chapter 11 personnel

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work family interventions

-family medical leave act: unpaid job protected leaves of absence for up to 12 weeks in the US during any 12 month period for childbirth, adoption, foster care placement, care for oneself or immediate family member other nations have paid leave (reasons us has more work family conflict) -interventions shown to reduce conflict and enhance enrichment -idiosyncratic deals- special arrangements meant to help them meet their personal needs and preferences /important coping strategy lower efficiency in workplace if orgs ignore work life conflict flexible hours, compressed workweeks, working at home, leaves of absence are good org initiatives to reduce family conflict -having formal work family benefits helps retain employees and increases their commitment and satisfaction, even when employee don't use them benefits themselves - more org based childcare and flexible working hours s(not seen in other countries bc grandparents live close) -relationship between every changing work world and unchanging responsibility to yourself to avhieve balance between work/family lives

the stigma of dirty work

-work that most ppl would rather not perfrorm due to some aspect of the job that society find s repulsive, distasteful, or degrading seen as tainted ppl bc of direct contact with dirty environments, stigmatized individuals, or engaging in activities seen as deviant or immoral (exotic dancer) ..... physical, social and moral taint respectively -stigmas- characteristics or marks that are devaleued in some social contexts, leading to prejudice against the person who possesses the mark dirty work=stigmatized marks on individuals that stick even if they don't have that job anymore due to attributions to their individual self occupations are seen as choices rather than results of circumstances so direct reflection of a person -morally tainted dirtiness will have more stickiness than others bc seen as illustrative of individuals true character more altruistic to do want should or msut be done in physical or social taint social taint least stigmatizing bc morality of helping others offsets stickiness -jobs that not are not normally seen as diryt can take on dirty characteristics depending on the tasks involved (management consultant- only fire ppl) -greater stress reactions from animal euthanizers, more reluctant to discuss work, stigmatized task was form of identification from others in and outside profession, if given more ifo on job then less likely to leave prematurely, ppl who believed in the value of the job were less likely to exit -views toward stigmatized jobs and industries can change over time ->cosmetic surgery and tattoo industry (not widely accepted but more than in the past now)

alcohol and drug abuse in the workplcce

10 mill alcoholic workers 2/3 have used drugs before provideslegal protection to former driug users not current users ADA hard to collect reliable data due to confidentiality of drug use -substance abuse- ingestion of a broad array of substancces (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) that are deemed to have a harmful effect on the human workforce use and impairment- alcohol and drug use away from work by members of the working population -workplace subtancce use and impairment- comnsumption of alchohol or drugs immediately prior to coming to work or during work such that their work is negatively impacted (more interested in this) -92% no alcohol at workplace, 97% no drugs .. casually does it more common in men ... both workforce and workplace dereases with age ppl in entertainment sports and media use more than other occupational categories -performance impairment with vigilance, monitoring, reaction time, decision making -don't know if we just need more time now or if we tend to focus on competing stimuli -some can increase physical performance but hurt you in the long run -long term negative relationships to work adjustment (both as a cause and effect) -poly drug use predicted lower job satisfaction 4 yrs later and job instability predicted subsequenct substance abuse -low doses cause positive emotinos, but high levels lead to neg emotional experiences -norm to outdrink when you first get there to prove yourselves -job insecurity was substantially related to both frequency and quantity of alcohol use during work day but only to the frequency of illicit drug use -illicit drug use used both before and after work, alcohol mostly after -drug test (more interested in if they did it at work, and this is not found with drug tests) -EAPs-employee assistance programs (from vetsj for alcohol then for drugs) for adjustment, stresss, family problems (federal funding) -orgs in geographic areas with high unemployement use drug testing, whereas worksites with low turnover more oftent ot provide eAP -want to look more at individual assessment and performance measurement (have only used unreliable self report tests)

