Chapter 13

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Payne computer study about sterotpes

saw a face and then an object (gun or tool) in succession -sig more likely to identify object as gun when preceded by black face

out group homogeneity

The perception that individuals in the out-group are more similar to each other (homogeneous) than they really are, as well as more similar than members of the in-group are

Diallo Case

West African man shot over 40 times unarmed by police because police went out and looked for rapist in NYC that matched his description; was taking his wallet out to show ID to police and thought it was gun

Greenwald and Pettigrew and in group bias

in group bias even more powerful reason for discrimination than outright prejudice and hostility -can lead to unintended negative outcomes like preference for in group in hiring and promotion people prefer others that are similar to them in norms and customs

contact hypothesis

interactions between social groups would reduce prejudice

contact reliability reduces prejudice when diff groups have to work together to achieve common goal; definition of interdependence

interdependence: situation that exists when 2 or more groups need to depend on one another to accomplish a goal that's important to each of them

today's economic climatw

intergenerational tensions have grown due to how each generation feels resources are being allocated -both old and yon people think they are victims of discrimination --young people think old get more benefits and opportunities while old think focus is on the young

institutionalized discrimination study with lab manager app

male and female professor at leading universities contacted to evaluate apps for lab manager and the only different thing was a male/female name -males seen as more competent, mentorable, hirable, and had a higher starting salary "whitened" and "non whitened" resumes were sent to 1600 job ads posted to major career sites and whitened resumes 2x as likely to receive callback than whitened -black people still at disadvantage as job candidates and affirmative action has not given them an advantage

Princeton versus Rutgers study

male students at 2 schools watched videotaped scenes in which 3 diff young men were asked to make a decision -> whether he would want to listen to classical or rock music while participating in experiment on auditory perception told the man was either from Princeton or Rutgers (in or out group) and had to predict what he would chose -once saw the choice that he made asked to predict the % of males at that university would make same choice target was out group-> participants believed that choice was more predictive of what peers would choose than in group -know something about one, know something about all

Goldberg 1975 during Women's Movement

males and females were shown 30 pictures of women and asked to identify supporters of women's liberation movement (early feminists) -chose the least attractive women evaluative consistency with impression formation Goldberg then got 30 women pictured to rate support of the movement and there was no relationship between attractiveness of women and support

racism versus discrimination

racism: system of advantage based on race, in which one group has power to carry out systematic discrimination through social institutions

world famous soccer player

randomly head-butted an italian player in the final world cup game -was it because he was aggressive? did the other player say something?

consequenes of bias studies

-shooter game --more likely to shoot black unarmed men resumes that favored men over women names

study about self-fulfilling prophacy

white students interviewed white and black students -when interviewing black students they showed discomfort, lack of interest --sat further away, ended the interview early in 2nd study taught the interviewers (confederates) to act in the same way that the first interviewer did but this time interviewees were all white videotaped the proceedings and had applicants rated by independent judges -applicated interviewed like black people were rated as more nervous and less effective than like whites --reflected the interviewers beliefs in the first place

white/black students shock study

white students told they would be inflicting a shock on a learner and told they were either black or white, as a study about "biofeedback" -initially gave lesser intensity shock to black learner to maybe show they are not prejudiced -then heard learner saying derogatory comments about them which angered them -gave higher level shock to the black learners than the tutors inflicting shocks on white person discrimination activated when a person is angered or insulted

multiethnic colleges and prejudice

white students who have roommates/friends/relationships across racial/ethnic lines tend to become less prejudiced and find commonalities across group boarders

study about people who think they should be confronters but don't actually do it when oppurtunity occurs

women were put into a group to discuss group decision making -one male member (confederate of study): repeatedly made sexist remarks those who valued confrontation but didt say anything: -evalutated confederate higher than women who didn't care about confrontation -also decided that confrontation guys who made sexist remarks was less important than originally thought because they want to decrease cognitive dissonance so decrease likelihood to speak up in future bummer: people who witness confrontation later exhibit less prejudice and stereotyping also detrimental for the target of sexism response because assume everyone else in room agrees

