CHAPTER 11 text book question, mcgrawhill

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Which include all of the forearm muscles in the deep layer of the anterior compartment?

-pronator quadratus -flexor pollicis longus -flexor digitorum profundus

Which are muscles that extend and/or pronate the arm at the elbow?

-pronator teres -pronator quadratus -anconeus -triceps brachii

extensor indicis

extends metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints of finger 2, and (weakly) extends the wrist

Which of the following muscles would you use to point to a dot on a piece of paper?

extensor indicis

Most muscles in the forearm are called ______ muscles of the hand and wrist because these muscles arise from the forearm, not the wrist or hand.


True or false: The internal intercostals are superficial to the external intercostals.


True or false: The intrinsic muscles of the foot act primarily to evert and invert the foot.


Which muscle everts the foot?

fibularis longus

The muscles that evert the foot are the ______.

fibularis longus and fibularis brevis

The muscles that are responsible for plantar flexion of the foot are the ______.

gastrocnemius, soleus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, and tibialis posterior

In addition to the compartments, muscles in two other groups move the hip joint/thigh, the ______.

gluteal group and deep muscles of the gluteal region

A condition that occurs when a portion of the intestines protrude through a weakened point in the muscular wall is called a


transversus thoracis

inferior attachment is costal cartilages 2-6; assist in decreasing diameter of thoracic cavity

The rhomboid major rotates the scapula ______.


serratus posterior inferior

matches Choice thin intermediate back muscle; splits into four separate muscle segments

The obturator externus is one of the muscles of the _______ compartment of the thigh.


Identify the action common to the following muscles:flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor digitorum profundus.

wrist flexion

Put in simple terms, the intrinsic muscles of the hand are classified anatomically as the group at the base of the thumb (the ______ group), those found at the base of the little finger (the ______ group), and everything in between (the ______ group).

thenar; hypothenar; midpalmar

The primary muscle that dorsiflexes the foot is the ______.

tibialis anterior

Which muscle inverts the foot?

tibialis anterior

The muscles that dorsiflex the foot are the ______.

tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus

The muscles that invert the foot are the ______.

tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior

The muscles that retract the scapula are the ______.

trapezius and rhomboids (minor and major)

The tensor fasciae latae is a muscle in the lateral thigh compartment.


True or false: All anterior muscles that move the pectoral girdle are deep to other thoracic muscles.


True or false: The subclavius is inferior to the clavicle.


Identify the action common to the following muscles:extensor digitorum, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus, and extensor carpi ulnaris.

wrist extension

In the figure, the gluteus minimus is indicated by the letter


When the gracilis contracts, the thigh is ______.

-flexed -adducted

When the pectineus contracts, the thigh is ______.

-flexed -adducted

When the sartorius contracts, the thigh is ______. Multiple select question. extended

-flexed -rotated laterally

Which are the forearm muscles found in the superficial layer of the anterior compartment?

-flexor carpi ulnaris -pronator teres -flexor carpi radialis -palmaris longus

Which are the muscles that abduct the toes?

-abductor hallucis -dorsal interossei -abductor digiti minimi

In general, muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh tend to ______

-adduct the thigh at the hip joint -flex the leg at the knee joint

When the adductor brevis contracts, the thigh is ______.

-adducted -flexed

Contraction of the medial muscles of the thigh results in ______.

-adduction of the thigh -extension of the thigh -lateral rotation of the thigh -flexion of the thigh

functions of the trapezius muscle include ______. Multiple select question. retract scapula movement of the pectoral girdle lateral flexion of the vertebral column elevate scapula extension of the head and neck depress scapula

-retract scapula -movement of the pectoral girdle -elevate scapula -extension of the head and neck -depress scapula

Muscles that move the pectoral girdle ______. Multiple select question. rotate the scapula inferiorly or superiorly adduct or abduct the arm elevate or depress the scapula protract or retract the scapula

-rotate the scapula inferiorly or superiorly -elevate or depress the scapula -protract or retract the scapula

When the gluteus minimus contracts, the thigh is ______.

-rotated medially -abducted

Contraction of anterior muscles of the thigh results in _____

-rotation of the thigh -flexion of the thigh

Contraction of the minor and major rhomboids results in which of the following movements of the scapula?

