Chapter 12: Family Violence and Abuse

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According to the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey conducted by the federal government, what percentage of women in the U.S have been raped at some time in their lives?


What % of young adults reported being physically assualted by parents or caregivers during childhood?


Identify the cases in which abuse of children might be considered ambiguous

Ambiguous Case(s) -allowing a 9-year-old to stay home alone -frequently neglecting to bring a child to school Not Ambiguous Case(s) -leaving a toddler alone at home -not allowing a child to eat for 24 hrs as punishment

Identify each intervention as effective or ineffective in curbing family violence

Ineffective Intervention(s) -court-ordered treatment -mandatory arrest rules Effective Intervention(s) -domestic violence courts -services for domestic violence victims

The victims of family violence may be classified in three groups: intimate partners, children, and elders. What two elements are usually present in the relationship between victims and perpetrators of family violence?

Intimacy and a care relationship

Four major types of perpetrators tends to rape female victims. Put the following list of perpetrators in order, from most common to least common

Intimate partner Acquaintance Family member Stranger

Identify the clause of the Covention on the Rights of the Child that religious conservatives object to

Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child

Watch the "Story Behind the Numbers" infographic for Chap 12 Identify each contributing factor to declining rates of family violence

Contributing Factor(s) -a decline in the opportunity to abuse within cohabiting or married relationships -women's increased economic independence and ability to divorce -social services devoted to helping abuse victims Not Contributing Factor(s) -a steadily growing economy

Place the following racial-ethnic groups in order, from lowest to highest, by the lifetime prevalence of intimate partner violence reported by women

White Hispanic Black American Indian

Identify each kind of relationship that would be included under the category of intimate partner violence

Intimate Partner Violence -dating couples -married spouses -cohabiting couples Not Intimate Partner Violence -parent-child pairs best friends

Place each reason for not reporting intimate partner violent crime with the correct percentage of victims who state that reason

38%- fear or reprisal or getting offender in trouble 19%- dealth with personally 10%- not important enough to report 17%- police wouldn't or couldn't help

Identify the government policies and laws that are likely to contribute to the occurrence of family violence

Likely to Contribute to Family Violence -parents or legal guardians are often required to give permission in order for children to access services or programs -parents may choose to homeschool their children, sometimes with little documentation Unlikely to Contribute to Family Violence -parents can lose custody of their children in family court -parents are required to enroll their children in school

Family violence is ___ in the United States. Because families are protected by an expecration of ___, however, victims often suffer in ___

Common Privacy Isolation

Researchers have identified three common forms of intimate partner violence. The first is, ___ which typically occurs during partners' arguments and does not escalate over time. The second, ___, is much more dangerous and is usually perpetrated by ___. Finally, ___ is a response to being abused in which the victims lashes out at his or her abuser

Common couple violence intimate terrorism men violent resistance

Match each social scientist to the reason for decreasing violence that is best exemplified by his work

Steven Pinker- Modernity encourages greater empathy Philippe Aries- modernity introduced that concept of childhood as a life stage Norbert Elias- Modernity teaches people to restrain violent impulses

Read this blog post on changing rates of faily violence during the Great Recession

Supported Argument(s) -the recession did not increase intimate partner violence, based on the rate of intimate partner homicides in 2010 -the recession increased intimate partner violence, based on the rate of vioence during 2008-2009 Unsupported Argument(s) -the recession increased intimate partner violence, based on cases reported to the police during the recession -the recession did not increase intimate partner violence, based on the employment status of those who committed violence

Identify the conclusions you can draw from this figure: Figure 12.1 percentage of reported child abuse and neglect cases by perpetrator relationship, 2015

Conclusion -over 90% of reported child abuse and neglect cases were perpetrated by parents -child abuse and neglect are less commonly perpetrated by fathers than by mothers Not Conclusion(s) -children are at considerable risk in day care & school -mothers are more inclinced than fathers to be violent or neglectful towards their children

Identify each contributing factor to sexual abuse as perpetrated across institutions such as the Catholic Church and the military

