Chapter 14 (MANAGEMENT) :leadership

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charismatic leadership

what is "the behavioral tendencies and personal characteristics of leaders that create an exceptionally strong relationship between them and their followers?" (hitler but also obama)

initiating structure

what is "the degree to which a leader structures the roles of followers by setting goals, giving directions, setting deadlines, and assigning tasks?" (affects subordinates' job performance)

situational favorableness

what is "the degree to which a particular situation either permits or denies a leader the chance to influence the behavior of group members?"

leader member relations

what is "the degree to which followers respect, trust, and like their leaders?" (most important)

position power

what is "the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers?"

task structure

what is "the degree to which the requirements of a subordinate's tasks are clearly specified?"


what is "the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, and supportive and shows concern for employees?"(affects subordinates' job satisfaction)

reward power

what is "the power of a manager to give some type of reward to an employee as a means to influence the employee to act?"


what is "the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals?"

leadership style

what is "the way a leader generally behaves toward followers?"


what is a component of trust in which involves "honesty and truthfulness?"


what is a component of trust in which involves "protect, save face for other person?"


what is a component of trust in which involves "reliability, predictability, and good judgment?"


what is a component of trust in which involves "technical, knowledge, and skills?"


what is a component of trust in which involves "willingness to be vulnerable?"

participative leadership

what is a type of path goal theory where "a leadership style in which the leader consults employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions?"

supportive leadership

what is a type of path goal theory where "a leadership style in which the leader is friendly and approachable to employees, shows concern for employees and their welfare, treats them as equals, and creates a friendly climate?" (similar to considerate leader behavior)

directive leadership

what is a type of path goal theory where "a leadership style in which the leader lets employees know precisely what is expected of them, gives them specific guidelines for performing tasks, schedules work, sets standards of performance, and makes sure that people follow standard rules and regulations?"(similar to initiating structure)

trait theory

what is aka the "great person" theory and is "a leadership theory that holds that effective leaders possess a similar set of traits or characteristics?"


what is the worst leadership style on the Blake/mouton leadership grid, in which (1,1) one shows little concern for people or production and does the bare minimum needed to keep his or her job?

achievement oriented leadership

what is type of path goal theory where "a leadership style in which the leader sets challenging goals, has high expectations of employees, and displays confidence that employees will assume responsibility and put forth extraordinary effort?"

team management

what leadership stye is a "high-high" on the blake/mouton leadership grid and displays a high concern for people and a high concern for production?

idealized influence

what means that transformational leaders act as role models for their followers? (because transformational leaders put others' needs ahead of their own and share risks with their followers, they are admired, respected, and trusted, and followers want to emulate them)

intellectual stimulation

what means that transformational leaders encourage followers to be creative and innovative, to question assumptions, and to look at problems and situations in new ways even if their ideas are different from those leaders?"


Unlike leaders, managers: are concerned with __________ and limiting the choices of others.

inspirational motivation

what means that transformational leaders motivate and inspire followers by providing meaning and challenge to their work? (by clearly communicating expectations and demonstrating commitment to goals, transformational leaders help followers envision future states. (leads to greater enthusiasm and optimism about the future))

individualized consideration

what means that transformational leaders pay special attention to followers' individual needs by creating learning opportunities, accepting and tolerating individual differences, encouraging 2 way communication, and being good listeners?

referent power

what refers to the ability of a leader to influence a follower because of the follower's loyalty, respect, friendship, admiration, affection, or a desire to gain approval?

initiating structure and consideration

what two basic leader behaviors did all three Universities of (Michigan, OSU, UT) agree on? (and)


who focuses on productivity and efficiency, are preservers of status quo, have a short term perspective, and are concerned with means?"


who focuses on vision, mission, goals, and objectives, encourages creativity and risk taking, have a long term perspective, and are concerned with ends?"

contingency theory

ASSUMPTIONS for fiedler's __________ __________ : -leaders are effective when work groups perform well -leaders are unable to change their leadership styles -situational favorableness depends on the degree to which the situation permits the leader to influence the behavior of group members. (memorize 14.6 image/matrix)


Drawback: Transactional leaders often rely too heavily on discipline or threats to bring performance up to ______________S


In the normative decision theory, when a leader uses information available at the time, and solves the problem or makes the decision. This is an __ __ decision


In the normative decision theory, when the leader obtains necessary information from employees and then selects a solution to the problem and when asked to share information, employees may or may not be told what the problem is. This is an __ __ __ decision


In the normative decision theory, when the leader shares the problem and gets ideas and suggestions from relevant employees on an individual basis. Individuals are not brought together as a group. Then the leader makes the decision, which may or may not reflect their input. This is a ___ __ decision.