Allport's view of sterotyping

"Law of least effort" -like human misers because we have limited capacity to process info so adopt rules of thumb to attempt to understand people --blinds us to individuality

How the jigsaw classroom works

-6 person multiethnic groups so lessons were divided into 6 sections and each student is assigned to 1 segment —like jigsaw puzzle bc all segments must be put together before anyone can see the full picture -had to teach materials to other members of the group who didn't have access to the material -students depended on eachother to do well on tests instead of in competition and can easily ignore him and out him down to show teacher how smart they are — students began to pay attention to eachother and show respect for each other Ex) kids like Carlos would respond by becoming more relaxed and engaged, and improve his ability to communicated -students think he's smart, they like him, and in turn he likes school and starts to see whites as helpful teammates not tormentors -he gains confidence, his acedemic performance increases, his self esteem increases Students decrease prejudice, do better on exams, increase his self esteem, increase liking for school -truly integrated, not just ethnic groups together in school yard

Steele and Aronson Study about social identity (stereotype) threat; GRE diagnostic

-Gave GRE test to black and white college students -Half were told "nondiagnostic" test, that only measures the process of the test taking -Half told measures intellectual intelligence white performed equally well blacks who thought that it was measuring abilities didn't perform as well as other blacks blacks told examining process of test taking did just as well as whites

positive sterotypes

-bad for both parties because maladaptive to mistakenly think of someone as positive who is actually negative, target is interpreted as a category and not an individual and could be mistreated as a result ex) Aisans are the "model" culture for being hard working, intelligent, so sets expectations for those in category who hate science ex) lumps all Aisan Americans together and ignores differences across Aisan cultures - Cambodian, Korean, Vitnemese students in America found many avr differences among groups in values/motivations/etc

apport's 4 optimal conditions for contact hypothesis to reduce prejudice

-groups must have equal status -both share a common goal that generates awareness of shared interests and common humanity -contact involved intergroup cooperation -contact supported by law or local customs (social norms)

Police Prejudice

-have to make quick decisions under a lot of stress when not much time to analyze if it is a threat or not requiring to rely on fast association-based thinking stereotypes --studies show that white associate black people with super human qualities like exceptional strength in 2015 there were 5x as many black unarmed people than white people shot

Bangladesh study about justifying feelings of entitlement

-muslims are majority and hindus are minority --both showed in group favoritism but only majority acted unfairly towards minority most people in dominant positions in society don't see themselves as prejudiced and regard beliefs about out group as reasonable because inferior and incompetent

study about housing projects andc contact hypothesis

1 project: black and white families were randomly assigned to separate building 1 project: black and white families lived in the same building after several months white residents in integrated project reported greater increase positive change in attitude toward black neighbors than residents in segregated project did -even though the former didn't choose to live in integrated building initially

overcoming bias requires 3 things

1) motivation 2) awareness 3) effort, what strategies they can engage in

5 strategies to reduce bias

1) stereotype replacement: recognize and replace stereotype 2) counter stereotype imaging -ex) Obama goes against the stereotype that blacks are less intelligent 3) individuating 4) perspective taking ex)put in other peoples shoes 5) increasing opportunities for contact

Sherif Boy Scout Study

12 year old boy scouts were randomly assigned to "Rattlers" or "Eagles" and had their own cabins far from each other to reduce contact placed in situations to increase in group cohesiveness then set up competitive activities they had to compete in to arouse feelings of conflict and tension -then party was arranged and the Eagles were told a time that was earlier than the Rattlers --some food was fresh and some was not so Eagles ate the better food Rattlers unhappy so started cursing at the Eagles for being greedy but Eagles thought they deserved the food because first come first served so resented them FIGHT

the amount of prejudice over time

2015-2017, 197% increase in anti-muslim hate groups -White nationalists think that in order to get more freedom for one group it must come at the cost of less freedom for own group (usually Black, gay, Jews, Mexicans) -- as country becomes more ethnically diverse, increase in fear and prejudice nowadays moreso subtle and reflected in body language and how process info and microaggressions because laws have been put in place like Disability Right Advocates, National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, Civil rights movement so immense progress has been made

(STOP HERE ONLY FOR THIRD EXAM) Obama and hidden prejudices study and why people suppress prejudice

