Chapter 10 Understanding Vegetables

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How much water should be used when boiling?

-A large quantity of water helps dissolve plant acids, helps preserve colors, and speeds cooking. -But some cooks feel an excessive amount of nutrients are lost.

Most vegetables, however, are best cooked:

-Briefly. -Until they are crisp-tender or al dente (firm to the bite). -At this stage of tenderness they not only have the most pleasing texture but also retain maximum flavor, color, and nutrients.


-Compounds that give vegetables their color. -Different pigments react in different ways to heat and to acids and other elements that may be present during cooking, so it is necessary to discuss them one at a time.

Cooked vegetables do not taste like raw vegetables because:

-Cooking produces certain chemical changes. -As long as the vegetables are not overcooked, this change is desirable. -It produces the flavors one looks for in vegetable dishes.

The fiber structures of vegetables (including cellulose and pectins) give them shape and firmness. What does cooking do to vegetables?

-Cooking softens some of these components.

A vegetable is said to be done when:

-It reaches the desired degree of tenderness. -This stage varies from vegetable to vegetable. -Some, such as winter squash, eggplant, and braised celery, are considered properly cooked when they are quite soft.

When cooking strong-flavored vegetables:

-Leave uncovered to allow these flavors to escape. -Use larger amounts of water.


-Red pigments found in only a few vegetables, mainly red cabbage and beets. -Blueberries also are colored by these red pigments.


-See Chapter 21 for full description of salad greens. Percentage Yield: -75%

Morel (Wild Mushrooms)

-Several varieties exist, including black, golden, and nearly white. -The morel is shaped somewhat like a conical sponge, with a pitted surface, on a smooth stem. -It is completely hollow. -The most prized of spring mushrooms, it is usually sautéed in butter or cooked in a sauce and is especially good with cream.

. Some examples of fruits used in the vegetable kitchen are:

-Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, green beans, okra, cucumbers, squash, pea pods, and avocados.

Young, freshly harvested vegetables have a relatively high _______ content.

-Sugar -This makes them taste sweet. -As they mature, or as they sit in storage, the sugar gradually changes to starch. -This is especially noticeable in corn, peas, carrots, turnips, and beets.

Vegetables are an important part of our diet because they:

-Supply a wide variety of essential nutrients. -They are our major sources of vitamins A and C and are rich in many other vitamins and minerals. -Unfortunately, many of these nutrients are easily lost.


-White pigments in vegetables and fruits. -Flavonoids and Anthoxanthins are the primary coloring compounds in potatoes, onions, cauliflower, and white cabbage and in the white parts of such vegetables as celery, cucumbers, and zucchini.

Flavor loss from cooking can be controlled by:

1. Cook for as short a time as possible. 2. Use boiling salted water. -Starting vegetables in boiling water shortens cooking time. -The addition of salt helps reduce flavor loss. 3. Use just enough water to cover to minimize leaching. -Note that this rule contradicts rule 1 in that adding vegetables to a small quantity of water lowers the temperature more, so cooking time is extended. 4. Steam vegetables whenever appropriate. -Steam cooking reduces leaching out of flavor and shortens cooking time.

Protect the color of green vegetables by observing these guidelines:

1. Cook uncovered to allow plant acids to escape. 2. Cook for the shortest possible time. -Properly cooked green vegetables are tender-crisp, not mushy. 3. Cook in small batches rather than holding for long periods in a steam table.

Fiber is softened by:

1. Heat: -In general, longer cooking means softer vegetables. 2. Alkalis: -Do not add baking soda to green vegetables. -Not only does it destroy vitamins but it also makes the vegetables unpleasantly mushy.

Six factors are responsible for most nutrient loss:

1. High temperature 2. Long cooking 3. Leaching (dissolving out) 4. Alkalis (baking soda, hard water) 5. Plant enzymes (which are active at warm temperatures but destroyed by high heat) 6. Oxygen

The amount of fiber in a vegetable varies:

1. In different vegetables. -Spinach and tomatoes have less fiber than carrots and turnips, for example. 2. In different examples of the same vegetables. -Old, tough carrots have more fiber than young, fresh carrots. 3. In the same vegetable. -The tender tips of asparagus and broccoli have less fiber than their tougher stalks.

Peeling and Cutting Fresh Vegetables:

1. Peel most vegetables as thinly as possible. -Many nutrients lie just under the skin. 2. Cut vegetables into uniform pieces for even cooking. 3. Peel and cut vegetables as close to cooking time as possible to prevent drying and loss of vitamins through oxidation. 4. For machine paring, sort vegetables for evenness of size to minimize waste. 5. Treat vegetables that brown easily (potatoes, eggplant, artichokes, sweet potatoes) with an acid, such as lemon juice, or an antioxidant solution, or hold under water until ready to use (some vitamins and minerals will be lost). 6. Save edible trim for soups, stocks, and vegetable purées.

