Chapter 12 Renaissance

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How did King Lous XI change France? What was he called?

He was called the Spider because of his devious ways. He helped develop foundation for strong French monarchy. He secured a source of income by keeping the taille but he was not successful at suppressing the threat of the French nobility. The major problem was Charles the Bold, but after Charles died, King Louis added his possessions to his own.

Who was John Wyclif?

He was disturbed by clergical corruption and believed Popes should be stripped of their authority and property. He believed that the Bible should be a Christian's sole authority. He rejected all the Catholic Church practices that weren't in the scriptures.

What was the father's role in the Renaissance?

He was the center of the family. He managed all the finances, he determined his children's lives, he emancipated them.

Who was Donato Bramante

High Renaissance architect Designed the Tempietto

Describe Michelangelo

High Renaissance artist Art inspired by Christian beliefs (very religious man) Tried to paint ideal type of human with beauty to reflect divine beauty Influenced by Neoplatonism Sculptor/painter/architect La Pieta, David (Big!), Sistine Chapel (painted ceiling)

Describe Leonardo da Vinci

High Renaissance artist Thought of art as a science - wanted to discover the mathematical formula for beauty and perfection Architect, engineer, inventor, painter, sculptor, scientist, musician, military advisor Last Supper, Mona Lisa

Gutenberg printing press

Used to spread ideas of the Reformation and the Renaissance; the First document printed was the Bible; Led to the growth of literacy

Who was Marsilio Ficino?

- Translated Plato's works - Said that humanism is based on two main ideas: - The Neoplatonic hierarchy of substances - A great chain of beings from plants (physical) to God (spiritual). Humans in the middle. -The theory of spiritual love - All parts in the universe are bound together by love

What was the Hanseatic League?

A military and commercial of Northern German cities and towns that worked together to promote and protect trade; They had the monopoly on Northern European trade

How did the Artists social status change?

-Talented artists regarded as creative geniuses, not just artisans -Praised for creativity -Artists could profit from their own work because there was more respect for artists. They climbed the social ladder into the elite society

What were two new art styles that emerged in the Renaissance?

-Technical art; Mathematics, proportions, perspective -Movement and anatomy; nudes

What were the three estates of the Renaissance?

1 - Clergy 2 - Nobles 3 - Peasants and inhabitants of town

When was the Renaissance?


What is the High Renaissance? When? Who were the main 3 artists?

1480-1520 When artists had mastered the new techniques of observation and were ready to move into individualistic forms of creative expression. Rome was the cultural center of the Italian Renaissance Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo

Describe the Third Estate

85-90% of the population; Peasants and townspeople

Who was Albrecht Durer?

A german renaissance artist Made many trips to Italy to try to learn from them He used minute details like other Northern artists but also tried to achieve ideal beauty of the human form like Italian High Renaissance artists

What is Execrabilis?

A papal bull issued by Pope Pius 11 condemning all appeals to the council over the Pope as heretical.

What does Renaissance mean?

A rebirth or revival

What was Frequens?

A reform degree from the Council of Constance that guaranteed a continual holding of the council to ensure continued church reform

What was Sacrosancta?

A reform degree from the Council of Constance that stated the general council of the church received its authority from God. So every Christina, pope included, was subject to its authority.

What is hermeticism?

A rise in the interest of Hermes Trismegistus philosophy. Divine spirit and human potential is infinite

What was the Wars of Roses? Who won?

A series of civil wars in England between the house of Lancaster and the house of York. Henry Tudor beat the last yorkist king and established the Tudor dynasty. Henry VII was the first Tudor king.

Who threatened Eastern Europe? Why? (Think of all the territories this group moved into)

Advancing Ottoman Turks. Ottoman Turks seized the lands of the Seljuk Turks and the Byzantine Empire In 1345, they bypassed Constantinople and moved into the Balkans. Ottoman forces moved through Bulgaria and into the lands of the Serbs. They defeated the Serbs at the battle of Kosovo. Bosnia, Albania, and the rest of Serbia added to the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. In 1476, the resistance of the Hungarians initially kept the Turks from advancing up the Danube valley.

What were ambassadors of the Middle Ages? How did the Italian wars change the role of ambassadors?

Ambassadors of the Middle Ages was a servant of all Christendom, not just his employer. During the Italian Wars, the only way for Italy to survive was to send out ambassadors to ferret out useful information; permanent resident ambassadors. Ambassadors were now loyal to just the state that sent them and would use any method that would benefit their state.