300 black and white students -found that prejudiced whites perceived Obama's perceived "non-Americanism" affected evaluation of his performance but NOT VP Joe Biden so they could say they are not prejudiced against black people jjsy that he isn't American and is lousy -non prejudiced- whites and blacks were either supportive or critical but belief in American status was not relevant to personal evaluation of him some prejudiced people suppress true feelings to avoid being labeled as racist, sexist, homophobic and others suppress their true feelings out of desire to change and not be prejudiced

McKeachie lipstick study

6 males interviewed each of the 6 females -each female wore lipstick for 3 of the interviews -men filled out a rating scale, formed personality impressions lipstick women rated as more giggly, talkative, more anxious, more interested in other sex, less conscientious -men never ever mentioned lipstick SAME WOMEN *evaluative consistency with impression formation *schemas about women who wear lipstick

NBA example

80% of NBA players are black but 13% of US population is black which is driven by the impact of negative stereotypes on White boys' baller aspirations -obscures the overlap of disrtributions and blurs the fact that many white kids good at basketball and black kids not -when someone meets a black basketball player and are astonished by lack of skills, denied individuality --being associated with the category of "good athelete" and not "smart professional" positive stereotypers are not good

conflicting social identities and social identity threat

Aisan women -depends on which identity they are thinking about Aisan women did worse on a math test that when reminded of gender identity White men did worse when reminded their nationality identity compared to Aisan men

Tajfel and in-group bias with dots and the effects of in group bias

British scholars in "minimal groups" were shown a set of varying dots and were arbitraility told they were "over" or "underestimators" -aksed to work on another task and given oppurtunity to give points to other boys identifies as over or underestimators --all worked in own cubbies but all assigned more points to the boys like them and received cheers and boos when asked "what were you?" in group bias makes you want to win against members of out groups and treat them unfairly -build belongingness and self esteem -strengthens pride and identification to group

Castile and Reynolds versus police officer Yanez

Castile and Renolds were pulled over and Castile told Yanez that he had a permitted gun in his car and 6 sec later the officer shot into the car 7 times and killed Castille -Castile was repeatedly telling him that he was reaching for his wallet NOT his gun and Yanez kept telling him not to touch it charged with 2 degree manslaughter and putting other 2 in car in danger -then was acquainted and defense hinged on fear he felt in the moment

Cladini game day experiment

Counted the number of inginia t-shirts and sweatshirts worn to classes the Monday after football games -if won more likely to wear -more likely to say "we won" but "they lost"

Bridgeman experiment about increasing empathy

Had 10 year olds either in a jigsaw classroom or traditional for 2 months prior to experiment -showed a series of cartoons aimed at testing ability to put themselves in shoes of cartoons 1 panel: shows boy looking sad as he waves bye to dad at airport 2 panel: letter carrier delivers a package to the voy 3 panel: boy burts into tears Asks why he bursts into tears and most say because it reminds him of how much he misses his dad Asks "what did the carrier think when he saw the boy open the package and cry -control group: would know the boy is sad bc the gift reminded him of his father leaving -jigsaw: hs would be confused at seeing the boy cry over the nice present because he hadn't witnessed farewell scene at the airport Extent to which children can develop ability to see world from perspective of others —> implications for empathy, generosity, learning to get along with others -ability to understand what person is going though—> increases probability heart will open to thst person —> almost impossible to feel prejudice against person and bully them

Spread of interdependent learning

It has been replicated in hundreds of classrooms for children of all ages -one of the most effective way to improve relations between ethnic groups, increase acceptance of stigmatized individuals, build empathy, and increase instruction

Why school desegregation didn't work and Carlos

It led to tension and turmoil frequently -Stephen found that 53% studies of school desegregation, prejudice increased —in 34% studies, no change in prejudice occurred Black kids would hang with black kids, white with white etc Carlos is a Mexican American who goes to an underprivileged school -moves to a predominantly white middle class neighborhood -classroom is highly competitive so he has to compete with white kids who have always been raising hand enthusiastically —feels humiliated after some failures and waits for school to be over