-rotation, inferiorly -retraction -elevation

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the biceps brachii. Multiple select question. pronation of the forearm supination of the forearm flexion of the forearm flexion of the humerus extension of the forearm

-supination of the forearm -flexion of the forearm -flexion of the humerus

Select all that apply Bony landmarks of the perineum include ______. the iliac crests the ischial tuberosities the pubic symphysis the coccyx

-the ischial tuberosities -the pubic symphysis -the coccyx

Which of the following correctly describe(s) the location of the rhomboids, both minor and major? Multiple select question. they are deep to the trapezius they are inferior to the levator scapulae they are posterior thoracic muscles they are superficial to the trapezius

-they are deep to the trapezius -they are inferior to the levator scapulae -they are posterior thoracic muscles

From lateral to medial, the forearm muscles of the superficial layer of the anterior compartment are the ______.

1. pronator teres 2. flexor carpi radialis 3. palmaris longus 4. flexor carpi ulnaris

In the figure, the long head of the biceps femoris is indicated by the letter


In the figure, the long head of the biceps femoris is indicated by the letter .


In the figure, which muscle is the flexor digitorum superficialis?


Match the letter in the figure of the arm with the muscle it identifies.

A> brancioradialis b> pronator teres c> flexor carpi radialis. d> palmaris longus e> flexor carpi ulnaris

Match each letter in the figure to the corresponding forearm muscle.

A> flexor digitorum superficialis B> flexor policis longus C> flexor digitorum profundus D> Pronator quadratus

The pectoralis minor muscle is a(n) ______ thoracic muscle.


In the figure, the adductor magnus is indicated by the letter


In the figure, the gluteus maximus is indicated by the letter .


In the figure, the semitendinosus is indicated by the letter .


Which of the following muscles in the figure is the tibialis anterior?


The _____ brachii flexes the elbow joint.

Biceps or bicep

The fibularis brevis is indicated by letter ____ and the fibularis longus is indicated by letter___ .

Blank 1: B Blank 2: A

In the figure, the adductor pollicis is indicated by the letter ____ and the palmar interossei are indicated by the letter ___ .

Blank 1: C Blank 2: D

Identify the muscles as indicated in the inferior views of the male and female superficial pelvic floor muscles.

Blank 1: bulbospongiosus Blank 2: ischiocavernosus Blank 3: levator Blank 4: ani

The muscles of respiration, which depress the ribs during forced exhalation are_____,______ muscles and the muscles that elevate the ribs during inhalation are the _____,______muscles.

Blank 1: internal Blank 2: intercostals or intercostal Blank 3: external Blank 4: intercostals or intercostal

In the figure, the gluteus medius is indicated by the letter


The serratus anterior is a(n) ______ thoracic wall muscle.


Identify the letter corresponding to the pronator quadratus in the figure.


In the figure, the gracilis is indicated by the letter


In the figure, the short head of the biceps femoris is indicated by the letter


The muscles that move the pectoral girdle are classified as either ______

anterior or posterior

Using the figure of thigh and hip muscles, match the letter with the muscle.

D- gracialis E- adductyor brevis F- adductor longus G- pectineus

In the figure, the adductor brevis is indicated by the letter


In the figure, the adductor longus is indicated by the letter


In the figure, the pectineus is indicated by the letter


Match each muscle of the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm with its actions.

Match each muscle of the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm with its actions.

The gastrocnemius muscle is on the ______ side of the leg.


In the figure, the rectus femoris is indicated by the letter


Why is the forearm larger near the elbow than it is near the wrist?

The bellies of the forearm muscles that move the wrist are located near the elbow; the tendons of these muscles extend toward the wrist.

Anatomically, muscles that move the pectoral girdle are classified as ______

anterior or posterior thoracic

The_______ brachii is on the posterior surface of the arm.


True or false: Muscles that insert on the pectoral girdle stabilize the clavicle and scapula and increase the range of motion of the arm.


abductor pollicis longus

abducts the thumb and (weakly) extends the wrist

Muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh ______ the thigh.


An action of the gracilis muscle is ______.

adduction of the thigh

The largest and most important collection of muscles in the pelvic floor is the levator muscle.


The brachioradialis is on the ______ surface of the forearm.


Identify the location of the brachioradialis.

anterolateral forearm

The scapula is elevated by contraction of __

any and all of the posterior thoracic muscles


broad muscle; separates thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities

The posterior compartment of the forearm contains muscles that ___ the wrist, the metacarpophalangeal joints, and interphalangeal joints.


Flexor tendons of the digits and the median nerve pass through the tight space between the bones and the flexor retinaculum, which is called the_____ tunnel.


The most superficial muscles of the pelvic diaphragm are the ______. Multiple choice question. coccygeus and levator ani muscles bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, and puborectus muscles

coccygeus and levator ani muscles

The hamstring group of muscles ______ the thigh and ______ the leg.

extend; flex

When any one or all of the posterior muscles of the hamstring group are contracted, the thigh is ______.


extensor pollicis longus

extends metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the thumb and (weakly) extends the wrist

extensor pollicis brevis

extends metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumb and (weakly) extends the wrist

The pectoralis minor muscle is ______ to the pectoralis major muscle.


