Chapter 12 & 13

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17 day battle near Limonowa, Austria. drove Russians east. 2 weeks later Austrian army pushed Russia out of Austria-Hungary

Opium War

1839-1842.Qing emperor wrote to Queen Vic. angry that Brits got Chinese addicted to opium despite its probation in England. Brits win b/c China's bad weaponry

Treaty of Nanjing

1842 Qing dynasty-Brits get Hong Kong, allow missionary access (impact of Opium War), China pays reparations, British citizens allowed to live in Canton & other cities, trade w/out Hong merchants, trade tax on both sides, missionaries allowed to preach freely (led to Boxer Rebellion)->Chinese angry @ outsiders, lose control of trade-pressures econ, debt to Brits, trade imbalance

Treaty of Wanghai

1844-countries (US & other Europeans) get extraterritorial rights-exempt from Chinese law @ ports other than Guangzhou, US allowed access to all 4 ports->foreigners control more of econ, dislike foreigners & privileges, foreignrs control more of econ, China close to being colonized

Taiping Rebellion

1851-1864: led by Hong Xiuguan->captured Nanjing & made it capital, controlled southern China->defeated by Qing, imperial troops, local militia, Brits, French b/c they feared Hong influence on trade & socialism

Open Door Policy

1899. US said China open to all merchants & countries. US wanted to protect trading rights & prevent China from being colonized b/c other countries attacked China & treaties gave other countries more power

Boxer Rebellion

1900 Beijing-Boxers (peasants & workers) went against privileged foreigners(Chinese Christians,missionaries)->lose against international force of Brits, French, Aussies, Italy, Russia, Japan, US->spread nationalism & animosity towards foreigners, showed Cixi need for reforms

The United States entered WWI in...


Empress Cixi During Boxer rebellion

1st neutral, 2nd supports Boxers through emperial army, 3rd kills Boxers after they lose

Problems w/ Pop growth

430 mil (30% growth in 60 years) in the year 1850, steady food prod not enough for growing pop->hunger during good years->starvation when Huang He flooded farms, led to Taiping Rebellion

Russo Japanese War

A conflict (1904-05) that grew out of the rival imperialist ambitions Russia and Japan over Manchuria and Korea.

What did Germany's Schlieffen Plan call for?

A quick defeat of France followed by an attack on Russia

Sino Japanese War

A war between China and Japan over Chinese breaking "hands-off" agreement in Korea over common trade interests.

First Battle of the Marne

Allies attacked Germans NE of Paris. after 4 days of battle, German generals gave order to retreat. Schlieffen Plan in ruins - forced Germany to fight 2 front war

Woodrow Wilson

American President. April 2, 1917, asked Congress to declare war. US entered war w/ Allies

Gallipoli Campaign

British, Australian, New Zealand, and French troops made repeated assaults on Gallipoli Peninsula. Turkish troops defended the region. both sides dug trenches. Allies lost 250,000 after giving up

Trade requirements

Brits had to kao tao, hongs (trained gov people) to do trading, only trade in Gugnzhou Port, merchants who wanted to live & trade w/ Chinese had to live in segregated towns

Reason for Opium trade

Brits needed to make $->import opium from India->Chinese become addicted

Gugnzhou Port

Chinese get more $ from exports (mainly tea) than spent on Brit import

Vladimir Lenin

Communist leader who seized power in Russia in November 1917 after revolution. wanted to end Russia's involvement in the war. March 1918 Germany and Russia signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

What three things was the Gallipoli campaign designed to do?

Defeat the Ottoman Turks, Bring and end to the stalemate, and Establish a supply line in Russia

Self Strengthening Movement

Dowager Empress Cixi improved edu, diplomacy, military->1875: supply & storage facilities were one of the largest in the world

Treaty of Portsmouth

Ended the Russo-Japanese War; mediated by US president Theodore Roosevelt; Japan gets Manchuria, Korea, and other captured land.

extraterritorial rights

Exemption of foreign residents from the laws of a country; abolished during Meiji rule.

The purpose of the Schlieffen Plan was to keep Germany from having to...

Fight on two fronts simultaneously


Formal act of acquiring territory by conquest or occupation; for example Japan taking Korea over after a short period of holding it as a protectorate.

Taiwan and the Pescadores

Gained by Japan over China as a result of its victory in the Sino Japanese War.