3 ways that the jigsaw classroom worked

Participating in cooperative group breaks down in group versus out group perceptions and allows individuals to develop cognitive category of oneness Puts people in favor doing situations -people who act in a way that benefits others comes to feel more favorable toward people they helped Encourages the development of empathy -typical classroom is competitive but in this you must pay attn to whichever member of group that is reciting -learn how to approach classroom in a way that fits their needs Ex) Carlos is shy, prod him gently

institutional discrimination

Practices that discriminate, legally or illegally, against a minority group by virtue of its ethnicity, gender, culture, age, sexual orientation, or other target of societal or company prejudice -if you grow up in a society where few minorities have professional careers, likelihood of developing negative attitudes about internet abilities of minorities increase without even being told that minorities are inferior or laws that keep minorities from going to college --socail barriers create lack of oppurtunity for groups that makes their success unlikely

Aronson jigsaw classroom

Reminded of Cave experiment of Sherif -developed jigsaw experiment: designed to reduce prejudice and raise self esteem of children by placing them in small, multiethnic groups and making each child dependent on other children in the group to learn the course material

Realistic conflict theory

The idea that limited resources lead to conflict between groups and result in increased prejudice and discrimination

blaming the victim and coin flip example and attribution type

The tendency to blame individuals (make dispositional attributions) for their victimization, typically motivated by a desire to see the world as a fair place -empathy difficult for those judged on the basis of merit and not racial or ethnic group so when empathy is absent it is hard not to blame the victim ex) two people worked equally as hard on a task and then flipped a coin for who got the prize -after observers tended to reconstruct what happened to convince them that unlikely person must not have worked as hard and make dispositional attribution versus a situational

implicit bias

a hidden, automatic attitude that may guide behaviors independent of a person's awareness or control ex) headlines with entire title for a man but only says "and his wife" who was equally worthy of the award ex) "looting" versus "finding" food when displaying a black boy getting food from a grocery store during the hurricane ex) felinity and sexualized picture of a women on contrast to a man in mid stroke playing tenis when both awarded for being amazing tenis athletes

gender bias habit breaking intervention

after intervention, increase in hiring of women in stem departments -started nearly the same (control versus experimental)

Fisk, cuddy, Glick and universal dimensions of a person's perception

all group stereotypes can be classified along two universal dimensions of people perception: warmth and competence -groups that are competent and not warm - envied (rich) -groups that are warm and not competent- pitied (old) -groups that are both - admired (middle class) -groups that are niether - contempt (homeless)

religion and justifying beliefs

antigay feelings justified by fighting for family values not against gays -use Bible to support gay marriage because say that there are more versus about celebrating love and justice than homosexuality Allport: rielgion is paradoxal: it makes and unmakes prejudice

intergroup anxiety; anxiety for the marginalized and non-marginalized people in the situation

anxiety due to anticipating negative consequences when interacting with an outgroup member Non-Marginalized Group Members: fear of appearing prejudiced or offending the partner Marginalized Group Members: fear of being the target of stereotyping and/or prejudice

Social Norms and Prejudice

as social norms change so does prejudice -Defense of marriage act: said marriage was union of a man and a woman now 64% Americans think that gay marraige should be allowed compared to 27% in 1996

Devine study about if stereotypes we are surrounded by affect us even if we reject them; PARAGRAPH ABOUT DAVID

asked people to do a thought listing task -what do you think about black people? --high and low prejudice participants were equally familiar with stereotypes --high and low prejudice participants differed in stenotype endorsement high/low prejudice participants were primed with stereotypes that other students thought were common versus neutral words -then read an ambitious paragraph about donald --"demands money back from a store clerk" then rated the ambiguous behavior from assertive to hostile -high prejudice: primed with stereotype for black person thought he was more hostile low prejudice: primed with stereotype for black person was also more hostile DESPITE CONCIOUSLY REJECTING THE STEREOTYPE *compared to the control primed

Rotter and yearbook study

asked people to rate high school yearbook photos for how trustworthy people were -photos of smiling versus straight faced --smiling people were ranked as more trustworthy

