ________, __________, and ___________ nerves to the medulla oblongata.

facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus nerves

olfactory receptors adapt quickly, so smells _______ quickly


sensory impulses are ________ analyzed in the olfactory bulbs, and then travel to their major interpreting area within the temporal and frontal lobes of the cerebrum.


for you to be able to smell something the odorants must be volatile or in a ________ state.


touch is a _________ sense because it includes _______ types of ________ found all over the body

general many receptors

the lacrimal apparatus is a _____ of structures that also _______the eye.

group lubricate

taste cells _______ are modified epithelial cells that function as chemoreceptors; replaced every 10 days.

gustatory cells

these receptors (Called_______ ____) respond to molecules dissolved in ______, then depolarize sending signals to the brain through 3 ______ nerves. several types of ________ are found in different areas of the tongue.

gustatory cells saliva facial papillae

taste cells contain the tastes _________, which protrude form openings called taste _________; they are the sensitive portions of the cells.

hairs pores

the ________,the _____ part of the eye, is located behind the _________

iris color cornea

the tears drain into ducts called the _______ _________,then into the _________ ________ and finally into the nasal cavity through the _________duct.

lacrimal canaliculi lacrimal sac. nasolacrimal

the______is a semi-solid disc that directs light waves towards the _______

lens retina

some impulses proceed form the olfactory tracts into the _____ system, which provides emotional responses to certain odors.


In olfactory receptors, chemicals must dissolve in _______ to stimulate the receptors.


in some individuals, the eye is too _____ or too _____ causing near-sightedness (_________) or far-sightedness (________).

long short myopia hyperopia

______ are receptor cells found in the ______ that help to maintain _____ equilibrium (when we are at rest). they provide information to keep our______ upright.

maculae cochlea static head

there are 5 major types of sensory receptors. Each sensory organ has one or more of these receptors.

mechanoreceptors(touch) thermoreceptors( tempurature variation) pain receptors (nociceptors) chemo receptors(chemicals) photo receptors(light)

the light causes ______ changes that begin an ______-. the impulse travels through the rods and cones, then ______ _________, then ________ ________ before traveling to the brain via the optic nerve.

molecular impulse bipolar neurons gangion centralis

some taste buds are scattered thought the _____ and ______

mouth pharynx

tears contain _____,_________, and ________(an antibacterial enzyme)

mucus antibodies lysozyme

In olfactory receptors, ______ are supported by columnar epithelial cells.


In olfactory stimulation, each _______ stimulates a set of specific receptors in the cell membranes of olfactory receptor cells.


the______ ______ is a tiny pit that contains only cones, so it is the point that provides the sharpest image.

oferel centrallis

When ______ receptors are stimulated, their fibers synapse with neurons in the olfactory ______ lying on either side of the crista Galli of the ______ bone.

olfactory bulbs ethmoid

your olfactory main organ is a yellowish patch of tissue on the roof of the nasal passage called the _________ _________

olfactory epithelium

the sense of smell and taste both use________. _____ _______ in the upper nasal cavities help to distinguish thousand of different molecules. ________ helps to bring these molecules into contact with the olfactory receptors

olfactory receptors shifting

the pupil is the ________in the center of the iris through which light enters.


there are no photoreceptors where the ______ _________ meets the eye. this is called a _____ ______

optic nerve blind spot

taste buds are located mainly along the ________ of the tongue


taste impulses are interpreted in th gustatory cortex in the ___________ lobe of the cerebrum.


Sound from the ossicles vibrates the ________. The perilymph then vibrates the _______ _______, depolarizing the ends of the nerve cells and beginning an __________ _____.

perilymph basilar membrane. receptor cells


pigmented vascular membrane that prevents internal reflection of light

the iris works with the _______- to regulate light entering the eye.


the____ ____ (hairs) of the maculae are embedded in gel-like ______ with calcium salts called _____ resting on it. when the otoliths ______, the macula sends a signal through the ______ nerve to the ______ that the is moving.

receptor cells membrane otoliths move vestibular brain

olfactory organs contain olfactory _______


the sense of taste involves specific membrane protein ________ that bind with specific chemicals in food.


sensory ____ are located throughout the body to respond to _____ such as _____, temperature, pain, _______, and light. the ______ receives cutaneous sensations through a variety of ______ spread thoru the dermis and epidermis.

receptors stimuli touch chemicals skin receptors

corrective lenses help to __________ the light so it accurately converges on the ________

refract retina

the ________ contains thousands of ____________.

retina photorecepters

In order to see an image light passes through the eye and hits the _________ _____ ________ RPE on the back of the eye.

retinal pigment epithelium

there are 2 kinds of photoreceptors

rods and cons

two kinds of photoreceptors (_______&_______) are found in the retinal pigment ________. the _________ nerve channels impulses from these receptors to the ______ but causes a _______ _________in the retina where it attaches. if light does not correctly focus on the ________, corrective lenses may be required.

rods cons. epithelium optic brain blind spot retina

free nerve endings

scenses pain, temp, and pressure

three_____ ______ are located above the cochlea and are situated at _______ _______ to each other.

semicircular canals right angles

taste buds are responsive to one taste ___________ with distinct receptors


all_______organs contail sensory_______ dendrites that react to certain external ________

sensory receptors stimulus

as children we're taught we have 5 senses _______, ________, ________, _______, _______, and ______

sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

olfactory stimulation causes and influx of ______ ions and depolarization; if threshold is reached, and action potential is generated.


the remaining senses sight, hearing, smell, and touch are _______ senses because their receptors are _______ in specialized _______ (ex: eye) or in a small area.

special clustered organs

the remaining ______ senses include balance , smell, and ______. _____ uses receptors in the ________ of the ear. smell and taste use __________ in the _______ epithelium and _______ respectively.

special taste balance cochlea chemoreceptors olfactory papillae

each type of taste cell is most sensitive to a certain type of chemical stimulus, resulting in 5 primary taste sensations: _____, ______, ________, ________, and ______

sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami

the special senses include______,______,__________,_________,and __________ because they have sensory_______ in localized areas or organs. the _______ is a sensory organ with many structures like the conjunctiva, eyelids, and _______ glands that keep it ______ and protect from infection.

taste smell sight hearing balance receptors eyes lacrimal lubricate

taste impulses continue through the _________


all types of taste buds are found on all parts of the ________


Most taste buds can be found on the______. All tastes are sensed in _____ parts.

tongue all

sound is passed in vibrations through the outer ear and amplified by the_________ membrane and 3 bones called ___________. when these vibrations reach the ______, perilymph moves the hairs of the _______ cells in the organ of _____, causing an impulse to be passed through the auditory nerve to the _____.

tympanic ossicles cochlea receptor corti brain

chemicals must be dissolved in _______(saliva) in order to be tasted



white of the eye, made o fibrous connective tissue.protect snd shapes eye.

each olfactory neuron has receptors for just ___ kind of smell.


taste cells are rapidly__________


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