chapter 12 test

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According to the rank-size rule, what do we know about the population of the second largest city A. It is roughly the same size B. It is 1/3 the size C. It is 1/2 the size D. It is 1/4 the size


The practice by real estate agents of inducing the sale of homes in specific areas by insinuating that a different race is moving into the neighborhood. A. Blockbusting B. Squatter settlement C. Redlining D. Ethnic Neighborhoods


The three most important, or dominant, world cities are A. New York, London, and Tokyo B. New York, Paris, and Tokyo C. New York, Rome, and Shanghai D. New York, Paris, and Shanghai E. New York, London, and Beijing


Three categories sociologist Louis Wirth used to differentiate between urban and rural areas include A. high density, social heterogeneity, large size B. high density, crime rate, large size C. large size, social heterogeneity, crime rati D. social networks, large size, high density E. diversity, large size, poverty rate


What does the word economic refer to? A. The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services B. Climate change and its impact on physical geography C. Family structure of a particular culture in different regions of the world D. How big a city is


What is the name of the term that describes how a countrys second largest city is 1/2 the size of the largest and the third largest city is 1/3 the size of the largest city? A. Rank Size Rule B. Redlining C. Bid Rent Rule D. Primate Rule


What is the population of the fifth largest city in a country where the rank-size rule applies if the largest city is 1,000,000 in population? A. 200,000 B. 250,000 C. 333,333 D. 500,000 E. 750,000


What region of the United States was remarkable for its clustered rural settlements? A. New England B. Mid- Atlantic C. The south D. The Midwest


Where do most of the people in the United States live? A. Metropolitan Areas B. Rural Farms C. Small Towns


Which United States region was known for its clustered pattern of rural settlements? A. New England B. the Midwest C. the Southeast D. Appalachia E. the Mountain West


Which of the following best describes the urban hierarchy of settlements? A. Hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis B. Hamlet, town, city, metropolis, megalopolis C. Town, hamlet, village, metropolis, megalopolis D. Village, town, hamlet, metropolis, megalopolis E. Megalopolis, metropolis, village, town, hamlet


Who said: individuals w/special talents gravitate toward cities that offer more diversity? A. Richard Florida B. Walter Christaller C. Ernst Ravenstein D. Walt Rostow


How can primate cities have a positive effect on a country's economic development? ALL THAT APPLY A. Large markets for goods and services B. Centralized transportation and communication network C. Competition at a global scale D. Unequal distribution of wealth and/or power E. Brain drain - migration and unequal


If the largest city is 5 million, 2nd largest is 2.75 million, & 3rd largest is 1 million it is A. The rank size rule B. The migration theory C. The primate city rule D. The least cost theory


Prime location is related to the # of ppl in the area & inversely related to the distance A. Gravity Model B. Least Cost Theory C. Development model D. Central Place Theory


The French long-lot system was developed primarily because of A. settlers needing to gain access to a river or other body of freshwater B. the need to create grazing land for all settlers C. primogeniture laws D. the Enclosure Act E. collective land ownership


The largest city in its country or region, disproportionately larger than any others in the urban hierarchy. A. Primate City B. Oligarchy C. Hamlet D. Village


BPOs are chosen for labor in developing countries because of A. low wage & proximity to market B. high wage & proximity to market C. low wage & ability to speak English D. ability to work hard & ability to speak English


Cities significantly increased their population size in Europe and North America during the A. height of the Roman Empire B. late Middle Ages C. Industrial Revolution D. Roaring Twenties E. Post world war ll


European cities characterized by dense population, narrow buildings, winding streets, and an ornate church or cathedral that marks the city center. A. Colonial Cities B. Islamic Cities C. Medieval Cities D. Latin American Cities


Explains how the most profitable location can be identified A. Weber's Least Cost Theory B. Wallerstein's World Systems theory C. Christaller's Central place theory D. Rostows model of development


Following rank-size rule if a city has 1,000,000 ppl, how many ppl live in the 5th largest city A. 500,000 B. 50,000 C. 200,000 D. 100,000


Headquarters of large corporations are clustered in A. beta cities B. gamma cities C. global cities D. small cities


Suggests that the closer to the CBD, the higher the value of the land. Therefore only commercial enterprises can afford the land within the CBD. A. Commercialization B. Urban Sprawl C. Bid Rent Theory D. Gentrification


What is the largest city in Mexico? A. Tijuana B. Leon C. Mexico City D. Ciudad juarez


Which of the following would be considered a primate city? A. Sao Paulo, Brazil B. Mumbai, India C. Paris, France D. Beijing, China E. New York City, USA


today, the greatest number of urban dwellers is found in A. North America B. Africa C. Asia D. Europe


A country with a high percentage of urban residents would most likely be A. in stage 2 of the demographic transition B. an LDC C. in stage 1 of the demographic transition D. an MDC


A service will have a _____ of potential customers A. back-office B. service C. periodic market D. hinterland


According to the rank-size rule, which of the following is typically true of higher- order services, such as hospitals with a large number of medical specialties? A. They are located in suburbs. B. They are located in small towns. C. They have smaller ranges and thresholds D. They have larger ranges and thresholds. E. They have larger ranges and smaller thresholds.