Red pigments dissolve easily in water, so follow these guidelines:

1. Use a short cooking time. -Overcooked red vegetables lose a lot of color. 2. Use only as much water as is necessary. 3. Cook beets whole and unpeeled, with root and an inch of stem attached, to protect color. -Skins easily slip off cooked beets. 4. When steaming, use solid pans instead of perforated pans to retain the red juices. 5. Whenever possible, serve the cooking liquid as a sauce with the vegetable.

To serve sweet-tasting vegetables:

1. Try to serve young, fresh vegetables that have been stored as short a time as possible. 2. For older vegetables, especially those just listed, add a small amount of sugar to the cooking water to replace lost sweetness.

Cooking in a little liquid versus a lot of liquid:

1. Using a lot of liquid increases vitamin loss by leaching. -Use just enough liquid to cover. -Save the cooking liquid for reheating the vegetables or for stocks or soups. 2. Using a little liquid increases cooking time. -When the vegetables are combined with the small quantity of boiling water, the temperature is lowered greatly and the vegetables must sit in warm water while it again heats up. -Also, plant enzymes may destroy some vitamins before the water again becomes hot enough to destroy them.

Collard Greens

Identification: -These sturdy, flavorful greens are nearly always cooked because they are too tough to eat raw, unless very young. -Collards are similar, generally with heavier stems and more rounded leaves. Evaluation: -Avoid browned, yellowed, or dried leaves. -Look for smaller leaves that are dark green and have a moist feel. Preparation: -Strip the leaves off the stems if they are tough. -Cut off any discolored parts. -Wash well in several changes of water. Percentage Yield: -80%


Identification: -A long, slender member of the onion family with distinctive flavor, milder than onions. Related Varieties: -Ramps are wild leeks with broad, flat leaves and bulbs that resemble those of scallions. -They have a pungent, garlicky flavor. Evaluation: -Look for fresh green leaves; 2−3 inches or more of white. -White part should be crisp and tender, not fibrous. Preparation: -Cut off roots and green tops. -Cut deeply through white part, separate the layers slightly, and wash carefully to remove all embedded soil. Percentage Yield: -50%

Brussels Sprouts

Identification: -This cabbage relative resembles a tiny cabbage head. -The clusters of leaves grow in rows along a thick stalk. -Flavor is somewhat stronger than that of green cabbage. Related Varieties: -Red or purple Brussels sprouts exist but are not often seen, probably because their flavor and texture is less appealing to most people. Evaluation: -Look for bright green, tight heads; uniform size. Preparation: -Trim bottom ends and remove yellowed outer leaves (but don't cut off too much of the bottom or you will lose too many leaves). -For more even cooking, pierce base with sharp knife point. -Rinse well. -Soak in cold salted water 30 minutes if necessary to remove insects. Percentage Yield: -80%


-To a botanist, the term fruit refers to a specific part of a plant, just as do the terms stem, root, and leaf. -A fruit is defined as the ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, and it contains the seeds. -In other words, if it has seeds, it's a fruit.

True or False: Overcooking produces undesirable changes in members of the cabbage family.

-True -They develop a strong, unpleasant flavor. -Cabbage and its relatives, as well as strong root vegetables such as rutabaga and turnip, should be cooked quickly, uncovered.

In the United States, the federal grades for canned vegetables are:

-U.S. Grade A or Fancy -U.S. Grade B or Extra Standard (for vegetables) or Choice (for fruits) -U.S. Grade C or Standard


Identification: -A tender, dark green leaf, probably the most popular of leafy vegetables after lettuce. Related Varieties: -Two main types are curly-leafed and flat-leafed. Evaluation: -Look for fresh, crisp, dark green leaves. -No rot or slime or badly bruised leaves. Preparation: -Remove stems and damaged leaves. -Wash in several changes of water. -Use a large quantity of water and lift spinach up and down to float off sand and dirt. -Lift from water and drain well. Percentage Yield: -50 to 70%


Identification: -Long, pointed, orange roots. -Among the most widely used vegetables. -Specialty carrots are also available in other colors, including yellow, red, and purple. Evaluation: -Look for bright orange color; crisp, straight, and well shaped shaft; smooth surface. -Large carrots are sometimes woody. Preparation: -Trim top and bottom ends. -Pare with hand peeler. Percentage Yield: -75 to 80%


-A type of white or pale yellow pigment in vegetables. -Flavonoids and Anthoxanthins are the primary coloring compounds in potatoes, onions, cauliflower, and white cabbage and in the white parts of such vegetables as celery, cucumbers, and zucchini.