What is humanism?

An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements

During the Middle Ages, several independent Christian kingdoms had emerged in the course of the long reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Muslims. What were the strongest Spanish kingdoms?

Aragon and Castile

Who was Filippo Brunelleschi?

Architect. He built the dome for the cathedral of Paris (the Duomo). Commissioned by Medici family to design Church of San Lorenzo; Built in a more simple, not overwhelming style.

What was the wife's role in the Renaissance?

Bear children; Under supervision of husband; Wealthy women were more often pregnant because they had nurses to nurse their infants; Poorer women had to nurse their own children; 10% mothers die in childbirth

What was happening to serfdom in the end of the 1400s?

By the end of the fifteenth century, serfdom was declining in western Europe, and more peasants were becoming legally free.

Describe The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione

Castiglone wrote 3 attributes to describe the perfect courtier: -Courtiers should have impeccable character, grace, talents, noble bith -They should have a military training -They also must have classical education in the arts -They should follow a certain standard of conduct

Who did Machiavelli use as a poor example of a ruler?

Cesare Borgia.

What is the taille? Who levied it?

Charles VII was crowned king of France and with the consent of the Estates-General he established the taille, an annual direct tax on land or property. The parliament needed money to have power.

Who was John Hus?

Czech reformer called an end of corruption in the church. He attacked the excessive power of the papacy. He was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.

Who was Charles the bold?

Duke of Burgundy. He tried to create a middle kingdom between France and Germany and was later killed. King Louis XI opposed him and took his land ever his death.

Unlike France, England, and Spain, the Holy Roman Empire ___________

Failed to develop a strong monarchial authority. After 1438, the position of Holy Roman Emperor remained in the hands of the Habsburg dynasty.

Who ruled Urbino?

Federigo de Montefeltro

Who did Isabella of Castile marry? How did this affect Spain?

Ferdinand of Aragon. It was a dynastic union and both kingdoms each maintained their own governments. They rebuilt a more professional army.

Who was Jan Van Eyck?

First to use oil paints Painted Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride Realism through minute detail Religion in everyday objects

Who was Giotto di Bondone?

Florentine painter. He painted frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel, these considered one of the masterpieces of the early Renaissance. We can see a new realistic/perspective aspect of art appear in his works; Painted Tribute Money (Tells Jesus/Peter story) (One of the frescoes)

Who was Paolo Uccello?

Florentine painter. Used figures in his painting like stage props to show off laws of perspective and laws of light.

Who was Donato di Donatello?

Florentine sculptor; Best work is statue of David which is the first life size bronze nude statue.

Who was Sandro Botticelli?

Floretine painter; Interested in Greek and Roman mythology; Drew humans that look otherwordly; Less focuses on realism; Works "Primavera," "The Birth of Venus"

Who were Hussites?

Followers of John Huss

Who were the Lollards?

Followers of John Wycliff

Describe the Kingdom of Naples.

Fought over by French and Argonese until Argonese gained control. Many peasants and dominated by unruly nobles. Did not really share in the glories of the Renaissance.

Who is the father of Italian Renaissance humanism?

Francesco Petrarch

Describe the Duchy of Milan

Francesco Sforza took over Milan (?)

What is nepotism?

Giving someone a position or job based on who they are related to instead of qualification. Popes used this practice to build up power in the church by appointing their family members. Popes could not build dynasties over several generations like monarchs.

Describe the Republic of Florence

Governed by a small merchant obliarchy. Cosmo de Medici took over the obliarchy

Describe the Republic of Venice

Governed by a small oligarchy of merchant-aristocrats; Big commercial empire

What did Henry VII do? Include policies with nobility, money, people

He helped England to become stable and prosperous. He ended the private wars of nobility by abolishing "livery and maintenance" Helped control nobles by establishing the Court of Star Chamber (no jury, torture allowed He was good at extracting income from lands and using fees and fines. He used diplomacy so he wouldn't need Parliament to fund unneeded wars. He had much favor of people bu not overtaxing.

What were Machiavelli's ideas about power?

He supported the absolute power of the ruler, that the end justifies the means, and one should do good if possible, but do evil when necessary. He was more realistic about power because he knew we look at prince's attitude based on our understanding of human nature, which was bad. Therefore rulers could not just follow moral principles and hold onto power. They must be prepared to fight their nature.

