Chapter 14 History Test

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The Schlieffen Plan was developed as a plan of attack against...

... France

Lenin and the Bolsheviks promised the people...

..."Peace, Land, and Bread."

World War I is said to be a global conflict because... involved countries and colonies in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and North America.

Germans experienced "the turnip winter" of 1916 and 1917 because...

...the potato crop failed.

Many Americans felt personally involved with the war between the Allies and the Central Powers because...

...they felt ties of culture and language to European countries.


A deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other

After the Tsar Nicholas abdicated, what kind of government did Duma politicians set up?

A provisional government


A shrewd political operator and behind-the-scenes organizer

Collective security

A system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all


A vital strait connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranian

Nicholas II

A weak and ineffective leader and general who blocked attempts to limit his authority; eventually abdicated


Agreement to end fighting

New Economic Policy (NEP)

Allowed some capitalist ventures

The French hoped to recover the border provinces of __________, lost in the Franco-Prussian War.

Alsace and Lorraine

Gavrilo Princep

Assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife, Sophie in Sarajevo

Why did women take on new jobs during the war?

Because men were drafted and had to leave their jobs

David Lloyd George

British Prime minister who had promised to build an amazing post-war Britain

The sinking of the Lusitania

British liner that was sunk by German U-boats off the coast of Ireland and 1,200 passengers were killed

The persecuted Armenians were of what religion?



Communist party officials assigned to the army to teach party principles and ensure party loyalty




Councils of workers and soldiers

Schlieffen Plan

Designed to avoid the possiblity of a two-front war for Germany; eventually failed

Supreme Soviet

Elected legislature created by the Soviet Union


Final set of demands

What conditions helped provoke the March Revolution?

Food and fuel shortages as a result of the war

Frederic Passy

French eoconomist

Georges Clemenceau

French leader whose goal was to weaken Germany so it could never again threaten France

Arthur Zimmermann

German foreign minister


German submarines that did great damage to the Allies

What are two factors that caused the US to enter the war?

Germany's unrestricted U-boat warfare and Wilson's 14 Points

Central Powers

Germany, Austria

Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy


Glorification of the military


Groups of merchant ships protected by warships to avoid U-boats

Why did Lenin want revolution?

He thought it could bring change

What provoked Lenin to hate the tsarist government?

His brother was arrested and hanged for plotting to kill the tsar.


Horrible acts committed against innocent people

Gregory Rasputin

Illiterate peasant and self-proclaimed "holy man" who was basically left to rule in his absence

What was the result of the battle along France's Marne river?

It ended Germany's hope for a quick victory on the Western Front.

Vittioro Orlando

Italian prime minister who insisted that the Allies honor their secret agreement to give former Austro-Hungarian lands to Italy

Which pair of countries remained uncommitted at the beginning of World War I?

Italy and Britain


Large gas-filled balloons used by Germany to bomb the English coast

V.I. Lenin

Leader of the Bolseviks

What event set off a power struggle between Communist leaders Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin?

Lenin's death

What caused the morale of troops and civilians to plunge?

Long causality lists and food shortages

General Alfred von Schlieffen

Made the Schlieffen Plan

Leon Trotsky

Marxist revolutionary who helped lead the revolution


Military supplies and raw materials needed to make military supplies

How did technology make WWI different from earlier wars?

Modern weapons caused higher causualities

With the League of Nations in place, what were member nations more likely to do?

Negotiate with one another to settle disputes


Payments for war damage


Policy of supporting neither side in a war


Prepare for war


Radical socialists led by Lenin Name means "Member of the majority" (in reality, were the minority)

New weapons in WWI

Rapid-fire machine gun, long-range artillery gun, poison gas, gasoline-powered engine, tanks, airplanes, submarines, zeppelins

Why did Tsarina Alexandra have great faith in the advice of Gregory Rasputin?

Rasputin helped her son who suffered from hemophilia.

Of the great powers, which nation was the least industrialized?


What rule was set down at the Paris Peace Conference?

Russia was not allowed to take part.

Allied Powers

Russia, France, Britain

Triple Entante

Russia, France, Britain


Secret police

Which prominent statesman was very much against the US joining the League of Nations?

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge

T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

Sent by the British government to support the Arab revolt

By 1917, war morale was collapsing, as evident in the writings of which British poet and soldier?

Siegfried Sassoon

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Signed by Lenin with Germany that ended Russian participation in WWI


Spread of a disease over a large area


Spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause


Territories administered by Western powers


The "powder keg of Europe"

Why were the Central Powers stunned by the Allies' demand for reparations?

The Central Powers did not see the armistice as a full surrender.

What brought about the tsar's abdication and the end of monarchy in Russia?

The Communist Party and radical revolution

Why did the Communists execute the former czar, czarina, and their five children?

The Communists wanted to prevent them from becoming a rallying symbol for counterrevolutionaries.

How did the network of European alliances cause WWI to develop?

The alliances said they had to fight for each other in war

Total War

The channeling of a nation's entire resources into the war effort


The draft


The right of people to choose their own form of government

Why did colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific feel hopeful about the Paris Peace Conference?

They hoped peace would bring an end to imperial rule.

Why did the Allies intervene in the civil war in Russia?

They hoped the Whites would overthrow the communists and help fight Germany.

Why did Serbian nationalists plot the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary?

They were protesting Austrian rule over Bosnia

Why did the British declare war on Germany in 1914?

To protect Belgium

Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front?

Trenches were used


Tsarist imperial officers

Battle of Gallipoli

Turkish troops trapped the Allies on a peninsula and the Allies eventually withdrew from the Dardanelles

Flying aces

Type of fighter pilot

What were the two battlefronts in WWI called?

Western Front/Eastern Front

What act caused Britain to declare war?

When the Germans violated Belgian neutrality to reach France

Fourteen Points

Wilson's terms for resolving WWI and future wars that called for freedom of the seas, free trade, reductions of arms, and an end to secret treaties

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