Red beets and red cabbage, therefore, have their best color when cooked with a small amount of _____.

-Acid. -Red cabbage is often cooked with tart apples for this reason.

Red pigments react very strongly to:

-Acids and Alkalis. -Acids turn them a brighter red. -Alkalis turn them blue or blue-green (not a very appetizing color for red cabbage).

When a strongly acid vegetable is desired, as for Harvard beets or braised red cabbage, why should you just add a small amount of acid at first?

-Acids toughen vegetables and prolong cooking time. -Add the rest when the vegetables are tender.

Why shouldn't you use baking soda to maintain the green color of vegetables?

-Baking Soda destroys vitamins and makes texture unpleasantly mushy and slippery.

Why are most frozen vegetables a bit mushier than fresh?

-Because cell walls rupture during freezing. -On the other hand, frozen peas are almost universally accepted, not just for their convenience but for their dependably high quality in comparison with the highly perishable fresh product.

Why is it important to preserve as much natural color as possible when cooking vegetables?

-Because customers may reject or accept a vegetable on the basis of its appearance. -It can be said that its visual quality is as important as its flavor or nutritional value.

Why does food service rely, to a great extent, on processed vegetables?

-Because of the high perishability of fresh produce, seasonal variations in availability and price, and the amount of labor required to handle fresh produce in commercial kitchens.

What's one of the main purposes of cooking vegetables?

-Changing the texture.

Al Dente

-Firm to the bite -Crisp-tender (The "tender" part of this term is as important as "crisp.") -While the vegetables retain texture, they are still cooked enough to be pleasingly edible. (Vegetables such as green beans are sometimes served barely cooked, difficult to cut, and tough to chew. Avoid this fault as much as overcooking.)


-Good method for cooking many green vegetables. -Steam cooks food rapidly, lessens the dissolving out of nutrients and flavor, and does not break up delicate vegetables. -Overcooking, however, can occur rapidly in steamers.

Although legumes are dried forms of seed vegetables, they are hard and starchy and handled much like ________.

-Grains (which are also dried seeds).


-Green coloring that's present in all green plants. -Green vegetables are common in the kitchen, so it is important to understand the special handling required by this pigment. -Acids are enemies of green vegetables. -Both acid and long cooking turn green vegetables a drab olive green.

For a food item or an ingredient in a processed food to be labeled Organic in the United States, it must not contain:

-Hormones, antibiotics, synthetic pesticides, irradiated components, genetically modified organisms, or reprocessed sewage.

Cooking vegetables for a short time, especially in a steamer, helps to:

-Maintain color, flavor and nutrients. -Overcooking or holding too long in a steam table turns white vegetables dull yellow or gray.

Convenience Foods

-Products that are partially or completely prepared or processed by the manufacturer. -This means you should treat frozen and canned vegetables as though they are partially or fully cooked fresh vegetables, which deserve the same care in handling, heating, seasoning, and presentation.

White pigments stay white in acid and turn _______ in alkaline water.

-Yellow -To keep vegetables such as cauliflower white, add a little lemon juice or cream of tartar to the cooking water. -Don't add too much, though, as this may toughen the vegetable. -Covering the pot also helps keep acids in.


-Yellow and orange pigments found in carrots, corn, winter squash, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and red peppers. -These pigments are very stable, and are little affected by acids or alkalis. (Long cooking can dull the color, however.) -Short cooking not only prevents dulling of the color but also preserves vitamins and flavors.

Fiber is made firmer by:

1. Acids: -Lemon juice, vinegar, and tomato products, when added to cooking vegetables, extend the cooking time. 2. Sugars: -Sugar strengthens cell structure. -You will use this principle primarily in fruit cookery. -For firm poached apples or pears, for example, cook in a heavy syrup. -For applesauce, cook apples until soft before sweetening.

Guidelines for Achieving Proper Doneness in Vegetables:

1. Don't overcook. 2. Cook as close to service as possible. -Holding vegetables in a steam table continues to cook them. 3. If vegetables must be cooked in advance, slightly undercook them, cool rapidly in cold water, drain, and refrigerate, then reheat to order. 4. For uniform doneness, cut vegetables into pieces of uniform size before cooking. 5. Vegetables with both tough and tender parts need special treatment so the tender parts are not overcooked by the time the tougher parts are done. For example: *Peel the woody stalks of asparagus. *Peel or split broccoli stalks. *Pierce the base of Brussels sprouts with a sharp knife. *Remove the heavy center stalks of lettuce leaves before braising. 6. Don't mix batches of cooked vegetables. -They are likely to be cooked to slightly different levels of doneness.