Cooper study about emotional component and prejudice

asked students to rate 20 ethnic and national groups -came back to lab and were linked to skin conductance machine to measure physiological arousal when listened to good statements about most disliked group or bad statements about highest ranked group --also heard positive and negative statements about groups they ranked towards the middle spiked when - about liked group and + when about not liked group; in 2nd story could predict ranking based on the arousal during statements

longitudinal study of black and latino students and contact hypothesis

black and latino students at predominantly white colleges found friendships with white students increased there feelings of belonging and reduced feelings of dissatisfaction with school -effect of friendships was the strongest for students who tended to expect others to reject the for their race

school discipline study

black students are 3x as likely than white students to be suspended -participants were K-12 teachers --gave file about student and everyone got the same info in it just manipulated the name student had 2 minor infractions -class disruption -insubordination --asked to rate how troubled they were about behavior and what disciplinary action was necessary first infraction: samely troubled second infraction: more troubled for the 2nd infraction -thought it indicated pattern and underlying stereotype disciplinary needed: -small difference for the first infraction -larger difference for the second infraction

study of ethnocentrism black and white amygdala activation

blacks and whites saw pics of each other and the amygdala (associated with fear and negative emotions) was elevated -not elevated when saw pics of members of own group when registering faces as individuals or part of simple visual test, NOT blacks, no increased activation in amygdala -any negative association with differences depend on the context and learning

Howard dean yeehaw speech

built up fury and said "yeehaw" -recordings that everyone heard did not include the loud crowd cheering (whole context) but people thought he was a lunatic

study about rape and blaming victim

college students got a description of young women's friendly behavior toward man, and they judged behavior as appropriate -when told the same story but it ended with women getting raped, judged behavior as inappropriate and that she brought it upon herlself


common, everyday verbal or behavioral indignities and slights that communicate hostile, derogatory, and negative messages about someone's race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion

Pettigrew and troops study comparison of Allport 4 optimal conditions

compared studies that had the 4 conditions and that didnt studies that included all optimal conditions found stronger link between contact and prejudice reduction than studies involving non optimal contact -nonoptiaml contact still predicted less prejudice

contact hypothesis with certain groups

contact between heterosexuals and gays/lesbians had the strongest effect in decreasing prejudice where contact with the elderly was the weakest

Lipmann idea about stereotype and study

distinction between world "out there" and "little pictures we carry in our heads" wired up to men and women with voice recorders that tracked convos while went on with lives -men and women said 16000 words per day on average with a lot of individual differences among participants some stereotypes don't have a kernel of truth within them

Dollard and realistic conflict theory and German immigrants

documented relationship between discrimination and economic competition -at first no hostility toward German immigrants and then prejudice flourished when jobs become scarce --hostility toward newcomers by the white people who thought they were superior to -element of permission to be aggressive to Germans was rivalry for jobs and status of German plants

Duterte and how the war on drugs led to many deaths and prejudice against those who were drug addicts

elected during surge of unemplment because of dip in oil prices -launched the war on drugs-> urged Filipinos to kill drug addicts --said money state pent for caring for drug addicts could be used to creat jobs for the unemployed and sent message that the economy would be better if didn't have to come are for drug users 7000 drug users killed

emotional aspect of prejudice

emotional aspect of prejudice make it hard to argue with people -logical arguments cannot counter emotions Allport said prejudice is "defeated intellectually but lingers emotionally" because the deep-seating negative feelings can persist even if they know the prejudice is wrong

impact of social identity beyond situations where identities are triggered

exhibited less self control like eating unhealthy and behaving aggressively because motivation for self control was sapped by experience of social identity threat

1 problem: requires each person to directly experience intergroup contact in order to reduce prejudice; extended contact hypothesis; parasocial and vicurious contact hypothesis

expanded contact effect: simply knowing an in-goup member has out-group friends is sufficient to reduce prejudice media contact occurs in 2 ways 1) parasocial contact: getting emotionally connected and invested in certain characters or celebrities from other social groups 2) vicarious contact: vicariously witnessing intergroup contact occurs through vignettes in news and entertainment media

self-fufilling prophecies

expectation of own or another person's behavior that comes true because of the tendency of person holding it to act in ways that bring it about ex) you think that Amy is dumb-> don't listen intently and yawn because you think "why waste your energy and pay attention when it is unlikely Amy will say anything smart-> make her feel uneasy and clam up-> her silent confirms first belief that Amy is dumb -Amy starts to feel dumb too over time

why people blame the vitim

feel sorry for the person but revealed it didn't happen to us -feel scared that could happen to us in future so to protect ourselves -think that it is scary that we live in world where people can be discriminated against and are deprived equal pay based on no means of their own --we tell ourselves that person must have done something to cause tragedy or bring it upon themselves outgrip has to conform to more stringent standards of behavior than those the majority sets for themselves