psychological effects of unemployment

5 important latent consequences : 1- imposition of a time structure on the waking day 2-regualr shared experiences and contacts with ppl outside the nuclear fam 3- the linking of individuals to goals and purposes 4-definition of aspects of personal status and identity 5-enforcement of the activity -when unemployed ppl are denied these functions and are unsatisfied ..provides well being when employed ppl with time structure while being unemployed do better -heavy loss of income /how long will it persist? , much less freddom to pursue options ..limits controlof ones life and wellbeing -unemployment requires considerable self regulation of effort and emotion -ppl who canmanage the negative emotions associated with job loss may appear to be stable and confident in interviews and thus improve their chances or receiving job offers -focusing on learning goals (trying to increase competence by acquiring a new skill) gained more reemployment than demonstrating current competence to gain a positive response from ane employer -incorporate exercises that promote feelings of self esteem, optimism, and control as well aas job seeking skills -> Getting Ready for your NExt Job -linked to lower psych health ; -unemployed ppl have lower wellbeing, improves as individuals find jobs again -unemployed normally could be seen as clinically distressed -job loss produces cascade of worry, uncertainty, financial restrictions and family difficulties

child labor and exploitation

child labor- pattern of compelling children under the age of 15 to perform labor that is harmful to their overall health and psych wellbeing.... most common in developin ccountries (nike)- 11% of all children agriculture, little to no pay , slavery or forced labor ....can be sold by families in us-> children trafficking drugs in inner city neighborhoods 10 mil are domestic servants /south Africa, sign of social status, sexually abused idea how to find their families when old enough to leave -common throughout much of th world -worst forms of labor: 1-slavery, trafficking of children, debt bondage, serfdom, forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict 2-child prostitution, for porn purposes 3- for illicit activity , production or trafficking of ddrugs 4- work by its nature or the circumstances inw hich it is carried out, likely to harm health safety or morals of chidren -creation of good new jobs for adults can increase chances that children will stay in school and not be laborers -child laor is harmful when it interferes wth healthy development by imposing inappropriate physical and social demands., exposes them to noxious conditions, detrimental to full social and psych development esp vulnerable to stressful working conditions bc emotionally physically and cognitively premature ...powerless to escape them -abuse is tied to family poverty -recently children are more of sentimental value not economic value (use the human capital and resources) -perpetuates cycle of poverty -children do not possess same free will as adults..compelled to work to enhance economic standing of others

concept of psych helath

for 60 years psych has been about fixing what is broken clinical psych with mental illness and social psych about why ppl fail to help others now focus on positive psychology- study of the factors and conditions in life that lead to pleasurable and satisfying outcomes for individuals ... what is right w ppl, what makes life worth living warr's five major components of psych health: 1-affective wellbeing- pleasure and activation in enthusiasm confort anxiety and depression gloomy and fatigue= low of both alert and elated- high pleasure and high activation replace the word happiness with well being or positive affect .. happiness seems to be most important on work orgs 2-competence: being successful in various sectors of lifes activities ... competenet ppl have adequate psych resources to deal with lifes problems 3-autonomy- freedom to choose path of ones own behavior , express their values and preferences (not helpless in life difficulties) 4- aspiration: always striving to achieve a more desirable outcome.. focus that channels their energies (low is associated with sense of resignation and acceptiance of ones current condiditions even if unsatifying ) 5- integrated functioning- concerns person as a whole .. experience several forms of balance, harmony and inner relatedness... most difficult goal to achieve major dimensions of psych health -competence, autonomy, and aspiration reflect aspects of a persons behavior in relation to the environment and often determine a person's affective well being -integrated functioning deals with multiple relationships among the 4 components

balancing worka nd non work

freud- normal person can do well lieben and arbeiten (to love and to work) emphasis on both work and family work has intrinsic and instrumental value or both intrinsic- value an individual finds in performing the work , in and of itself instrumental value- providing the necessitities of life and servicing as a channel for the individuals talens abilities and knowledge used to divide work and domestic matters but linkages between 2 spheres 3 targets of work family research: 1-effect of work on family (work- independent variable, family is dependent variable) 2- effect of family on work (opposite) either shock absorber if positive or major determinant off work absenteeism or tardiness 3-family work interaction- compatibility or incompatibility of family work relationships and their impact on other processes like transitions between roles -negative spillover- when one domain hinders the other -positive spillover- one domain benefits the other -work in workfamily conflict and work family enrichement respectively