How does Starch affect a vegetables texture?

1. Dry starchy foods like dried legumes (beans, peas, lentils), rice, and macaroni products must be cooked in enough water for the starch granules to absorb moisture and soften. -Dried beans are usually soaked before cooking to replace lost moisture. 2. Moist starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes have enough moisture of their own, but they must still be cooked until the starch granules soften.

Washing Fresh Vegetables:

1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly. 2. Root vegetables that are not peeled, such as potatoes for baking, should be scrubbed very well with a stiff vegetable brush. 3. Wash green, leafy vegetables in several changes of cold water. -Lift the greens from the water so the sand can sink to the bottom. -Pouring off into a colander dumps the sand back onto the leaves. 4. After washing, drain well and refrigerate lightly covered. -The purpose of covering is to prevent drying, but covering too tightly cuts off air circulation. -This can be a problem if the product is stored more than a day because mold is more likely to grow in a damp, closed space. -Use a drain insert in the storage container to allow drainage.

Color changes during cooking of Yellow and Orange Vegetables: (Carrots, tomatoes, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, squash, corn)

Cooked with Acid: Little Change Cooked with Alkali: Little Change Overcooked: Slightly Faded

Color changes during cooking of Green Vegetables: (Asparagus, green beans, lima beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peas, spinach, green peppers, artichokes, okra)

Cooked with Acid: Olive Green Cooked with Alkali: Bright Green Overcooked: Olive Green

Color changes during cooking of Red Vegetables: (Beets, red cabbage- but NOT tomatoes, whose pigment is like that in yellow vegetables)

Cooked with Acid: Red Cooked with Alkali: Blue or Blue-Green Overcooked: Greenish-Blue, faded

Color changes during cooking of White Vegetables: (Potatoes, turnips, cauliflower, onions, white cabbage)

Cooked with Acid: White Cooked with Alkali: Yellowish Overcooked: Yellowish, Gray


Identification: -A green vegetable in the cabbage family, consisting of tight clusters of tiny green flower buds on fleshy stalks. Related Varieties: -Pale green broccoflower is closer in character to cauliflower than to broccoli and should be handled like cauliflower. -Broccolini is a relatively new broccoli hybrid with slender stems and small, loose florets (flower bud heads). -Broccoli rabe (also called broccoli raab, broccoletti di rape, rapini, and cima de rapa), like broccolini, has slender stems and loose florets, but it also has tender leaves attached to the stems, and the stems are slightly ribbed rather than smooth. -Broccoli rabe has a stronger, more mustardy flavor. -Several varieties of Chinese broccoli are similar to broccoli rabe in both shape and flavor, but the stems are smoother and fleshier. Evaluation: -Look for dark green, tightly closed buds in regular broccoli and brocco-flower. -Broccoli rabe and Asian types should be dark green with crisp, not wilted, leaves. Preparation: -Wash well. -Soak in salted water 30 minutes if necessary to remove insects. -Split large stalks into smaller sizes for portioning. -Split thick stalks partway for faster cooking, or cut tops from stalks. -Tougher stalks may be peeled. Percentage Yield: -65 to 75%


Identification: -A member of the gourd family, like squash, the cucumber has a thin green skin and a crisp, mild, juicy off-white flesh. Related Varieties: -Cucumbers are of two types, slicing and pickling. -The common green slicing cucumber, with dark green skin, is most often used in food service. -The long, slender hothouse cucumber, also called seedless and burpless, is another common slicing cucumber. -Pickling cucumbers, also called Kirbys, range in size from tiny gherkins to the large ones used to make dill pickles. -They are somewhat drier and a little more flavorful than the slicing types. -Their green skin is a little lighter in color than that of slicing cucumbers, and the surface is bumpy. Evaluation: -Look for vegetables that are firm, crisp, dark green, well shaped. -Yellow color means the cucumber is overmature. Preparation: -Wash. -Trim ends. -Peel if skin is tough or has been waxed. -Skin may be scored to make decorative slices. Percentage Yield: -75 to 95%, depending on peeling