2 problem: social interactions between members of diff groups tend to be categorized by mistrust and anxiety

feelings of anxiety are core reason people avoid interacting with people of other groups -people show physiological patterns of threat when interacting with people who have stigmatized identities people expectations for intergroup interactions tend to be worse than intergroup interactions actually are -more contact, psychological diffs between intergroup interactions and in group interactions disappear

engineering social identity threat study

followed female and male engineers -females thought that gender affected the way colleges treat them in work place more than males do -on days where experienced more social identity threat the were more burnt out and disengaged from their job

Dion and attractiveness of photos experiment

gave participants photographs of attractive, average looking, and unattractive people and told them nothing -aksed them to rate them on several dimensions including: -parental competence -occupational status -mental competence -prob of marriage -happiness more attractive were ranked higher on all and unattractive ranked lower evaluative consistency with impression formation

Stereotyopes (cognitive component of prejudice)

generalization about group (most notably age, race, gender) of people in which certain traits are assigned to virtually all members of a group regardless of variation among members -rely on perceptions pf similar people in past to determine how to react to someone else with same traits, stereotype consistent info more easily remembered ex) when you think of a social group, concepts you associate with that group become more accessible -drug addict honesty: think of being told that he found money on the ground and pocketed it not that he gave it back to rightful owner --first step in generating prejudices

evaluative consistency

halo effect: person with one good characteristic is perceived to possess many good characteristics forked tail effect: bad on one thing, perceived to have many negative characteristics ex) once your flight is delayed you think the meal is cold, coffee sucks, flight attendants mean


hostile or negative attitude toward people in distinguishable group based solely on their membership in that group; cognitive (stereotypes), emotional (type of emotion linked to attitude and the intersity of it like mild uneasiness to outright hostility), and behavioral (discriminational) components -the cognitive component (stereotypes) can influence behavior in form of discrimination -flows from and to minority groups

Social neuroscience and grouping

humans create categories as adaptive mechanism and are built into the human brain, can do it almost as soon as they are born -at 3 mo can show preference for faces of own face but if repeatedly see 2+ races then do not show preference born with the ability to notice categories but expereince shapes ability

Mexicans in US and what happens when times get tough

labor needed but perceived as costing Americans their jobs -as competition increases both imagined and actual, there is an increase in violence against Latinos --they become the focus of White anger about working class job loss when times are tough or resources are scarce, in group members feel threatened by out group -prejudice, discrimination, violence towards outgrip members increase

New Jim Crow Book

mass incarceration of black men based in large part on war on drugs as newest form of legal segregation study in Seattle which is 70% white: great majority of people selling and using drugs are white BUT 2/3 of those arrested are black -whites constitute the majorrut of those who use or sell meth, ecstasy, powered cocaine and heroin --Blacks sell crack ignore the white market and only care about the arrests of crack --police departments enforcement effects reflect unconscious impact of race on official perceptions of who is cause of drug problem

ways to identify suppressed prejudices FB study

more than 2/3 employers check applicants FB and other online sources for info they couldn't ask candidate directly because of state and federal laws -sent 4000 fabricated resumes to private firms and created FB pages containing info that candidate was muslim/christian or gay/straight employers didn't discriminate on basis of sexual orientation but in most conservative states revealed anti muslim bias as 17% of christian applicants got called back but only 2.3 % muslims did


negative attitudes and feelings toward individuals based solely on their membership in a particular group stereotype: a generalization about a group of people in which identical characteristics are assigned to virtually all members of a group discrimination: behavior directed toward another someone based on social group membership