Contributing Factor(s) -a rigid hierarachy and unwillingness among the leadership to fully address the problem -institutions where men hold the vast majority of the power -isolated victims Not Contributing Factor(s) -institutions with powerful members who are the most likely abusers

Identify each type of legal case in which rape has sometimes not been recognized as rape

Correct Answer(s) -cases in which the victim was married to the accused -cases in which the victim did not resist Incorrect Answer(s) -cases in which the victim and accused were relatives, such as cousins -cases in which the accused was a stranger to the victim

Based on what you read about the children most likely to be victims of domestic abuse, identify each policy as likely or unlikely to reduce child abuse and neglect

Likely to Reduce Abuse and Neglect -marriage counseling and family support programs that reduce violence between adults in the home -access to mental health services for adults and their children -social welfare programs that give money to poor families Unlikely to Reduce Abuse and Neglect- -housing vouchers that allow poor families to move often

Match each term for sexual violence to its definition

Rape- forced penetration or attempted penetration of a person without his or her consent Sexual assault- an umbrella term that includes penetration or touch by force or threat of force Incest- sex between close relatives

T/F Andrew Cherlin's research shows that the experience of abuse clearly reduces the odds of establishing long-term, stable intimate relationships


Identify each action that fits under the textbook's "violence" category

Violent Action(s) -sexual assault -threatening to kill someone -slapping Not Violent Action(s) -manipulation -neglect

Identify each child behavior that is a warning sign of family violence

Warning Sign(s) -acting out or abusing drugs and alcohol -experiencing weight problems Not Warning Sign(s) -having many close friends -being shy around others

Select the bolded terms and phrases that represent circumstances that would put the couple at relatively greater risk for violence

struggling with money young drinking

When did marital rape become a recognized crime in most U.S. states?

the late 1970s

Match each type of abuse that some elderly experience to the appropriate example

Expressive aggression- berating elderly people in public and mocking their physical impairments Coercive control- withholding elderly people's money so they cannot make daily life decisions Physical violence- striking elderly people out of frustration or get them to comply

Identify the factors that have made it difficult in the past to identify and assess violence in gay and lesbian relationships

Factor(s) -victims sometimes had a hard time convincing people that their partners were abusive -surveys did not always ask about sexual orientation Not Factor(s) -Gay and lesbian populations are too small to conduct accurate research on -violence is less common among gay and lesbian relationships

Why are homicide rates that standard measure of trends in violent crime?

Homicides are counted very accurately

Why are homicide rates the standard measure of trends in violent crimes?

Homicides are counted very accurately

Identify each plausible explanation for racial-ethnic differences in rates of intimate partner violence

Plausible Explanation(s) -social services for victims of family violence are more accessible to some racial-ethnic groups than others -poverty and unemployment are stratified by race/ethnicity Implausible Explanation(s) -the likelihood of reporting intimate partner violence to the police varies by race/ethnicity -some racial-ethnic groups have cultural inclination towards abuse

According to the feminish perspective, intimate partner violence against women is the consequence of ___ in ___ of society

male domination every part

Identify each statement about intimate partner violence as accurate or inaccurate, according to the textbook

Accurate Statement(s) -less extreme forms of family violence are the most common ones reported by victims -women are more than twice as likely to experience physical or sexual violence than men Inaccurate Statement(s) -women are more likely to be victims of violent crime, but men are more likely to be victims of certain types of acts, such as being kicked or hurt by a weapon -only three-fourths of violent crimes committed by intimate partners are reported

Identify the arguments raised by Bernadette Powell's defenders regarding family violence

Argument(s) Raised -violence can be a controlling force, preventing a victim from leaving a violent situation -the danger of family violence increases when vicims leave without support Not Argument(s) Raised -victims can obtain support that will curb violence while staying with their abusers -addressing family violence will stop the intergenerational cycle of violence

T/F The general decline in criminal violence in the United States since the 1990s does not include family violence, which seems to have slightly increased


T/F With the expection of the last few decades, there has been a long-term trend over the last few centuries toward increasingly violent societies


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