Identification: -A pungent member of the onion family, garlic forms bunches of cloves attached at the root end and covered with a papery skin. Related Varieties: -There are many varieties, with white or purplish skins. -Some are more pungent than others. -Elephant garlic is the size of an apple, with relatively few large cloves; it is milder than other varieties. Evaluation: -Skin may be white or pink. -No brown spots, soft spots, or spoilage; dry skin; no green shoots. Preparation: -Separate cloves as needed, or strike whole bulb with heel of hand to separate. -To peel cloves, crush slightly with side of heavy knife. -Peel and trim root end. Percentage Yield: -88%

Onions, Dry

Identification: -A pungent, many-layered bulbous root that is the kitchen's most common vegetable. Related Varieties: -Onions come in almost limitless varieties, from tiny white, yellow, and red pearl onions and cipolline (chip oh lee neh, Italian pearl onions) to medium and large yellow onions, the workhorse of the kitchen, to large red and white onions. -Mild varieties include Vidalia, Walla Walla, and Maui. -These are often said to be sweeter, but they do not contain more sugar than regular varieties. -Rather, they have less of the chemical compounds that make onions strong. Evaluation: -Select onions that are clean, hard, well shaped; no mold or black fungus; no green shoots. -Skins should be very dry. Preparation: -Cut off root and stem ends. -Peel. -Wash. -Cut or slice as needed. Percentage Yield: -90%


Identification: -A tender, bulbous, somewhat sweet root, usually but not always dark red. -The tops can also be cooked like other greens; handle and treat beet tops like Swiss chard, which is in the beet family. Related Varieties: -Beets come in several shapes and colors in addition to the common red, including yellow, pink, orange or brick red, and white. -Chioggia (kee oh ja) are striped red and white. -Shapes include round, elongated oval, and cylindrical. Evaluation: -Look for firm, round, uniform size; smooth skin. -Tops, if any, should be fresh or just wilted, but not yellow or deteriorated. -Large, rough beets are often woody. Preparation: -Cut off tops, leaving 1 inch of stem attached to beets. -Leave roots on to avoid loss of color and juice during cooking. -Scrub well. -Steam, boil, or bake before peeling. Percentage Yield: -40 to 45% (75% if purchased without tops)

Green Cabbage

Identification: -Cabbages are large leaf clusters in dense, round heads (heads may also be flat or elongated, depending on the variety). -Cabbage and mustard are in the same family, a relationship that can be detected in the faintly peppery taste. Evaluation: -For both green and red cabbage, look for a firm head, heavy for size. -Good color. -Crisp leaves, finely ribbed. -Savoy cabbage is not as heavy, with darker green, ruffled leaves. Preparation: -Remove coarse or discolored outer leaves. -Remove core and rinse whole, or cut into quarters and then remove core. -For wedges, core is left in, but with bottom trimmed, to hold sections together. Percentage Yield: -80%

Red Cabbage

Identification: -Cabbages are large leaf clusters in dense, round heads (heads may also be flat or elongated, depending on the variety). -Cabbage and mustard are in the same family, a relationship that can be detected in the faintly peppery taste. Evaluation: -For both green and red cabbage, look for a firm head, heavy for size. -Good color. -Crisp leaves, finely ribbed. -Savoy cabbage is not as heavy, with darker green, ruffled leaves. Preparation: -Remove coarse or discolored outer leaves. -Remove core and rinse whole, or cut into quarters and then remove core. -For wedges, core is left in, but with bottom trimmed, to hold sections together. Percentage Yield: -80%


Identification: -Corn is a grain used as a vegetable if immature. -It grows in rows on the outside of a central woody cob and is covered with a leafy husk. -Varieties grown for vegetable use are sweeter than grain varieties. Evaluation: -Look for fresh, moist husks, not dry; no worm damage; kernels well filled, tender, and milky when punctured. Preparation: -Strip off husks, remove silk, and cut off bottom stump. -Cut into two or three sections as desired, if serving on cob, or cut from cob. -Keep refrigerated and use as soon as possible. Percentage Yield: -28% after husking and cutting from cob.


Identification: -Crisp, juicy root vegetables in the mustard family, with a peppery taste. Related Varieties: -In North America and Western Europe, the word radish usually indicates the small, round or tapered, red-skinned and white-fleshed variety, or sometimes the white icicle radish. -Other important radishes are the turnip-size black radish, eaten raw or cooked, and the very large, long Asian daikon (the name is Japanese for "big root"), with white skin and flesh, also served raw or cooked. -Cooked radishes are somewhat like turnips in both flavor and texture. Evaluation: -Select firm, tender, crisp radishes, with good shape and color. Preparation: -Cut off root and stem ends. -Wash. Percentage Yield: -90%