The internal intercostals ______

depress the ribs during forced exhalation

The subclavius ______ the clavicle.


The dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity is the ______.


Which muscle(s) of respiration is/are innervated by the phrenic nerves (C3-C5)?


The intrinsic muscles of the foot are organized into ______ muscle groups.

dorsal and plantar

external intercostals

eleven pairs of oblique fibers between the ribs; project anteroinferiorly

The muscles of the thenar and hypothenar group form fleshy masses, each called a(n) ______, a term given to a circumscribed area raised above the general level of the surrounding surface.


The muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh flex the thigh and ______ the knee.


When the gluteus medius contracts, the thigh is ______.

rotated medially abducted

Contraction of the deep muscles of the gluteal region results in ______.

rotation of the thigh

In the figure, the sartorius is indicated by the letter


The ______ depresses the scapula.

pectoralis minor

The ______ is formed by three layers of muscles and associated fasciae.

pelvic diaphragm

Most of the ______ compartment muscles are wrist and finger extensors.


The biceps femoris is on the ______ side of the thigh.


The levator scapulae is a(n) ______ thoracic muscle.


The semimembranosus is a muscle on the ______ side of the thigh.


The semitendinosus is on the ______ side of the thigh.


The anterior group of thoracic muscles ______ the scapula.



supinates the forearm

Which muscle of the posterior forearm compartment perform(s) a function unlike that of all the others?


In addition to its role in the compartmentalization of the thigh, the fasciae latae ______.

supports and binds the thigh muscles

The dorsal group of intrinsic foot muscles contain ______.

the extensor hallucis brevis

The muscles that protract the scapula are ______.

the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor

Which are muscles that adduct the toes?

-adductor hallucis -plantar interossei

Which muscles extend the forearm? Multiple select question. biceps brachii brachioradialis anconeus triceps brachii

-anconeus -triceps brachii

Compartments in the forearm ______. Multiple select question. are defined by partitions formed by deep fascia contain functionally related muscles are continuous with those of the arm contain nerves and blood vessels of the forearm muscles

-are defined by partitions formed by deep fascia -contain functionally related muscles -contain nerves and blood vessels of the forearm muscles

Which are the muscles of the posterior thigh, commonly referred to collectively as the "hamstrings?"

-biceps femoris, -semitendinosus, -semimembranosus

Which muscles flex the forearm?

-brachioradialis -biceps brachii -brachialis

Which are muscles that flex and/or supinate the arm at the elbow? Multiple select question. brachioradialis triceps brachii supinator brachialis biceps brachii

-brachioradialis -supinator -brachialis -biceps brachii

Compartments in the forearm ______.

-contain nerves and blood vessels of the forearm muscles -contain functionally related muscles -are defined by partitions formed by deep fascia

Which of the following are muscles that move the glenohumeral joint that originate on the scapula? Multiple select question. deltoid triceps brachii teres major trapezius biceps brachii coracobrachialis

-deltoid -triceps brachii -teres major -biceps brachii -coracobrachialis

In general, muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh tend to ______.

-extend the leg at the knee joint -flex the thigh at the hip joint

When the gluteus maximus contracts, the thigh is ______.

-extended -rotated laterally

when the gluteus maximus contracts, the thigh is ______.

-extended -rotated laterally

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the triceps brachii.

-extension of the forearm -adduction of the humerus -extension of the humerus

Contraction of the superficial muscles in the gluteal region results in ______.

-extension of the thigh -rotation of the thigh -abduction of the thigh

Which are muscles that extend the toes?

-extensor digitorum longus -extensor digitorum brevis -extensor hallucis brevis -extensor hallucis longus

When the adductor longus contracts, the thigh is ______.

-flexed -adducted

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the biceps brachii.

-flexion of the humerus -flexion of the forearm -supination of the forearm

Which are muscles that flex the toes?

-flexor hallucis brevis -flexor digitorum brevis -flexor hallucis longus -flexor digiti minimi brevis -flexor digitorum longus

Which of the following are considered powerful plantar flexors?

-gastrocnemius -soleus

Which of the following are the muscles of the gluteal group of the posterior thigh?

-gluteus medius -gluteus maximus -gluteus minimus

Which are muscles of the medial thigh compartment?