What is the Spanish Inquisition?

Identify heretics and bring them to justice. Muslims and Jews were minorities. Because of increased persecution, many Jews converted to Catholicism but there were rumors that they were reverting back to Judaism. As a result, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella issued the inquisition to guarantee the orthodoxy of converts. when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain started this to force any non-catholics out of Spain. -came near the end of the Middle Ages, as Europe was gearing up for the rebirth period

Who was Guillaume Dufay?

Important composer of the Renaissance. He changed the composition of the Mass from Greogorian chants to more secular tunes. Composed other songs that were not used for service of God

What is a madrigal? Where was it sung?

In Italy and France, the chief form of secular music was the madrigal. Piece for several solo voices set to a short poem, usually about love. "Text painting" Music portrays literal meaning of text

How were the ideas in The Prince different from those of the Middle Ages?

In the middle ages, political theorists believed that a ruler ought to behave based on Christian moral principles. They stressed the ethical side of the prince. Machiavelli disagreed. Machiavelli was among the first to abandon morality as the basis for the analysis of political activity

Renaissance Italy was largely urban. Why did a secular spirit emerge among the city-states?

Increasing wealth allowed for new enjoyment of worldly things

In the Renaissance, there was a revived emphasis on ____

Individual ability; Leon Battista Aberti said "Men can do all things if they will." There was a higher regard of human potential and the idea of the universal person who could achieve all things

What were two characteristics of the Italian Renaissance?

Individualism and secularism

Burckhardt's View on the Renaissance

It was a distinct era different form the Middle Ages; Focuses on the secularism and individuality of the Renaissance

Who was Antonio Pollaiuolo?

Italian painter and sculptor. He attempted to portray the body under stress; Good at anatomy

How was the Italian Renaissance differ from the Northern Renaissance?

Italians focus on technical skills of accurately portraying humans. The Northern Renaissance painters accurately portrayed the details of objects and there was more of a religious feeling. "The Italian Artistic Renaissance, however, accurately portrayed visual reality through proportion, perspective, and human anatomy. Italian artists portrayed mostly classical mythology, while Northern artists portrayed mostly domestic interiors and portraits" -Internet

ITALIAN RENAISSANCE vs NORTHERN RENAISSANCE; Italy Subject matter: Style: Known for: Media: Example:

Italy Subject Matter: Classical mythology, religious scenes Style: Symmetrical, balanced, good sense of mass, linear perspective Known for: Figures with mass and volume, knowledge of underlying anatomy Media: Fresco, tempera, oil Example: Michelangelo, Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel ceiling; Focus on upper class

What did Italy become for the French and Spanish monarchies? How did this occur?

Italy become a battle field for the French and Spanish monarchies. France and Spain were fighting to dominate Italy and Italy was a mere pawn. (Power struggle between Valois and Habsburg dynasties?) Duke of Milan allowed King Charles VIII advanced through Italy and occupied Naples. Ferdinand of Aragon (Spain) got involved.

Where did the Renaissance begin?

Italy; Then spread to rest of Europe

Describe Raphael.

Known for his madonnas which attempted at ideal beauty Frescoes in the Vatican Palace; School of Athens

What effect did the Hundred Year War have on France?

Lowered the population, left farms desolate, ruined commerce, and unruly nobles trying to be independent made it hard for the king to assert authority. However, the national feeling against a common energy gave king the chance to reestablish monarchial power.

Describe how the marriage lifestyle led to increased prostitution.

Marriages were arranged so their was less emotional attachment. There was a great age difference between men (marry in 30s or 40s)and women (marry in teens) There was a large number of young, unmarried males. Prostitution could not be eliminated so it was regulated.

Who was Isabella d'Este?

Married Francesco Gonzaga. Known for her intelligence and political wisdom. Amassed one of the finest libraries in Italy.

Who did Mary, daughter of Duke Charles the Bold of Burgundy, marry?

Maximilian I, son if Emperor Frederick III (Holy Roman Empire) Maximilian's only real success was marriages. He failed to create a more centralized administration

What were the 5 powers that dominated the Italian peninsula in the 15th century?

Milan, Venice, Florence, Papal States, and Naples.

During the second half of the fifteenth century, European states try to recreate the centralized power of their monarchial governments. What do we call these states? Who is successful?