Another name for hinterland is A. threshold B. range C. periodic market D. market area


Historically, urbanization reached its height during the A. Egyptian Empire B. Bronze Age C. Persian Empire D. classical period in Greece and Rome E. Renaissance


It is thought that settlements may have originated in A. Nile river valley B. Yangtze River valley C. Middle America D. Mesopotamia


Muslim countries conform to once a week in each of 6 cities and no market on A. Saturday's B. Thursday's C. Sunday's D. Friday's


The largest settlement has more than twice as many people as the 2nd largest settlement under A. Rank Size Rule B. Migration Theory C. Central Place Theory D. Primate City Rule


The maximum distance that people are willing to travel to purchase a product or partake in a service, often depending on the particular product. A. Threshold B. Hamlet C. Hinterland D. Range


The most significant anticipated benefit of the Enclosure Movement in Great Britain was to A. promote agricultural efficiency by carving large commercial farms into smaller individual farms B. stimulate urbanization C. replace abandoned villages with new farmsteads D. promote agricultural efficiency by forming large commercial farms out of many small farms E. destroy traditional village life


The sector of the economy most impacted by the severe recession that started in 2008 was A. Primary B. Thirdary C. Secondary D. Tertiary


The three most important cities in the world are... A. New York, Rome, and Shanghai B. New York, Paris, and Shanghai C. New York, London, and Beijing D. New York, London, and Tokyo


The world's largest urban settlement is the city of A. Beijing B. Mumbai C. New Delhi D. Tokyo


When the British gov't converted individually owned strips of land into a large single farm A. circular rural settlement B. Quebec long lots C. linear rural settlement D. enclosure movement


Which of the following best explains why New York City has more specialized stores than do smaller urban places in the United States? A. its status as a primate city B. the rank-size rule C. the gravity model D. central place theory E. Burgess' concentric zone model


Which of the following is NOT a business service A. Financial B. Professional C. Transportation and information D. Retail


Which of the following is a general theory in geography that can be used to quantify and predict the interaction between two cities based on population sizes, distance between the places, the number of migrants moving from one place to the other, or the flow of trade goods between the two locations? A. central place theory B. world systems theory C. concentric zone model D. gravity model E. multiple nuclei model


A green space, or commons area, in the center of a village reflects the traditional cultural landscape of which of the following United States regions? A. New England B. the Upper Midwest C. the Southeast D. the Southwest E. the Pacific Northwest


An example of an offshore center is A. Cayman Islands B. Great Britain C. Russia D. United States


Cities in India have a comparative advantage over cities in China as locations for international consumer services, such as call centers and bill processing. This advantage has its origin in which of the following? A. the English language legacy of British colonialism in India B. large amounts of mineral resources founc in China used to manufacture goods for export C. Chinese emigration to Southeast Asia in the 1800s and 1900s D. low levels of primary-level education in China E. the Indian government's status as a neutral state in global political affairs


A primate city such as Mexico City is A. always located in the center of its country for maximum accessibility B. more than twice the size of any other city in its country and dominant economically and culturally C. most likely to share its rank size with at least one other city in the country D. much larger than the cities in any neighboring country and serves as the region's financial capital E. always a national capital serving as the seat of government and industrial center of the country


Centers for economic, cultural, and political activity that are strongly interconnected and together control the global systems of finance and commerce. A. Entrepots B. World Cities C. Metropolitan Area D. Globalization


French long lots can typically be found in A. Florida and Algeria B. Louisiana and Quebec C. the southern United States D. Australia and New Zealand E. Haiti and New England


In a _____ settlement there is more diversity and more services offered. A. Rural B. Urban


In settlements at the lower end of the Central Place hierarchy; may be set up 1-2 X a week A. Super market B. Periodic market C. Rural market D. Convenience market


Most workers in developed countries are employed in the_________ sector A. Quinary B. Tertiary C. Secondary D. Primary


Movement to residential communities, located outside of city centers as a result of the greater availability of the automobile and cheap fuel, money for new housing, the building of superhighways, and the baby boom which required bugger houses for bigger families. A. Blockbusting B. Suburbanization C. Zoning D. Gentrification


Neighborhoods that are dominated by one ethnic group through its commercial establishments, community artwork, or other representations of the ethnicity on the landscape. A. Squatter Settlements B. Ethnic Neighborhoods C. Gentrification D. Ghettoization


Residential developments characterized by extreme poverty that usually exist on the outskirts of a city. These places have little or no access to publicly provided services such as water, sewage, garbage, or education, and therefore are unsanitary. Usually located in cities in developing countries. A. Suburbs B. Squatter Settlement C. Villages D. Hamlets


