Chapter 13 Psychology Inquizitive Q&A

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Classify the traits of introverts and extraverts.

Introverts: - distracted by noisy environments - typically above optimal level of arousal Extraverts: - chronically under-aroused - seek out new emotional experiences - perform better in stimulating settings

Match each Freudian structure of personality with its corresponding principle.

Superego: morality Ego: reality principle Id: pleasure principle

Place in order from earliest to latest Freud's stages of psychosexual personality development.

- Oral - Anal - Phallic - Latest - Genital

Place in order each pair from least to most biologically similar.

- adopted siblings - fraternal twins - identical twins

Match each level of self-esteem with its corresponding age group.

70s and older: declining self esteem 60s: peak self-esteem Middle age: increasing self-esteem Adolescence: lowest self-esteem

Andrea and Derek differ significantly on the trait that refers to how stubborn or cooperative a person is. Andrea is trusting and helpful, while Derek is suspicious and uncooperative. What trait does this example refer to?


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about personality change as a function of age.

Although personality is generally most stable in **adulthood**, changes in life circumstances can lead to personality changes. For example, **having a satisfying job** can lead, over time, to decreased neuroticism. The death of a spouse, on the other hand, could lead to changes in **neuroticism**. How these changes happen can depend on the specific experience.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the effects of major life events on personality.

Although personality is generally stable in adults, a study of caregivers for spouses dying of **cancer** showed they became more agreeable, **sociable**, and conscientious compared to a control group. This suggests that personality is usually stable because **environments** tend to be relatively stable—but that **major** life events can lead to changes in personality.

Which of the following are basic tendencies in personality and which are characteristic adaptations?

Basic Tendencies: - Lauren is neurotic and always worries about what others think - Bob is outgoing and extraverted - Jeanne likes variety and adventure Characteristic Adaptations: - Devon loves joking around with friends but is strict with his employees - Carol was a good student when she was in school, and now she channels her perfectionism into baking

Leah is in the library, trying to study for an exam tomorrow. However, Leah is a restless person, and she has been studying for a while now. Suddenly, she hears a loud crash in the distance. She gets up from her table and quietly rushes over to see what crashed. Seeing Leah walk toward the noise, others get up to follow. Label the parts of this scenario with the factors of Albert Bandura's reciprocal determinism theory of personality.

Behavior: Leah walking quicklet, but silently, to see what crashed Environment: The crashing noise in the library Person factors: Leah tends to be restless

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about working self-concept.

Chester's working self-concept is **variable** when he finds himself around different people. When he is with his conservative family, he describes himself as **liberal**, but when he is with his friends from his tennis team, he describes himself as **athletic**.

Classify the qualities as relating to either collectivist or individualist societies.

Collectivist Societies: - self-concepts determined by social roles - connections to family and social groups - conformity to social norms - obedience to authority Individualist Societies: - self-expression - diveristy - pursuit of success - self-concepts determined by being distinct from others - rights and freedoms

How do psychologists regard Freud's theories today?

Correct: - Freud's defense mechanisms are now believed the protect self-esteem - they agree that people's personalities develop based on social interactions - they have largely abandoned psychodynamic theories Incorrect: - they have embraced the notion of unconscious conflict as a result of sexual forces

Match each way of measuring personality with the evidence that supports (or does not support) its use.

Correct: - TAT: reliably predicts how likely people are to seek approval and support from others - EAR: real-world behavior agrees with Big Five traits - Rorschach: does a poor job of diagnosing psychological disorders and finds many normal people to be disturbed -NEO Personality Inventory: can be affected by people's desire to view themselves in a good light Incorrect: N/A

How do interactionists believe that people's personalities and their environments jointly determine behavior?

Correct: - a situation like a funeral would make people's personalities less apparent - people's social environments influence their behavior - people's behavior influences their social environments Incorrect: - people's personalities are more apparent in strong situations

According to Carl Rogers's person-centered approach, which of the following would cause someone to have healthy self-esteem?

Correct: - a supportive and accepting therapeutic environment - parents who offer unconditional positive regard - no discrepancy between her sense of self and how she believes others perceive her Incorrect: - being raised with conditional love - high expectations set and enforced by parents

Which of the following are the basic aspects of temperament that are influenced by genes, as identified by Buss and Plomin (1984)?

Correct: - activity level - emotionality - sociability Incorrect: - conscientiousness - openness to experience

Which of the following are overly favorable beliefs most people have about themselves?

Correct: - being unreasonably optimistic - thinking they are better than average - thinking they have personal control over events Incorrect: - feeling entitled to special treatment - have grandiose opinions of themselves

Which of the following describe temperament as opposed to personality traits?

Correct: - general tendencies to feel or act in a certain way - represents the innate biological structure of personality - stable from the time we are babies Incorrect: - may be altered by life experiences

According to Eysenck's biological trait theory, all personality traits are categorized along certain dimensions. Which of the following are these dimensions?

Correct: - high constraint - low constraint - extraversion - introversion - stable - unstable Incorrect: - careful - careless - imaginative - down to earth

Which of the following are results from twin and adoption personality studies?