workplace stress

large extent of low pleasure and high activation high stress related to low org commitment, higher turnover,r increase in counterproductive work behaviors -stressors- anything that evokes a stress reaction (one time events or ongoing) 8 categories: 1-physical stressors (aspects of environemtn, aversive working conditions) 2-task related - interruptions of task, monotony, too muchc to do in too little time 3-role stressors- role conflict, role ambiguity, role overlaod 4- social stressors- interpersonal aspects, conflicts with boss, bullying, sexual harassment 5-work schedule stressors, time of shift and overtime 6-career related sressors- layoffs, unemployment, lack of opportunities 7 tramatic events- exposure to danger, natural disasters, workplace homicide 8- stressful change processes- M&A, new technology some stressors increase performance, others don't -challenge stressors- job demands or characteristics that create positive feelings of achievement or fulfillment (time pressures, job overload, high levels of responsibility) -hindrance stressors- job demands or characteristics that are demotivating and hinder ones ability to avhieve his or her goals (job insecurity, politics) challenge stressors-> pos impact, pos job satisfaction, low turnover hindranc->neg impact on performance and neg job satisfaction and positively related to turnover --job demands resources model- an explanatory model describing the ways in which resources can buffer the negative psych and physical effects of job demands impact of stressors can be lessened by presence of resources the individuals have available to them -burnout- exhaustion and diminished interest in work that individuals feel after prolonged exposure to occupational stress resources (supervisor support,rewards, feedback) -risk and hazards are related to burnout whereas resources such as a supportive environment are related to engagement -stressors impact varies to individuals based on their levels of resilience, tolerance for ambiguity, and perceptions of control... high then few neg reactions to stressors -psychological capital- a personal resource consisting of hope, optimism, self efficacy, and resilience that impacts ones psych health and helps combat occupational stress -->related to fewer job stress symptoms , heightened well being job satisfaction, org commitment, org citizenship behaviors, job performcance and lower axiety and job stress

origins of workplace psych health

mindless productionline tasks for early 20th century 1930's: education, mental hygiene- the affective and emotional issues associated with work addressed, work life balance and psych, still large gap between industrial sych (work productivity) and counseling psych (adjustment and health related issues -workplace psych health- a braod based concept that refers to the mental, emotiona, and physical well being of employees in relation to their conduct of their work (occupational health) 1965: mental health of industrial worker book ->productive work depends on the health of the workforce seen by number of workplace accidents (creating safety standards-> occupational safety and health act in us austrailia and uk) laws focused on reducing negative health consequences of work late 1990's: promoting workplace psych health , and creative environments for wellbeing, mental hygienge and safety flourishing in life- being inspired to learn, reasonable indpeendndent, possessing self confidence promote health than pay cost of poor health work life and well being- workaholic or karoshi (death by overwork in japan)