Street patterns in medieval European cities resembled A. a township and range system B. no real defined pattern at all C. a grid system with diagonal boulevards D. a grid system E. curving streets inside a major grid networ


The two most dominant cities in the world A. London and LA B. London and NYC C. Tokyo and London D. Paris and London


Towns and cities in the American Midwest and West typically have street patterns resembling A. a circular pattern B. a grid system C. a hexagonal pattern D. a chaotic, haphazard layout E. curving streets inside a major grid networ


What geometric pattern is associated with Christaller's Central Place Theory? A. pentagon B. hexagon C. square D. circle E. octagon


Which of the following is a forward capital? A. Seoul B. Brasilia C. Cairo D. Lima E. London


Which of the following is a primary characteristic of world cities? A. They are capital cities in their respective countries and centers of political power. B. They are financially and politically connected to global markets and drive the process of globalization. C. They are located in the interiors of their respective countries and require sophisticated transportation networks. D. They have political dominance within thei respective regions and are former centers of colonial power. E. They have historical significance on a global scale and are located within early cultural hearths.


Which of the following lists of cities includes ALL primate cities? A. Rio de Janeiro, Miami, New Orleans B. Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Lima C. Tokyo, Beijing, Jakarta D. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles E. Mumbai, Shanghai, Karachi


Which of the following scenarios is best explained by the concept of range in Christaller's central place theory? A. A major department store opens in a sma town because the town does not have an' major retailers competing for business. B. A consumer purchases gasoline at the nearest town but travels to the neares city to purchase a new car. C. A high rate of rural-to-urban migration occurs in a developing country as people seek jobs in cities. D. A consumer purchases a home in the suburbs rather than in the nearest city because the cost of land is lower in the suburbs. E. A tech company is headquartered in a more developed country, but its customer service center is located in a less developed country.


Who came up with the Central Place Theory? A. A. Weber B. W. Christaller C. E.C. Ravenstein D. W. W. Rostow


What kind of services are found in MDC's and cities?

Both high and low order

Low order services are...

Common, frequent, widespread, short range, small threshold

According to Christaller's central place model, which of the following would most likely have the smallest range? A. a symphony orchestra hall B. an international airport C. a university D. a professional football stadium E. a convenience store


According to the gravity model, the potential use of a service at a location is related A. Directly to both population and distance B. inversely to both population and distance C. inversely to number of people per square mile D. directly to the distance and inversely to population E. directly to the population and inversely to distance


Central place theory posits which geographic principles are essential for the economic success of commercial establishments? A. market area and economic structure B. threshold and globalization C. employment structure and range D. range and globalization E. threshold and range


Christaller's central place theory argues that which of the following patterns will occur? A. The site of a city always influences the importance and power of a city. B. Land value decreases with increasing distance from the central business district C. Large cities will outnumber smaller towns and cities. D. People are more likely to commute to a larger city to find a job. E. Cities and towns of similar size will be evenly spaced across a country or region.


Cities significantly increased their population size in developing countries during the A. early nineteenth century B. early twentieth century C. Industrial Revolution D. late nineteenth century E. late twentieth/early twenty-first


Rank the following services from low order to high order: A. auto, soft drink, shoe store, baker B. auto, shoe store, bakery, soft drink C. shoe store, soft drink, bakery, auto D. bakery, shoe store, soft drink, auto E. soft drink, bakery, shoe store, auto


Seoul is the largest city in South Korea, with a 2018 population of approximately 10 million. Busan is the second-largest city in South Korea, with a 2018 population of approximately 3.5 million. Which of the following best describes the impact of this population difference? A. Seoul exports more goods to Busan than to any other city. B. Seoul is centrally located within South Korea, making it easily accessible for all residents of South Korea. C. South Korea is experiencing rapid population growth because of a disproportionately high total fertility rate ir the Seoul metropolitan area. D. Hierarchical diffusion causes cultural practices and innovations to spread from smaller cities such as Busan to Seoul. E. Seoul serves as the economic, political, and cultural center of South Korea.


What concerns are there for an LDC if the rank-size rule does not apply? A. services will be clustered in the primate city B. services will be unevenly distributed throughout the country C. people in rural areas and small cities feel compelled to migrate to the primate city D. smaller cities find t difficult to compete with services with the primate city E. all of the above


Which city was NOT built as an administrative and/or commercial center by European powers? A. Nairobi, Kenya B. Mexico City, Mexico C. Cape Town, South Africa D. Hong Kong, China E. Tokyo, Japan


Example of a circular settlement in Africa


Where were many circular settlements found?

North Germany and New England

What kind of services are found in LDC's and small towns?

Only low order

High order services are...

Rare, infrequent, long range, large threshold

True or false: People in developing countries have less services available due to affordability


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