-gracilis -adductor longus -pectineus -obturator externus -adductor magnus -adductor brevis

Which of the following best describe(s) the actions of the subclavius? Multiple select question. it depresses the clavicle it rotates the clavicle medially it stabilizes the clavicle

-it depresses the clavicle -it stabilizes the clavicle

Contraction of the lateral muscle of the thigh results in ______.

-medial rotation of the thigh -abduction of the thigh

Which of the following are the deep muscles of the gluteal region?

-obturator internus -superior gemellus -inferior gemellus -quadratus femoris -piriformis

Compartments in the forearm contain muscles with similar ______.

-origins -actions at the wrist joint

What are included in the four subgroups of intrinsic hand muscles within the midpalmar group?

-palmar interossei -dorsal interossei -lumbricals -adductor pollicis

The superficial anterior muscles of the forearm include ______.

-palmaris longus -pronator teres -flexor carpi radialis -brachioradialis -flexor carpi ulnaris

Which muscles move the glenohumeral joint and originate on the axial skeleton? Multiple select question. biceps brachii pectoralis major pectoralis minor latissimus dorsi

-pectoralis major -latissimus dorsi

Which are the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh?

-rectus femoris -sartorius -psoas major -iliacus

The glenohumeral joint is crossed by ______ muscles.


Using the figure of the anterior leg, match the letter with the muscle.

A- fibularus longus B- gastrocnemius C- extensor digitorum longus

Using the figure of posterior thigh and hip muscles, match the letter with the muscle.

A- gluteus maximus B- iliotibial tract C- gracialis D- Semitendinosus

Match the letters in the figure with the posterior thoracic muscle that moves the pectoral girdle.

A- trapezius B- levator scapulae C- rhomboid minor D- rhomboid major

In addition to extending the thigh, the biceps femoris rotates the thigh______ , whereas the semimembranosus and semitendinosus rotate the thigh______ .

Blank 1: laterally Blank 2: medially

Which of the following best describes the location of the serratus anterior?

it is located between the anterior surface of the ribs and the anterior surface of the scapula

Which is not an abdominal wall muscle? transverse abdominis rectus abdominis rectus femoris

rectus femoris

The extensor digitorum longus is on the ______ side of the leg.


The muscles in the ______ compartment of the arm flexes the arm at the elbow.


The pectoralis minor is one of the ______ thoracic muscles that move the pectoral girdle.


The sartorius is a muscle on the ______ side of the thigh.


Identify the location of the pronator quadratus.

anterior forearm

The muscles that assist the serratus posterior superior muscles in expanding the thoracic cavity, by elevating the ribs, during inhalation are the ______ intercostals.


Identify the action common to the following muscles:dorsal interossei, abductor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis brevis, and abductor digiti minimi.

finger abduction

Identify the action common to the palmar interossei and adductor pollicis.

finger adduction

Posterior compartment thigh muscles ______ the knee.


When the rectus femoris contracts, the thigh is ______.


When the adductor fibers of the adductor magnus contract, the thigh is ______.

flexed and adducted

The anterior compartment of the forearm is the ______ compartment.


Identify the single muscle of the intermediate layer in the anterior compartment of the forearm.

flexor digitorum superficialis

The name of the forearm muscle found in the intermediate layer of the anterior compartment is the ______.

flexor digitorum superficialis

Which muscle plantar flexes the foot?


A muscle of the thigh's medial compartment is the ______.


The rhomboid muscles are directed ______ from the vertebrae to the scapula.


The ______ muscles of the foot move the toes.


The serratus anterior differs from the subclavius and pectoralis minor in that ______.

it inferiorly attaches to the anterior of the thorax, but it superiorly attaches to the posterior of the thorax

Which correctly describes the location of the pectoralis minor?

it is deep to the pectoralis major

The fibularis longus is on the ______ side of the leg.


Which is a muscle that does not move the elbow joint?

latissimus dorsi

Which muscles inferiorly rotate the scapula?

levator scapulae and rhomboids (minor and major)

The hypothenar group forms a small fleshy mass at the base of the ______.

little finger

Inguinal hernias are more common in ______.


At the wrist, the deep fascia of the forearm thickens and forms fibrous bands termed

retinacula or retinaculum

When the obturator externus contracts, the thigh is ______.

rotated laterally

Which muscles are contracted when you stand with "poor" posture?

serratus anterior and pectoralis minor

When the diaphragm contracts

the thoracic space is increased

The ______ is formed by three layers of muscles and associated fasciae. urogenital triangle pelvic diaphragm external anal sphincter urogenital diaphragm

pelvic diaphragm

The diamond-shaped region between the lower appendages is called the ______.


Your posture is considered poor when the scapula is ______.


The pectoralis major is an example of a muscle that ______ the scapula.


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