Germans attacked Russian forces at end of August 1914. during 4 day battle, Germans drove Russia into full retreat. Germany regained East Prussia and got many weapons & horses

Second Battle of the Marne

Germans reached Marne River May 1918, Allies counterattacked in July 1918. Central Powers soon began to dissipate. Bulgaria and Ottoman Turks surrendered and a revolution in Austria-Hungary brought the empire to an end. Public turned on the kaiser - led to stepping down on Nov 9 1918. Germany declare itself a republic and a representative of the new gov signed an armistice with France

What was the first nation to declare war on another in the conflict that became WWI?


Central Powers

Germany and Austria-Hungary, Ottomans and Bulgaria later joined

In the late 1800s the main competitors for industrial domination of Europe were...

Germany and Great Britain

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended the war between...

Germany and Russia

Arthur Zimmerman

Germany's foreign secretary who sent a telegram to German foreign minister in Mexico


Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan later joined along with Italy

David Lloyd George

He was the British prime minister and representative at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. against Woodrow's 14 points, wanted revenge on Germany

Georges Clemenceau

He was the French representative at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. against Woodrow's 14 points, wanted revenge on Germany

The Zimmerman note, which pushed the US to enter the war, exposed to German plan to...

Help Mexico regain US territory

The main result of the battles of Verdun and the Somme was that...

Huge casualties were suffered by both sides

Vittorio Orlando

Italian representative at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919


Japanese emperor who appealed to Japan's strong sense of pride and nationalism; overtook rule from military shogun and began Meiji era.

China and Dutch

Main trade partners of Japan during Tokugawa isolation.


Maintained diplomatic relation with Japan during Tokugawa isolation.


May 7, 1915 German U boat sunk British passenger ship killing 1198 people, 128 were American. one of reasons US entered war

What was the system of rationing designed to limit?

Purchases of consumer goods

Dowager Empress Cixi Reforms

Qing Dynasty. 1905-sent officials to other countries to study dif. gov->suggest constitutional monarch like Japan->little change, 1908-court says it will make constitutional gov by 1917

Emperor Guangxu's Reforms

Qing Dynasty. June 1898-tried to modernize through edu, econ, military, gov (hiring advisers). assumed he had Dowager Empress Cixi's (aunt) support

Result of Emperor Guangxu's Reforms

Qing officials felt threatened->1899: Qing officials brought Cixi to imperial court->Cixi puts Guangxu under house arrest & takes back power, reversed G's reforms, killed movement leader

Treaty of Kanagawa

Response to President Fillmore's letter, delivered by Perry; Tokugawa Shogun agreed to open two ports to American ships.

The Allied victory at the First Battle of the Marne was of critical importance because it...

Resulted in Germany's having to fight on two fronts

The assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a supporter of...

Serbian nationalism

Matthew Perry

US Commodore that forced Japan into opening its doors to trade in 1853.

Battles of Verdun and the Somme

Verdun - Germans launched massive attack against French near Verdun. each side lost over 300,000 men Somme - British attacked Germans NW of Verdun, in the valley of the Somme River. both sides lost over 500,000 men British gained 5 mi, Germans 4 mi

The armistice signed near Paris in November 1918 brought an end to...



agreement to stop fighting


allowing people to decide for themselves under what gov they wished to live

League of Nations

an int'l association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations. the five Allied powers (US, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan) were permanent leaders of the league's Executive Council. its General Assembly would consist of representative of 32 Allied and neutral nations. Germany and Russia excluded. military restrictions and war guilt placed on Germany

Treaty of Versailles

between Germany and Allies signed June 28, 1919 Major Provisions of the treaty: League of Nations: - int'l peace organization; membership to include Allied war powers and 32 Allied and neutral nations - Germany and Russia excluded Territorial Losses: - Germany returns Alsace-Lorraine to France; French border extended to west bank of Rhine River - Germany surrenders all of its overseas colonies in Africa and the Pacific Military Restrictions: - limits set on the size of the German army - Germany prohibited from importing or manufacturing weapons or war material - Germany forbidden to build or buy submarines or have an air force War Guilt: - sole responsibility for the war placed on Germany's shoulders - Germany forced to pay the Allies $33 billion in reparations over 30 years

Gov Problems

corrupt, couldn't help, broken dikes, empty public granaries->qualified people didn't get jobs, let to Taiping Rebellion