Salience of Social Identity

one of the triggers of social identity threat is salience (standing out) of social identity; test takers asked to indicate their race prior to their test, blacks performed worse and whites had no impact whichever social identity is salient to given situation -> social identity threat

explicit bias

overt intentions, clear awareness that they are expressing bias

prejudice and habit breaking intervention

participants: nonblack college students -longitudinal design: followed participants over 12 weeks intervention: -control: IAT and feedback -experimental group also got: --learned about consequences of implicit bias --got training about strategies to reduce implicit bias took the IAT again intervention: reduction in implicit bias even though both started at about the same baseline concern about discrimination: increased awareness of bias in self: increased *explicit likely to leave message against prejudice message: increased

IAT test controversy

people are often alarmed or surprised to be told prejudices they are unaware of -Banaji was a women of color raised in India and failed the racial IAT revealing anti-black associations that she consciously refuses -gay activist had stronger gay/bad associations -old AND young people have slower reactions to old people and good than old people and bad some argue that IAT captures a cultural association or stereotype in same way someone would pair bread and butter faster than bread and avocado -old people may be biased against other old people as young people OR share the same cultural stereotypes and associations about the elderly --individual differences on IAT show that some people hold stronger stereotypes than others

attributional ambiguity

people in stigmatized groups that know prejudice about group membership ex) not getting a job as a black person- wonder if it is because of their race but whites would not -attributing negative treatment to discrimination to protect self esteem -attributing positive treatment to one's race can lead to discounting it because it may seem insincere resolving a,biguity takes cognitive and emotional toll -inferring that we were the target of bias stings even if attribute it to discrimination ex) students who infer teacher feedback reflect bias disengage and distrust them

study about presenting people with disconfirming evidence

people presented with dislconfuriming evidence that stregenthed stereotypical belief because it challenged them to come up with additional reasons for holding on to their prejudice -underlying emotional aspects of prejudice, as well as some of cognitive ruts we get into, sterotypes based on misinformation are difficult to modify merely by providing people with the facts

Crandall & Eshleman about justifying feelings of entitlement

people struggle between urge to express a prejudice that they hold and need to maintain positive self concept as someone who is not a bigot in their eyes and others -supressing prejudiced impulses requires energy so people are always looking for info that will enable them to convince themselves that they are justified for not liking the out group avoid cognitive dissonance: justification undoes suppression and provides cover that protects sense of non-prejudiced self image

IAT doesn't measure biases hidden from self

people surprisingly accurate when predicting implicit prejudice toward 5 groups on the IAT -if it exists you know it; prejudice governs behaviors in ways may not notice

benevolent and hostile sexism

people who endorse many positive stereotypes also tend to endorse more negative stereotypes -positive stereotypes lead to benevolent: women idealized as better than men for stereotypical qualities like caring and good cooks --lacks hostility towards women but benevolent sexism and hostile sexism is strongly coorelated Hostile: women inferior to men because of negative stereotypes - legitimizes discrimination and can be used to justify relating people to stereotyped rules ex) women endorse benevolent sexism like wanting men to hold doors for them, and also less likely to support actions for equal women's rights

examples of studies about testing the validity of IAT test

see if high scores predict actual behavior toward people who are elderly, overweight etc -some studies show that the higher the score on IAT, more likely to discriminate against the target in some way --white who revealed racial bias on IAT moe likely to find blacks as less trustworthy and didn't communicate as warmly with black poeple in professional settings as with whites --cancer doctors with high scores pent more time in treatment room with white patients than black patients and thought black patients had milder symptoms but difference not seen when score low on the IAT

in group bias

tendency to favor individuals within our group over those from outside our group -give them special treatment over people who belong to other groups; group can be temporary and trivial or significant

