Chapter 12: Legalities: Releases, Copyrights, and Forums

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Public Forum

An environment or location, typically public property or media, where an individual can stand and publicly speak their mind. The content discussed in a public forum is not restricted, but the speech cannot incite a riot, violence, or similar activity


Using a movie trailer clip from a film's official website during a movie review program is an example of _____________________ use.

Transformation Use

Using a work (image or other material) for an entirely different purpose than it was originally created and intended to be used


Walkways and driveways that lead from the sidewalk to a house are ________ property.

Non-Public Forum

Either public or private property or media that is not typically used or made available for public expression. Regulation on speech is allowable in a non-public forum, but must be reasonable and not intentionally exclude any particular opposing viewpoint

educational Fair Use

Except for ______________________ situations, images found on the Internet are not legal for anyone to use.

95 years

For corporate works, the copyright lasts ___________ from the date of first publication.


It is usually legal to have a video crew shooting on ________ property.

passive talent release

Many school systems use a(n) _______________________, which applies only to third-party organizations, not to in-school organizations

public domain

Material enters the ___________________ after the life of the author/creator PLUS seventy (70) years.


Most localities require that a(n) ________ be obtained before location shooting begins.

Private Property

Property that is owned by an individual or private organization. Permission is required to be on the premises

Public Property

Property that is owned by local, state, or national government organization. It is usually legal to be on the premises of public property

Limited Public Forum

Public property or media that is made available for a specific use; the topic or content of speech is restricted to the business at hand or objectives of the particular group

Copyright Law

Set of laws that protect the creators of original materials from having their materials and creative work used without proper permission and compensation

passive talent

Signed talent releases are not legally required where ____________________ releases apply.

False. It only allows for use WITHIN a classroom ONLY.

TRUE or FALSE? Educational Fair Use allows copyrighted material to be used without permission for teacher-to-student interaction both inside and outside the classroom.

True. For example, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra can copyright their performance of Beethoven's 5th.

TRUE or FALSE? Even though a work is in the public domain, the performance of that work may be copyrighted.

True. Students have limit First Amendment rights on school property.

TRUE or FALSE? Even though the First Amendment guarantees free speech and press rights, a teacher can control the content and quality of journalism in an educational environment.

True. If people are in a location reasonably seen as public property, a release is not needed.

TRUE or FALSE? People who appear in the background of a shot are not required to sign a talent release form.

Talent Release

A document that gives video producers permission to photograph the talent and/or to use audio of the talent's voice

Passive Talent Release

A document that serves as a general notice indicating that, form time to time, organizations outside the school system may request permission to video record inside the school building. Parents acknowledge the release by not responding to the notice


A grant of permission that is commonly provided in written form with signatures of all the people involved

Fair Use

A section of the Copyright Law that provides guidelines for the limited use of copyrighted materials without obtaining permission from the copyright holders

Property Release

A signed document that grants a video team permission to shoot on private property

Public Domain

A status designation applied to material that is not longer copyrighted due to the passage of time (relative to the date of creation) or when rights are relinquished by the copyright holder

Trademark Law

A ste of laws that protects a company's brand identification in an effort to avoid confusion in the marketplace. These laws ensure that when a consumer sees a logo or label on a product, the consumer knows who makes that product

the talent and use audio of the talent's voice

A talent release gives video producers permission to photograph ________________________________.


Both company and product _________ are typically trademarked and copyrighted.

First Amendment

Copyright laws are established by the ________________________, as provided in the United States Constitution.

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