Identification: -Eggplants are members of the same family as tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. -They have purple, white, or pale green skin and a firm but spongy off-white flesh containing tiny edible seeds. -Also called aubergine. Related Varieties: -Worldwide, there are dozens of varieties. -In the West, the most common is the large, oblong, purple-skinned variety. Smaller, elongated varieties are sometimes called Italian eggplant. -White-skinned varieties are round, egg-shaped (the origin of the name eggplant), or long and slender. -Japanese eggplants are small, long, and slender, with a purple instead of green stem. -Asian types include small round, green-skinned fruits, including a Thai eggplant no larger than a pea. -The flesh of these varieties is similar in flavor, varying in texture or density from soft to almost hard. Evaluation: -Eggplants should be firm, not soft. -Common purple types should be shiny, dark purple color; heavy and plump; without blemishes or soft spots. Preparation: -Wash. -Trim off stem end. -Peel if skin is tough. -Cut just before use. -Dip in lemon juice or antioxidant solution to prevent discoloration if not to be cooked within a few minutes after peeling and cutting. Percentage Yield: -90% (75% if peeled)

Beans, Snap

Identification: -Fresh green beans and other varieties are in the same family as shell beans, except they are grown to be picked immature for their tender, edible pods. Related Varieties: -Green beans are the most common. -Some green varieties, picked when very small and tender, are known as haricots verts (ah ree coh vehr, French for "green beans"). -Other varieties include yellow or wax beans, purple beans, and flat, Italian-style green beans. Evaluation: -Look for firm and straight beans, with few shriveled ends; even color, without blemishes. -Should be tender and crisp enough to break when bent to a 45-degree angle. -Enclosed seeds should be small, not large and bulging. Preparation: -Wash. -Cut or snap off ends. -Remove any spots. -Leave whole or cut into desired lengths. Percentage Yield: -88%


Identification: -Most soybeans are allowed to mature and dry and are harvested and processed as a grain. -The use of tender, unripe soybeans, known as edamame (edd ah mah meh), is a popular adoption from Japanese cuisine. -The small, fuzzy pods usually hold two or three light green, roundish beans. Evaluation: -Same as shell beans. Preparation: -Rinse, boil in the pod until the beans are tender, and shell. Percentage Yield: -50%

Mushrooms, White

Identification: -Mushrooms are the fruiting body of a fungus—that is, the part of the fungus that produces spores for reproduction. Evaluation: -Select firm, white caps, closed at the stem. -Stems should be relatively short. -No dark spots, bruises, or mold. Preparation: -Trim bottoms of stems. -Just before cooking, wash quickly in cold water; drain well. -If you desire to keep the mushrooms white, add a small amount of acid (lemon juice, vinegar, ascorbic acid) to the rinse water. Percentage Yield: -90%


Identification: -One of the most widely used vegetables, the fruit of a plant in the nightshade family, related to eggplant, potatoes, and peppers. Related Varieties: -In addition to the common red slicing tomato and the small cherry tomato, dozens of varieties of heirloom tomatoes are grown and marketed. -These come in all shades of red, pink, yellow, and green, all with somewhat different flavors. Evaluation: -Firm but not hard, with little or no green core. -Smooth, without bruises, blemishes, cracks, or discoloration. -If underripe, let stand two to three days at room temperature. -Do not refrigerate. Preparation: -For use with skin on: Wash, remove core. -To peel: Plunge into boiling water 10−20 seconds (riper tomatoes take less time). -Cool immediately in ice water. -Slip skins off and remove core. -Note: Many chefs core the tomatoes and cut a shallow x in the skin at the bottom before blanching in boiling water. -Other chefs, wishing to avoid even the slightest loss of flavor and nutrients from the exposed flesh into the water, first blanch the tomatoes and then core them and pull off the skins, which slip off just as easily.


Identification: -Pale green stems that form bunches or clusters attached at root end. -One of the most common vegetables. Evaluation: -Look for bunches that are straight, compact, well trimmed; fresh green color. Preparation: -Cut off root end. -Separate stems and scrub well. -Reserve leaves and tough outer stems for stocks, soups, mirepoix. -Ribbed outer side of stems may be peeled to remove strings. Percentage Yield: -75%


Identification: -Parsley is the most common fresh herb used in kitchens. -It is used in such quantities that it is included here with vegetables. Related Varieties: -The two main varieties are curly parsley and flat or Italian parsley. Evaluation: -Select bright green, unwilted leaves with no rot. Preparation: -Wash well and drain. -Remove yellow leaves and large stems (save stems for stocks). -Separate into sprigs for garnish, or chop leaves. Percentage Yield: -85%

