Chapter 13

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inguinal ligament

attached to the anterior superior iliac spine is the ________, which forms the inferior boundary of the abdominal wall

brachial artery

becomes subcutaneous along the medial side of the brachium, and its pulse may be detected there


between eyes

thyroid cartilage

big bulge on the anterior side of your neck

superciliary arches

bony elevations immediately inferior to your eyebrows

submandibular gland

bulge inferior to the mandible

vertebral prominens


sternal angle

can be felt as an elevation between the manubrium and the body


cervical region

buccal region





circular colored region around breast projection


commonly called the armpit

nasal region

contains nose

frontal belly

covering forehead of the occipitofrontalis muscle


depression between your nose and upper lip


divided into five regions: auricular, orbital, nasal, oral, and mental


farther anteroinferiorly is the tip of the nose

ala nasi

forms the flared posterolateral margin of each nostril

pectoralis major

forms the fleshy anterior axillary fold


found in the middle of the anterior neck, is composed of multiple cartilages

linea alba

from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis lies a midline- of the abdominal anterior surface

external occipital protuberance

in the center of the of the occipital region

orbital region

includes the eyes and associated structures

oral region

inferior to the nasal region

pulse of the ulnar artery

is a bit more difficult to find

surface anatomy

is a branch of gross anatomy that examines shapes and markings on the surface of the body as they relate to deeper structures

triangle of auscultation

is a region bordered by three muscles: the rhomboid major, trapezius, and latissmus dorsi

lateral epicondyle

is a rounded lateral projection at the diatal end of the humerous

supraclavicular triangle

is bounded by the clavicle omohyoid and sternalcleidomastoid. Contains part of the subclavian vein and artery as well as some lymph nodes

carotid triangle

is bounded by the sternocleidomastoid, omohyoid, and posterior digastric muscles

auricular region

is composed of the visible surface structures of the ear as well as the ear's internal organs, which function in hearing and maintaining equilibrium


is covered by the scalp, which is composed of skin and subcutaneous tissue

posterior triangle

is in the lateral region of the neck, posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle

submandibular triangle

is inferior to the mandible and posterolateral to the submental triangle


is located lateral to the sternum

mastoid process

is posterior and inferior to the auricle

basilic vein

is sometimes evident along the medial side of the upper limb

occipital triangle

is the larger and more posteriorly placed of the two triangles. bounded to the omohyoid trapezius and sternoceidomastoid


is the most complex and highly integrated region of the body because it houses the brain, which communicates with and controls all of the body systems

muscular triangle

is the most inferior of the four triangles composing the sternocleidomastoid

infrasternal angle

is where the costal margins joins to form an inverted V at the xiphoid process



temporal region

laterally, the scalp covers the sides of the skull

costal margins

left and right ______ of the rib cage form the inferior boundary of the thorax

anterior triangle

lies anteriorly to the sternocleidomastoid and inferior to the mandible SUBDIVIDED into four smaller triangles

external jugular vein

located in the occipital triangle

cubital fossa

located on the anterior surface of the elbow region, ______ is a depression within which the median cubital vein (perfect place to draw blood)

sternocleidomastoid muscles

many triangular muscles compose this

iliac crest

mark the superior surface of the ossa coxae

pulse of the radial artery

may be detected between the distal tendons of the flexor carpi radialis and the brachioradialis


midline bony structure of the thorax

oral cavity


biceps brachii

muscle becomes prominent when the elbow is flexed


muscle is attached at the temporal region, and is easy palpable when the jaw is repeatedly clenched

lastissimus dorsi and teres major

muscles form the fleshy posterior axillary fold

medial epicondule

of the humerus is more prominent and may be easily palpated

styloid process

of the radius is readily palpable as the lateral bump along the wrist


of the radius may be palpated just distal to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus

head and styloid process

of the ulna collectively form the medial prominence of the wrist


of the ulna is palpated easily along the posterior aspect of the elbow

cephalic vein

on the anterior side of arm, this vain is evident in muscular individuals as it traverses along the anterolateral border of the entire upper limb

nuchal region

posterior neck region

occipital region

posterior part of the cranium


projection of breast

lateral and medial borders

prominent features of the posterior scapula are observed and easily palpated


protect against sunlight and potential mechanical damage to the eyes


several strucktures are clearly visible in the arm, also called the ______, which extends from the shoulder to the elbow on the upper limb

superficial inguinal ring

superior to the medial portion of the inguinal ligament is the _________

spine of the scapula

surface anatomy of the back that is covered by the trapezius muscle

inguinal canal

the "ring" is actually a superficial opening in the inferior anterior abdominal wall via the __________

triceps brachii

the bulk of the posterior surface of the brachium is formed by this muscle

clavipectoral triangle

the cephalic vain terminates in a small surface depression, bordered by the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles, called the ________

tendinous intersections

the in betweens of the six pack abs

pubic tubercle

the inguinal ligament terminates on a small anterior, rounded projection on the pubis called the ________

submental triangle

the most superiorly placed of the four triangles

submental triangle

the most superiorly placed of the four triangles, is posteroinferior to the chin in the midline of the neck and partially bounded by the anterior belly of the digastric muscle

suprasternal notch

the neck terminates at the _______ of the manubrium and the left and right clavicles


the radius, the ulna, and the muscles that control hand movements form the forearm, or antebrachium

common carotid artery

the strong pulsation of an artery found in the carotid triangle

anterior superior iliac spine

the superior aspect of the ilium (iliac crest) terminates anteriorly at the ________


through ( feeling with firm pressure or perceiving by sense of touch) they precisely locate and identify anatomic features under the skin

cervical lumph nodes

tiny vein contained in the submental triangle


torso, is partitioned into the thorax, abdominopelvic region, and the back

ulnar nerve

traversus posterior and inferior to the medial epicondyle "hitting of funny bone"

superior palpebrae fissure

upper eyelid crease


using____ , they tap firmly on specific body sites to detect resonating vibrations

visual inspection

using_____, they directly observe the structure and markings of surface features

median furrow

when the back is extended, some of the inferior vertebral spines are obscured; instead, a vertically oriented indentation called the _______ is all that can see along the inferior midline of the back

anterior axillary fold

which acts as the anterior border of the axilla

external acoustic meatus

within the auricle is a tubular opening called the

ligamentum nuchae

a thick ligament that extends from c7 to the nuchal lines of skull

laryngeal prominence

adams apple


air tube

axillary artery

also palpable in this region is the pulse of the axillary artery


and via ___, they listen to sounds emitted from organs


anterior surface of the abdomen

dorsum nasi

anteroinferior to the bridge is the fleshly part of the nose

border between the thorax and the neck

paired clavicle and the suprasternal notch represent

external nares

paired openings into the nose


palpebrae, close reflexively to protect against objects moving near the eye; and eyelashes prevent airborne particles from contacting eyeball

frontal region

part of subdivision of cranium that is the forehead

rectus abdominis

part of the abdominopelvic region

pubic bones

pubic region, underneath the public hair


removal of blood from a vain

superficial temporal artery

running over the temporalis muscle is the ________

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