Correct: - identical twins raised apart have similar personality traits - adopted children's personalities are not similar to those of the parents who adopt and raise them - there appears to be little parental influence on adopted children's personalities - the correlations of personality traits between identical twins are higher than the correlations for fraternal twins Incorrect: - the correlations of personality traits between siblings are similar to those of identical twins

Which of the following methods of assessing someone's everyday behavior can provide valid insight into her personality?

Correct: - looking at how messy her room is - analyzing her Facebook profile - recording snippets or her conversation throughout the day Incorrect: - watching her walk down the street

Which of the following qualities apply to narcissists?

Correct: - manipulative - view themselves in grandiose terms - become angry when challenged - feel entitled to special treatment Incorrect: - clingy in relationships - have many friendships

How do our genetics have an effect on our personalities?

Correct: - multiple genes interact with our environment to produce our personalities - one's tendency to seek novelty can be linked to a single gene Incorrect: - all of our genetic tendencies are expressed in our personalities

How does self-esteem relate to life outcomes?

Correct: - people who consider themselves to be smarter or more attractive do not necessarily exhibit these traits objectively - people with higher self-esteem report being much happier - violent criminals and bullies often have very high self-esteem Incorrect: - self-esteem is strongly related to life outcomes - most people with successful careers have high self-esteem

Identify the true and false statements about maintaining a positive sense of self.

Correct: - people with high self-esteem tend to take credit for success and attribute failures to situations outside their control - the self-serving bias reflects healthy psychological functioning Incorrect: - people with high self-esteem make upward social comparisons - most people think about their failures realistically

What has research found about the stability of traits over one's lifetime?

Correct: - personality stability is lowest in young children - personality stability is highest in adults over 50 - age-related personality changes may have a biological basis Incorrect: - the stability of someone's personality through the lifespan is dependent on culture - significant life events cannot affect personality stability

In which of the following ways do early childhood temperaments predict adult personalities?

Correct: - socially inhibited children are more likely to become anxious and depressed, have less social support, and be unemployed as adults - childhood temperaments persist into adulthood - it is possible to predict whether a 6-week-old baby will be shy later in life Incorrect: - inhibited babies are unlikely to stop being shy later in childhood

According to Rotter's expectancy theory, which of the following cognitions would lead to someone having a studious personality?

Correct: - the expectancy that studying will lead to good grades - an internal locus of control - placing a high value on academic success Incorrect: - being high in introversion and emotional stability - a tendency to be conscientious

How does reciprocal determinism propose that a woman's behavior, personality, and environment will interact to determine how she behaves at a party?

Correct: - the party's atmosphere will affect her person factors - her person factors will affect her behavior - the party's atmosphere will affect her behavior - her behavior will affect the party's atmosphere Incorrect: N/A

Identify the reasons why our friends' assessments of our personalities are sometimes more accurate than our own.

Correct: - we have blind spots about some aspects of our personality because we want to feel good about ourselves - we may be preoccupied with evaluating other people and fail to notice how we are behaving Incorrect: - our friends have a more accurate understanding of our feelings than we do - our own behavior is important to our friends' self-esteem

How do we use self-schemas to process information about ourselves?

Correct: - a self-schema helps us quickly organize and interpret information about the self - when we process information about ourselves, the middle frontal lobes light up Incorrect: - we will be more likely to remember a term if it was used in a neutral sentence that if it was used in relation to our personalities

Identify the three elements of Freud's psychodynamic theory of personality.

Correct: - superego - id - ego Incorrect: -conditions of worth - locus of control

Match each description or example with the appropriate Freudian structure of personality.

Ego: - This structure tries to find balance between the other two structures, operating on the reality principle - Shannon loves having flowers around her, so she gets a job at a flower shop Superego: - This structure operates according to morals and societal standards of behavior - Eunjoo decides to return the wallet she found on the ground Id: - This structure operates impulsively, based on the pleasure principle - Meritt takes his friend's french fries when his friend is in the restroom

Match each of Eysenck's biological trait theory dimensions with its corresponding Big Five trait.

Extraversion: extraversion Unstable: neuroticism High constraint: conscientiousness

In which of the following circumstances will Ronald's friend's description of him be more accurate than Ronald's description of himself?

Friend's Description is More Accurate: - the friend knows Ronald very well - the trait being described is important to Ronald Ronald's Description is More Accurate: - the trait being described is not observable

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about social comparisons and self-esteem.

In social comparison, one rates oneself based on comparisons with other people. **Upward** comparisons tend to be made by people with **low** self-esteem, while downward comparisons tend to be made by people with **high** self-esteem. **Temporal** comparison is a type of **downward** comparison, in which a person contrasts her current self with an earlier version of herself.

What type of psychologist is the most likely to use personality regularly in her work?

Industrial/Organizational (I/O)

Match each example with its corresponding locus of control.

Internal Locus of Control: - Hernando needs money to buy some new shoes, so he hangs flyers around the neighborhood to advertise his lawn-mowing services - Antonio plans to lift weights all summer to prepare to ask Sam out on a date External Locus of Control: - Felicity believes that her injured knee was fate telling her not to try out for soccer - Balash is behind on his bills, so he buys a lottery ticket in the hope of paying them off - Darien wins an award for her academic achievement; in her acceptance speech, she says she was just lucky

Match each theorist with the major tenet of his personality theory.