Czar Nicholas II

czar of Russia during WWI


deadlock in which neither side is strong enough to defeat the other

Western Front

deadlocked region in northern France

General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen

designed Schlieffen Plan

Hong Xiuquan

failed civil service exam b/c people bribed others to get jobs, wanted to save China & world & create a "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace" (share wealth & property) by revolting against Qing, rid Qing influence, banned opium, alcohol, gambling, tobacco b/c Christian. gender equality but separation, coed army of peasants from south

Sphere of Influence

foreign countries regulated trade in their favor

Franz Ferdinand

heir to Austro-Hungarian throne. he and his wife were assassinated on June 28, 1914 by Gavrilo Princip. sparked WWI

Cons to Self Strengthening Movement

hired foreigners to operate arsenals->foreigners import raw material & machinery b/c didn't like Chinese ones->trade imbalance, no control of amount, no support from Chinese

Significance of Taiping Rebellion

largest rebellion in China, lasted 14 years, armies destroyed farms while looking for food->20 mil deaths

Gavrilo Princip

member of the Black Hand who assassinated Franz Ferdinand and his wife

Pros to Self Strengthening Movement

moral booster b/c making own weapons

Zimmerman note

note asking Mexico to join Central Powers to reconquer lands it lost to the US. intercepted by British , which was decoded and given to US government. second reason for US joining the war

Fourteen Points

outlined a plan for achieving a just and lasting piece. guiding idea behind the points was self-determination. 14th point "proposed a general association of nations that would protect great and small states alike"


payment for damages after a war


people could only buy small amounts of those items needed for the war

war guilt clause

placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany's shoulders, Germany had to pay reparations to Allies

Schlieffen Plan

plan designed by General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen. plan that if a 2-front war, attack France first (Russia unmodernized - harder to mobilize troops w/ out railroads). Large part of German troops go west to defeat France, then go back to fight Russia in east. Germany invaded Belgium to get to France which brought Britain into the war (had close ties w/ Belgium). declared war on Germany August 4

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

required Russian government to surrender lands to Germany and ended war between them

Agriculture Affects Resistance

rice prod. from Southern Asia increased in 11th century, maize, sweet potatos, peanuts brought by Portugese from NA & SA->better nutrition->pop. growth

Mining & manufacturing affect resistance

salt, tin, silver, iron from extracting ore->high employment

Black Hand

secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule

Reason for Trade Restrictions

self sufficient, fear of colonization, fear of foreign influence

trench warfare

soldiers fought from trenches


strait that was gateway to Constantinople. Allies believed by securing Dardanelles they could take Constantinople, defeat the Turks and establish a supply line to Russia.

Eastern Front

stretch of battlefield along German and Russian border

unrestricted submarine warfare

submarines would sink without warning any ship in the waters around Britain


territories to be administered by the League of Nations

In the early 1900s, what region was known as the "powder keg" of Europe?

the Balkan Peninsula

no man's land

the space between the opposing trenches

total war

the channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort

Lawrence of Arabia

T. E. Lawrence was a British soldier devoted to Arab cause. helped lead guerrilla raids against Turks. w/ help of Arabs, Allies took Baghdad, Jerusalem and Damscus

In 1917, Germany returned to its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, hoping to...

Keep cargo ships from reaching Great Britain

Who proposed the League of Nations?

Woodrow Wilson


a list of demands that if not met, will result in serious consequences

Triple Alliance

a military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI.

Triple Entente

a military alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.


a region Germany had to give up to France in Treaty of Versailles; extended French border to west bank of Rhine River

Kaiser Wilhelm II

became ruler of Germany in 1888, forced Bismarck to resign. let Germany's treaty w/ Russia lapse in 1890. during 1890s Germany built its own small colonial empire, at the same time he started a shipbuilding program to match Britain's navy.


to formally give up a high office or responsibility

What were some goals of the Allies' Gallipoli campaign

to topple the Ottoman Empire, to secure the Dardanelles strait, and to establish a supply line to Russia

Meiji Era

"Enlightened rule" when emperor tried to end Japan's problems by modernizing, and sending statesmen to Europe and North America to study foreign ways to counter Western influence.

The Eastern Front was located along Germany's border with...


WWI was a "total war" in the sense that...

The nations involved devoted all their resources to it

Ideas affect Resistance

nationalists, not impressed by gift that Brits brought b/c needs were met


one-sided info designed to persuade and keep up the morale and support for the war

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