New monarchies. Examples include France, Spain, and England. Toward the end of the fifteenth century, they are trying to reestablish political authority. Rulers in western Europe succeed in establishing authority but rulers in central and eastern Europe were unable to impose authority


Painting of an actual person meant to capture their likeness; Increased in the Renaissance; For example, The Duke and Duchess of Urbino

Who was at the top of the urban society in the Renaissance? Describe the entire pyramid

Patricians at the top; They had the wealth from capitalistic enterprises that enabled them to dominate their communities. Below them were petty burghers - the shopkeepers, artisans, guildmasters, etc who provided goods and services Below them, the propertyless workers and unemployed At the bottom, slaves

Who were humanists?

People who reflections on secular topics such as grammar history, politics, poetry, rhetoric, and ethnics complicated more religious matters

Who was Maximilian I and Mary's son? Whom did he marry? Who was their son?

Philip of Burgundy, the son of Maximilian's marriage to Mary, was married to Joanna, the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella. Philip and Joanna produced a son, Charles, who, through a series of unexpected deaths, became heir to all three lines, the Habsburg, Burgun- dian, and Spanish, making him the leading monarch of his age.

Who was the warrior pope?

Pope Julius II; He personally led armies against his enemies, much to the disgust of Christians, who viewed the pope as a spiritual leader.

Besides individuality, what other aspect of art did the Renaissance bring about?

Portraiture. Patrons and prominent cities drawn. For example, duke and duchess of Urbino

Humanist education

Practical preparation for life Aimed to produce competent, virtuous citizens Primarily for the elite Model for basic education until the 20th century

What is livery and maintenance?

Practice by which wealthy aristocrats maintained private armies of followers dedicated to the service of their lord

Besides the rebirth of culture, what else was the Renaissance?

Recovery was the tragic 1300s, the Black death, political disorder, and economic recession. The recovery was accompanied by the rediscovery of classical culture

Where did artists start? How was their social status in the early Renaissance? Who decided the art?

Renaissance artists start at apprentices in guilds Artists still viewed as artisans Wealthy upper class determine art because they commissioned it

What two reform church decrees were passed by the Council of Constance?

Sacrosancta and Frequens. Taken together, Sacrosancta and Frequens provided for a legislative system within the church superior to the popes.

What did Petrach do?

Searched for spiritual contentment

What had replaced slavery in the 800s?


What is the Peace of Lodi? (1451)

Signed by the Italian states; Ended almost a half century of war; inaugurated a peaceful 40 year era; There was an alliance system (Milan, Florence, Naples vs Venice, Papacy) that kept the power balanced.

Who were the Renaissance Popes

Sixtus IV, Alexander VI, Julius II, Leo X

When and why did slavery decline in Italy?

Slavery declined toward the end of the 15th century because slaves freed for humanitarian reasons and Black slave markets were closed after Turks conquered the Byzantine Empire. By the 16th century there were only a few slaves kept in courts as curiosities

Describe slavery in the Renaissance. When did slavery first reappear? What were slaves used for?

Slavery had mostly declined by the 11th century. Slavery reappeared in Spain when both Christians and Muslims use captured prisoners as slaves from the Reconquista. After the Black Death, the worker shortage leads to an increase of slaves in Italy. Slaves were used as skilled workers to make things or household workers. Girls and boys were nursemaids and playmates.

How did Spain become predominately Catholic under Isabelle and Ferdinand's reign?

Spanish inquisition ferreted out the non-converted. After the conquest of Muslim Granada, Ferdinand and Isabella expelled all Jews from Spain. Later, Isabella kicked all the Muslims out of Spain. To be Spanish was to be Catholic. The Inquisition helped encourage this uniformity

What was marriage about in the Renaissance?

Strengthen business or family ties. Families had arranged marriages. The daughter would pay a dowry, the amount depending on if she was moving up or down in status

ITALIAN RENAISSANCE vs NORTHERN RENAISSANCE; North Subject matter: Style: Known for: Media: Example:

Subject matter: Domestic interiors, portraits religious scenes Style: Attention to surface detail, naturalism Known for: Minute surface detail Media: Oil on panel Example: Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Wedding Focus on everyday life

Who were the Hapsburgs? What were they known for?