flexible work arangements

more discretionary control regarding when and where work is performed temporal flexibility-when work is done spatial flexibility-where work is performed -more motivated do this to avoid distractions and be more efficient vs to manage work/family conflict does provide more discretion in how they manage conflict tho kellogs and the 6 hour work day (morale increased, productivity increased, fewer accidents) teleworker- a person who works outside of a traditional physical location using electronoic technology flexplace- any location, as ones home café or even vacation resort where work can be performed can produce social isolation 1-jflexible work hours flextime-schedule of work hours that permits employees flexibility when they arrive at and leave work 56% of companies , some choice in arrival and departure times coretime-where everyone must be present -flexband- latitude for these hours may alleviate problems with family commitments, recreation, second jobs, communiting, stress -benefited more for lower level employees, professional employees merely formalized their existing schedules -large redcutions in absenteeism, same rates of turnover -availability of flex time is related to reduced conflict but actual use is unrelated to conflict (sense of control) -may increase or decrease control bc some employees may be using flextime by choice and others are forced to use it -detrimental to functioning of teams (limits continuity in team settings) 2-compressed workweek 4 days 10 hours a day , 15% s schedule of work hours that typically involves more hours per day and fewer days per week -recreation, second job, family time -but have worker fatigue, fewer productive hours, more accidents increase job satisfaction- no reduction in absenses , creates distrurbances in worker eating patterns (digestive, cardiovascular, and weigt problems) - positive effect on home and family life and leisure .. no change in job performance ... mixed absenteeism... higher fatigue 12 hour shifts experience substantial fatigue from nurses, (worse in midnight to noon shift) -sig improvements in attitudes toward work schedule, general affect and fatigue for police officers -miners have increased slee quality but fatigue had no change or slightly improved::: depends on domain of work 3-shift work 24 hour a day service for police /different shifts around the closck 400% have shift work , men and minorities hav emore nonstandard scheudles a non traditional work pattern in which an operation functions 24 hours a day. typical work shifts are 7-3, 3-11, 11-7 usually divided into 3 8 hours work shifts may rotate from day to swing to night shift -many problems is psych and social adjustment bc interruptions in circadian rhythm -difficulties with children, marital relationships, recreation 50% more common for divorce in night shift workers -higher risk of cancer (health) -experience less need fulfillment, more likely to quit, and participated in fewer voluntary orgs humans face 3 condiditons of biochronology: 1-human being and society are diurnal (awake in day, asleep at night) 2- daylight has a cueing effecto to initiate wakefulness 3-circadian system is slow to adjust to night work should be assigned fixed (consistent )day/swing/night shift rotating shifts cause adjustment problems - backward rotation from day to night to swing is more difficult to adjust to than forward rotation (from day to swing to night) daylight savings (clock advanced forward) more injuries, when we gain an hour no injuries 20% of ppl leave shift work in a short time bc of serious disturbances - those who remain show different and varying levels of adaptation and tolerance -should design educational programs for shift workers and their families to better prepare them for work schedule demands

work family enrichment

the extent to which work and family roles enhance and facilitate one anothers functioning (positive spillover) increases their resources (money, skills) to better manage interactions between roles positive affect in one domain spills over into the other (like a bonus at work, will make you feel better at home) -associated with work related variables (supervisor support and job resoruces ) and non work related variables like (spousal support and community involvement) found that E A C and O are related to higher levels of enrichment -ppl credit their enhanced performance in one role to the resources generated in the other (credit family vs work with family satisfaction) -found both directions of enrichment were related to job satisfaction and org commitment, and increased physical and mental health -work family interpersonal captializatoin- active response to positive work events that involve sharing or discussing such events with ones spouse or partner at home (affirm their self worth, and relive positive experience, enhances contangious good mood.. felt thatwork was helping them to function more at home)

work family conflict

the result of conflicting demands between work and family making it difficult to effectively participate in both domains scarcity hypothesis- limited amount of resources like time energy and attention->one domain will suffer if the other uses too much either bidirectional or directionally one way -negative impact on psych and physical health ->poor eating, weight gain, lower sleep quality, increased alcohol abuse -origin of conflict matters and is where most strong neg associations lie, bc they are to blame for the conflict -work demands are related to work to family conflict whereas family demands are realted to family to work conflict (and in other direction) families with children experiences stronger neg relationship with hours of week and family satisfaction single parents report more conflict than do married parents men and women actually report similar levels of conflict -better understanding of our emotions are needed bc may help explain the causes of work family conflict bc transfer of emotions across situations tends to occur over very short intervals consequence of conflict may be guilt greater conflict when occupation required substantial interactions between ppl to accomplish work jobs with low work family conflict offer an opportunity for individuals to leave their work at the office

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