Implicit association test IAT and bias towards Black people

test that measures the speed with which people can pair a target face (Black/white, older/younger, Aisan/white) with positive or negative stimuli (words honest or evil) reflecting unconscious implicit bias -sit at keyboard and hit left key for a black person and right key for a white person -then hit left key for a positive word and right key for a negative word -then key pairings: left key for black face and positive word, right key for white face and negative word --then the key pairings change and you hit left key for B and - and right key for W and + quicker when shown white people and positive words than black and positive words -shows implicit biases towards blacks because harder for unconscious minds to link blacks with positive words


the belief that one's own ethnic group, nation, or religion is superior to all others -universal: aids survival by increase of people's attachment to own group and willingness to work on its behalf

social identity/sterotype xthreat (underperformance RELATIVE TO ABILITY)

the discrepancy in performance because of the concern of fulfilling a negative stereotype about a social identity -more weight to disprove negative stereotypes and prove individuality so cannot focus on task at hand and hinders ability to show off skills and true self used to be called sterotype threat because experience of being evaluated through lens of a negative stereotype about a group -reduces working memory capacity so don't have many cognitive resources left to enable you to perform at best

social identity

the part of a person's self-concept that is based on his or her identification with a nation, religious or political group, occupation, or other social affiliation -formed on the basis on which others judge us

social cognition

the processes by which people come to understand others -impressions, inferences, perceptions, judgements --affects how we behave towards others

normative conformity and mine experiment

the tendency to go along with the group in order to fulfill the group's expectations and gain acceptance -why prejudiced people may not act on them and why nojnprejudiced people might behave in discriminatory ways-> norms of institution and social groups in mines in W Virginia: whites and blacks worked in total integration below ground but above ground they observed norms of total segregation

self affirmation as counter-stereotype approach as well as learning about sterotype threat period

thinking about important social identities other than negatively stereotyped can counteract effects of feeling stigmatized, incompetent -puts poor performance in one area into broader prospective, worth not dependent on performance in one domain -even learning about social identity threat can improve performance because know to attribute anxiety to situation and not abilities

3 biggest prob: sometimes contact can make intergroup relations more hostile and increase prejudice

this especially happens in situations marked by extreme intergroup violence, mere contact doesn't seem to reduce prejudice and can make it worse -even in violent intergroup contexts, high quality contact like cross group friendship still predicts less prejudice and greater desire for reconciliation

Aronson and counter-stereotypes to help performnace

thought that if thinking about negatively stereotyped identity can harm performance, drawing on identity that has counter-stereotype should help performance -reminfed men and women before a test that they were a part of "selective northeastern liberal arts college" eliminated the male/female gap that occurred in the control condition ehrte just reminded that they were residents in the north east

ways to identify suppressed prejudices bogus pipeline stufy

told that "bogus pipeline" was a lie detector and actually did nothing -condition 1: indicated attitudes on questionarre where easy to give socially correct responses -condition 2: bogus pipeline where thought machine would reveal true attitudes more racial prejudice when pipeline used and less sympathetic to women issues than control group that filled out questionarre

implicit prejudices

unfounded negative belief of which we're unaware regarding the characteristics of an out-group

discrimination (behavioral component of prejudice)

unjustified negative or harmful actions towards member of a group solely because of his/her membership to that group -now because of laws, usually expressed through micro aggressions and activated when a person is stressed, angry, frusterated ex) Rebecca Hiles: many doctors told her that a lingering cough with sometimes blood was due to her weight, 5 years later a doctor found out it was because of cancer and had to remove an entire lung

fast friends paradigm and cross group friendship and jenga

white and latino college students were RA same race partners or cross race and met 3x over 3 weeks -fast friends paradigm: increased self disclosure --played jenga so shared a goal and had to cooperate baseline: IAT/race based rejection sensitivity outcomes: lower cortisol in high sensitivity so less stress/anxiety as the meetings went on can increase interracial contact and reduce interracial anxiety

Cornell, Park, Wittenbrink police violence study

white people saw videos of young people in realistic settings (park, train station, etc) -1/2 were white and 1/2 were black -1/2 had a hand gun and 1/2 had unthreatening object -press "shoot" when armed and "don't shoot" when doesn't 5 points to not shoot someone without a gun 10 points shooting someone with a gun 20 lost is shoot someone without a gun 40 lost if don't shoot someone with a gun (dead) "shooter bias" more likely to pull trigger if person is black, whether or not they are holding a gun -made same amount of mistakes for white people holding/not holding a gun

study about army and contact hypothesis

white southerners joined the army and when the army units became integrated, their racism gradually decreased

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