Peppers, Sweet

Identification: -Peppers are the fruit of a plant related to tomatoes, eggplant, and potatoes. -Both sweet and hot peppers are members of the Capsicum family. -They have fleshy walls and a hollow interior, with a seedy core just below the stem. -Also called bell peppers. Related Varieties: -Green, red, yellow, orange, and purple peppers are widely available. Evaluation: -Shiny color; well shaped; no soft spots or shriveling. Preparation: -Wash. -Cut in half lengthwise and remove core, seeds, and white membranes. -Peppers to be julienned or diced may have the interior ribs trimmed. -Or leave whole (as for stuffed peppers) and cut out core from the end. -Peppers are often roasted and peeled as preparation for use in recipes. Percentage Yield: -82%

Peppers, Hot, or Chiles

Identification: -Relatives of sweet peppers, but containing a compound called capsaicin, which makes them spicy hot. -Chile is the original Spanish spelling; also spelled chili and chilli. Related Varieties: -Many varieties are available worldwide. -The heat of any particular pepper is determined by how much capsaicin it contains and is measured in Scoville units. -A mildly hot jalapeño averages 2,500−3,000 units, while the intensely hot habanero averages around 200,000 units. -Commonly used fresh chiles include the jalapeño, serrano, poblano, California, New Mexico, Thai green, and cayenne. Evaluation: -Shiny color; well shaped; no soft spots or shriveling. Preparation: -Larger fresh chile peppers, such as poblano, mulato, New Mexico, and Anaheim, are usually roasted and prepared like sweet peppers. -Small peppers, such as cayenne, jalapeño, and serrano, are usually chopped or sliced and used as seasoning. -Remove core, veins, and seeds carefully; wear rubber gloves if you are sensitive to the hot oils, and avoid touching the eyes or any sensitive part of the skin after working with chiles. Percentage Yield: -80 to 90%

Squash, Summer

Identification: -Several types of tender-skinned members of the gourd family are called summer squash. -All have tender seeds in a firmly filled seed cavity, unlike the hard seeds encased in a fibrous mesh in the hollow interior of winter squash. Related varieties: -Green-skinned zucchini is well known and the most popular. -Yellow straight and crookneck squashes are similar in flavor and use. -Pattypan squash has a squat, round shape, slightly resembling the popular idea of a flying saucer. -They can be yellow, dark green, or pale green. -Many other, less common types are available. Evaluation: -Look for firm, heavy, and crisp squash, with tender skin, no blemishes. Preparation: -Wash or scrub well. -Trim ends. Percentage Yield: -90%


Identification: -Shallots are small, dry-skinned onions that grow in clusters attached at the root end. -They have a brown, papery skin and white and purple flesh. -Their flavor is milder than that of onions. Evaluation: -Same as for dry onions. Preparation: -Same as for dry onions. Percentage Yield: -90%


Identification: -Spear-shaped new shoot or stem that emerges from the plant's roots in the spring. -The pointed spear-tip sprouts branches when the shoot is allowed to grow. Related Varieties: -White asparagus is the same plant as green, but soil is mounded over the shoots, protecting them from the sun so they do not turn green. -In Europe, white asparagus is more common than green. -The flavor is milder than that of green, although North American white asparagus is usually more bitter than European. -Purple asparagus turns dark green when cooked. -It is tender and sweet. Evaluation: -Look for tightly closed tips; firm, not withered, stalks. -For white asparagus, buy only product that has been kept chilled for its entire storage time; unchilled white asparagus becomes fibrous. Preparation: -Break off woody lower ends. -Remove lower scales, which may harbor sand, or peel lower part of stalk. -Cut tips to uniform lengths and/or tie them in bundles for cooking. -White asparagus should be peeled the entire length of the stalk. -Purple asparagus needs no peeling; just trim the bottoms.

Potatoes, Sweet

Identification: -Sweet potatoes are any of several types of tubers, usually bulbous, with tapered or pointed ends. -They are unrelated to potatoes and to yams. -True yams are an entirely different vegetable, with starchy white flesh. Related Varieties: -There are two basic groups of sweet potatoes, those with a creamy white or pale yellow flesh and those with orange flesh. -The variety that has a moister, deeper orange flesh is sometimes referred to, incorrectly, as the yam. -These varieties are interchangeable for most purposes. -Skin colors range from beige to orange to red, depending on the variety. Evaluation: -Look for clean, dry surface. -Firm, not shriveled or blemished. -Fat, regular shapes are preferable because of less waste in trimming and portioning. Preparation: -Scrub, boil, or steam, then peel. -May be peeled before cooking but must be dipped in antioxidant to prevent discoloring. -Machine paring is wasteful with irregular shapes. Percentage Yield: -80%