The Hapsburg family ruled Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia. Their empire linked many different peoples—Czechs, Hungarians, Italians, Croatians, and Germans. They were one of the wealthiest landholders in the Holy Roman Empire Dynastic marriages helped them gain territories making the Habsburg dynasty an international power.

Who was the greatest bank in Europe?

The House of Medici

What did Machiavelli write? Explain his background.

The Prince; He served as a secretary of the Florentine Council of Ten. He wrote his book based off his knowledge of ancient Rome and his experience with Italy's political problems.

Why were the Council's degrees ineffective?

The popes had to enforce the execute the degrees for them to be effective. However, Popes would not cooperate with a Council trying to diminish their authority. The Popes worked for 30 years to defeat the Council...through they reasserted supremacy over the RCC, they did not have as much control over the monarchy as Medieval Popes

How were Renaissance popes not performing their spiritual duties?

The Renaissance popes were involved in war and politics. They were also patrons of Renaissance culture.

What is the balance of power designed for?

The balance of power was used to prevent the aggrandizement of any one state at the expense of the others.

What did the term "family" mean in the Renaissance?

The extended family with parents, children, servants, grandparents, widows, etc; One dude does something stupid, it rests on the whole families shoulders

Describe the Papal States

Under the political control of the popes; However papal residence in Avignon as well as the Great Schism enabled some territories to become free of papal territory.

What was the most noticeable trend produced by economic crisis of 14th century? How did this occur

The most noticeable trend from the 1300 economic crisis was the fourteenth century was the decline of the manorial system and the continuing elimination of serfdom. The process had already begun in the 1100s when introduction of a money economy enabled the conversion of servile labor dues into rents paid in money. After the Black Death, lords granted freedom and accepted rents. The lords' lands were then tilled by hired workers or rented out.

Describe the nobility in the Renaissance

The nobles faced declining incomes in the 1300s and 1400s. Nobles comprised about 2-3% of the population. They dominated society by serving as military officers, holding political posts, and advising the king

What is the Renaissance about?

The revival of Greek and Roman culture; The Middles Ages were dark because they lacked classical culture

The features of the Renaissance primarily affected who?

The wealthy upper class; Product of an elite movement

Describe the old and new industries

The woolen industries of Flanders had been devastated in the 1300s but was starting to recover. Italian cities started developing luxury goods. Printing, mining, and metallurgy. Expanding iron production

What is Neoplatonism?

They believed that there is a supreme being who created the world through lesser beings (everything that being created is lesser than them). One of these lesser being is the "logos" and one of these beings is Jesus. Jesus is inferior to God.

Describe religious policies under Isabella and Ferdinand

They wanted to control the Catholic Church so they secured the right from the Pope to select the church officials. This way the clergy was like an extension of royal power. Monarchs also use authority over church to institute church reform and eliminate immorality among the clergy

What was the goal of the Renaissance painters?

They wanted to imitate art and persuade their audience of the reality of what they were portraying. Art also changed in the Renaissance in that human beings became a big focus of attention.

Describe the Medici family.

They were the greatest banking family in Europe. They were bankers for the Papacy but eventually got expelled by the French from Florence (1494) because of bad loans and leadership

Read this: In Flanders, they paint, before all things, to render exactly and deceptively the outward appearance of things. The painters choose, by preference, subjects provoking transports of piety, like the figures of saints or of prophets. But most of the time they paint what are called landscapes with plenty of figures. Though the eye is agreeably impressed, these pictures have neither choice of values nor grandeur. In short, this art is without power and without distinction; it aims at rendering minutely many things at the same time, of which a single one would have sufficed to call forth a man's whole application"

What Michanegelo said about the Northern Renaissance

Who was Battista Sforza?

Wife of Federigo de Montefeltro. She was well versed in Greek and Latin and wrote letters. She was respected for governing the state "with firmness and good sense" while her husband was absent.

What were the Magi?

Wise men learned in astrology/astronomy

Who was Lorenzo Valla?

Writer of Elegances of the Latin Language to restore Latin to its proper position

Who is Giovanni Pico della Mirandola?

Wrote the Ornation on the Dignity of Man. Combed diligently through the works of many philosophers of different backgrounds for the common ''nuggets of universal truth'' that he believed were all part of God's revelation to humanity

What is pantheism?

belief that God is in everything; taught that divinity is embodied in all aspects of nature

What is civic humanism

idea that education should prepare leaders who would be active in civic affairs

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