In the normative decision theory, when the leader shares the problem with employees as a group, obtains their ideas and suggestions, and then makes the decision, which may or may not reflect their input. This is a ___ ___ __ decision.


In the normative decision theory, when the leader shares the problem with employees as a group. Together, the leader and employees generate and evaluate alternatives and try to reach an agreement on a solution. The leader acts as a facilitator and does not try to influence the group. The leader is willing to accept and implement any solution that has the support of the entire group. this is a ___ __ ___ decision.

concern for production?

Leaders have two types of behaviors: ___________ _________ ________ and consideration (concern for people).

middle of the road

On the Blake/mouton leadership grid, people who have a 5,5 and show a moderate amount of concern for both people and production have what leadership style?

country club

On the blake/mouton leadership grid, people who have a 1, 9 and care about having a friendly, enjoyable work environment but don't really pay much attention to production or performance have what leadership style?

authority compliance

On the blake/mouton leadership grid, people who have a 9,1 and a high concern for production and a low concern for people have what leadership style?


Studies show that transformational leadership is much more ____________ on average than transactional leadership.


The ___________ difference between leaders and managers is that leaders are concerned with doing the right thing, while managers are concerned with doing things right. A good manager can still be a good leader and vice versa.


The right degree of employee ______________ improves: quality of decisions and extent to which employees accept and are committed to decisions.


There is not a best leadership style, the best leadership style depends on the ______________. (leadership success)


__________ :is a positive expectation that another will not act opportunistically, involves familiarity, impossible to lead people who don't _____________(same word) you, governs leader's access to information/cooperation

transactional leadership

what is "leadership based on an exchange process in which followers are rewarded for good performance and punished for bad performance?"

visionary leadership

what is "leadership that creates a positive image of the future that motivates organizational members and provides direction for future planning and goal setting?" (types: charismatic and transformational)

transformational leadership

what is "leadership that generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self interests for the good of the group?"

coercive power

what is "the POWER in which someone can punish someone else?"


leaders focus on __________ , mission, goals, and objectives, while managers focus on productivity and efficiency.

strategic leadership

what is "the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate changes that will create a positive future for an organization?"


true or false. Trait theory holds that leaders are taller and more confident and have greater physical stamina (that is, higher energy levels) than nonleaders.

expert power

what "POWER can exist at any level because you have knowledge/skills?"

unethical charismatics

what are "charismatic leaders who control and manipulate followers, do what is best for themselves instead of their organizations, want to hear only positive feedback, share only information that is beneficial to themselves, and have moral standards that put their interests before everyone else's?"

ethical charismatics

what are "charismatic leaders who provide developmental opportunities for followers, are open to positive and negative feedback, recognize others' contributions, share informations, and have moral standards that emphasize the larger interests of the group, organization, or society?"


what are "relatively stable characteristics, such as abilities, psychological motives, or consistent patterns of behavior?"

integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, openness

what are the 5 components of trust? (,)

drive, integrity, self confidence, emotional stability, smarts

what are the 5 traits that most leaders share? (,)

free rein, democratic, autocratic

what are the three categories on a continuum of power in regards the leadership styles?(,)

leader member relations, task structure, position power

what are the three situational factors that determine the favorability of a situation? (,)

reward, expert, referent

what are the three types of personal power? (,)

legitimate and coercive

what are the two types of formal power? (and)

legitimate power

what is "POWER in which a person's position gives them power to do stuff?"

path goal theory

what is "a leadership theory states that leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and performance by clarifying and clearing the paths to goals and by increasing the number and kinds of rewards available for goal attainment?" (4 types: directive, supportive, participative, achievement oriented)

fiedler's contingency theory

what is "a leadership theory states that to maximize work group performance, leaders must be matched to the situation that best fits their leadership style?" (only theory that assumes that managers CANNOT/UNABLE change their behavior)

locus of control

what is "a personality measure that indicates the extent to which people believe that they have control over what happens to them in life?" (internals versus externals)

normative decision theory

what is "a theory that suggests how leaders can determine an appropriate amount of employee participation when making decisions?" (decision styles: autocratic-will not share why they need something (AI-leader makes decision no matter what (ex. velvet hammer) or AII) consultative- (CI or CII) group decision-gets group together to make a decision as a group (GII)

entitlement bias

what is "aka self serving bias, that causes people to conclude that what is best for them is ethically permissable?"

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