Identification: -The egg-shaped fruit of a small tree, with a leathery skin, tender, pale-green flesh, and a single large seed or pit in the center. Related Varieties: -There are several varieties that fall into two main categories: (1) The Mexican or Californian avocados, mostly the Hass variety, which have rough, dark green skins that turn black when ripe. -These have a rich, buttery flesh with a high oil content. (2) The West Indian or Florida type, which has smoother skin that remains green. -These are juicier and have a lower oil content. Evaluation: -Look for fresh appearance; fruit heavy for size; no blemishes or bruises. Preparation: -Ripen at room temperature, 2 to 5 days. -Cut in half lengthwise and remove pit. -Peel (skin pulls away easily from ripe fruit). -Dip into or rub with lemon juice immediately to prevent browning. Percentage Yield: -75%

Onions, Green (Scallions)

Identification: -These are very young, immature bulb onions, sold with their stems. -Scallions are almost always white varieties of onion, although red varieties can sometimes be found. Evaluation: -Scallions should have fresh, crisp green tops; little or no bulb formation at white part. Preparation: -Cut off roots and wilted ends of green tops. -Amount of green left on varies with recipe or use. Percentage Yield: -60 to 70%


Identification: -These sturdy, flavorful greens are nearly always cooked because they are too tough to eat raw, unless very young. -The kale varieties have curly or ruffled dark green leaves (except the ornamental varieties, which may have touches of red or other colors). Evaluation: -Avoid browned, yellowed, or dried leaves. -Look for smaller leaves that are dark green and have a moist feel. Preparation: -Strip the leaves off the stems if they are tough. -Cut off any discolored parts. -Wash well in several changes of water. Percentage Yield: -80%

Peas, Edible Pod

Identification: -Unlike shell peas, above, whose pods are too fibrous to be eaten, these peas have tender, edible pods and so are always served in the pod. Related Varieties: -The two main varieties are the flat-podded snow pea, with tiny undeveloped seeds, and the rounder sugar pea or sugar snap pea, with larger seeds. Evaluation: -Look for fresh green color, crisp pods, no blemishes. Preparation: -Remove stem end. -Pull off strings at side veins. -Wash. Percentage Yield: -90%


Identification: -White or off-white, tight cluster of tiny flowers (florets) branching off a central stalk. -Member of the cabbage family. Related Varieties: -Broccoflower is a light green relative that looks like a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. -Handle like regular cauliflower. Evaluation: -Look for white color, not yellow or brownish; fine-grained, tightly closed buds; fresh green, well-trimmed leaves. Preparation: -Remove leaves and trim tough part of stalk. -Cut away discolored parts. -Wash. -Soak in salted water 30 minutes if necessary to remove insects. -Separate into florets, leaving portion of center stalk attached to each one to minimize trim loss. -If cooking whole, cut out center of stalk for more even cooking. Percentage Yield: -55%

Squash, Winter (Including Pumpkin)

Identification: -Winter squash are mature members of the gourd family, with thick skins and hard seeds in a hollow cavity. -They are starchier and less moist than summer squash and, unlike summer squash, are not generally eaten raw. Related Varieties: -Many types, of all sizes and shapes, are available, including Hubbard, acorn, butternut, buttercup, kabocha, turban, delicata, sweet dumpling, and pumpkin. -Spaghetti squash has a fibrous flesh that, when cooked and scraped out of the shell, resembles a tangled pile of spaghetti. Evaluation: -Heavy and firm. -Hard rind. -No blemishes. Preparation: -Wash. -Cut in half. -Scrape out seeds and fibers. -Cut into portion sizes. -For puréed or mashed squash either steam or bake, then remove peel; or peel, dice, then steam. Percentage Yield: -65 to 85%

Potatoes, White

Identification: See Chapter 12. Percentage Yield: -80%

Some nutrient loss is inevitable because it is rarely possible to avoid all of these conditions at the same time. Some examples are:

• Pressure steaming shortens cooking time, but the high temperature destroys some vitamins. • Braising uses low heat, but the cooking time is longer. • Baking eliminates the leaching out of vitamins and minerals, but the long cooking and high temperature cause nutrient loss. • Boiling is faster than simmering, but the higher temperature can be harmful and the rapid activity can break up delicate vegetables and increase loss through leaching. • Cutting vegetables into small pieces decreases cooking time, but it increases leaching by creating more exposed surfaces. • Even steaming allows some leaching out of nutrients into the moisture that condenses on the vegetables and then drips off.

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