Julian Rotter: locus of control Carl Rogers: unconditional positive regard Albert Bandura: reciprocal determinism Sigmund Freud: psychosexual development

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about Walter Mischel's theory in the field of personality psychology.

Mischel proposed that behaviors are determined mostly by **situations**. Up to that point, psychologists in his field had believed that **traits** were responsible for a person's behavior. Mischel's idea has come to be called **situationism**, and the debate over it is known as the **person**/situation debate.

Label the Big Five traits according to their descriptions in the figure.

Openness to Experience: imaginative vs. down to earth likes variety vs. likes routine independent vs. conforming Conscientiousness: organized vs. disorganized careful vs. careless self-disciplined vs. weak-willed Extraversion: social vs. retiring fun-loving vs. sober affectionate vs. reserved Neuroticism: worried vs. calm insecure vs. secure self-pitying vs. self-satisfied Agreeableness: softhearted vs. ruthless trusting vs. suspicious helpful vs. uncooperative

Match each type of personality assessment with its description.

Personality in Everyday life: collecting data about someone's interactions and tendencies Projective measures: use ambiguous pictures or stories to examine unconscious processes Self-report measures: questionnaire-based assessments that do not try to uncover unconscious influences

Match each defense mechanism proposed by psychologist Anna Freud with its appropriate example.

Reaction formation: Janet picked fights with Tom and told others he was a terrible person, but in reality, she was attracted to Tom. Rationalization: Jill explained that she broke her dormitory's "no pets" rule because it was too cold for the cat to stay outside. Denial: Dana used her credit card to buy clothes even though her account was overdrawn, and she had no money. Projection: Billy accused his friend of being an alcoholic, when in reality, Billy himself drank heavily every night. Repression: Dorothy had no memory of her mother's death which occurred when Dorothy was seven years old.

Jae-hyun is trying to decide if he should ask out his classmate Carrie, who he finds fun and attractive. He considers how likely Carrie is to say yes, and how thrilled he will be if she does. What theory best explains Jae-hyun's decision making process?

Rotter's expectancy theory

In a recent study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers evaluated the impact of self-esteem versus the impact of self-compassion on reducing regret. They did so by dividing participants into three groups that participated in a writing exercise: a group that practiced self-compassion in their writing, a group that practiced self-esteem in their writing, and a control group. Place the groups in order based on how successful they were in reducing regret, from most to least successful.

Self-compassion group

Match each term with what it represents about the self.

Self-schema: integrated set of memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self Self-esteem: affective aspect of our sense of self Sense of self: who one believes one is Working self-concept: immediate, limited information about the self

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about sex and personality.

Studies of the personalities of men and women generally **support** common stereotypes: although women and men are more **similar** than they are **different**, women typically score higher on measures of **empathy** and agreeableness, while men score higher on measures of **assertiveness**.

Classify the statements as applying to either the sociometer theory of self-esteem or the concept of reflected appraisal.

Sociometer Theory: - it is evolutionarily adaptive for us to be motivated to improve our public image - self-esteem functions to provide us with cues that we are placing ourselves at risk for social rejection Reflected Appraisal: - our self-esteem is based on how we believe others perceive us - when an important person rejects or devalues us, we experience low self-esteem

Match each personality test with its description.

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): a person tells a story about an ambiguous picture Rorschach Inkblot Test: A person describes what an ambiguous image appears to be Personality in Everyday Life: a person wears a device that provides behavioral data NEO Personality Inventory: a person indicates how well a series of traits describes him

Match each theoretical approach with the way it studies personality.

Trait: characteristics Psychodynamic: unconscious forces Humanistic: personal growth Social cognitive: thought processes

The value of observational methods of personality assessment is that others may observe our behavior more objectively than we can report our own behavior.


Identify the true and false statements about the five-factor theory.

True: - the five-factor theory is the dominant approach of contemporary personality psychology - people's scores on the big five traits can predict their behavior - people's scores on the big five traits can predict satisfaction with their marriages False: - big five traits are only visible in adults - a standard questionnaire must be used to assess a person's big five traits

Match each of Freud's levels of consciousness with its description.

Unconscious: thoughts that are not easy to retrieve Conscious: thoughts that people are aware of Preconscious: thoughts that are not currently in awareness but could be brought to awareness

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about trait approaches to personality.

Unlike some other approaches to studying personality, trait approaches focus on **description** rather than on **explanation** of behavior. These approaches emphasize **behavioral tendencies** that remain generally consistent in a person. Examples of trait approaches include **the five-factor theory** and Eysenck's biological trait theory.

Classify the descriptions and examples as relating to either weak or strong situations.

Weak: - restaurant - living room - reveals differences in personality - party Strong: - elevator - job interview - masks differences in personality - funeral

Carl Rogers's person-centered approach seeks to empower the individual by focusing on two main ideals. One of these is a sense of personal understanding of the self. What is the other one?

an understanding of how others view and evaluate you

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